"You Feng, Yugi, you're back!"

Seeing Li You Feng and Muto Yugi walking over together, talking and laughing, Jonouchi and the others who had been worried about them immediately stood up from the campfire.

"I'm sorry, everyone, for making you worry!" After putting down the burden in his heart, Li Youfeng returned to his usual self.

"What are you talking about? When I wrongly blamed you before, didn't you blame me? I understand now. We are friends, and there is no need to apologize between friends."

"Yes, Jonouchi is right. I couldn't help at all in this competition. Now that I think about it, I feel so useless."

"You Fengjun, if you have something on your mind, you can tell us. Although we may not be able to help you, we will always be with you."

"Honda, Kyoko, thank you!"

Although these two people have always been dispensable and even always cause trouble in the original work, but at this moment Li Youfeng completely understood why Muto Yugi would always rescue them no matter how dangerous it was. If he had to say the reason, it was because of this friendship.

"Oh, everyone is here. I have been looking for you for a long time. I also won a lot of snacks during the duel just now. Do you want to eat together?"A pleasant voice sounded, and Peacock Dance came over with a lot of delicious food.


"I want to eat!"

"Haha, thank you, Mai-chan!"

"You're welcome, we're all friends!"

Based on the principle of joining if you can't beat them, when Peacock Dance heard that Li Youfeng summoned a Blue-Eyes White Dragon with 14,000 attack points, she immediately gave up the idea of competing for the championship.

You know, as long as you can successfully pass the preliminaries of this Duel Kingdom Tournament, you will get more or less some monetary rewards. Getting this bonus has become Peacock Dance's current goal.

After all, the championship is good, but you have to have the strength to get it, right? The biggest advantage of Peacock Dance is that she can recognize the gap between herself and her opponent. To put it bluntly, that is bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

"You Fengjun, I heard that you already have eight star pieces. I just won the duel and now I also have eight star pieces. This shows that we are still very destined to be together!"

"No, no! I'm just lucky."

As a person in the underworld, it's not shameful to be humble. After all, he offends people every day. Otherwise, when he participated in the World Duel King Competition in his previous life, Li Youfeng never dared to step out of the dormitory door except for the competition. He was simply afraid of being hoodlumed!

"Hey, You Fengjun, do you have a girlfriend? What do you think of me?���If so, you wouldn't mind me pursuing you, right?"


"Awesome!"Seeing Peacock Dance being so proactive, Jonouchi was immediately envious,"Mai-chan is such a cute girl who would confess in public, damn, You Feng is such a lucky guy, but foreigners are so open-minded, they can even say such words in public."

"Jonouchi, I think you are just jealous, hahaha!" Seeing Jonouchi's sour look, Honda said that he would not indulge him.

"Miss Wu, please stop teasing me. This joke is not funny at all. If Li Youfeng didn't know the details of Peacock Dance, he would have believed it on the spot.

"Ah~! I was rejected, what a pity! I will be very sad if you do this!"

"Qi~!! You Feng you bastard!" Putting his arm around Li You Feng's neck, Jonouchi whispered,"Mai-chan is such a good girl, but you rejected her so cruelly, are you a man or not?"

"You know nothing, get out of here!"Li Youfeng pushed Jonouchi's face away with a look of disgust and said unhappily.

Yes, although Peacock Dance seems to be shy now, in fact, no one would believe Peacock Dance at this stage except herself!

In the original work of Yu-Gi-Oh, Peacock Dance was born in a wealthy family when she was young. Later, her parents died in a car accident, and she became an orphan.

Just because she is not the protagonist of this world, the beginning of parents offering sacrifices to the sky and boundless magic power does not apply to Peacock Dance, and her childhood was spent in sadness. When she was young, Peacock Dance worked as a shuffler on a luxury cruise ship. Because she saw some men who wanted to bribe and use her with money, she was quite distrustful of others!

Peacock Dance, who thinks that words like partner and bond are very childish, will ruthlessly defeat any man who tries to approach him, so at this stage, she still follows the survival rules of the strong woman, so how can she easily commit herself to a man?

