Because Jonouchi's words and facial expressions were so straightforward, the girl screamed and immediately showed a look of fear. She turned around abruptly and didn't even dare to take the drink she just bought from the self-service machine. She ran away directly into the building with all her strength.

""Huh? What's going on?" Looking at the girl flying away, Jonouchi said that he was a little confused.

"Oh my god! How else could it be? Judging from your tone and expression just now, if I were a girl, I would definitely run away!"

"Damn, Honda, what the hell do you mean? How dare you say such rude words in front of a handsome guy like me?"

"How rude of you! Hurry up and catch up. If you delay any longer, the person will run away!"


Honda's words made Jonouchi react immediately. Without saying any more nonsense, Jonouchi ran after him. Seeing this, Honda followed closely.

The three of them chased each other in the corridor of the building, but the girl's physical strength was obviously not a match for Jonouchi and Honda. After a few minutes, the girl was blocked by Jonouchi and Honda in front of an elevator door because she was in a panic.

"I say, Miss, what the hell are you running around for? Aren't you the card professor in charge of this floor?"

"Yes~Yes! Uh, sorry, I'm a little scared of duelists, so I was so nervous just now that I forgot who I was."

"Such a cute and well-behaved girl is actually the card professor? Are you kidding me!?"

Jonouchi's words made the girl extremely shy and embarrassed. Seeing the girl's shy look, Honda couldn't help but complain on the spot.

"Forget it, I really admire you!" Shaking his head at the girl, Jonouchi said helplessly,"Since you don't want to duel, just give me the ID card leading to the upper floors of the building. I'm in a hurry to save people now, and time waits for no one."

"That won't work, because I have an agreement with everyone that I will never let you go easily."

Looking at the shy yet stubborn girl, Jonouchi and Honda looked at each other and had the same idea in their minds.

"This silly girl has zero fighting spirit. Is she really a duelist? This is ridiculous!"

"Jonouchi, what should we do now?"

"Let me try."

He shook his head helplessly, looking at the delicate girl in front of him, Jonouchi said gently:"My lady, you don't look like a bad person, so let's make a deal. Why don't you give me your ID card? I will pretend that I haven't seen you. Besides, I am really in a hurry to save people. I am not kidding you!"

"No, I am a duelist after all, how can I do something that goes against my heart."The girl shook her head stubbornly and raised the duel disk towards Jonouchi. Her cute appearance even made Jonouchi and Honda feel a little embarrassed.

"Yes, my name is Kitamori Reiko, if you want to pass through here, come and defeat me, eh~~, um~, please give me your guidance"

"Damn, if you keep acting like this, I'll be distracted, okay?"

Looking at the cute and timid look of the girl, Jonouchi couldn't help but complain again.

"But since you said so, let's solve the problem as duelists!"

With a wry smile on his face, he showed his duel disk and posed in a pose that he thought was very handsome.


Jonouchi LP4000

Kitamori Reiko LP4000

"Um~ The effect of this card is~, and this card~ Oh, yes, this is how it should be used~"

Looking at Kitamori Reiko's actions, Honda and Jonouchi were stunned again.

"Hey~! Jonouchi, did you notice that she is holding a card and reading the text inside? This is not funny."

"Ah, I'm not blind, and I'm now completely sure that this girl was just temporarily captured to make up the numbers!"

Touching his hair, Jonouchi asked Kitamori Reiko awkwardly:"Ms. Kitamori, excuse me for asking you, how long have you been playing Duel Monsters?"


Jonouchi's words obviously frightened Kitamori Reiko. She lowered her head and replied a little embarrassedly:"Well, it's probably just a little over a month."

"What? A month?"

"Wow, sorry, so sorry, sorry!"

Touching his chin, Jonouchi asked in confusion,"Can you become a card professor in just one month? Your organization is too lax, are you sure you're not kidding?""

