In order to give the players enough time to adjust their status, the next game was also scheduled for 20 minutes later. Li Youfeng, who was sitting in his lounge, looked at a card in his hand and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Soul Extraction, that's the name of this card!

That's the name of this card!

The effect of this card is that it can only be activated by paying 1000 basic points.

As long as this card exists on the field, the effects of monsters excluded from the game and the effects of monsters in the graveyard cannot be activated.

Seeing this, I believe everyone should understand that in the duel with Malik in the original anime, this card is the nemesis of Malik who likes to use graveyard effect cards!

I still remember that when I was watching the anime, a graveyard effect card of Malik once caused great trouble to Jonouchi. If it weren't for the reduction of the hand cards, Jonouchi's duel would not have become so difficult.

(Having one card cut from your hand in one turn, plus the temptations of the coffin seller and the devil, this pain is really known to anyone who has experienced it!)

As the third God Card that appeared in the Duel City chapter, the true ability of the Pteranodon, also known as the Corpse Bird, is the powerful perverted ability to jump out of the tomb and unconditionally flip the table.

It does not accept the effects of any card except this card. When jumping into the tomb, it ignores the effects of monsters on the opponent's field and directly destroys them. (In simple terms, the real phantom god card can only be blocked by monsters with a level of 10 or above!)

Therefore, as the boss of the three phantom gods in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, the special effects of the Pteranodon are extremely powerful, and it is simply not comparable to the castrated version of the real card in Li Youfeng's era.

In the current duel environment, it is impossible for the Pteranodon derivative card to appear, so if Malik wants to revive the Pteranodon, it is nothing more than a means of resurrecting the dead.

Although he was not afraid of the three mythical gods, Li Youfeng, as a trickster, keenly discovered that for Yami Yugi, Kaiba Seto and Malik who possessed the God Cards, they all inevitably committed a fatal common mistake in the Duel City chapter, that is, they trusted and relied too much on the power of the God Cards!

"As long as this card is used properly, Jonouchi can avoid having his hand cut and increase his chances of winning. However, if this card appears on the field during this time period, it will definitely change the plot."

Recalling the plot of the Yu-Gi-Oh City Duel, strictly speaking, Jonouchi had already won the duel with Malik. Unfortunately, the opponent used unsportsmanlike tactics, which caused Jonouchi, who was exhausted, to faint when launching his last attack. It can be said that if they had fought with real swords and guns, Malik would have been killed by Jonouchi at that time, and Jonouchi would have become the first person to kill a god with a mortal body.

But if he did this, Li Youfeng would undoubtedly change the plot of Yu-Gi-Oh again. The only thing he had to consider carefully now was this.


Li Youfeng slapped his hands heavily on his face and stood up abruptly from his chair.

"Fuck it, change the plot if you want. I didn't come to this world just to enjoy the fun of dueling monsters. The real world is not a game of house. How can I gamble with Jonouchi's life on those so-called original plots?"

Yes, in the original plot, although Jonouchi came back to life, for Li Youfeng now, he would never watch his friend fall into danger.

As for the consequences of changing the plot, haha, in this world where duels are respected, there is nothing that can't be solved by a game of cards. If there is, then two games!

Having made up his mind, Li Youfeng put on his coat and walked out of the door of the lounge. However, when he found Jonouchi, the scene in front of him made him burp without any defense!

The reason is simple. In order to make Kong Quewu happy, Jonouchi kept making all kinds of faces in front of her. Looking at Jonouchi's funny appearance, Kong Quewu's mood also improved a lot.

As the relationship between the two heated up, Li Youfeng could even see that there were pink heart-shaped objects floating around them.

"Ha, is this what it means to lose the duel but win life? It’s right that the card players are all single!"

(A great king once said,"My goal is to become a world champion. Women are a hindrance!"

Li Youfeng secretly complained in his heart and interrupted Jonouchi who was dancing with Peacock.

"Jonouchi, I have something to tell you."

"Uh, is it You Feng? When did you come? Haha~ I'm so sorry, I didn't even notice you."

