“My turn, draw!”

As the Anasis cover card ends the round, You Ming immediately draws the card.

Looking at his own scene, although it was only the second round, he had already occupied three monsters.

If you change to a regular deck, it is easy for the sacrifice to summon the superior monster at this time.

However, due to the characteristics of the Gurangi system, except for the owl that has just used the base sequence to change the special move, there are no conditions for further summoning.

Of course, as a complete deck system, there are naturally cards to make up for this defect.

“I activate the Perpetual Magic Card – Kill Counter – Ba Gong Dada!”

“According to the effect of this card, I have three Gurangi occupancy and two hands, then immediately get five Gulangi indicators!”

“Then, you can assign these indicators arbitrarily!”

【Kill Counter – Badada】

When this card is successfully activated, you will receive a Gulangi indicator for every monster with the name Gulangi in your field and every hand in your hand.

At the end of each turn, this card receives a Gurangi indicator.

Used only once per turn, it can be used in its main stage, and any number of Gurangi indicators carried by this card can be assigned to monsters with Gulangi names on any number.


“Bagodada is a counting item for the killing game, and it is also the most authoritative accounting method of the Gulangi family.”

“Distribute all 5 indicators to the rhinoceros, so that the basic conditions for special moves are met.”

“Directly take the rhinoceros as a sacrifice, and specially summon the great general-Gulangji-Ge-Unicorn Immortal!”


Eight Stars/ATK: 3000/EF: 2500/Dark Attribute/Warrior Clan


This card cannot be summoned normally, and can only be summoned with monsters with the word Gurangi and more than five Gulangi indicators as sacrifices; Special recall mergers prevent players from performing any other form of summoning.

This card attacks the garrison to indicate the occasion of the monster, the attack power exceeds the guard, giving damage to the opposing player; Fight to destroy monsters and get an ancient revelation.

During the main stage, for each Gurangi indicator on the card, the player can perform a declaration (magic, trap, monster effect), which directly matches the end stage, declaring the type of opposing player’s card, and the effect of this card is invalidated.


“The unicorn fairy is the strongest monster below the Gulangji royal family.”

“Since the rhino entered the cemetery, an indicator on the body was assigned to the unicorn.”

“That way, I can declare a genre until the end of the round, when the trap is invalidated for unicorns.”

“Then enter the battle phase! The Unicorn Fairy attacks the Dark Fortress Whale! The owl attacks the player directly! ”

“According to the effect of these two monsters, none of them will be affected by your cover card at the moment!”

“The unicorn destroys the monster and deals 700 damage, and the owl then deals 2400 damage!”

The burly general and the winged owl pounced on each other at the same time.

While easily bombarding the Fortress Whale, it also penetrated the body of Anacius, causing 3100 damage.

“According to the effect of the unicorn fairy, indicators are obtained when fighting to destroy monsters, and he currently has three indicators on him.”

“My round ends and activates the effect of the other two cards at this moment.”

“The owl gets two indicators, and the Perpetual Magic Bagongdada also gets an indicator.”

【Health comparison: You Ming 3000/Anasis 900】

“My turn, draw!”

“It’s worthy of being my favorite deck, and the combat power is really strong enough!”

“But the Atlantisca set I’m proud of, it’s not that easy to deal with!”

Anasis takes a lot of damage, but instead of feeling frustrated, he becomes more and more interested in Youming’s deck.

“Open the cover of life and death and resurrect my pet Dark Fortress Whale!”

“Of course, the attack power of the Dark Fortress Whale is still no match for the unicorn fairy, so it is actually just a sacrifice.”

“According to the effect of Atlantis, the seven-star monster sea dragon-tedalus only needs one sacrifice to summon!”

“Come out! My ace Sea Dragon – Tedalus! ”

Anassis smiled evilly and suddenly pointed to You Ming’s scene.

“Activate the effect, send the sea that exists on your field to the cemetery, and destroy all the cards on the field other than this card.”

“Although I don’t have the sea card on the field, according to the rules, Atlantis can be used as a sea!”

“Destroy it all! Sea Dragon – Tedalus attacks the player directly! ”


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