Yami Yugi:"Really Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon! Could it be?"

Kaiba Seto:"Hmm? The black dragon on Jonouchi's field looks a little different!"

"So that's how it is!"

As for Li Youfeng, who could see the Duel Spirits, he had already noticed it when he found that the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon turned back to protect Jonouchi in a very humane way.

That is, in this Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon card, a Duel Spirit that belonged only to Jonouchi had already been born!

"Damn, that monster seems to be weird!"Junichi's reaction naturally caught Malik's attention. He took a look at his hand and played a card.

"I activate the magic card, Buried Sacrifice!"

"During this turn, you can only perform an Advanced Summon that requires the Release of two monsters once. You can Advanced Summon without releasing both monsters by banishing one monster from your own and your opponent's Graveyards."

"I remove the Kil'Gath in my grave and the legendary Black Stone in your grave from the game."

"Special Summon, Hell Poet Hepoai, Attack Position!" (Attack 2000 Defense 1400)

"Next I will Normal Summon this monster, Millennium Pulling Arm!" (Original anime card, for details, see the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime, Seize the God Card)

"This card can be attached to a monster, and it will not be affected by monsters, traps, or magic cards for three turns! The attached monster cannot activate its original monster effect within three turns, nor can it change its form!"

"I attached it to the Red-Eyes Thunder King. Haha, how about that, Jonouchi? Now your monster can neither attack nor defend, and can only struggle in pain."

"I cover a card and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

He drew a card from the deck, and Jonouchi looked up at the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon.

"Dark Iron Dragon, thank you for protecting me just now!"

After hearing what Jonouchi said, the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon standing on the field turned its huge dragon head and nodded slightly at Jonouchi. Seeing this scene, Jonouchi was naturally very happy.

Turning back and noticing the cover card on Malik's field, Jonouchi couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"Malik has no cards in his hand, and the Poet of Suffering is still attacking. This is a great opportunity to attack, but I don't know if the card he covered is a trap card."

"What's wrong, Jonouchi?"

Seeing that Jonouchi didn't make any move, Malik spread out his hands with a sinister smile,"Hey, hey! I don't have a card in my hand. Are you really going to miss such a good opportunity? Jonouchi, think about it carefully, maybe my cover card is not a trap card?"

"Damn Malik, I'll make sure you never laugh again!"

After taking a look at his hand, Jonouchi immediately played a card.

"I Normal Summon Red-Eyes Flying Dragon in Attack Position!"(Attack 1800 Defense 1600)

\"Next, I activate the Equip Card from my hand, Dragon's Secret Treasure, and equip it to Red-Eyes Flying Dragon, increasing its attack by 300 points!"

Red-Eyes Flying Dragon's attack power 2100 UP!

"This is the moment I've been waiting for, the trap card is activated!"

""The card of last words!" (Original anime effect. In addition, when this card is a real card, it is an ornamental card and cannot be used in a duel.)

"This card can be activated when the attack power of a monster on the field changes, and you can draw up to five cards from your deck!"

"Damn it! I was fooled!"

Seeing Malik replenish his hand so easily, Jonouchi's forehead instantly showed blue veins

"Fighting, Red-Eyes Flying Dragon attacks Poet of Suffering!"

A fireball spewed out from the mouth of Red-Eyes Flying Dragon, and the Poet of Suffering on Malik's field immediately turned into pieces. However, what Jonouchi didn't expect was that after this card turned into pieces, it actually flew directly into his own graveyard.

Malik LP1500>1400

"What, what's going on?"Obviously feeling something was wrong, Jonouchi quickly lowered his head and looked at his duel disk.

"Hehe~ Jonouchi, I'll be kind enough to tell you!"

Pointing at Jonouchi, Malik said with a sinister smile:"When the Poet of Suffering is destroyed by battle, he can activate special effects in the graveyard. At the end of the opponent's turn, he can send a random card in the opponent's hand to the graveyard. So you have fallen into my trap, hahaha!"

"Activate the effect in the graveyard?!"

Hearing Malik's words, Jonouchi's eyes lit up immediately.

"Haha, so that’s what’s going on. I finally understand!"

"Hmm? What do you understand?"

Seeing Jonouchi actually laughed excitedly, Malik was a little surprised.

"Continuous Trap Card activated!"

"Soul extraction!"

"This card can be activated by paying 1000 life points. As long as this card is face-up on the field, the effects of any monster cards in the graveyard or excluded cannot be activated!"