At best, she just wants to use you.

"Ah~! It seems that I am really old and ugly, sister, I am so sad!"Pretending to shake her head, Kongquewu patted her buttocks and stood up.

""Mai-chan, where are you going?" Jonouchi, who still had evil intentions towards Kongquewu, asked nervously.

Glancing at Jonouchi, Kongquewu said unhappily,"I'm going to pick some flowers, what? Are you going to follow me too?""

""Eh~ Sorry to bother you!" Jonouchi immediately became scared.

After seeing Peacock Dance walking away, Honda, as a good friend, pulled Jonouchi with a lewd look on his face and asked:"Hey, Jonouchi, are you interested in Miss Mai?"

"That~that's not the case, don't talk nonsense!"As if his secrets were revealed, Jonouchi's face turned red all of a sudden.

Yes, due to the appearance of Li Youfeng, Peacock Dance did not attack Jonouchi. At this time, Jonouchi still believed that Peacock Dance was just a simple and innocent person.

Seeing Jonouchi's current appearance, Li Youfeng did not remind him. On the contrary, as an official CP, due to Peacock Dance's insincereness and Jonouchi's cowardice, there was no clear explanation for the ending of the two in the original book.

Now that Li Youfeng has met him, as a loyal fan of Yu-Gi-Oh, Li Youfeng will naturally not leave any regrets in his heart.


Just as everyone was talking and laughing, a figure suddenly walked out of the bushes behind Li Youfeng. The startled Yu-Gi and others looked back quickly, only to see a young man with long white hair and a gentle appearance slowly walking out of the woods.

"Tapir? Why are you here?"

"Could it be that you also came here illegally?"


"Haha, so that’s how it is. Never mind, it’s a good thing to have more people supporting it!"

Seeing Jonouchi pulling Tapir to sit down with a familiar look on his face, a strong feeling of discomfort immediately surged into Li Youfeng's heart!

Too powerless to complain!

Yes, just too powerless to complain!

Just imagine, how could a normal sixteen-year-old student do such a thing as smuggling?

You walked out of the woods like a ghost in the middle of the night, and no one present doubted it. What

's even more infuriating is that Tapir is not even qualified to participate in the competition. How did he appear here for no reason?

Isn't all this worthy of people's defense?

Just like in the original work, under Tapir's deliberate guidance, everyone quickly showed their favorite cards.

Yugi is the Black Magician, Honda is the Commander (in the original anime), and Kyoko is the Holy Magician. The only change is that Jonouchi's favorite card has changed from the Flame Swordsman to the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon.

Seeing that everyone showed their favorite cards, but Li Youfeng was slow to act, Jonouchi immediately asked with some confusion:"Youfeng, what's wrong with you, don't you have a favorite card?"

"Yes!" Mo Liang keenly noticed that Li Youfeng seemed to have been staring at him, and immediately chimed in,"A real duelist will have his favorite cards, and I think Youfeng is no exception."

"Haha, there really is one of my favorite cards!"

Li Youfeng, who already regarded Yugi and the others as his friends, naturally would not let them fall into danger again. He immediately took out a deck of cards from the card holder on his waist.

""Well, let me see!" After a quick search, Li Youfeng directly took out a continuous trap card from the deck.

Everyone looked up and saw four big words written on the card!

"Brainwashing removed?!"

"This~ This is You Feng's favorite card? No way?"

"This card seems useless, right? You Feng, why would you like such a card?"

"Haha, You Fengjun's taste is just like his duel skills, always so unexpected!"

Just as the gamers were laughing, a hint of viciousness flashed across Mo Liang's eyes, and only Li Youfeng, who was staring at him, could see this change clearly.

"Okay, Tapir, now it's your turn to show your favorite card! I remember it should be called Heart Change, right?"

As for the biggest villain Zork throughout the entire Yu-Gi-Oh anime, Li Youfeng said that he would not give him any good face.