"Ah, it's You Feng, what a nuisance! Jonouchi, look at what you've done, You Feng, when did you stand there, it's so embarrassing!"

"Eh? Mai-chan, why should you be shy? You Feng is my best friend!"

"It's because You Feng is your best friend that you are shy!"

"Mai sauce~!"


"Damn! Are you two done yet? Are you thinking I didn't have enough tonight so you gave me a midnight snack?"

Veins popped up on his face, and Li Youfeng was very upset at this moment. This must be what the old people meant when they said that the emperor is not anxious, but the eunuch is. I'm worried about you over there, but you're picking up girls over here?

Does this make sense?

Suppressing the anger (jealousy) in his heart, Li Youfeng patiently said:"Jonouchi, you're going to fight Malik soon, so I have something to tell you."

"You Feng, just say whatever you want to say.���There is no need to beat around the bush when the two have such a good relationship."

After hearing Li Youfeng's words, Jonouchi and Kongquewu immediately stopped playing around and became serious.

"Hey~ Do you want me to step away for a while?"

"Miss Wu, this matter is not a secret, so I hope you can understand it well."

Nodding to Peacock Wu, Li Youfeng took out the card he had prepared in advance from his pocket.

"Jonouchi, you will soon be fighting Malik, and I want to tell you something very important."

"As for the Dark Game, I think you should be familiar with it after watching the duel between me and Pegasus. What I want to tell you is that Malik can also start the Dark Game."

"Ah, I know this!"

Nodding to Li Youfeng, Jonouchi continued:"When I was dueling with Yugi at the dock, I was controlled by the dark power, so I am not unfamiliar with this mysterious power."

"That's good!"

Nodding to Jonouchi, Li Youfeng handed over the card in his hand.

"Please accept this card, it should be able to help you at the critical moment!"

"You Feng!" Looking at the card that Li You Feng forced into his hand, Jonouchi's voice became a little choked up,"You helped me a lot in the Duel Kingdom, this card must be very precious to you!"

"By the way, it was because of you that Shizuka's eyes were cured. I'm sorry, I~I can no longer be so shameless to accept your kindness!"


Grasping Jonouchi's shoulders with both hands, Li Youfeng looked into his eyes seriously and said word by word:"No matter how precious the card is, it is not as precious as your life!"

"Remember, the Dark Game is all about willpower. Whoever has stronger willpower will have an absolute advantage!"

"In addition, unless absolutely necessary, never accept a direct attack from a god! Even if the god's attack power is zero, it won't work!"

"The only thing you must remember deeply in your heart!"

"You Feng, I remember it!"Looking back at Li You Feng's eyes, Jonouchi nodded heavily!

"By the way, is the deck you are using now still Red-Eyes?"

"Yes, that's right! When I was at the dock, I used a puzzle card to exchange Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon from Yugi, so my current deck is still made up of the new cards provided by Pegasus during the Duel Kingdom period, but later I added several new cards to it, so it's been specially strengthened."

"Well, in that case, you can swap in a few dice cards, it will definitely work wonders for you!"

"I have done everything I can, the rest depends on you, I believe you can definitely beat Malik!"

Patting Jonouchi's shoulder heavily, Li Youfeng turned and walked out of the room. At this time, the voice notifying the players to get ready also spread inside the airship.

"The third game of the Urban Duel Tournament qualifiers is about to begin. Contestants Mr. Malik and Mr. Jonouchi, please go to the Sky Arena and get ready!"

"Jonouchi, you have to be careful. I can feel that You Feng is not kidding you."

"Don't worry, Mai. When it comes to willpower, I will never lose to anyone. And I will get back at Malik for controlling me and my game companions!"

Seeing that Peacock Dance was so worried about him, Jonouchi smiled and added the card Li Youfeng gave him to his deck. Jonouchi took the initiative to pull Peacock Dance's hand and walked towards the elevator to the upper floor.

Because of Li Youfeng, the original plot changed here. Instead of reaching the final competition venue, Jonouchi and Malik met in the preliminaries in advance. When they arrived at the sky arena on the top of the airship, everyone except Malik had arrived.

