"Hehe~ Li Youfeng, it seems that you don't know the effect of my deck leader yet!"

With a sinister smile on his face, Ooka Chikuzen decisively activated the Judge's deck leader effect.

"My deck leader can activate his own special effect by paying 1000 life points, removing all monsters on your field, and you will take 500 points of damage for each monster removed!"

"Take it, life sentence!"

As the Judge's special effect was activated, Li Youfeng's cotton candy on the field turned into a beam of light and disappeared on the field. For the Big Five, he was no longer a threat as there were no monsters in the front field.

Big Five LP2000>1000

Li Youfeng LP4000>3500

"Damn it, they lied to me!" Li Youfeng was inexplicably lied to, and he felt very unhappy. After all, a blank card could have such a perverted ability, what else could it be but a lie?

"Humph, Li Youfeng, as a lawyer, prudence has always been my most important work attitude. Do you think I will ignore the two cover cards in your backcourt and rashly launch an attack?"

After a cold smile, Ooka Chikuzen showed another card.

"I activate a magic card from my hand, Storm!"

"This card can destroy all the covered cards on your back field. Since the Mist Altar is not affected by magic cards, it will not be destroyed. What do you think, Li Youfeng? This is the latest card published by the Illusion Society. With the wisdom of Lord Noa, we got it very easily!"

Seeing a huge whirlwind blowing over from the Big Five's field, Li Youfeng shook his head with disdain.

"Haha, what did I think it was? It turned out to be Da Lan. Well, let me activate the effect of the card!"

Pointing to a covered card on his field, Li Youfeng said with a smile:"Open the covered card, the hospitality of the half-dragon maid!"

"The effect of this card is that you can select a Half-Dragon Maid Monster from your hand or graveyard and Special Summon it in Defense Position. After that, you can send a Half-Dragon Maid Monster with the same attributes as the Special Summoned monster but a different Level from the deck to the graveyard!"

"I choose to Special Summon Half-Dragon Maid Nursery Dragon Lady from the Graveyard, and send Half-Dragon Maid Earthly Dragon Lady from the Deck to the Graveyard."

"The special effect of the half-dragon maid raising a dragon girl is activated!"

"When this card is successfully Special Summoned, it can revive a Half-Dragon Maid monster of level 4 or lower from the Graveyard. I choose to revive the Half-Dragon Maid Dormitory Dragon Girl!"

"The effect of Half Dragon Maid Dormitory Dragon Lady is activated. When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned successfully, you can select a Half Dragon Maid Spell Card or Trap Card from your Deck and add it to your hand."

"As for my other covered card, it is actually to prevent you from using the Lava Demon's attack to cover the Torture Wheel. But if it is destroyed, it is destroyed, I don't feel bad!"

With a smile, he made a please gesture and said in a mean way:"Okay, please continue your performance!"

It's numb!

Ooka Chikuzen said that he was really numb this time!

Seeing that Li Youfeng actually summoned two monsters in his turn, Ooka Chikuzen looked down at his remaining life value with some pain.

1000 LP.

Well, not enough to activate the special effect of the Judge.

But it doesn't matter (broken voice)!

The two sister shaking on your field have only 500 attack power, which is not enough for my Mechanical King to fight!

Such a delicate sister shaking, if you hit it with a punch, I'm afraid she will really hide in the quilt and cry for a long time!

Licking the corner of his mouth, Ooka Chikuzen suddenly waved his hand and shouted:"Fight! Mechanical King……"

"Wait a moment!"

Li Youfeng quickly raised his hand to interrupt Ooka Chikuzen's extremely exaggerated action, and said with a smile:"I want to activate the special effects of the Infant Dragon Girl and the Dormitory Dragon Girl!"

"When entering the battle phase, these two cards can be returned from the field to the hand and special summoned from the graveyard!"

"Come out, half-dragon maids, Earthly Dragon Girl and Red Flame Dragon Girl!"

Earthly Dragon Girl, attack power 2600, defense power 1600.

Red Flame Dragon Girl, attack power 2700, defense power 1700

""F**k! Comrade, former lawyer of Kaiba Group, come on, don't show mercy just because my card is a sister card. I hope you can come on without hesitation!" Collapse!

Ooka Chikuzen said that his mentality has completely collapsed.

