Yes, after so many dark games, and having seen the dark personalities of Pegasus and Malik, Seto Kaiba unilaterally determined from a scientific perspective that this inexplicable phenomenon belongs to the category of split personality.

This is the president of Kaiba who respects science extremely. His temper is really stubborn.

There is no way to deal with it. For topics like supernatural, President Kaiba will explain from a scientific perspective. This viewpoint was not improved until he saw Wang Yang leave with his own eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" In response to Kaiba Seto's question, Tenma Yayu instantly frowned.

"Humph, it's just as I expected."

As if he had seen through the truth of the whole matter, Kaiba Seto said calmly:"The answer is very simple, because you were not like this before!"

"It is said that you were extremely shy before, and therefore often hid behind your brother Tianma Yuexing.……"

""That's enough! Stop talking!" He suddenly interrupted the seahorse man. Because he mentioned the topic of Pegasus Moon, Pegasus Night Walker was inadvertently enveloped by a black aura.

"What's going on with this ominous black aura?"

"Brother, this seems to be the kind of feeling that only appears in dark games!"

Ignoring the conversation between the Kaiba brothers, under the entanglement of the black aura, Tianma Yexing murmured to himself:"Yuexing, lost to the game, he is not my brother, he is just a complete loser, as long as the evil god is there, I am omnipotent, yes, as long as the evil god is there, I am the only god in this world!"

""Tianma Yexing, are you crazy? How can you say such a ridiculous thing?"


Ignoring Kaiba Seto, Tianma Yexing's virtual projection suddenly disappeared. This extremely strange scene in front of them naturally made Kaiba Seto and Kaiba Keipi feel that something was wrong.

"Brother, Pegasus Night Walker seemed to have mentioned the evil god just now, is it another dark game?"

"Humph, what kind of dark game is this? It's just some trickery. There's no scientific basis for this kind of thing at all!"

Kaiba Keipi:"Huh?!"┐(‘~`;)┌

Seeing that Keipi's expression seemed a little subtle, Kaiba Seto snorted coldly and then said:"But this is our building after all, so I have the obligation to find out the truth of the whole incident. Keipi, let's go. Today I want to see what tricks this bastard Tenma Yagyu is playing!"

Here is an extra word. This is the superficial Kaiba Seto

"Fuck, I won't say anything about Yugi, but I have to defeat that bastard You Feng myself. Tianma Yuexing, who do you think you are? You dared to attack my acknowledged enemy without my consent. I think you are courting death!"

This is the real inner thought of Kaiba Seto.

It's quite realistic!

As the headquarters building of Kaiba Group, although this building has few floors, the internal space is very large. This can be seen from the fact that the Duel Link server is more than 20 meters high.

The third floor of Kaiba Building.

With Tianma Yuexing leading the way, Li Youfeng, Biao Yugi and Xingzi's soul bodies rushed to the fourth floor of the building along the nearest road.

Halfway, because of Biao Yugi's questions, Tianma Yuexing told his past helplessly.

"Ye Xing and I are both orphans adopted by Mr. Pegasus. In the early years, Mr. Pegasus adopted many outstanding orphans from all over the world and spared no expense to train them to become game designers or duelists."

"Now that I think about it, Mr. Pegasus probably did this because he had no children, so he probably did this to train his own heir. Ye Xing used to be a very introverted child. He had a gentle personality and good character. In the past, he was often bullied because he didn't want to argue with others."

"However, ever since Mr. Pegasus disappeared a while ago, he has been shutting himself up in his room, obsessed with some scientific research."

"The content of this research is the forbidden super mysterious scientific system!"


Hearing this term, Li Youfeng couldn't help but ask:"Is there a discipline in this world that specializes in studying mysterious powers? Isn't this kind of thing generally not recognized in the field of science?"

"You Feng, you are only half right!"

Seeing Li You Feng shaking his head slightly, Tianma Yuexing continued:"Although mysticism is not recognized in the field of science, I don't know if Mr. Pegasus has mentioned to you that the game Duel Monsters cannot be simply explained by the scientific field, because the production of cards is based on evidence!"

