Li Youfeng called out his real name, and Lishid was already in a state of confusion. Looking at Li Youfeng standing opposite him with an expressionless face, Lishid felt a strong aura pressing down on him.

Just like the calm before a tsunami, Lishid could sense that the seemingly calm young man in front of him was already in a rage.

"Damn it, Master Malik, maybe we made a wrong move. This boy is definitely more terrifying than you think."

With a trace of regret in his heart, Lishid had no way to retreat. Upholding the honor and faith of the tomb-keeping clan, Lishid had decided to completely eliminate Li Youfeng, the huge threat, for Malik, even at the cost of his own life.

"Li Youfeng, right? How do you know my real name?"

Looking at Li Youfeng coldly, cold sweat appeared on Xilide's forehead unconsciously.

"Don't worry about how I know this. Anyway, I know everything you Gurus want."

"Previously, the reason why I avoided you and did not participate in the Duel City Competition was because I did not want to cause trouble, but now it seems that you seem to regard my kindness as capital for your arrogance."

"I want to congratulate you here, because you have completely angered me. Now I have decided that at all costs, I must slap Malik's face hard!"

Li Youfeng's words once again made Lishid fall into fear, because he could feel that what Li Youfeng said was true.

And from Li Youfeng's current state, it is not difficult to see that he is likely to be hiding a powerful force that even Gurus is afraid of.

"Lord Malik, I can no longer serve you, but don't worry, as a member of the Grave Keeper Clan, I will do my best to eliminate this threat for you."

Having prepared for his death, Lishid was relieved. It must be said that compared to Malik, who had lived in resentment since childhood, Lishid was more like a real Grave Keeper Clan.

(Lishid was an adopted son and did not have the direct bloodline of the Grave Keeper Clan.)

"Come on, Li Youfeng, I'm going to kill you here today, Zong Yao of the tomb-keeping clan, by betting on you!"

"If you can do it, you can try it."

After a wicked smile, Li Youfeng immediately unfolded his duel disk.

"But there is one thing I have to say in advance, Lishid Ishdar, I am very glad that it was you who attacked Xiaoxun today, because your character is completely different from Malik. At least Xiaoxun is not in any danger now."

"The honor of being a tomb-keeper does not allow me to kill anyone who has nothing to do with me, but you are different. Li Youfeng, let's fight to the death, and the dark game begins!"

Unleashing all the power of the replica of the Millennium Tin Staff in his hand, as if falling into a different space, Li Youfeng and Xilide entered the dark barrier at the same time.


Li Youfeng LP4000

Li Xide LP4000

"I won by attacking first!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the card he just drew, Li Youfeng showed a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth.

"I summon this monster in face-down Defense Position!"

"Cover four cards in the backfield at the same time!"

"My turn is over!"

Oh, isn't it just autism?

It's like I can't do anything with anyone!

"How come this guy's playing style is so similar to mine?"Looking at Li Youfeng's operation, Lishide suddenly felt dazed.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Lishid began his turn, but just as he drew a card, Li Youfeng made a move!

"At this moment, the trap card is activated!"

"Built-in machine gun!"

"The effect of this card is to deal 200 points of damage to your opponent's hand, equal to the number of cards on the field. You now have 6 cards in your hand, so you must take 1200 points of damage!"


As the trap card was opened, a machine gun appeared from Li Youfeng's backcourt. After aiming at Lishid, the machine gun fired at him mercilessly!

Da da da!


Lishide LP4000>2800

Due to the dark game, Lishide was hit by the trap card and suffered great damage. After screaming, Lishide tightly grasped the card to stabilize his body.

"So strong! This boy is stronger than I thought!"

Just a single encounter caused him to suffer 1,200 points of damage. At this time, Lishid was already sweating profusely.

"But I won't give in so easily!"

Gritting his teeth and standing up straight, Lishid inserted a field magic card into the duel disk.

"Activate the field magic, the royal temple!" (original anime effect!)

"The effect of this card is that my Trap Card can be activated directly during the turn it is set. The opponent can only cover one Trap Card or Magic Card in the backfield once!"