Seeing the two delicate and beautiful maids suddenly turned into two fangs and claws of giant dragons, Ooka Chikuzen's psychological shadow area is expanding infinitely. At this time, Ooka Chikuzen really wants to ask Li Youfeng, is this your turn or my turn?

Why is it so ~ unethical?

(Li Youfeng: Your turn is my turn, and my turn is still mine!)

"Haha! He's out of steam! Did you see that? That stupid lawyer has completely lost his temper. Mai, do you dare to bet with me that the mentality of these five giants must have almost collapsed? If I'm not mistaken, I'm afraid they have already started quarreling!"

"Come on, it's obvious that I won't bet with you! Haha~! Ouch, I can't take it anymore, my stomach hurts so much from laughing. Look at You Feng's field, it feels like a hornet's nest. In their turn, You Feng summoned monsters with attack power of 2600 and 2700 respectively, and they can't attack. This is unbearable for anyone!"

As duelists, Jonouchi and Kongquewu can certainly understand Ooka Chikuzen's mood at the moment. While laughing heartily, the two of them were secretly glad that it was not them who were duelling with You Feng on the field, otherwise, their mentality would have collapsed long ago.

With a frown on his face, Ooka Chikuzen adjusted his eyes awkwardly.

"I cover a card in the backfield!"

"My turn is over."

After saying this, Ooka Chikuzen in the electronic world turned around and ignored the four colleagues behind him who looked as if their parents had died. He said calmly,"Who's next?"

"Fuck you, is this your strength? Two monsters with attack power no less than that of Blue-Eyes White Dragon? Who are you going to let go?"

"This is the second thing. Didn't you see that our health points are only 1,000 points? What's the matter? Can we withstand Li Youfeng's attack now?"

"Ooka Chikuzen, you are really amazing. You eliminated a marshmallow with only 1000 health points? Did a donkey kick your brain? You really don't take your health points seriously, right?"

"Damn, you're backing down now, what were you doing before? Oh, you thought you could get away with it by putting up a trap card? Do you really think that Li Youfeng is a rookie?"

Just as Jonouchi and Kongquewu expected, the five giants, whose mentality had collapsed, started arguing in the electronic space.

"Stop arguing, it's useless even if you shout your head off!"

Just when everyone was arguing, Daimon Kogoro, who had remained silent among the five giants, stood up.

"I don't know if I can handle it."

Seeing that other colleagues were looking at him in surprise, Kogoro Daimon said calmly:"My deck leader, the android Soga, can invalidate the opponent's Trap Cards. Besides, hasn't Ooka Chikuzen already covered the Trap Cards? As long as we can successfully hold on to the next round, we still have a chance to turn the tables, so let me go!"

Hearing Kogoro Daimon's words, the other four of the Big Five also lowered their heads. Without saying anything else, Kogoro Daimon took over the body directly and replaced the deck leader with the android Soga - Mind Shocker

"My turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, and there is 1 remaining in this game.

While the five giants were arguing, Li Youfeng started his turn at the same time. Seeing the android Soga appear next to the Absolute Defense General, Li Youfeng immediately understood what kind of deck leader effect this deck leader had.

"Oh, it's a change of player again, what a pity, just a cover card can't stop me!"

Turning his head to look at the laundry dragon girl beside him, Li Youfeng waved his hand and said:"Send three more cards from the deck to the graveyard for me!"

""Got it, Master!" After giving Li Youfeng a cute maid salute, the laundry lady sent three more cards into the cemetery.

"At this moment, I want to open the cover card!"

Just when Li Youfeng activated the deck's command effect, Daimon Kogoro couldn't wait to open the cover card on his field.

"Trap Card activated, Intimidating Roar!"

"The effect of this card is that you cannot declare an attack in this round. Hehe, how about that, Li Youfeng? You are helpless now, right?"

On the surface, he seemed very calm, but in fact, at this moment, Daimon Kogoro was already sweating profusely. Not only him, but even the other four giants in the electronic network were constantly praying that Li Youfeng would end his round quickly.

"Well, that's it!"

After touching his chin and thinking for a few seconds, Li Youfeng took out a card from his hand.

"I cover a card on the backfield, then switch Earth Dragon Lady and Scarlet Flame Dragon Lady to Defense Position. My turn is over!"

