Shortly after Kaiba Seto and Pegasus Night Walker left the central control room, several uninvited guests broke into the passage below the control room.

"Calling the command center, this is the central control room, the enemy is about to break in here, support, we need support!"

Since the plan of the Big Five failed, Saruwatari, the former bodyguard chief of Kaiba Group, was also dismissed.

Because of the premeditated occupation of Kaiba Building, Tenma Night Walk found the desperate Saruwatari and promised him huge benefits, which made Saruwatari transformed into the head of the security team of the Illusion Society. The reason why Kaiba Building was so easily taken over by Tenma Night Walk, it can be said that Saruwatari really"made an indelible contribution""

"Ding Dong!"

As the elevator door opened, the most violent real-person PK session in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh appeared!


""Oh, hit!"

Like gods descending from heaven, Jonouchi and Honda attacked at the same time the moment the elevator door opened. A bodyguard from the Illusion Society was knocked to the ground because he couldn't dodge in time.

"Haha, the killer Honda is here, who dares to fight me?"

"You idiot~ Bah! I blame you for all the bad Hondas. You should be in the God Killer City. I will take part in this!"

"These two little brats are so arrogant!"

"That’s right, they simply don’t take us seriously!"

"Come on, everyone, teach these two yellow-haired brats a lesson!"

Faced with the extremely arrogant attitude of Honda and Jonouchi, the bodyguards of the Illusion Society immediately became angry. These bodyguards who have received various professional training and have performed many dangerous tasks said that facing Jonouchi and Honda, their dozen professional bodyguards really can't beat them!

This extremely incongruous scene is really far from the mark!

After looking at each other, Jonouchi and Honda pounced on the group of bodyguards like wolves and tigers, as if they were beating up children. The feeling of punching them one by one was simply too good to be true.

"Jonouchi, Honda, you two are awesome, buy me some time, I'll go open the door now!"

"Don't worry, Guiping, no one can get in with the two of us here!"

"Haha, Jonouchi is right, there is no one in this world who can stand in front of the two of us!"

(Ushio:"A-choo! Huh~? What's going on? Did someone say something bad about me just now?")

"Damn it, Keipi, I will never let you succeed!"As the supervisor of these bodyguards, Saruwatari obviously has some intelligence.

Leaving Jonouchi and Honda who were entangled with other bodyguards, Saruwatari rushed directly to Kaiba Keipi who was using a laptop to unlock the door of the control room.

"Oh no! Keipi, be careful!"

"Damn it! Saruwatari, you despicable fellow!"

Just when he was about to catch Kaiba Keipi, and just when Saruwatari was getting carried away, he saw a handful of glass marbles being thrown out from the corner of the wall.

Because he didn't pay attention to his feet, Saruwatari stumbled and fell to the ground.


""Shit! It hurts! Damn it, who is ruining my good thing!"

He struggled to get up from the ground, but what Saruwatari didn't expect was that a cute girl holding a flower pot appeared here in a very incongruous way.

A trace of apology appeared on her delicate face. The girl closed her eyes and smashed the flower pot in her hand hard on Saruwatari's forehead!



(Kitamori Reiko:"KO!")

"Miss Kitamori?!"

Yes, the girl who suddenly appeared was Kitamori Reiko who had just dueled with Jonouchi. Because she was worried about Jonouchi and Honda getting into trouble, the kind-hearted Kitamori Reiko also secretly followed.

"She is a pink-cut black indeed!"

Seeing Kitamori Reiko knock Saruwatari unconscious so easily, Jonouchi and Honda both showed a very complicated smile on their faces.

Although Kitamori Reiko looks very delicate and cute, and gives people a harmless look at first glance, she is really not ambiguous when it comes to hitting people.

In their hearts, they silently labeled Kitamori Reiko as someone who must not be easily offended. With the joint efforts of Jonouchi and Honda, they finally knocked all the bodyguards to the ground.

"The door is open!"

Having successfully hacked into the central control system, Kaiba Keihei opened the door of the central control room very smoothly. In order to prevent any accidents, Jonouchi and Honda protected Keihei and Kitamori Reiko behind them and walked into the hall carefully.

However, Jonouchi and others did not expect that in this control room filled with various scientific instruments, there was no one else except Mazaki Kyoko who was tied to the central chair and had lost consciousness.