"Li Youfeng, as an invader, you have already stepped into the temple. What you will face next are endless traps, and you will be completely buried here because of your arrogance!"

"Next, I will activate Pot of Greed and draw two cards from the deck."

Seeing that Lishid actually had Pot of Greed in his hand, Li Youfeng's face flashed with surprise. However, in order to maintain the maximum damage, it was not too unfair to activate the built-in machine gun trap card. After all, he couldn't see the cards, right?

Just when Li Youfeng was secretly saying it was a pity, Xilid continued his turn.

"I cover three cards and activate Trap Cards at the same time!"

"Show up!"

""Apep's Avatar!" x3 (Attack 1600 Defense 1800)

"That's not all. Apep's Avatar can be treated as a normal monster if it is Special Summoned successfully."

"I offer one of Apep's avatars as a sacrifice!"

"Superior summons!"

"Guardian of the Royal Temple, fulfill your sacred duty and completely destroy any invader who enters the temple and attempts to disturb the king's sleep!"

"Holy Beast Serket! Summon!"(Attack Power 2500 Defense Power 2000)

At the moment when the Holy Beast Serket was successfully summoned, Li Youfeng's voice came again like the death urging his life.

"At this moment, the trap card is activated!"

"Be content with your own work!"

"The effect of this card is that the opponent will take 500 basic points of damage for each monster on the field."

"You now have three monsters on the field, so you will receive 1500 points of damage!"

Lishide LP2800>1300

Lishide:"Fuck~?!" He swore. At this time, Lishide couldn't help swearing. He just finished saying that Li Youfeng stepped into the trap of the temple, and was slapped in the face again. At this time, Lishide even began to doubt whether the Wang's Temple he activated was a fake card.

As his life value was reduced again, under the backlash of the dark game, Lishide was directly hit hard by the black mist transformed by the trap card.


In the dark game of duel-death mode, the damage that the player has to endure after the health value is reduced is absolutely unimaginable. After screaming, Lishid was directly knocked away by the black mist, just like he knocked away Izayoi Kaoru before. Lishid rolled on the ground for several circles before he barely stopped.


After struggling to get up from the ground, Lishid was now covered in bruises and gasping for breath. After wiping the sweat dripping from his eyes, Lishid suddenly gave the order to attack!

"Li Youfeng, although you have the upper hand for a while, victory will always belong to me!"

"Holy Beast Serket! Attack!"


After receiving Lishid's order, the Holy Beast Serket stretched out its huge claws and directly grabbed a female warrior in a black tights from Li Youfeng's Gaika!

"The special effect of the sacred beast Serket is activated!"

"Monsters destroyed by this card will be banished, and the Holy Beast Serket will gain half the attack power of the destroyed monster!" (Original effect of the anime!)

"Oh, is that really the case?"

Li Youfeng interrupted Lishid's words and pointed at the female warrior in the giant claws of the sacred beast Serket.

"The special effect of the female warrior from another dimension is activated!"

"This card can activate a special effect the moment after the battle damage calculation is completed, and the monster that battled with this card is removed from the game!"

""Go! Holy beast Serket, let's get rid of it together with my female warrior from another dimension!"

As Li Youfeng spoke, the female warrior from another dimension directly opened a huge black hole!

Both the enemy and the friend were sucked into the black hole, and the holy beast Serket and the female warrior from another dimension left the venue at the same time.


Seeing his trump card monster being eliminated so casually by Li Youfeng, veins instantly appeared on Xilide's face.

The autistic player was tricked by the autistic player. If he said he wasn't angry, that would be a lie!

"Damn Li Youfeng!"

Glancing at the two incarnations of Apep on his field, just when Lishid was about to launch another attack, Li Youfeng's voice like a devil's whisper came again.

"Mr. Lishid, I admire you very much, so I would like to kindly remind you that I still have two blocked cards in the backcourt. It would be very dangerous to attack rashly!"