"Great!!!" X5 saw Li Youfeng finish his round, and the five giants breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. As for Daimon Kogoro who stayed on the field to duel with Li Youfeng, he had already laughed heartily.

"Hahaha! Li Youfeng, you are finished. This duel is our victory after all!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

With a smile on his face, he drew a card from the deck, pointed at the Mist Altar on his field and said loudly:"The effect of the Mist Altar is activated. After three turns, you can destroy this card and choose a Ritual of the Evil Dragon from the deck to add to your hand!"

(This is a card from the original anime. In fact, this card does not exist on the real card. For details, please watch the original anime Noa chapter)

"The ritual of the evil dragon begins!"

"This card can sacrifice monsters of the five attributes of earth, wind, water, fire, and dark, and summon the most powerful and ultimate evil dragon at the same time!"

After hearing what Omon Kogoro said, except for Li Youfeng who remained indifferent, several people in Jonouchi immediately felt that things were not going well.

"The most powerful and ultimate evil dragon? Could it be that evil dragon that the five giants were talking about?"

"Jonouchi, you guessed it right. When it comes to the most powerful and ultimate evil dragon in the hands of the five giants, I can only think of that terrifying monster!"

Honda and Mika Ryuji immediately showed a puzzled expression when they found that the expressions of Kongquewu and Jonouchi suddenly became serious.

"What kind of monster is so powerful that it makes you two look like this, Honda, do you know what's going on?"

"I just heard about it. I was fighting with the bodyguards of the Kaiba Group at the time and had no time to pay attention to the display screen. Later, I heard from Jonouchi that they encountered a monster called the Five Emperors Dragon. As for what the monster looked like, I had never seen it."

After declaring victory and thinking that he had a chance to turn the tables, Daimon Kogoro was like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw. With ups and downs, his expression became more and more crazy.

"The ritual of the magic card evil dragon is activated!"

Looking at Li Youfeng's expressionless dead fish face, Daimon Kogoro was also very angry. Without any delay, the other five giants also cooperated with Daimon Kogoro and used their own card group leaders as sacrifices to summon the Five Emperors Dragon.

"Haha, invincible five-headed dragon, please accept our sacrifice and show yourself!"

"I will combine the earth, water, wind, fire, and dark cards.���Offer it as a sacrifice, Fusion Summon!"

(Ritual Magic Card is actually a Fusion Summon. I really don't know how to complain about this. I can only say that now it seems that many parts of the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime are reversed, which is really not rigorous.)

"Five Emperor Dragons!" (Attack Power 5000)

"A fusion monster cannot attack in the first round after being successfully summoned, but as the strongest dragon clan, the Five Emperors Dragon has unparalleled special abilities!"

(The Noa chapter is just nonsense, and it has nothing to do with the real duel. The author has tried to simplify it as much as possible, otherwise it would be unbearable to watch.)

"Humph, what special ability? It's nothing more than that the monsters with the five attributes of earth, water, wind, fire, and darkness cannot fight and destroy the Five Emperor Dragons. What's so good about it?"After hearing this, Li Youfeng crossed his arms and shook his head with disdain.

"Haha, this is just one of them!"

Standing on the back of the Five Emperors Dragon, he laughed out loud. Daimon Kogoro waved his hand with a ferocious look on his face and said,"Activate the special effect of the Five Emperors Dragon. When this card is successfully summoned, it can destroy all cards on the field except this card regardless of the conditions!"

Jonouchi and others:"What?"


Not only Jonouchi and others were stunned, even Li Youfeng was stunned on the spot!

It happened so fast that before Li Youfeng could react, the five dragon heads of the Five Emperors Dragon opened fire at the same time, directly carpet-bombing Li Youfeng's field! (It's still the original effect of the anime, I can't complain!)


" Fuck you! Are you kidding me!!!"

After a round of bombardment, Li Youfeng's field was cleaned up. Looking at the empty field, Li Youfeng, who was squatting on the ground with his hands on his head and trembling, couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

After calming down a little, he opened his void deck with a trembling right hand. After finding the Five Emperors Dragon Fusion Monster Card and carefully reading its effect, Li Youfeng, whose face suddenly changed, pointed at the five giants and shouted loudly!

"Fuck! You are lying to me again!"

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