Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 134 Wants to be Malik’s brother-in-law

Human nature always likes to reconcile and compromise.

For example, if you say that you think a certain room is too dark and want to open a window here, then other people in the room who are used to this kind of environment will inevitably jump out to stop your behavior and not allow you to do so.

But if at this time, you start to advocate opening the roof again, then they who were still opposed to this opinion just now will take the initiative to mediate and be willing to agree with your opinion of opening the windows.

People are still more willing to accept things that are within the scope of imagination than asking for high prices.

You Ling, who has some experience in negotiation skills such as this, claims to have a fairly good understanding of the weaknesses of human nature.

With this idea in mind, when he faced Isis's inquiry, he spoke his true thoughts directly to her in a tentative tone.

At this time, some students may be asking questions?

You Ling, you kid, didn’t you say before that noble card players don’t take partners, and women only affect the speed of card drawing? What are you doing now? Don’t you have the purity of Pai Lao?

Well, about that...

As we all know, Yu is just like the villain in "The Adventures of Jackie Chan" - [Fire Demon Holy Lord], his words cannot be counted.

He usually enjoys his life, but if he ever gets the chance to be taken care of by a beautiful and rich woman, he will naturally not refuse it.

After all, who can say no to a beautiful older sister who can play cards, is rich and has a good figure?

No one can say no!

In fact, while expressing his feelings to Isis, who fell in love at first sight, You Ling had already thought about it. When Isis declined him with a speechless face, he could make another request. Slightly lower conditions, and then step by step to test the psychological bottom line of the elder sister, and finally...

"Yeah, okay."

Hearing You Ling's seemingly casual words, Isis was silent for a moment, then nodded gently and agreed to You Ling's slightly outrageous request.


Seeing that Isis did not follow the routine and responded to him so readily and positively, You Ling, who was not fooled, suddenly widened his eyes and showed a shocked expression.

I just said casually, sister Isis, why did you agree?

Obviously we met for the first time today, but after playing a game of cards, we became boyfriend and girlfriend...

In this way, doesn't it make me look very stupid for worrying too much in this regard?

"Uh...well, I want to confirm, sister Isis, do you really understand what I mean?"

"The meaning I want to convey to you is not that I want to play cards with you, but that I am interested in you as a person and want to be boyfriend and girlfriend."

As an extremely pure poker player, You Ling, who has lived in two lifetimes, has actually a negligible chance of getting along with women.

After all, for a card-playing guy like him, even if his appearance is outstanding enough and meets the appearance requirements of most girls, his personality is different from the popular style.

Yu's strange behavior of suddenly starting to smile with a face full of beauty when he thinks of something happy will scare off many people.

Moreover, You Ling, who was addicted to duels, really had no interest in socializing with the rouge fans around him.

In his mind, if he had this time, he might as well go home and improve his scores, and test each other's poker skills with netizens.

Therefore, strictly speaking, this is the first time that You Ling confesses to a girl.

The main reason why he behaved like this is because the eldest sister with her coquettish beauty accurately poked You's XP system, leaving him with no way to refuse...

In his heart, he had already expected the result of being rejected, but Yu unexpectedly got a consenting reply from Isis.

Happiness came so suddenly that it gave You Ling an unreal feeling in his heart.

Driven by this emotion, You Ling couldn't help but look at Isis, who was looking at him calmly, to confirm her true thoughts.

Sister, are you sure there is really no cultural barrier between us, and you really understand what I want to express?

"It doesn't matter. I heard your wish and know what you want to express... If this is the guidance of fate, then I will not refuse such a future."

Place your palms gently on your chest and slowly close your eyes.

Isis, who regarded her encounter with You Ling as some kind of fate, then bowed deeply towards the confused You Ling in front of her: "It's just that, I'm sorry, now I still have an unfinished mission, so I cannot fulfill my duties as a girlfriend at this moment. I hope you can understand this."

Isis's mission refers to guiding her brother Malik back to the right path, and then returning the nameless Pharaoh who has endured many trials to the underworld.

And these things are exactly what You will do next.

"Ah, it doesn't matter... Speaking of which, what is the specific mission you are talking about? Is there anything I can do to help?"

"To tell you the truth, Malik still trusts me. Even the precious God Card was handed over to me by him."

You Ling hurriedly helped Isis, who had become his girlfriend, and looked at the apologetic eldest sister with sincere eyes.

Even though he had never really dated a girl before traveling through time, or had experienced what it was like to get married, have children, and start a family.

