“You Ming, of course, my round is not over yet.”

“Then activate the equipment magic card “Resurrection from Another Dimension”! Abandon a hand and revive the “Carbon Dragon” in the exclusion area! ”

[Resurrection from another dimension].

Discard a hand and activate it against one of your own monsters.

That monster attack indicates a special summon, equip this card, and when this card leaves the field, that monster destroys.


“In this instant, I use the last hand to quickly attack the magic “Hell’s Rampage Summoning”!”

“This card has a monster on the side of your field, and I can only activate the special summon of monsters with attack power below 1500 on the field, and summon the card of the same name as much as possible, and then you can also choose a monster to perform the card of the same name.”

Misawa made a desperate bet and used his hand cleanly in an instant.

With the effect of “Hell’s Rampage Summon”, the other two “Carbon Dragons” in the deck are also summoned to the field with attack signs.

But at the same time, You Ming did not make any movement and could not activate the effect of this card.

“You Ming, I have observed your duel with Manzhangmu, so I know one thing very well.”

“Although your deck is strong, it is limited to the number of cards, and there is only one monster with the same name, which is the experience that Manjomu summed up for me with failure.”

“So when adjusting the deck, I also deliberately added this card.”

“Although the carbon dragon’s attack power is very low, and it must be summoned to the field with an attack sign, as long as you use the link of the “insecticide net” and the “DNA modification surgery”, then you cannot attack.”

Sanze Dadi explained in one breath, noticing the approval in You Ming’s eyes, and his heart was also inexplicably excited.

Although the two are the same graduates, You Ming’s aura is too terrifying, and no one can ignore his influence.

Coupled with the explosive title and the legend of undefeated, it seems that it is already an existence beyond the students.

Even getting an appreciative look made Misawa feel relaxed and comfortable.

Deep down, he actually didn’t put himself on an equal footing with You Ming.

As he said at noon, the challenge itself is not too certain, just to complete this long-cherished duel when he still has the courage.

And at this moment, You Ming was indeed slightly surprised, he didn’t expect this guy to be able to do what he saw.

From the previous “Demon Sealing Spell”, to the “Insecticide Net” and “DNA Modification Surgery”, and now it is “Hell’s Rampage Call”.

This guy has actually changed the original deck beyond recognition while targeting himself.

The effect cannot be said to be nothing, on the contrary, restraint is still very effective, but just like Kagurazaka, who imitates others every day, it has lost its original intention of dueling.

But it is undeniable that the land of Misawa does have its own advantages and values.

At least compared to Maruto Sho and the like, he is already a good player, and he is also very valuable for the stream on specific occasions.

“Your cards have run out, it should be over.”

“My turn, draw.”

You Ming started his round directly, without the slightest hesitation because of emotion, fighting with all his strength is respect for his opponent.

“There is no card that destroys the magic trap chain, it seems that it can only use the attack power of “Explosive Obu” to temporarily hold the scene.”

“But fortunately, the duel is only interesting if it is carried out like this, let me feel the characteristics of the Ultra Sublimation deck more.”

“Summon “Digga Ultraman” with the garrison sign, and turn the “original Ultraman” into a garrison sign.”

“Cover a card and the round is over.”

Since he could not destroy the “insecticide net” and “DNA modification surgery”, You Ming had no way to attack, so he could only stand by for the time being.

As long as you ensure your HP and scenes, it is only a matter of time before you defeat your opponent in the face of the super bonds of Ultra warriors.

“Then go to my round, draw the cards.”

“Take two ‘Carbon Dragons’ as a sacrifice, usually summon ‘Revolver Dragons’!”

[Revolver Dragon].

Seven Stars/ATK: 2600/DEF: 2200/Dark Attribute/Mecha


Once a turn, it can only be launched against a monster on the opponent’s field.

Three coin tosses are performed, and within two or more occasions is the “table”, that monster destroys.


“Because of the chain that seals your attack, even if the probability is less than fifty percent, I have the opportunity to try multiple times.”

“Launch the effect of the “Revolver Dragon” in response to the “Explosive Ob”, throw a coin!”

Sanze said loudly, took out three coins out of nowhere, threw them in the air in front of You Ming, and then fell.

“It seems that I had good luck today, but I didn’t expect to win the lottery the first time.”

“There are two coins that are ‘watch’, so ‘Explosive Obu’ is directly destroyed!”

“It’s still my main stage, and I can activate the ‘Carbon Dragon’ effect in the graveyard.”

“However, the effect of “Carbon Dragon” can only be used once in a turn, so I will exclude one of the “Carbon Dragon” from the game!”

“Come out, the second “Diamond Dragon” in the deck!”

“Now, you can enter the battle stage, since the “Original Ultraman” has the characteristics of fighting destruction, then I will attack the “Diga Ultraman”!”

“Revolver Dragon”! Cannonball fire! ”

(Carbon dragon effect, the diamond dragon must be defended to indicate a special move, and this turn cannot change the offensive and defensive form so it cannot attack)

Looking at the series of actions of Sanze Dadi, You Ming secretly affirmed in his heart that this guy really lived up to the name of data flow and targeted flow, and he was interlocking and strong.

But alas, for the now-sublimated Ultra Card set, just this is still useless.

“At this moment, launch the Perpetual Trap Card – ‘Ultra Soul’!”

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