Following the direction You Feng turned his head, he saw two bodyguards in black running towards him with ferocious faces. Seeing the aggressive look of the newcomers, Li You Feng immediately said with a guilty conscience:"Jounouchi, Honda, I think Pegasus may have known that Keiping is with us. If anything happens later, you two should protect Xingzi and Keiping first and escape!"

"Huh? Escape? You Feng, you underestimate me, aren't they just two big idiots? Just wait and see how Honda and I deal with them!"

"Haha, Jonouchi is right! You Feng, I may not be as good as you in duels, but Jonouchi and I are experts in fighting!"

Seeing Jonouchi and Honda eager to try, Li Youfeng didn't say what was on his lips.

It's not that Li Youfeng is not kind, but he really doesn't want to dampen the enthusiasm of these two people. After all, the two bodyguards are carrying guns!

"Hippocampus Guipin, every move of this island is under the control of Mr. Pegasus. No matter where you run to, you can't escape from our palm!"

"I advise you to be honest. If you don't want to get hurt, just follow us. After all, you are a guest specially invited by Mr. Pegasus, and we don't want to use force on you unless it is necessary!"

In a blink of an eye, the two bodyguards came to Li Youfeng and others, and judging from their expressions, they were about to start fighting if they disagreed.

"Hey, hey! I say, you guys are going to arrest someone right in front of Mr. Jonouchi. Don’t you think too highly of me?"

"That's right, it seems that you two still don't know what Uncle Honda's nickname is, why don't you go and find out, is the killer Honda so easy to bully?"


"Wow, it is true."

With the sound of two triggers being loaded, two cold pistols were pointed at the foreheads of Jonouchi and Honda respectively. Seeing these two losers raise their hands and kneel on the ground in tacit understanding, Li Youfeng, who had a black face, felt a little happy in his heart.

"Well, finally someone has understood my pain, I am not alone!"

"Brother! Don't be impulsive. I am a serious duelist who came to participate in the competition. I am also a guest invited by Pegasus. You can't kill me!"

"Yes, yes, I am this guy's fan club, and also a good friend of the guest invited by your master. You can't be violent to me!"

"You two, get out of here, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you!" After spitting fiercely, a black-clad bodyguard glanced at Haima Guiping who was hiding behind Li Youfeng and said with a sneer,"Mr. Youfeng, you are a distinguished guest that Lord Pegasus has specifically asked to treat well. If possible, we don't want to use force with you. I hope you won't make things difficult for us."

""Shit! I'm not the holder of a thousand-year-old artifact, why is Pegasus staring at me?"

After complaining in his heart, Li Youfeng pretended to be calm and said,"Since we are all duelists, let's solve the problem in the duelist way. You can take Kaiba Guiping away as long as you defeat me!" Li Youfeng was quite nervous when he showed his deck to the two black-clad bodyguards. He thought that this was a world where playing cards was respected, and he had already asked for a duel. Even if the two bodyguards would not accept it, they would have no reason to be rough with him.

"Humph, it's a pity that the two of us are not duelists, but since you have asked for a duel, we certainly have no reason to refuse!"

As Li Youfeng expected, the two bodyguards put away their guns immediately after hearing this.

"Mr. Li Youfeng, we will introduce you to a special opponent. As long as you can defeat him, we can promise you not to fight with Kaiba Keiping again."

As he spoke, a huge duel arena slowly rose from the ground not far away. At the same time, a dark-faced figure who looked like Kaiba had already stood on the duel arena.

"Hehe, Mr. You Feng, let me introduce you to your opponent, the ghost of Kaiba Seto!"


"Impossible, my brother will not die, you are lying!"Seeing this figure who looks very similar to Kaiba Seto, Kaiba Keipi was also confused for a moment.

""Gui Ping, don't believe him!" Grabbing Kaiba Gui Ping's shoulders, Li Youfeng couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead. Although he was not good at fighting, as long as the problem could be solved by dueling, it would not be a problem for him.

