As if to prove his words, Malik slowly stood up from the floor, revealing a cruel smile, and placed his hand on his duel disk.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Glancing at the Red-Eyes Dark Dragon on Jonouchi's field, Malik laughed wildly while holding the card he had just drawn.

"Haha~! Jonouchi, you idiot, you dare to kill God? You don't understand the power of God at all, and you don't know what kind of stupid thing you did!"

"Just consider it as me praising you, Jonouchi, you did a really good job. I have to say you are very lucky, because you are about to see the final form of Pteranodon!"


Malik's words made Jonouchi's eyes widen. Even Yami Yugi and Kaiba, who were standing under the duel arena, turned to look at Li Youfeng with horror.

A doubt also emerged in the minds of both of them at this moment, that is, why did Li Youfeng know that Pterosaur would have the so-called final form.

In the eyes of everyone except Li Youfeng, Malik slapped the card he had just drawn on the duel disk.

"I activate the magic card, Resurrection of the Dead!"

"Resurrect, Pterosaur, and come back to my place!"

"Jonouchi, I hereby declare that I will completely get rid of you in this round!"

With the activation of the magic card Resurrection of the Dead, in a dazzling light, the Pterosaur of the Sun God once again returned to Malik's field.

As if it was completely enraged by Jonouchi's previous actions, the power exuded by the Pterosaur at this time was much higher than when it just appeared.

Keenly noticing the attack power of the Pterosaur at this time, Jonouchi pointed at Malik and said loudly:"The attack power of the Pterosaur is determined by the total attack power of the sacrifice. The Pterosaur with only 0 attack power is no match for the True Red-Eyes Dark Dragon. Even if you resurrect it, it will not be able to attack!"

"Haha, Jonouchi, you seem to have forgotten that we are in a dark game!"

Shaking his head slightly, Malik suddenly waved his hand loudly and said:"Regret your own behavior, Jonouchi, now you will witness the true power of God with your own eyes, because the Pterosaur resurrected from the cemetery will completely change its posture. This is the original true appearance of the Pterosaur!"

The ancient Egyptian priest's ancient prayer was recited again. The Pterosaur resurrected from the cemetery was slowly wrapped by its own sun fire. With the end of the prayer, the Pterosaur of the Sun God finally returned to its original appearance!

"The final form of the Winged Dragon of the Sun God!"

"God Phoenix!"

The figure of Pterosaur shocked everyone around the duel field. Looking at the Pterosaur burning with flames, Yami Yugi couldn't help but said:"Jounouchi is right. The attack power of the Pterosaur resurrected from the cemetery is only 0 points. Such a god is no match for the Red-Eyes Dark Dragon. But Malik has already declared victory. How can he do it?"

"Hehehe, Jonouchi, are you also wondering how I can win? Don't worry, I will let you die clearly now!"

With a cruel smile on his face, Malik opened his arms and shouted loudly:"The special effect of Pterosaur is activated. I pay 1000 life points and destroy all monsters on the opponent's field!"

Malik 1100LP>100

""God of the Phoenix!"

As the effect was activated, the Winged Dragon, which had transformed into a Phoenix, stared at the monster that had just defeated it. The Sun Fire gushed out and hit the Red-Eyes Dark Dragon heavily.



The wrath of God is simply not something that ordinary monsters can resist. The pain of being burned by the sun's fire was transmitted to Jonouchi, causing the latter to be inevitably enveloped by the sun's fire again!

"Hahaha, how about it, Jonouchi? This time there is no weird Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon to protect you. Under the flames of God, your soul is doomed to be reduced to ashes! Hahaha!"

"Phoenix, attack the city directly!"

(Malik: Yes, I can't beat you in a serious card game, so I decided to kill you directly with an off-card move!)

"Why? The Phoenix's attack is only 0 points, and even if it hits the body, it can't cause any damage. Why did Malik do this?"

"Fuck you, Malik, stop it right there!"

To Yami Yugi and Kaiba Seto, who were confused, Li Youfeng, who understood the seriousness of the situation, immediately cursed.