"Before creating the game Duel Monsters, Mr. Pegasus had carefully studied the mysterious power hidden in seven thousand-year-old artifacts, including the ancient Egyptian tablets that recorded the three mythical gods. These ancient artifacts all possess incredible magical powers that cannot be explained by science."

"Moreover, there is a personal record in the diary left by Mr. Pegasus, which is that he discovered an extremely terrifying darkness in his research on these ancient relics!"

"Those were the opposing powers of the three mythical gods, and the negative emotions contained within them almost drove Mr. Pegasus completely crazy!"

"Anger, hatred, fear, greed, killing, and many other negative emotions are combined into the Evil God Card that appeared out of nowhere in Pegasus Yagyu's hand!"

"Damn it, such a card shouldn't exist in this world!""

Mazaki Anko:"It's terrible, didn't Mr. Pegasus ever think about getting rid of these cards?"

Riding in the elevator to the fourth floor of Kaiba Building, Pegasus Yuexing explained calmly:"The Evil God Card is a symbol of the dark side, which can only be sealed and not destroyed. They can lurk in the darkest corners of people's hearts and amplify the evil desires of the parasites. For example, Pegasus Yagyu, his mind has merged with the cursed evil god."

"As for what Ye Xing said, using Mazaki Anko's body as a container to create the incarnation of Mr. Pegasus, Rebirth of Avatar, that is the so-called RA plan!"

Looking back and seeing that Li Youfeng and the other two had solemn expressions on their faces, Tianma Yuexing smiled faintly and said,"You don't have to worry too much now. Mazaki Anko's soul still has her original consciousness, so as long as we are fast enough, she will be able to recover."

Hearing this, Biao Yugi and Mazaki Anko couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at the same time, as if they thought of something. Li Youfeng asked with some doubts:"In the Duel Kingdom, I defeated Mr. Pegasus. This matter had nothing to do with the game. As for Xingzi, she is just an ordinary passerby. Tianma Ye Xing has implicated innocent people. Isn't this a bit too much?"

"This is really hard to explain."

With an awkward smile on his face, Tianma Yuexing explained:"In fact, Tianma Yuexing's target was originally Miss Izayoi Kaoru, but the capture operation did not seem to be going smoothly."

"I heard that the bodyguards sent there either had broken arms or legs. Worse still, several team leaders were beaten to insanity. Although their lives were not in danger, the doctor's diagnosis report clearly stated that they would not be able to recover in less than half a year."


Tianma Yuexing's words undoubtedly made the atmosphere at the scene awkward. Biao Yugi and Masaki Anzi turned their heads to look at Li Youfeng at the same time. Their eyes were full of admiration.

"You Feng, you are a true warrior!" Biao Yuxi nodded and couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"You Feng, don't blame me for being nosy. Miss Xiaoxun is sincere to you. You'd better not make her angry in the future, especially don't mess around with other girls outside, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!" As a girl, Masaki Anzi obviously understands Izayoi Kaoru better, and therefore made some pertinent suggestions.

""Damn! Am I such a dirty person in your mind? Xiaoxun and I have a very good relationship, don't you know that?" Li Youfeng rolled his eyes at Biao Yugi and Masaki Anzi, and said, I am a very loyal man!

(Li Youfeng:"Men must be able to withstand temptation; women must be able to endure loneliness. This is the true meaning of love."")

"Hehe, You Feng, I'm not sure whether you and Miss Xun have a good relationship, but what is certain is that you are definitely a very dirty person!"

Touching his own hair, Biao Youxi couldn't help but laugh and complain, as if he thought of something, and asked nervously:"In that case, why did Tianma Yexing have to catch Xingzi as the body of his incarnation?"

"This might be a compromise choice that Ye Xing had to make."

Looking at Li Youfeng with a complicated look, Tianma Yuexing sighed slightly.