"Do you think you can scare me by finding such a fake? I will make you regret your decision soon!"

Turning to walk towards the duel arena, Li Youfeng kept sneering in his heart.

What is Kaiba Seto's identity? The reincarnation of an Egyptian priest, as a paradoxist of Newtonian mechanics, how can such a contestant be a normal person? Have you ever seen a normal person jump from a plane dozens of meters high and still be safe?

I'm afraid that at this moment when you are bragging to me, the president is performing a flying stool kick, a suitcase blocking bullets, and then flying out of the window of a cliff about fifty stories high, and finally escaping from the dead! To be honest, with the president's operation, even Jackie Chan, who was famous for dangerous stunts in Li Youfeng's previous life, would not dare to act like this!

That leg will really be broken!

(Senior Brother Xiu Nian: He is brave enough to travel all over the world and shock the world's dreams!)

Standing on the duel arena, looking at the person opposite him who is in the dark���Li Youfeng felt an irresistible atmosphere of middle school students coming towards him. This atmosphere was familiar and strong, which gave Li Youfeng goose bumps all over his body. He couldn't help but think of the embarrassing thing he did in the Chinese class when he was in the fifth grade of elementary school because of his impulse.

That day, he was discovered by the Chinese teacher who was giving a lecture because he was obsessed with comic books. Just after a piece of chalk hit his forehead accurately, Li Youfeng jumped onto the desk with his plastic gourd in his hand because of impulse. In front of the shocked classmates, he pointed his finger at his teacher and shouted!

"Teacher, I call your name, do you dare to answer?"

As for what happened in the future, I guess everyone here can imagine it with their buttocks. The final fate of Li Youfeng, who was called the parents, was so miserable that it was horrible.

"You Feng↘!"

Just as Li Youfeng was lost in his memories and feeling embarrassed, the dark-faced figure spoke.

"I am the ghost of the seahorse, I have come back from hell to find you!"

Listening to such a childish words, Li Youfeng, who thought he had graduated, would not indulge him.

"So, how many years have you been mining in Africa?"


Hearing Li Youfeng's words, the man who claimed to be the Seahorse Ghost couldn't help but burst out with a curse. It was because Li Youfeng didn't play by the rules and caught him off guard.

"Ahem! You Feng, I didn't lie to you. I am indeed dead, but endless hatred has brought me back to life. I came back from hell just to take you back with me!"

"But stop it!" Li Youfeng, who had known the true identity of this buddy for a long time, waved his hand with disgust,"The environment in Africa is indeed not very good. I understand when I see you are so tanned. But I really can't do mining, and I am not short of money now. If you want to conscript men, you'd better find someone else to fool them!"

"You! You are courting death!"


Duel Castle


As expected, Pegasus, who was watching all this in front of the monitor, burst out without any preparation after hearing Li Youfeng's conversation.

"You Feng Boy, you really will never make people feel bored!"


Well, from now on , don't pour me wine when there's a match involving You Feng Boy. It's such a waste.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Wait a minute!"

Reaching out to interrupt the conversation of the blackened seahorse, Li Youfeng took off four star pieces from his duel gloves.

"I am the specially hired mimicker of the Illusion Society. I don't have the time to play house with you. These four star pieces are all my belongings. I'm betting it all with you!"

"Tsk! I don't understand what you are saying, but since it is your request, I will agree."

"I summon by attacking……"


"" Damn, what do you want to do again?" Being interrupted again, even the best-tempered mimicker couldn't stand it anymore.

For the mimicker who did not disrupt Li Youfeng's emotions but was already a little mentally broken by the latter, it was not until this moment that he understood why there was always something wrong in the look of Pegasus when he accepted this task.

Slowly hugging his arms, Li Youfeng said with a gloomy face:"Because you, the bastard, reminded me of some very unpleasant past events, so I decided to kill you in the most cruel way possible. I advise you not to test me, otherwise, I will really kill you in seconds!"