"In addition, I said this to you because you showed mercy to Xiaoxun. I don't want you to die in vain. You can also think that I am bluffing. Of course, if you are prepared to die, then just attack me and give it a try."

"But before that, let me destroy this unpleasant dark barrier first!"

"Destroy the dark barrier? This is impossible!"

Hearing Li Youfeng's words, Xilid, who wanted to launch an attack directly, was immediately stunned. However, this was not the end. With an incredible look on his face, he heard Li Youfeng suddenly shout

"Fighter's Soul, activate!"

Along with Li Youfeng's loud shout, a pure white classical palace with a round ceiling decorated with jade rose from the ground, instantly enveloping Li Youfeng and Xilid. The outer perimeter of the palace was covered with emerald green branches and leaves, and a bright and gentle force surrounded it. The only slightly inconsistent thing was that the palace was somewhat filled with a bleak atmosphere.

"The dark barrier was destroyed. How could this be possible? Li Youfeng, who are you?"

Stupid, at this time, Xilid was completely dumbfounded.

"Shoo! Shirid, your attack is not over yet. If you are ready, just come at me!"

"Li Youfeng!"

Looking at the two blocked cards on the backcourt of Li Youfeng, a hint of determination flashed in Lishid's eyes.

"I ordered an incarnation of Apep to attack directly!"

As Lishid spoke, the incarnation of Apep rushed over and slashed Li Youfeng directly.


After being stabbed, Li Youfeng experienced the pain in the special duel mode. After a muffled groan, he covered his chest with both hands and took two steps back.

Li Youfeng LP4000 ﹥ 2400

"Haha, Li Youfeng, you actually dared to lie to me, do you think I would be fooled so easily?"

Seeing this incarnation of Apep succeed in one blow, Xilide immediately laughed excitedly.

"Humph, is that really the case?"The severe pain made Li Youfeng's forehead sweat. At the moment when Xilid laughed, Li Youfeng directly opened a cover card.

"Trap Card Activated!"

"White-armored battle!"

"This card can only be activated when you are hurt, and it deals 700 LP damage to the opponent!"

As the trap card was activated, a steel knife flew out of the trap card and chopped Xilid's chest squarely!

Xilid LP1300>600


A scream came out of Hilid's mouth again, and he was directly knocked to the ground by the steel knife.


A sinister laugh came out of Li Youfeng's mouth. Looking at the slightly twitching Hillid lying on the ground, Li Youfeng wiped the cold sweat from his head and said with a sinister smile:"I gave you a hint and you still dared to call me. Should I say you are stupid? Or should I say you are loyal? How about it? I still have a blocked card in the backcourt. Do you want to try calling me again?"

"But let me be frank with you, this time it won’t be that simple, you have to be prepared to die!"

"Li~~You Feng!"


With a roar that shook the sky, Xilide struggled to get up from the ground.

"How about it, are you ready?"

Looking at the wounded Xilide, Li Youfeng once again asked a soul-searching question, but this time, a faint chuckle came out of Xilide's mouth.

"Hehe~ Li Youfeng, I admit that you are indeed very strong, terrifyingly strong, but in this duel, the final winner will only be me!"

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Seeing such a confident Hillid, Li Youfeng's eyes were also a little surprised.

"Li Youfeng, you seem to have forgotten that I still have two cards in my hand!"


"Sono Masakada!"

He raised his hand and showed the last two magic cards in his hand. On one of the magic cards, the two big words"cyclone" suddenly appeared on the card!

"First, I will activate the magic card Solo Assist. This card can select a monster on your field, and its attack power increases by 1500 points this turn!"

(I think everyone knows the rules of the urban duel, so I won't explain them anymore to avoid people saying I'm being lame.)

"I choose Apep's incarnation!"

Apep's incarnation's attack power 3100UP!

"Speedy attack magic! Cyclone activated!"

"Destroy a cover card on your backcourt!"

The last cover card on the backcourt was destroyed by the cyclone, and Li Youfeng's field was empty. Now he was a lamb to be slaughtered in the eyes of Hillid!

"Li Youfeng, victory will eventually belong to me, prepare to die!"

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