Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 101: Bu Piao has been wandering for half his life, but he only regrets that he has never met

"Nani? The traitor... Bah, I mean Sky Dragon? Did I hear you correctly? Are you willing to give me the God Card?"

God... God's card?

Brother Malik, is this God Card you are talking about the God Card I think of?

Following the principle that doing more is worse than doing less, You Ling originally planned to continue pretending to be dead in the crowd, waiting for the cadres to get angry in disappointment, the rally to end, and everyone to disperse and go home.

Then, he went to duel with Kajimu Yuta.

But now...

It seems that joining Gurus is not a problem?

"Yes, you heard it right, and I said it right."

Feeling You Ling's wavering emotions, Malik's lips suddenly curved with pleasure: "Did you hear what Pandora just said? If you can defeat him as a cadre, then I will officially recognize you With my strength, I will give you one of the God Cards [Sky Dragon of Osiris]!"

Noticing the hesitation contained in You Ling's previous words, Malik used the body of the Silent Doll to talk to You Ling, and said something earth-shattering to him.

There are only three God Cards in the world, and he, who owns two of them, is willing to give the Sky Dragon among them to You Ling, a Xibei guy wearing fake skin.

Hearing his words, not only You Ling was stunned subconsciously.

Even Pandora, who was originally planning to remain silent, exclaimed in shock: "Master Malik, think again! This kid sneaked into our organization, and he must have an ulterior motive. Just handing him the God Card like this is a bit..."

Pandora, who was standing next to Malik, also heard the decision he made.

Seeing that Malik seemed to have lost his mind, he planned to give one of the only two precious God Cards in the organization to an outsider, You Ling, instead of being a cadre. After dedicating herself to the organization, Pandora, who felt unbalanced in her heart, immediately raised her voice of doubt.

Although he had known that Malik would give a big gift, he didn't expect... what he would give out would be something as rare as the God Card!

Boss, is there something wrong with your head?

Could it be that you were manipulated and brainwashed?

"Oh? Pandora...are you questioning my decision?"

Malik, who frowned when he heard Pandora's retort, glanced at him with emotionless eyes. He always kept his words straight and would never allow anyone in the organization to resist his will.

"Well... I don't dare."

Scanned by this look, Pandora was reminded of the horror of Malik. At this moment, Pandora felt that her life was in danger. She shrank back and closed her mouth very wisely.

When she was looked at by Malik's eyes just now, Pandora felt as if she was locked by a poisonous snake, and could not react at all except fear.

Not to mention...to engage in stupid resistance.

For someone like him who was manipulated and marked by Malik, all he needed was a thought from the other party, and what awaited him would be intense pain that would be worse than death.

"Very well...since you have no objection, let's decide happily."

After taking a deep look at his subordinates who were trying to resist him, Malik immediately turned his head and looked at You Ling, who was gloating over his misfortune.

Although You Ling's face was covered with a mask that obscured his expression, a strong man like Malik could still keenly sense the joyful state of mind in his heart at this moment.


If I hadn't been here in my true body, you wouldn't have even thought about running away... I'd have brainwashed you with my backhand!

You idiot! Do you really think the God Card is that easy to get?

Without my help, the moment you try to use the God Card, you will be chopped into a wisp of ashes by the God's Thunder of Punishment falling from the sky!

Heh... So what if you are strong in dueling?

Under the effect of the Thousand-Year Tin Rod, even if you have no strength, you will only become a loyal dog to me, Malik!

"Speaking of which, I don't know your name yet."

Suppressing the sarcastic thoughts deep in his eyes, and remembering that he didn't know You Ling yet, Malik asked You Ling, "What's your kid's name?"

"My name? Haha... I don't change my name when I'm working, and I don't change my surname when I sit down. It's the same as Lu Fengxian!"

When lying, You Ling didn't even blink. He decisively gave a false name to Malik who asked him.

Lu Bu, also named Fengxian, is a well-known traitor in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and a slave of three families.

He is rebellious and likes to stab his boss and adoptive father in the back.

The name You Ling reported was very subtle in every sense. It not only concealed his real name, but also expressed his attitude towards Malik.

"Lu... Fengxian? This name... okay, I get it."

Hearing this unfamiliar name that was slightly Chinese, Malik frowned slightly, but did not continue to say anything.

He himself is a noble from Egypt and the young master of the Isildar family.

He didn't really care that You Ling might be from somewhere other than Japan.

It would be better to say that the name Fengxian sounds like the kind of heroic man who "will not surrender to others throughout his life", and is not a randomly made-up pseudonym.

When he heard this name, Malik suddenly added a bit of personal interest in You Ling in his heart.

"...Then let's have a duel between Fengxian and Pandora."

While saying this, Malik's body moved aside, leaving enough space for You Ling and Pandora to play cards.

Just like when they first met, after arranging the next tasks, Malik folded his arms and leaned aside, playing the role of an audience.

The previous incident of You Ling instantly killing his men had given Malik a great shock.

I don’t know what kind of flowers You Ling can come up with this time.

It’s really exciting...

"Lu Fengxian, right? I don't know why Mr. Malik values ​​you so much, but..."

Pandora, who stretched out her finger in the direction of You Ling and recited her pseudonym, had an undisguised look of jealousy in her eyes at this moment: "...but then, I'll let you guys take care of yourself. Let me see the power of the most advanced magician I have! Keep your eyes wide open!"

"The most senior...magician, right?"

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