"Really Apricot?!"

"Honda, don't just stand there, come and help!"

Finally finding the room where Masaki Kyoko was imprisoned, Jonouchi immediately rushed up in ecstasy. However, just when he wanted to dismantle these scientific instruments by violence, Kaiba Keihei suddenly shouted to stop them.

"Inside the city, stop!"


Seeing Kaiba Keipi's serious expression, Jonouchi immediately asked in confusion:"Keipi, what do you mean?"

Without directly answering Jonouchi's question, Kaiba Keipi walked to a computer and quickly retrieved some data.

"According to the information displayed on these materials, Xingzi's soul has been temporarily separated from her body. If we dismantle these instruments now, Xingzi's soul will never be able to return to her body!"

"how so?"

"Too much!"

After understanding what Tenma Yagyo was doing, besides Jonouchi and others, the kind-hearted Kitamori Reiko couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Keipi, what should we do now?"Walking to the side of Kaiba Keipi, Jonouchi's face became very ugly,"I finally found Anzi but couldn't save him.

Am I just going to stand here stupidly and waste time?" Shaking his head slightly, Kaiba Keipi gritted his teeth and said,"Sister Anzi's soul has been input into the duel connection server.

The computer shows that a mysterious force has controlled her.

If we want Sister Anzi to return to normal, I'm afraid we can only defeat Tenma Yakō from the front.


"Defeat Tenma Yagyō head-on?"

Having made up his mind instantly, Jonouchi turned to Honda and said,"Honda, I will go after Yu Feng and Yugi now. As a duelist, I can definitely help, so can I leave this place to you?"

"Don't worry, Jonouchi!" Patting his chest hard, Honda said loudly,"I, the killer Honda, am here, no one can get in!"

"OK! I'll leave it to you! Keiping, to save time, can you help me start the elevator to the top floor?"


This is easy, leave it to me!"

"Wuuwuwu~ How could I lose to him, how could I~wuuwu! Lord Pegasus, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Tears of unwillingness fell from Deprez Scoo's eyes. In complete contrast to his extremely arrogant attitude just now, the defeated Deprez Scoo burst into tears, not caring about his image at all, and just knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

(Watching the game:"You make me look like a villain.")

"I don't want it, I won't admit that I will lose to someone like you!"

Kneeling on the ground and looking at the watch game, Deprez Scow roared sadly:"Why did you take away Lord Pegasus? For homeless orphans like us, we only have Lord Pegasus to rely on. If it weren't for you, Lord Pegasus would not have disappeared. Give it back to me, give Lord Pegasus back to me!"

"That's enough, Deprez, stop talking." Tears welled up in his eyes, and Li Qi gritted his teeth and knelt on the ground and hugged Deprez Scott,"Don't worry, Deprez, I won't fail, you've done very well, leave the rest to me."

"Li Qi, I really, really want to see Master Pegasus again, wooahah~!"

"You will see it, I promise you!" Richie Mather comforted Deprez Scott softly and said with a firm look,"I will help Night Walk complete the RA plan at all costs. Yes, at all costs!"

"Hey, two people come over here!"Seeing that Depree Scott's mood had stabilized a little, Rich Mather quickly called out the two accompanying bodyguards.

"Be careful, Depree needs to rest now."

"Don't worry, Master Li Qi, leave it to us."

Seeing Depree Scott being helped away by two bodyguards, Li Qi Mather took a deep breath and turned to look at the table game.

"Yugi! To be honest, I'm really surprised. Although this is also the first time I've seen you duel, I didn't expect that you could defeat Depree with such a huge advantage!"

"Now it seems that the rumors about you are indeed unbelievable. You are indeed qualified to be the strongest duelist on par with the Duel King Li Youfeng, Muto Yugi."

"No, I'm not as strong as you say, but I absolutely cannot lose now, because I absolutely cannot watch Xingzi lose her life like this!"

Seeing Depree's emotions out of control, Biao Yugi felt very uncomfortable, but when he thought of Xingzi's life hanging by a thread in Tianma Yexing's hands, Biao Yugi's eyes became firm again.

"Humph, although what you said is true, Deprez also has reasons why he absolutely cannot lose!" With a flame in his eyes, Richie Mather gritted his teeth and said,"Depry and I were originally orphans from the slums. We lived a life worse than dogs by cheating and stealing every day. At that time, I could even imagine myself being beaten to death on the street because of stealing!"

