Looking at the smiling"Big Eyed Cute", Depred Scoo, whose face was now full of veins, gnashed his teeth and shouted loudly:"You despicable shorty, there are no monsters on your field that can protect you. I will make you pay the price!"

As a typical figure of a person in the world of the living playing cards from the underworld, Depred Scoo at this time obviously did not realize what kind of existence he had provoked.

Ignoring the last covered card on the field after the game, Depred Scoo directly ordered the alien warriors to attack.

"Alien warrior, attack the player directly!"

"Claws of Darkness!"

"Open the cover card!"

Just as the alien warrior's claws were about to attack the table game, the latter calmly opened the last cover card.

"Trap Card, Absorption Barrier!"

"The effect of this card is to negate the attack of one of your opponent's monsters, and then restore the life points equal to the attack power of this monster."

"The alien warrior's attack power is 1800 points, so I will recover 1800 points of life, but because the absorption barrier enters the graveyard, I will be deducted 300 points of life!"

Table game LP3800>5300

"I'm Nima~!"


Yes, looking at the 5300 health points of the game, not only did Richie Mather, who was watching the game, twitch his mouth fiercely, but even Tianma Yuexing was also looking at the game in shock.

As for Depree Scott, hehe, his mentality had already collapsed.

"Depree, what are you doing?"

Although there is only one permanent trap card left on the field, Temptation of the Dead, everyone with a discerning eye knows that the initiative of this duel has fallen into the hands of Biao Yugi.

""You are so long-winded!"

Turning his head and glaring at Li Qi, Deprez Scott gritted his teeth and spoke slowly:"I was just careless for a moment and didn't expect this dwarf to be so despicable. Next time, I won't be fooled again!"

"I cover two cards on the backfield and my turn is over!"

"Yo! Fortunately, I thought about it a little bit, otherwise I would be slapped in the face. So far, everything has been going smoothly. It seems that my idea is right!"After encouraging himself, Biao Yugi placed his hand on the duel disk.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Well, very good!"Looking at the card he just drew, the table game took out a card

"I normally summon Silent Swordsman LV0, attack display!"(Attack 1000 Defense 1000)

(Note: The effect here is the original comic effect)

"Then I cover a card on the back field, and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card! Damn it, if I don't solve that Temptation of the Dead, I'll kill myself sooner or later!"

After taking a look at his hand, Depree Scott slapped a card on the duel disk.

"I activate a magic card from my hand to disarm the trap"

"The effect of this card is that you can choose to destroy a face-up Trap Card on the field. Now, I choose to destroy Temptation of the Dead!"

As the magic card was activated, Temptation of the Dead was broken, removing the biggest obstacle that hindered his development. Depree Scott's face also showed a sinister smile.

"It's bad, Depree Scott is going to start a counterattack!"

Seeing that Biao Yugi suddenly changed his tactics, Li Youfeng's face immediately darkened. The reason was simple, because for the underworld players, the biggest taboo of the underworld routine is to suddenly change their previous routines.

For Biao Yugi, although he has grown a lot, he is still inevitably influenced by Dark Yugi. This influence is that there are at least three or four main axes in a deck!

Readers who have read the original anime of Yu-Gi-Oh will basically find a problem, that is, as an opponent of Muto Yugi, there is almost no direct targeting. The fundamental reason is that Yugi's deck is too complicated.

In fact, it is actually difficult for everyone to imagine that a deck of up to sixty cards not only has three mythical gods, but even more outrageous is that Yugi's deck also has cards from the series of Magnet, Fantasy Beast, Gaia the Wind Knight, Chaos Warrior, and Black Magic.

Such a deck can actually no longer be called a deck in real life. The ability to play the card deck into a god-like existence, in addition to the high bond, can only mean that Yugi is very good. How deep is the card printing and nonsense skills of Xi.

Moreover, the composition of the underworld deck is not as random as imagined. Its key lies in the benign combination of cards!

The characteristics of monsters and the effects of cards are all about chaining and expansion. Let's take a simple example that everyone can understand.

A player of the Silver City series, with the first move, can instantly achieve the best expansion by burying the two normal trap cards Welcome to Labris and Virtual World.

Then summon two Labris minions with special effects to directly pull out the King Flower Insect Bewitching Demon. If you still feel it is not safe enough, you can bury a Torrent Burial.

Anyway, under the influence of the field magic card Silver City effect, you definitely have the confidence to turn the table, and what is highlighted here is the coordination problem between the two systems.

Let's take a look at the field of the table game. Originally, the blood-cutting routine was going well, but he suddenly turned into a Silent Swordsman. In this way, isn't everything that the table game did before in vain?

"It seems that Biao Yugi still needs to continue to grow."

After secretly complaining, Li Youfeng did not choose to remind him out loud, because for Biao Yugi, forcing things to happen would not only not have a good effect on a child of the world like him, but it would backfire.

Unlike Jonouchi, Muto Yugi still needs to explore his own routines, because no matter whether it is Wang Yang or Xiao Biao, they both have the strength and potential! As

Li Youfeng expected, seeing Biao Yugi suddenly change his tactics, Deprez Scott immediately seized the opportunity

"The Silent Swordsman has a special effect of increasing attack power by 500 points every round, but I will never give you this opportunity!"

"I release the two monsters on the field and then summon them!"

"The invaders from the alien planet, Z-ray fishman!"(Original comic) (Attack power 2400 Defense power 2100)

"Fight, Z Stingray, attack the Silent Swordsman!"

"Plasma jet!"

