Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 10 This place will become a duel city

The situation that happened to the man in black robes, and the man standing behind him, Malik, could more or less know through the ability of the "Thousand-Year Tin Staff", one of the thousand-year-old artifacts.

In a dark space far away from Tongshiye City, Malik, surrounded by his men in black robes, sat on the Taishi chair, using the "eye" pattern that appeared on the forehead of the black-robed man, I saw You Ling's next move.

After seeing You Ling's "sweeping" bag-licking operation after winning, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

They, the "Gurus", have always been the ones who rob other people's things. How can anyone else rob them?

What a ghost...

The cold and cruel villain rarely showed a speechless expression.

This guy... is simply more of a villain than himself!

"You Ling...I remember this name!"

"...The next target is Tongshi Noichi! When that time comes, I will come and meet you in person!"

Silently muttering the name of the duelist who defeated his men, Malik immediately closed his eyes, and his figure returned to the darkness...

After completing what he was doing, he would arrive at Tongshiye City soon.

by that time……

Haha... I hope something interesting happens!

After defeating the man in black robe, You Ling left the darkness of the park with the loot, walked along the path wearing a cloak, and returned to the bustling street.

In this Toshino City, where countless duelists gather, there are many duelists dressed in all kinds of weird and weird costumes.

There are countless people like You Ling who wear black robes to hide their identities.

So along the way, You Ling didn't attract much attention.

Most people just glanced at him out of instinctive curiosity and quickly looked away.

"Hmm... the feeling of having sex for free is so comfortable~"

Walking on the brightly lit street, You Ling randomly found a roadside restaurant and used the money seized from the black-robed man to solve the problem of food and clothing.

After that, he wandered around casually, observing the surrounding scene.

After experiencing the duel with the man in black robe, You Ling had a general understanding of the world.

All in all, this is a world where duel is the most important thing.

As long as your poker skills are high enough, you can prosper here, become the object of admiration by everyone, and become a noble "master".

Money, supplies, and even most of the things you want to maintain your life can be obtained through duels.

Disputes and conflicts between people can also be resolved in this way.

As for the structure of a duel? Why can this thing produce a physical image, why can the image cause impact damage to people, and why does the opponent fall backwards and fall to the ground when a monster attacks...

Regarding these issues, well...

Don't ask, just ask about quantum mechanics.

This is the truth of this world.

After completing the initial three tasks, no new task reminders were sent on the system panel.

You Ling didn't know whether he was being let go by the system, or whether he was currently in a state of free movement and needed to wait for a specific condition to be triggered before the corresponding task would appear.

Just when You Ling was wandering around in a cloak, the organizer of this competition suddenly appeared on various screens on the streets, on top of buildings or in store display cabinets, wearing a white suit. The man in the trench coat——Seto Kaiba's figure.

"Oh? Look at this... President Kaiba seems to be about to start his speech! I seem to have arrived at just the right time!"

If he had not wandered out just now, but found a hotel to lie down, he might not have been able to learn this important information.

Patting his chest happily, with an interested expression on his face, You Ling immediately stopped and looked up at the huge display screen on the building not far away.

Compared with the TVs on both sides of the street, the screen hanging on the building was indeed more powerful.

"Welcome to all duelists... My name is Seto Kaiba! I believe many of you have heard of my name..."

As the opening words sounded, everyone's attention was immediately attracted by the figure of Seto Kaiba.

The next moment, Kaiba, who was standing on the other side of the screen, calmly announced the opening announcement of the "Duel City" competition to the duelists, including Yu Ling, who had gathered here from all over the world after hearing the news. Some relevant rules for this game.

Yu Rei briefly summarized Seto Kaiba's explanation.

Its approximate content is——

There are two conditions for duelists to participate in this competition:

①: Prepare a deck of 40 cards including rare cards.

②: Own the next-generation duel disk developed by Haima Company.

As long as you meet the above two conditions, you are eligible to participate in this competition.

As for the deck, as long as the number reaches 40, there are no specific requirements. You must prepare high-value cards.

After all, everyone has a different definition of rare cards, and not everyone has a rare card in their hands that is enough to make others jealous.

Perhaps a card that seems rare to you may seem worthless in the eyes of others.

The reason why rare cards are required is mainly because according to the rules of this game, the loser of the duel must give his most precious rare card from his deck to the winner.

That is, the so-called card gambling rules.

The winner can take the opportunity of this competition to obtain the opponent's most precious card.

Another requirement is that the duel plate used for dueling can also be obtained for free in various shops in Tongshiye City by virtue of being a duelist.

Therefore, 99.9% of duelists are eligible to participate.

As for the puzzle card that You Ling seized from the man in black robe, Kaiba did not explain it in detail at this time.

It seemed that he planned to explain later.

"...That's all I have to say. In the next period of time, the entire Tongshiye City will be transformed into a duel city. Please prepare accordingly in advance."

"In a few days, Tongshiye City will officially become the battlefield for duelists!"

Raising his arm toward the camera and making his final concluding remarks with a cold face, Seto Kaiba immediately cut off the communication on the screen.

After hearing the words spoken by Kaiba Seto, the duelists showed enthusiastic expressions on their faces and began to discuss the relevant information enthusiastically on the spot.

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