You know, even an indirect attack could hurt Jonouchi so badly, so if it was a direct attack, even if it was a Phoenix with 0 attack power, it would definitely not be something that an average person's mental strength could withstand.


The Phoenix with an attack power of 0 hit Jonouchi's body fiercely, just like gasoline being ignited. Jonouchi, who was bathed in the fire of the sun, immediately let out a painful cry. Jonouchi's miserable cry obviously gave Malik great pleasure. This pain of burning body in flames lasted for more than ten seconds before it ended because the Red-Eyes Dark Dragon was destroyed. At this time, Jonouchi had already fallen on the ring of the Sky Arena, and his life or death was unknown!

Two indirect attacks and one direct attack. Strictly speaking, Jonouchi had been hurt by the fire of the sun three times.

"Haha, what do you think, Jonouchi? You are just a mortal, but you dare to wield the knife against God. This is the flame of heaven's punishment for fools. Go to hell and reflect on yourself!"

"Malik, you bastard!"

"Shit, I can’t fucking stand this anymore!"

"What do you two want to do? Get back here!"

Looking at Jonouchi lying motionless on the ring, Li Youfeng was furious. He ignored Kaiba Seto's dissuasion and rushed directly along the railing to the duel ring. Seeing this, An Yugi was not willing to lag behind and rushed over right behind Li Youfeng.

"Haha, if you want to save the city, the Dark Game is not over yet. The price of forcibly destroying the Dark Game is not something that ordinary people can bear!"

Seeing Dark Game and Li Youfeng both rushing up, Malik's face showed a cruel expression again. However, just when he thought he had won, a weak voice came over.


""Ah!?" Although the voice was not loud, it was still clearly heard by everyone present.

Looking in the direction where the voice came from, they saw Jonouchi slowly climbing up from the floor of the ring.

Malik's smile froze on his face. At this moment, he could hardly believe what he saw, because Jonouchi had stood up again after three baptisms of God's flames.

"Why? No, this is impossible! Is Jonouchi's mental power stronger than God's attack power?"

Malik's distorted face was covered with blue veins. He had lost his smile and was completely dominated by fear. With an unbelievable look on his face, Jonouchi stood up again as a mortal.

Looking at Li Youfeng and An Yugi, Jonouchi, who was sweating profusely, showed a forced smile:"Yugi, Youfeng! Thank you for your kindness, but~ this is my duel, please both of you go down"

"Within the city!"

"You Feng!" Seeing that Li You Feng wanted to say something, An Yugi quickly reached out and grabbed him,"This is Jonouchi's own choice, we should respect his decision."

Seeing An Yugi slightly shaking his head at him, Li You Feng sighed and could only follow An Yugi down the Sky Arena.

However, just as Li You Feng was about to leave the duel arena, he could see the duel elves and suddenly discovered when he turned around unintentionally that the duel elf of the True Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon had been standing behind Jonouchi.

"So that's what happened!"

Yes, just as Li Youfeng expected, in the flames of God, the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon appeared again to protect Jonouchi.

As a duel spirit, it had already been covered with wounds due to the three solar fires, with broken wings, cracked scales, and shattered claws. However, even so, it still firmly protected Jonouchi with its body.

As if sensing something, Jonouchi, who was standing on the ring, slowly turned his head and looked behind him. Although he could not see the duel spirit, Jonouchi could clearly feel its presence.

"Thank you, my soul and bond card!"

As if talking to himself, Jonouchi thanked the air behind him and raised his right hand to his duel disk.

As the round was over, the Pterosaur on Malik's field returned to the graveyard again, and at this time, his field was already empty!

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at Jonouchi drawing a card from the duel disk, Malik was already in fear, because he knew that if Jonouchi drew a monster card this round, then what awaited him would be a humiliating defeat!

A card flashing with dark red starlight was drawn into Jonouchi's hand. Looking at this card, Jonouchi smiled and shook his head.

"Haha, Jonouchi, the card you just drew must not be a monster card!"