"But I didn't expect that person to appear like this."

"Yes, it was Lord Pegasus who saved all of us. He not only gave us delicious food and beautiful clothes, but also allowed us to go to school and receive elite education. For us, the garbage-like orphans, he was like the sun in the cold winter, not only dispelling the darkness in our hearts, but also giving us warm sunshine."

"So, without Lord Pegasus, we can't survive at all!"

After a few seconds of pause, Li Qi Mather turned his gaze to Li Youfeng.

"Duel King Li Youfeng, I also attended the press conference about Lord Pegasus, so at the beginning, it was really hard for me to imagine that you would do such a cruel thing to your own friend, but when I witnessed that scene with my own eyes, I couldn’t imagine how a dead person could be resurrected again!"

"It is because I saw that scene with my own eyes that I believe that it was you who killed Lord Pegasus!"

"This is really a case of sitting at home and having the pot come from the sky!" Li Youfeng let out a helpless breath and walked in front of Biao Youxi,"So, what do you want to do now? Stop me from saving Xingzi? In fact, although there is no concrete evidence, I have a feeling that Pegasus will never joke with his own life so easily!"

Lavender Game Store

"Mmm! It's so delicious!

""Miss Xun, you are such a rare lady. It is hard for me to imagine that a rich lady like you who comes from a big family can actually cook such delicious food. I am so lucky today."

Tasting the Chinese cuisine specially cooked by Izayoi Xun, Pegasus' appetite was also very good. After all, he had been hiding for such a long time and had not had a proper dinner like today for a long time.

"Hehe, Mr. Pegasus, you are too kind. I specially consulted a five-star chef from China to make these Chinese dishes without telling You Feng!"

"Like this crystal sweet and sour pork, this sweet and sour shrimp ball, and this mapo tofu, they are all You Feng's favorite dishes. In fact, I was very worried at the beginning whether Chinese cuisine would suit your taste. I am so happy that you like these dishes."

Putting a sweet and sour shrimp ball in his mouth, Pegasus chewed it slowly and said with a smile:"Miss Xun, you are too modest. Although these dishes are the first time for me to eat, they are very delicious. No wonder people always say that China is a country of food. It has to be said that Chinese people are really good at studying food."

"Hehehe, as long as you like it. By the way, Mr. Pegasus, do you need more food?"

"Well, it would be a shame not to eat such delicious food, so let’s have another bowl!"

"Okay, oh, by the way, I also made some Tremella and Lotus Seed Soup, I'll serve you a bowl of that too."

"Haha, I won't be polite then."

Pegasus, who was eating and drinking in the Lavender Game Store, naturally didn't know what happened in the Seahorse Building.

In fact, as Li Youfeng said on the phone, the dark power is simply not something that ordinary people can contend with. As for the true power of Tapir, only after seeing it with your own eyes can you understand how terrifying this rabbit-eared devil is when he fights with others.

(Speaking of real-life PK, Jonouchi is probably no match for the Rabbit Ears Devil. The only one who can fight him is probably President Kaiba.)

Since he didn't know how good Izayoi Kaoru was at dueling, Pegasus could only choose to hide his own affairs temporarily and wait for Li Youfeng to appear.

The top floor of Kaiba Building.

Having lost the duel, Willamette, who had nothing to do, was sleeping soundly on the top of the Kaiba Group's building. However, he didn't expect that when he was sleeping comfortably, a roar woke him up from his sweet dream.

"What's going on? Is there an earthquake? Damn it! Is this a joke?"

As the floor was opened, a huge arena appeared on the top of the Kaiba Group's building. Standing on the duel arena were Tenma Yayuki and Kaiba Seto.


Looking at the two murderous people on the ring, Willamette said that he was really innocent. Look at the dark night sky. It's impossible to be lazy at night. If you two card masters want to play a father-son game, can you change the place? I, a small person, feel a little overwhelmed!

Ignoring Willamette's confused face, Tenma Yayu and Kaiba Seto glared at each other.

After confirming their eyes, the other party was also a card addict!

Yes, in this case, this duel is inevitable. Even if a meteorite falls, it still can't stop us (playing cards)!

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