Jounouchi LP2900>1900

"What?" Seeing that Jonouchi actually had such a card in his hand, Malik was stunned on the spot!

"Humph, what do you think, Malik? You think you are standing on the second floor, but you don’t know that I, Jonouchi, have already stood on the atmosphere layer. I have already seen through your little tricks!"

"Haha, my turn is over!"

Seeing that Jonouchi actually activated this card at this critical moment, Li Youfeng nodded in surprise. One card for two cards, and one of them has a permanent effect. What's wrong with this deal?

"Humph, cards in hand are resources! Malik, the effect of the Poet of Suffering has been invalidated. Not being able to reduce Jonouchi's hand cards is equivalent to increasing his winning rate by 20%. Let's see what you can do now!"

Just as Li Youfeng guessed, Malik was also very angry after seeing this trap card.

"This bastard! I never thought that I would be forced into this situation by a mortal like you!"

Malik looked at his hand with sweat all over his forehead. Even though he didn't want to admit it in his heart, he knew very well that he had been forced into a desperate situation by Jonouchi.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"The Winged Dragon of the Sun God!?"

Looking at the card he had just drawn, Malik closed his eyes and sneered.

"Well, even though it’s a bit humiliating, I’ll acknowledge your strength!"

"Jonouchi, you should feel honored, because next you will die at the hands of God!"

"Die in the hands of God?" After hearing this, alarm bells suddenly rang in Jonouchi's mind, and Malik did as he said and started his operation.

"I Normal Summon, Apostle of the Sun God!"(Attack 1100 Defense 600)

"Attack indication!"

"The Apostle effect of the Sun God is activated!"

"When this card is successfully summoned, you can activate it to Special Summon up to two Apostles of the Sun God from your deck!"

"Come out, you are the sacrifice to the sun god!"

"Activate the magic card Double Summon, and I can perform a Normal Summon this turn!"

"Jonouchi, are you ready to be consumed by the wrath of God?"



Seeing three identical monsters suddenly appear on Malik's field, not only Jonouchi became nervous, but even the people watching the duel below the arena also became nervous.

"Apollo? Malik, let me see for myself whether the Pterosaur in your hand can really surpass my Colossus!"

"Jonouchi, don't be careless, the power of God is definitely not that simple!"

Under the gazes of Kaiba Seto, Yami Yugi, and everyone else, Malik slapped the last God Card on the Duel Disk!

"I offer three sacrifices and Normal Summon!"

"bring it on!"

"Sun god Ra!"

"Accept my offering and show your divine presence!"

"Fly in the sky and transform into a flaming phoenix!"

"Ra's Winged Dragon!"


Along with a light that seemed to be able to tear apart the endless darkness, it appeared above the duel airship. The power of the sun god Ra seemed to reverse the laws of nature. It was clearly night now, but under the power of the Winged Dragon, it seemed as if a second sun appeared above the duel airship.

In the dazzling sunlight, Malik lowered his head and began to recite the prayer used by ancient priests in sacrifice with great piety. With the end of the prayer, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God finally revealed his original appearance! The

Winged Dragon of the Sun God! (Attack and defense?)

"The first special effect of Pterosaur is activated!"

"This card's attack and defense are increased by the sum of all the sacrifices, so its attack is 3300 points and its defense is 1800 points!"

"Attack power 3300?" Seeing the attack power of the Pterosaur, Jonouchi's forehead was instantly covered with sweat.


"Jonouchi, do you think this is the end? Now, let me show you the uniqueness of Pterosaur compared to the other two God Cards!"

Saying these words, Malik turned his gaze to Kaiba Seto and Yami Yugi below the duel arena.

"Kaiba and Yugi, open your eyes and see clearly, the second special effect of Pteranodon is that it can increase its attack power by sacrificing my life points during the main phase of my turn, but I don’t want to play Dead City yet, so I’ll just pay 100 life points for demonstration."

(Note: In fact, this effect is not rigorous, readers can regard it as Malik’s nonsense effect. After all, the original Pteranodon card in the anime does not actually have any effect written. After the end of the Urban Duel chapter, the three god cards will have a new clear effect definition.)

Malik LP1400>1300

Apollo God’s Pteranodon attack power 3400UP!

"Humph, the wrath of the Sun God cannot be quelled so easily, so I will start by killing the most pitiful monster first!"