"Well, actually I don’t know either!" Kitamori Reiko pouted and felt a little aggrieved."In fact, I also feel like I was chosen by chance. I’m still a little scared of the duel, but everyone says I have talent and they insist on dragging me in. I really have no choice."

"Shit, now I understand, you were definitely conscripted!"

Just when Jonouchi was at a loss, Kitamori Reiko said embarrassedly:"I'm sorry~, I still need to look at the instructions on the card carefully, so~ please attack first." Jonouchi


"My turn, draw a card!"

After entering the duel state, Jonouchi's eyes instantly became sharp. One thing that needs to be emphasized here is that because Li Youfeng had greatly changed the original plot, Jonouchi had already transformed into a real duelist in advance.

Without experiencing the backstab of the Peacock Dance, the relationship between the two has greatly improved compared to the original plot. The relationship has steadily warmed up, the duel skills have been honed in the Battle City Competition, and the extremely powerful mental power, these are the prerequisites for Jonouchi to become a first-class duelist.

(Li Youfeng:"In terms of willpower alone, even the Pharaoh is probably not Jonouchi's opponent!")

Because he had been practicing dueling skills with Li Youfeng for a long time, Jonouchi felt with his intuition that the cute girl in front of him might be playing dumb.

Unlike the original comics, Jonouchi did not let down his guard at this time, but started his round very seriously.

"Pot of Greed is activated, and I can draw two more cards from my deck!"

"I cover a card on the backfield, then activate a Spell Card from my hand, Red-Eyes See Through!"

"The effect of this card is that you can send a Red-Eyes monster from your hand or deck to the graveyard to activate it, and add a Red-Eyes Spell or Trap Card other than Red-Eyes See Through from your deck to your hand."

"I sent Red-Eyes Flying Dragon from my deck to the graveyard, and then added Red-Eyes Fusion to my hand!"

"Magic Card True Red-Eyes Fusion is activated!"

"The effect of this card is that you can send Fusion Material Monsters determined by Fusion Monster Cards from your hand, deck, or field to the Graveyard, and Fusion Summon the Fusion Monster with Red-Eyes Monster as Fusion Material from the Extra Deck, and use the card name of the monster Special Summoned by this effect as Red-Eyes Black Dragon."

"I sent Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Holy Knight Ishuzak from the deck to the graveyard and then Fusion Summoned them!"

"Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon!" (Attack 2800 Defense 2400)

"The fusion monster cannot launch an attack in the round when it is successfully fused, but this is the first round of the duel, so it has little impact on me. My turn is over, and now it's your turn!"

"Wow! Did you end your turn so soon? I haven't even finished looking at the cards in my hand!"

"Humph, are you a novice or a pig pretending to be a pig? Let me observe carefully before drawing a conclusion!"Looking at Kitamori Reiko's panic, Jonouchi secretly calculated in his heart

""Hey~ It's my turn, draw a card."

Kitamori Reiko drew a card timidly, and after confirming it again and again, she placed a card on the duel disk.

"I normally summon puppet soldiers in defense position."(Attack 800, Defense 1200)

(Friendly reminder: In order to make the story more exciting, all the puppet monsters here are real card effect monsters. In the original comics, they are actually blank monsters. The duel plot of the other three evil gods is adapted and processed by the author. You can just understand it.)

"Next, I have to cover three more cards on the back field, and my turn is over."

"Hey, only 1200 points of defense? It's no match for the Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

After drawing a card, Jonouchi smiled and activated the cover card on his field.

"Continuous Trap Card activated, Red-Eyes' triumph!"

"The effect of this card is that once per turn, if you have a Red-Eyes monster on your field, you can activate this effect by targeting a Normal monster in your Graveyard, and that monster will be Special Summoned."