"Or, you don't plan to keep pretending?"


"What? Baliang you?"

Following Li Youfeng's words, Baliang immediately let out a cold laugh. The crowd, who finally realized something was wrong, immediately moved away from him and looked at Baliang with a wary look on their faces.

"Your name is Li Youfeng, right? I'm really surprised. Although I don't know how you found out, do you think you can change anything?"

As expected, with the sound of a strange and piercing bell, the container of the Great Evil God Zork, the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom, appeared out of thin air in front of Baliang's chest.

Everyone present, including Li Youfeng, was involved in the duel called the Dark Game without exception.

As everyone turned into their favorite card characters and appeared on the duel stage, something happened that almost shocked Baliang.

That is, Li Youfeng, who was not protected by the Millennium Artifact, did not have his soul extracted by him. Instead, he sat opposite him with the transformed Wang Yang.

"What's going on here?" Seeing such a strange situation, even the Great Evil God Zok couldn't hold back any longer."Li Youfeng, are you also the holder of the Millennium Artifact? No, you don't have the aura of a Millennium Artifact. Who are you?""

"This power is not the power of darkness, but full of light and warmth! You Fengjun, who are you?"

In the dark game, the breath that Wang Yang had accidentally felt also appeared on Li Youfeng again at this moment. It was precisely because of the protection of this mysterious power that Li Youfeng was not affected by the dark game and turned from a chess piece to a chess player!

"Wow, how did I become like this? Is this the shell of Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon?"

"That's Bakura? So big! Wow, Yu Feng and Yugi have also become so big, am I the commander?"

"Mo Liang, You Feng, these are ~two games? What is going on?"

"Another me, You Feng? Mo Liang, who are you and why did you do such an outrageous thing?"

"Humph, I have no obligation to explain what I do to ordinary people like you, but since the dark game has already begun, it is better for those who are not involved to leave early!"

As Baliang spoke, the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom on his chest emitted a burst of light again. Except for Li Youfeng and the transformed Wang Yang, everyone's soul turned into white light and flew into Wang Yang's deck.

"Okay, let's start the game!"Putting his deck on the duel stage, Baku Liang said gloomily.���He glanced at Li Youfeng and said,"Although I don't know the reason, I don't plan to attack you this time, so just be a spectator.""

"Bakura, I don't know what caused you to become like this, but since you want to duel, I won't back down!"

"Wait a minute, Yugi!" Reaching out to stop Yugi who was about to duel, Li Youfeng leaned close to his ear and whispered,"If I beat Mo Liang, can you save everyone's souls?"

"Of course!" Wang Yang looked at Li Youfeng and nodded."In the Dark Game, the defeated party's soul will suffer irreversible damage. The initiator and the participants will be treated the same, without exception."

"I feel relieved after hearing this!" With a bright smile on his face, Li Youfeng placed a deck of cards on the duel table,"Yugi, your deck contains the souls of Jonouchi and others, which are not suitable for fighting. Leave this to me. After I defeat Bakura, I will rely on you to rescue everyone."

"What?" Looking down at his deck, Wang Yang suddenly understood,"Baliang, you actually sealed everyone's souls into the cards?"

"Haha, did you just notice it now?"

"Damn it! Mo Liang, don't be too proud. You actually dared to attack my companions. I will never let you go easily! You Feng, I leave this duel to you!"

Knowing the importance of the matter, Wang Yang immediately agreed to Li Youfeng's proposal. After all, it was related to the souls of his companions. Wang Yang, who was familiar with the horror of the dark game, would not gamble with the lives of his companions.

"Li Youfeng? I don't know how you saw through me, but it doesn't matter anymore. After I defeat you, I will devour everything about you, including your soul!"

"If you have finished your nonsense, can we start now?"

Licking the corner of his mouth, Li Youfeng was full of anticipation. The Great Evil God Zork, I wonder what kind of expression this ultimate big boss will have when his mentality collapses? I am really looking forward to it!

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