"Come on, Jonouchi!"

"Inside the city, Malik is no ordinary duelist, so don't be careless!"

"Jonouchi, you must remember what I just said to you!"

"Don't worry, I won't be careless!"

After greeting Li Youfeng, Yugi and others, Jonouchi took the lead in stepping onto the Sky Arena.

At this moment, the elevator door of the airship opened again. To everyone's surprise, Kaiba Seto and Malik actually walked out of the elevator together.

"Hum~ Malik! I really want to know if the God Card in your hand is really as powerful as the legend says!"

"Haha, President Kaiba, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible, because when you see the true appearance of Pteranodon, your soul will no longer exist!"

"Haha, is that really the case?"

With a disdainful sneer, Kaiba Seto didn't believe that his Giant God Soldier would be worse than the Pterosaur.

"Believe it or not, but even if you don't want to, we will meet in the game, so when that time comes, you should experience it with your own soul!"

After saying this, Malik walked onto the Sky Duel Arena with a sneer, looking at Jonouchi who had already stood opposite him, Malik's face was full of ferocity.

"Within the city!"

""Ah? Kaiba, what's up?"

Just as the referee Isono announced the official start of the match, Kaiba Seto, who was standing below the ring, suddenly sneered and said,"Although I know that a mediocre person like you can't touch the God Card at all, I still hope that you can play a little role, otherwise, the death of a mortal player like you will be too meaningless!"

"What? Kaiba! Are you so sure I will lose, you bastard?"Hearing this, Jonouchi was immediately unhappy.

"hehe~!"A cold laugh came from the direction where Malik was."Jounouchi, Kaiba is right. Of course, if you are afraid of death, you can give up immediately. After all, I am not interested in wasting my time to attack a mere mortal."

"Malik, you bastard!"

With uncontrollable anger on his face, Jonouchi pointed his finger at Malik.

"Because of you, I almost broke my oath and almost hurt my friends. Malik, only you, I will never forgive you!"

"Haha, since you want to die, just come on!"

"It’s still uncertain who will win or lose, so don’t be too sure!"


Jonouchi LP4000

Malik LP4000

"I'll take it if you attack first!"

With a ferocious sneer on his face, Malik directly announced his turn.

"Draw a card!"

"I summon Gilgas to attack!"(Attack 1800 Defense 1200)

"Next, cover a card onto the field!"

"My turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

After taking a look at the monster on Malik's field, Jonouchi thought for a moment and played a card from his hand.

"I Normal Summon Red-Eyes Iron Knight, also in Attack Position!" (Attack 1800 Defense 1600)

"Next I cover a card and my turn is over!"


Just as Jonouchi announced the end of the round, Malik let out a sinister laugh, and then a cloud of black mist slowly emerged from around the airship, quickly enveloping the entire sky arena.

"Is this the Dark Game?"

The Golden Eye mark appeared on Malik's forehead. He slowly raised the thousand-year-old tin staff in his hand, and said with a sinister smile:"Okay, the Dark Portal has been opened by me, inside the city, let's enjoy the fun of the Dark Game!"

"Malik, you bastard, do you think I'm scared? Stop dreaming. To tell you the truth, there is nothing in this world that I, Jonouchi, am afraid of!"

Because of Li Youfeng's reminder, Jonouchi did not show much surprise at the appearance of the dark barrier.

"Humph, just bluffing!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Malik glanced at his hand and grinned,"Jounouchi, let me tell you the horror of the dark game!"

"The loser of this game will remain in darkness forever, and your mind and body will be tortured forever. Look, the thread of fate has connected you and your monster. Next, let us enjoy the pleasure of fighting each other!"

"What is this?"

As Malik spoke, a purple-red thread connected Jonouchi and the Red-Eyes Iron Knight. Knowing that something was fishy, Jonouchi did not dare to be careless and looked at Malik with a vigilant look.

"I normally summon a demon soldier in attack mode!"(Attack 1900 Defense 1500)

"Demon soldiers, attack Red-Eyes Iron Knight!"

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