"Fight, Layo, release your anger to my enemies! Destroy the enemies that appear before me!"

"Divine Flame Bombardment!"

A raging flame that seemed to melt the sky burst out from the mouth of the Winged Dragon and hit the Red-Eyes Dragon fiercely. Under the burning of the Divine Flame, the latter was directly blasted into pieces!

However, this was not the end. Although it was only a passive loss of blood, because of the dark game, Jonouchi also felt the pain that the Red-Eyes Dragon suffered when it was broken.


As if his body was on fire, Jonouchi let out a miserable wail in the flames. As the god of this world, the Pterosaur was not only showing off his majesty, but also punishing those who attempted to blaspheme against him!

Jonouchi LP1900﹥600

"Oh no, no, no, Jonouchi, you must not be so easy to play with!"

Looking at Jonouchi's miserable state, Malik laughed again.

"The game has just begun, and in return for irritating me, I will let you understand what real pain is!"

"The special effect of Pterosaur is activated. At the end of the attack, Pterosaur can restore the attack power when it was originally summoned and return the health points I paid!"

(Note: In order to improve reading clarity, the second effect of Pterosaur uses a mixture of real cards and animation effects. You can pay any life points to change the attack power, and restore the paid life points after the battle. Regarding the Three Gods Card, there will be a clearer definition after the Duel City chapter is completed, and it will not be as confusing as it is now. )

Malik LP1300﹥1400

Looking at Kaiba Seto's shocked and angry expression, Malik's vanity was greatly satisfied at this time.

"What do you think, President Kaiba? Now you believe what I said, right? It is no exaggeration to say that my Pterosaur is the most powerful among the three mythical gods!"

"Finally, I activate the magic card Cyclone to destroy the Soul Extraction on your field."

"My turn is over!"

The focus in his eyes was a little blurred. Due to the dark game, Jonouchi was now covered in wounds.

Wisps of white smoke were emanating from his body, and there were obvious burn marks on his face and arms.

"Malik, you can't knock me down!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the card he just drew, Jonouchi slowly placed it on the field.

"I ~ Overlay a card on my field and change Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon to ~ Defense Position"

"Malik, my soul and bond cards are still on the field, Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon has not given up yet, and I~ won't give up either!"

"The special effect of Red-Eyes Flying Dragon is activated. When this card is in the Graveyard, I can remove it at the end of my turn and Special Summon a card with the Red-Eyes character on it from the Graveyard!"

"I Special Summon Red-Eyes Iron Knight in Defense Position!"

"My turn is over."

"Jonouchi, stop insisting and surrender now!" Seeing Jonouchi's appearance at this moment, Kong Quewu, who was already in tears, couldn't help but yelled.

""Jounouchi!" Seeing his friend become like this, An Yugi's heart was like a knife cutting, clenching his fist tightly, and Wang Yang was already in a rage at this time.

"Did I do something wrong?"As the instigator of Jonouchi, Li Youfeng could not help but blame himself. You have to know that reality is always different from animation. Such pain is simply not something that ordinary people can bear!

"Haha~ It’s my turn, draw a card!"

"At this moment, the effect of the Cursed Soul Mask was activated. Jonouchi, you will take 500 points of damage!"

Jonouchi LP600>100

As Malik spoke, a black mist attacked Jonouchi again. As expected, the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon appeared in front of Jonouchi again and used his body to block the invasion of the black mist.

"Damn it, this monster is obviously weird, this kind of action is simply not something a monster can do!"

If it was just a once, Malik might still treat it as an accident, but this time the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon's unconventional behavior has already attracted Malik's attention.

"Soul and bond card?"

"Huh, that's ridiculous!"

"Look, I have to get rid of this annoying Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon first!"

A cruel smile appeared on his twisted face. At this moment, Malik only wanted to torture Jonouchi in various perverted ways.

Yes, a simple victory could no longer satisfy Malik. He had decided to���Destroy everything in the city!

"Haha! Jonouchi, open your eyes and watch carefully. No matter your soul or your fetters, they cannot stop the power of God!"

"I will obliterate your thoughts, destroy your will, tear apart your shackles, devour your soul, and let your body wander forever in endless pain and darkness like a walking corpse!"

"O Winged Dragon of Ra, bring down divine punishment on the foolish mortals who attempt to blaspheme your majesty, and utterly destroy the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!"

"Divine Flame Bombardment!"

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