"I choose to special summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" (Attack 2400 Defense 2000)


"At this moment, I will activate the special effect of Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon. When a Red-Eyes monster on my field declares an attack, I can only activate it by targeting a Warrior-Type monster in my Graveyard. That monster is used as an Equip Card with an attack power increase of 200. Equip this card"

"I choose to equip Holy Knight Ishuzak to Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon as an Equipment Card, and increase its attack power by 200 points!"

Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon's attack power 3000 UP!

"Red-Eyes Black Dragon, attack the puppet soldiers!"

"Um, I'm going to open the cover card!"Seeing Jonouchi launch an attack, Kitamori Reiko plucked up the courage to open a cover card on the field,"Trap card teammate accidentally hit to activate!" (Original manga)

"The effect of this card is that it can be activated by targeting two opponent's monsters and making them attack each other!"

"Damn! What a dirty trick!"

Realizing that the delicate girl in front of him was likely a Pink Cut Black, Jonouchi quickly activated the special effect of Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon

"Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon's special effect is activated. When the effect of a card on your field that is the target is activated, you can activate it by sending an Equip Card on your field to the Graveyard. That activation is negated and destroyed."

"I'll send the Holy Knight Ishuzak to the graveyard, and then negate your teammate's misfire!"

"Huh? How could this happen!"With a look of obvious panic in her eyes, Kitamori Reiko quickly activated another cover card,"Then, I'm going to open this cover card, Trap Card Holy Shield - Mirror Force Activated"

"The effect of this card is that it can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack, destroying all attack position monsters on the opponent's field."

"It's over, stop it!"


Seeing this trap card, Jonouchi was completely dumbfounded!


With two explosions, the two monsters on Jonouchi's field split directly on the spot. Because the light of the reflective mirror force was too dazzling, Jonouchi screamed and couldn't help but hurriedly protect his head with both hands in the explosion.


In an instant, the opponent cleared the field. Honda, who was watching the game, also opened his mouth wide and couldn't recover for a long time. He and Jonouchi, who had regained his sight, looked at the shy girl in front of them. The two of them said the same words almost at the same time.

"This woman is definitely a pink-cut black! This playing style is so fucking dirty!"


He couldn't help swallowing his saliva, looking at his empty front field, Jonouchi was already sweating profusely.

"Luckily I didn't Normal Summon this turn, so I Normal Summon Red-Eyes Iron Knight in Defense Position!" (Attack 1800, Defense 1600)

"My Turn……"

"Wait a minute!"


His operation was interrupted by Kitamori Reiko, and Jonouchi, whose mentality had already collapsed, twitched fiercely. He was too familiar with this feeling, because during this period of time when he was sparring with Li Youfeng, he often received such"hospitality"."!

"Sorry, I forgot to open the card just now. Now, I want to activate the continuous magic card, the tragedy of the battlefield." (Original comic)

"The effect of this card is that from now on, whenever you start a battle, you must take out five cards from your deck and put them in the graveyard."

"Since you activated the Battle Phase, you have to send five cards to the Graveyard!"

"What? This is the effect? "

After hearing the special effect of this continuous magic card, Jonouchi said that he was no longer sleepy.

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Jonouchi drew five cards with an extremely complicated expression and sent them to the graveyard and ended his turn.

At the same time, Jonouchi couldn't help thinking in his heart, is this silly girl here to give me warmth?

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Pot of Greed is activated, and I draw two cards from my deck."

Ignoring Jonouchi's complicated look, Kitamori Reiko began her turn in a somewhat soft and cute manner.

"Hmm, what is the effect of this card? Oh, that's it, OK, I understand! Now, I cover two cards on the back field and activate the magic card upgrade from the hand card." (Original manga))

"Because of the effect of the transformation, the puppet soldier became the puppet queen."(Attack 2200 Defense 2500)

"I put the Queen into defense position, and……"

""Wait a minute!"

With a sinister smile on his face, Jonouchi also interrupted Kitamori Reiko's operation in the same way.

"Hey, before you end your turn, let me activate the special effect of the trap card!"

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