""I took the bait!" Seeing the opponent launch an attack, the game excitedly opened the face-up card on his field,"Magic card activated, time flies!" (In the original comic, the effect is equivalent to the level increase of the real card)

"The effect of this card is that it can speed up the flow of time by three turns. Therefore, Silent Swordsman grows to level three and his attack power increases by 1500 points!"

Silent Swordsman's attack power 2500UP!

"Great! Yugi is indeed the strongest duelist on par with the Duel King!" Seeing the situation suddenly reversed, Tianma Yuexing couldn't help but shout excitedly.

"Humph, so that's how it is. Unfortunately, I won't let you have your way so easily!"

As one of the best card professors, Depree Scott is certainly not an ordinary person.

"Open the cover card, subspace teleportation device!"

"The effect of this card is to remove the monster on my field and return it to my field at the end of the turn."

"Because the target was lost, the Silent Swordsman's counterattack was invalid!"

"Phew, it doesn't matter!" Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Biao Yugi said,"The attack power of the Silent Swordsman will continue to increase in the next round, and the monsters on your field are no longer my opponents."

"Haha~ Is this really the case?"


As the surroundings suddenly became dark, Depree Scott sneered and said,"Because I activated the field magic space." (Original comic)

(Note: I have to explain here that in the comic plot, the concept of environmental magic was first introduced in the Evil God chapter. To put it simply, it is field magic. During this period, the duel disk did not actually have an extra slot for field magic cards. In addition, both sides share the field and only one field magic is allowed to appear. Subsequent field magic will overwrite the previous field magic.)

"When I launched the attack, I had already opened this face-up card. According to the effect of this card, from now on, all monsters on the field have life points, and every turn, the life points of all monsters on the field will decrease by one. When the life point disappears, the monster will be sent to the graveyard."

(Life points are the star points on the monster card. For example, a four-star monster has four star points.)

"In the game, the environment of the universe is very cruel, and no monster can survive in the universe for long!"

"The Silent Swordsman on your field was originally a 4-star monster. Since you activated Time Skip and three turns have passed, all monsters on the field will lose three star points. Now that I am ending my turn, the last star point of the Silent Swordsman will also disappear, so this monster will be sent to the Graveyard."

"How could this happen?!"Looking at the Silent Swordsman squatting on the field with a painful expression and slowly dissipating, a layer of cold sweat instantly appeared on Biao Yugi's face.

The trap was broken, and the powerful monster that had been raised for three rounds was easily destroyed because of the effect of the magic card. It can be said that Biao Yugi has inevitably fallen into crisis again.

"Damn, you useless dwarf, hurry up and draw the card, I can’t wait to send you to hell!"

"My turn, draw a card"

"I Normal Summon this monster in face-down Defense Position!"

""Haha, that won't work, game." Pointing at the monster on the game field, Deppry Scott said,"In the cosmic environment, no monster can be summoned from the inside out, so show me your true form!"

As the field magic was activated, a soft monster like cotton candy appeared on the field. Looking at the monster, Deppry Scott's face immediately showed a contemptuous smile.

"Game, I have already said that this insidious and despicable trick can only work on me once. Marshmallow is a three-star monster and can only protect you for one round at most."

"I know it very well, so you don't need to remind me."

Looking down at his hand, Biao Yugi thought to himself,"I originally wanted to end this duel with marshmallows, but now it seems that this way is no longer feasible. Now, I can only pin my hopes on the deck."

After making up his mind, Biao Yugi slapped a magic card on the duel disk.

"The magic card Treasure Drop from the Sky is activated. According to the effect of this card, both players can draw up to six cards in their hand."

"What is this card?"Looking at the card he just drew, Biao Yugi gritted his teeth secretly,"This card is still missing one card to complete the chain, now I can only defend temporarily!" He instantly thought of the tactics to be used next, took a deep breath, and took out a card.

"I cover a card on the back field and end this turn."

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"You useless dwarf, now I'm going to make you pay the price"

"Although it feels like using a cannon to hit a mosquito, I will not give up this great opportunity to attack!"

Placing a card on the duel disk, Depree Scott said calmly:"Activate the magic card, Earth Shatter!"

"The effect of this card is to destroy a monster with the highest defense on the opponent's field. I choose to destroy it, Marshmallow!"


Marshmallow was destroyed by the magic card, and the game was completely exposed in front of Depree Scott's face.

"Next, I will Normal Summon, Alien Giver!"(Attack 1800 Defense 1500)


"Z Stingray, alien giver, attack directly!"

"At this moment, I want to open the covered card!"

He couldn't wait to open a card that was covered in the previous round, and said loudly:"Activate the trap card, the grudge of the graveyard!"

"The effect of this card is that it can be activated when there are eight or more cards in the opponent's graveyard, and the attack power of all monsters on the opponent's field becomes 0!"

""What the hell!?"

He was stunned!

Seeing the two monsters on his field suddenly turned into weaklings with only 0 attack points, the long-lost blue veins instantly reappeared on Depree Scott's forehead.

"Yo! Perfect!"

"Perfect ass! You bastard, you despicable stinky dwarf!"

It must be said that Biao Yuxi's action of clenching his fist with one hand to cheer himself up undoubtedly once again dealt a heavy blow to Deprez Scoo. This extremely aggrieved feeling constantly provoked Deprez Scoo's already very fragile mental state.

"Oh my god, this shorty has such a dark heart!"

"I can't stand it, it's too dirty, I didn't expect that the table game in normal mode would be this kind of person"

"Well, Yugi's defense was pretty good this time, and it was a good use of existing resources."

In addition to Li Youfeng who nodded in agreement, Li Qi Mather and Tianma Yuexing both covered their faces with one hand helplessly.

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