"Hehe~ Stop scaring me, you can’t kill me in one second!"

The Death Imitator had heard about Li Youfeng’s duel deeds a long time ago. In addition, the global broadcast of the Sakura Country National Competition was no secret, so that the Skeleton King with an attack power of 10,000 points is still talked about today.

Although he was very tough on the outside, a drop of cold sweat slowly fell from the imitator's forehead. Seeing that Li Youfeng, who had just smiled at him, suddenly changed his face, the assassin from the Illusion Society immediately trembled uncontrollably.

It was because Li Youfeng's aura was too strong at this time. That feeling was as if he was being stared at by some peerless beast.

"I summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Attack 3000 Defense 2500) in attack position!"

"Activate the equipment magic card dragon secret treasure! My Blue-Eyes White Dragon's attack power increases by 300!"

Blue-Eyes White Dragon 3000 ﹥ 3300

"Next I cover both cards!"

"My turn is over!"

"Hehe, what do you think, You Feng? This is my strongest combo!"

"You are dreaming if you want to kill me instantly under my iron wall defense!"

""Huh!" Li Youfeng sighed slightly, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes,"It seems that you have ignored what I said!"

Looking at his current hand, Li Youfeng was quite satisfied with his high-star starting skill.

Skill activated, Magic Trap Affinity!

Note: There are 2 remaining duels in this game

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Pot of Greed is activated and I can draw two cards from my deck!"

"Then I activated Angel's Charity, drew three cards from the deck, and chose two to discard!"

"I threw the White Spirit Dragon and the Pig Bone into the graveyard!"

Unlike the uncultured president of Kaiba, Li Youfeng was very considerate and announced the two cards he put into the graveyard. He did this not only to make the Death Mimic die clearly, but more importantly, it was the first time in his life that he used a banned card so recklessly. If he still didn't feel good at this time, he would be too sorry for himself who had already died once.

"Activate the effect of the Magic Dragon Temple!"

"According to the effect of this card, I can send a Dragon-Type monster from my deck to the Graveyard. If the Dragon sent to the Graveyard by this effect is a Normal Monster, I can send another Dragon-Type monster from my deck to the Graveyard."

"I sent the normal monster Sapphire Dragon and the legendary dragon monster White Stone to the graveyard!"

"Legend of the White Stone Effect���Activate: When this card is sent to the Graveyard, I can add a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my Deck to my Hand."

"By showing my opponent a Blue-Eyes White Dragon, I can Special Summon a Blue-Eyes Sub-White Dragon (3000 ATK, 2500 DEF) from my hand!"

"Next, activate the magic card, the good news of the dragon's resurrection!"

"Depending on the effect, you can revive a 7-star or 8-star dragon monster in your graveyard!"

"Revive, White Spirit Dragon (Attack Power 2500 Defense Power 2000)!"

"The special effect of White Spirit Dragon is activated! When this card is summoned and Special Summoned successfully, you can banish a Magic Card or Trap Card on the opponent's field!"

"I choose to exclude one of your cover cards!"

"It's not over yet, I Normal Summon from my hand, Dragon Ruler (ATK 1200 DEF 1100)!"

"While this card is in the Monster Zone, it is considered a Dragon Ruler!"

"Activate the effect of the magic card Dragon Summoning Flute!"

"You can summon two Dragon monsters from your hand!"

"Come out, Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Attack Power 3000 Defense Power 2500), White Spirit Dragon (Attack Power 2500 Defense Power 2000)!"

"Since the White Spirit Dragon was successfully summoned, I banish another covered card on your field!"

Seeing that the two Trap Cards on his field were all banished, Death Mimic was completely panicked, especially after watching five monsters inexplicably appear on Li Youfeng's field. Death Mimic recalled the expression on Pegasus' face when he boasted in front of him.

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