"Yes, you guessed it right, the card I just drew was not a monster card."

Malik saw Jonouchi's expression clearly, and pointed at Jonouchi. Malik laughed again because of the joy of surviving the disaster. Slowly showing the card in his hand, Jonouchi said with a smile:"Because the card I just drew is Resurrection of the Dead!"


"The dead are resurrected! ?"

"Do you want to?"

Just as Malik guessed, Jonouchi had a faint smile on his face and raised his hand to slap the card on the duel disk.

"I activate the magic card, Resurrection of the Dead!"

"Noble Crimson Dragon, show your unyielding will, respond to my call, and fly freely in the sky!"

"Come back to me again!"

"Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!" (Attack 2800 Defense 2400)


The earth-shaking roar resounded through the sky again. Because of the power of the dead resurrecting, a round black hole suddenly appeared in the sky above the duel airship!

The gate from the underworld to the living world was opened again, and the True Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon suddenly rushed out of the black round hole.

Unlike the previous appearance, the True Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon at this time was still covered with wounds, with blood flowing on its body, and even its dragon beak was broken in half!

However, there was still a fighting spirit in its eyes. The pair of dragon eyes like rubies had never dimmed, and still emitted a bright light that seemed to illuminate the darkness.

"Are you kidding me? No, I don't admit it. This must be a nightmare!"

Looking at the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon that appeared in front of him again, Malik was completely numb. Although he couldn't explain it, he felt that this monster was different from other monsters, because this monster obviously had life!

"Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon, thank you for your hard work. I'll leave the final blow to you!"

Looking at the scarred Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon, Jonouchi, who was in a similar situation, laughed heartily. As his own soul monster, the final blow to end Malik should also be delivered by the Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon.


Clearly sensing Jonouchi's intention, the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon roared to the sky, as if responding to Jonouchi's indomitable fighting spirit. The airflow above the airship was almost visible to the naked eye and was sucked into the belly of the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon to the maximum extent!


Staring at Malik, Jonouchi issued the final order!

"True Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!"

"Direct attack!"

"True red dragon breath!"



"This is impossible!"

"How can this be?"

"I will never lose to a mortal!"

A huge red shock wave gushed out from the mouth of the True Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon. Malik, the target, was unable to move at this time. With a scream, he was directly hit by the True Red shock wave!

Malik LP100>0.

Under the punishment of the Dark Game, Malik, who was hit by the True Red Dragon Breath, flew backwards involuntarily. After hitting the guardrail of the Sky Arena heavily, he fell to the floor of the Sky Arena because of the recoil force.

"Well done Jonouchi!"

"Well done!"

"Won, Jonouchi really won!"

""Wow, wow, wow~ Jonouchi you idiot!"

Seeing Malik being knocked to the ground by the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon, the protagonists including Li Youfeng cheered immediately. Looking at the bruised Jonouchi, Peacock Dance even cried on the spot.

"Won, did that mediocre guy really win?"

"Jonouchi, he actually defeated the gods?"

When Kaiba Seto saw this scene, his eyes were almost dull, because he really couldn't believe that Jonouchi, who was killed by him in one round in the Duel Kingdom, had grown to this point.

His unyielding will and tenacious fighting spirit could suppress the gods, and he even buried the Winged Dragon, one of the three legendary mythical gods, here with his mortal body!

"The winner is Jonouchi!

Seeing that Malik's health had been deducted, Isono, who was acting as the referee, announced the result of the match loudly.


"I won!!!"

Because of extreme excitement, Jonouchi shouted in ecstasy in the Sky Arena.

"Thank you, Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon."

After completely releasing the depression in his heart, Jonouchi, with an extremely gentle look, gently took down the card with Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon printed on it from the duel disk.

The moment he touched the card, Jonouchi clearly felt that the card still had the residual heat left after being burned by the fire of the sun.

"All this is not an illusion, it is you who is protecting me." He slowly closed his eyes, and both his mind and body had reached their limits. After pressing the card tightly against his chest, he fell on his back.

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