"Ye Xing once said that there are three conditions for being an incarnation container. The first is physical and mental health, and the second is not to be a duelist, because the duelist's fighting instinct, which is part of the sword of the heart, will seriously hinder the separation of the soul."

"The last condition is to be able to hurt Li Youfeng, because Muto Yugi is his best friend. Under the premise that Izayoi Kaoru cannot be captured, Tenma Night Walker compromised and chose Mazaki Anko."

"Damn it, do you think I’m easy to bully?" Touching her chin thoughtfully, Mazaki Anko suddenly had a thought of not wanting to admit defeat,"It seems that after this matter is over, I have to ask Miss Xun to teach me some self-defense martial arts."

Having said that, Li Youfeng also completely understood that the original plot of Yu-Gi-Oh had been changed again because of his own reasons. Although there were some deviations, this world still forcibly corrected the predetermined path of fate.

Although Li Youfeng understood what happened and planned to settle it with Pegasus Yagyo personally, Mazaki Anko, who was innocently involved in this dispute, didn’t think so.

Looking at Pegasus Yuexing with some grievance, Mazaki Anko asked somewhat indignantly:"During the Duel Kingdom Tournament, it was Pegasus who first caused trouble for Yugi, and Youfeng was an unrelated person involved!"

"Although it was You Feng who defeated Pegasus in the end, you shouldn't attack us just for this reason, right? Besides, Pegasus' disappearance is your personal problem, and it's a bit unreasonable to inexplicably involve us, isn't it?"

"I understand this principle, but……"

After a few seconds of silence, Tianma Yuexing slowly said,"But in fact, someone told Tianma Yexing that Li Youfeng stayed in the Duel Castle without permission after the game and did not leave until the next day. From that day on, Mr. Pegasus ordered the closure of the entire Duel Kingdom island!"

"Let's not talk about Mr. Pegasus's sudden closure of the Duel Kingdom, which is very suspicious. Just the fact that you, Li Youfeng, stayed overnight for no reason is enough to make people suspect many things."

"And that’s not all. The reason why Ye Xing became like this is because someone reported that it was you, Li Youfeng, who killed Mr. Pegasus and took away his Millennium Eye!"

"What the hell? I killed my own God of Wealth?!"Looking at the suspicious eyes of his companions, Li Youfeng couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Speaking of which, Li Youfeng had never mentioned the reason why he stayed in the Duel Kingdom to anyone, and even Pegasus, who knew the reason, didn't say much.

After all, as a time traveler and knowing the original plot of Yu-Gi-Oh, it was a big secret. Li Youfeng couldn't tell everyone that I stayed in the Duel Kingdom on purpose to save Pegasus, right?

What a big joke!

The only thing Li Youfeng knew about the plot was that he would never tell anyone.


Shaking his head helplessly, Li Youfeng said with a wry smile:"Let's not talk about my motive for murder. Just the Millennium Eye, do you think it's useful to me? Let's not talk about whether there is any grudge between me and Pegasus. Just for the 10% of the shares of the Illusion Society, I have no reason to kill my own God of Wealth, right? Do you really think I'm stupid?"

"That's right!"

He clapped his hands hard and continued,"You Feng is actually quite a homebody. On weekdays, apart from work, he listens to music and reads comics at the Lavender Game Store. He is such a lazy guy who never goes out of the house. I really can't imagine him doing such a thankless thing."

"And as far as I know, You Feng and Pegasus often exchanged letters in the early stage of the Duel City competition. The time of Mr. Pegasus' disappearance alone doesn't match up!"

"This is clearly a false accusation!"

After Biyougi said this, Masaki Kyoko also reacted immediately.

"I remember that after the Duel City competition, when we went to the Lavender Game Shop to play cards after school, I encountered You Feng talking on the phone with Mr. Pegasus more than once. Since we were at the counter, I could clearly hear Mr. Pegasus' voice. It wasn't too long ago, probably about a month ago, so I'm sure you guys are definitely mistaken about this matter!"

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