“According to the effect of the plasma Sairo bracelet, the attack power is increased by 1000 points!”

“Directly inflicting 200 damage on you is equivalent to a black flame bullet.”

“Then put on a card and the round is over.”

As You Ming gave the order, Tyga Ultraman emitted light and pierced through the body of the snow-blowing body in the heavenly court.

However, Rao is the Dark Duel feedback real damage, this guy still gritted his teeth and persevered.

Drawing his cards steadily, Tarzan immediately began his turn.

[Health point comparison: You Ming 4000 / Heavenly Upper Court Blowing Snow 1600]

“My turn, draw!”

“Open the cover card true red eye soul! According to its effect, resurrect a true red-eyed monster in your own graveyard! ”

“Resurrection, my slave is a red-eyed black dragon!”

“Then usually summon the Black Dragon Hatchlings to activate the effect!”

“Send this card indicated on the side of your field to the graveyard, and summon the true red-eyed black dragon from Hand Kateshi!”

Suddenly, two pitch-black dragons vibrated their wings, one left and one right appeared on the snow-blowing field, looking as if they were protectors left and right.

“In this way, I have two dragons on the field, and launch a quick attack magic whirlwind!” Destroy your equipment cards! ”

“Without the protection of the equipment card, this card is just a trash fish.”

“One true red-eyed black dragon attacks Tyga Ultraman, and the other directly attacks the player!”

The Heavenly Court Blowing Snow immediately commanded the black dragon attack.

However, at this moment, You Ming calmly opened the cover card and looked at the other party indifferently.

“Sure enough, you will choose to destroy the equipment magic plasma Sero bracelet indicated on the side of the table.”

“But equipment cards are not only in the form of magic, the new generation deck also has trap cards that can be used as equipment!” (Similar to Metallized Magic Reflection Armor)

“Open the cover – Tyga Spark!”

“This card is a common transformation item for Tyga and his two brothers, and the other two are specially summoned to the field!”

【Tyga Spark】

It can be activated when there is a Tyga Ultraman on your own field.

From the deck or hand, two special summons are made to the field.

This card will exist in the form of an equipment card, equipped on the above three bodies, and when the equipment monster is attacked, discarding a hand card will invalidate the attack.

When this card is destroyed, all equipment monsters are destroyed.


“I discard two hands to neutralize the attacks of two true red-eyed black dragons.”

“I guessed that you will bring a whirlwind, the plasma Sero bracelet just now is just bait.”

“Only if you use it, the Tyga Spark can be safely activated and will not be miserable by negative effects.”

“Now, with the attack over, you have nothing to do and must end the round.”

You Ming looked at his field, and then at the cemetery, so that all the components were completed.

“My turn, draw!”

“Since it is a dark game now, in order not to let your body suffer, let’s simply solve you directly.”

“Activate the Perpetual Magic Card New Generation Fusion!”

【New Generation Integration】

This card indicates the presence of the situation on the side of the table on the field, and the following effects can be activated during the preparation phase.

When you have all the required fusion materials on your field, pay half of your health and except for the materials, and you can perform fusion summons without fusion.

When all the required fusion materials exist in your graveyard, you pay half of your health and except for the materials, and you can perform fusion summons without fusion.

(That is, the fusion materials must be all on the field, or all in the cemetery to start, similar to when A field B is in the cemetery, it cannot be effective)


“At the moment, I have a Tyga Ultraman Tath Ultraman summoned through the Tyga Spark.”

“Match the effect, pay half of the health, except for the three-player squad game, and fuse the Summoning Bond Brave – Triple Slim form!”

“At the same time, there are also qualified material monsters in my graveyard.”

“That’s right, just through the effect of the Tyga Spark, I have already put Rosso Ultraman, the eldest of the three siblings, into the cemetery.”

“Plus Bru Ultramanzi, who was destroyed by your trap card and entered the graveyard!”

“Activate the effect of the new generation fusion, exclude the three siblings from the game, pay half of their health, and fuse the Crystal – Grob Ott who summons bonds!”

“Come out! The brave who represents the bond of friendship, and Grob Ultraman, who represents family affection! ”


In other words, will this last sentence be so lost in the middle of the second (lost in thought)

The author bacteria continue to code, the wood has a manuscript, the old irons rest early, you can get up tomorrow and look at it again!

Well…… Don’t forget to look at it233_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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