But living in the information age, he has also heard from various channels more than once about "sky-high betrothal gifts", "buying and selling daughters", "divorce fraud", "private meeting with ex-boyfriend on the eve of wedding, staying up all night" I stayed up all night to rent a house," "I have to help my younger siblings buy a house and a car after I get married," and "my wife ran away with the old man next door."

Compared with such a mess, the mission Isis faced was nothing.

Rather, these contents about Malik and Wang Yang will inevitably appear on You Ling's task list in the future and become the main content that he cannot avoid.

It's not just the dog system that can do favors, I can also take advantage of others!

Did you hear that? system! I'm talking about you!


Hearing that You Ling was willing to take the initiative to help her, Isis, who was helped up by him, hesitated for a moment and once again used the future vision power of the "Millennium Jewelry" to divine the future.

Although she didn't know exactly what she saw, after doing this, You Ling could clearly feel that the hesitation that originally existed on Isis quickly dissipated.

"...That's true. Compared to me who was deliberately avoided by Malik, maybe your intervention can achieve better results."

"Mr. You Ling, if you can, can you do me a favor? Help me restore Malik, who was affected by the evil power of the thousand-year tin staff, back to his original good self."

If the attitude just now was just basic courtesy towards strangers, then Isis now undoubtedly regards You Ling as a close person who does not need to mind.

Isis, who accepted You Ling's kindness, immediately told him her request.

By the way, she also told You Ling what she knew about the Millennium Artifact and Malik.

The seven thousand-year-old artifacts are actually divided into two different camps, good and evil.

On the good side, there are You Ling's "Millennium Key", Xia Di's "Millennium Scale", and Isis's "Millennium Jewelry".

On the evil side, there are Becas's "Thousand-Year Eye", Tapirang's "Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel", and Malik's "Thousand-Year Tin Staff".

As for the "Millennium Building Block" in the hands of Muto Yugi, which houses the soul of another unknown pharaoh, it is a special existence between good and evil, possessing these two completely different attributes at the same time.

People who hold different thousand-year artifacts will be affected by their corresponding powers.

It was precisely because of Xia Di's instigation that Malik was affected by the evil power of the thousand-year tin rod and became what he is now.

As for the way to restore Malik to normal, there is no surprise. It is to use the power of a thousand-year artifact to engage in a dark duel that risks his life.

Then, after defeating Dark Malik in a duel, his dark personality was completely separated from his body and annihilated in the darkness.

"It just so happens that with such an opportunity... I can see Malik taking the initiative to contact you in the future."

Patiently explaining Malik's status to You Ling, Isis paused and smiled at You Ling: "My brother Malik is currently making plans against Kaiba and Yugi. If you go to him now If you go there, you might be able to see a good show about to take place."


"He should call you soon."

Just as Isis predicted, You Ling, who was chatting with Isis, soon received a text message from Malik.

In a brief text, Malik informed You Ling that he had arrived at Tongshiye City, and asked You Ling, as a cadre, to quickly come and fence with him... No, I meant to come somewhere, Watch a great show about to take place.

And that so-called good show was a series of kidnapping operations he carried out specifically targeting Kaiba and Yugi.

While You Ling and Isis were dueling, he had already seized the handle of these two people and forced them to go to the place prepared in advance.

Since Isis still has a job in the museum, she cannot accompany You Ling here.

After exchanging their contact information, You Ling waved goodbye to Isis, who has now become his girlfriend.

Out of caution, You Ling did not put the thousand-year-old props into the system's inventory. Before leaving the museum, he also put on the mask used to hide his appearance again.

After that, following Malik's guidance, You Ling went to the location of "Baitoulong Street in Fiberglass District" mentioned in the text message.

"God damn fiberglass street... who came up with this name? Doesn't he know that the invincible pioneer of the same tune, the beloved water machine brother, has already died a heroic death?"

Following the guidance of the map, he arrived at the target location. After meeting up with the Grus members who were ambushing here, Yu Ling, who was nominally a Grus cadre but was actually fishing wildly everywhere, finally found his way nearby. On the top of a building somewhere, I met Malik's true form with a thousand-year-old tin staff stuck in his waist.

Malik is still dressed in the cool way he did when he called himself "Nam" to the people in the city.

Just looking at his appearance, he seems to be just an Egyptian young man visiting Tongshino City.

Like Isis, who has an enchanting beauty, Malik, who has similar blood flowing in his body, is also a young man with an extremely handsome appearance.

However, the villain Boss, who was having all sorts of bad thoughts in his mind, had a slightly artistic expression on his face at this moment, which somewhat ruined his personal image.

"You came just in time, Fengxian!"

Noticing the masked You Ling approaching, Malik quickly waved him to come to his side.

Then, with a show-off tone, he pointed to the roof of the building opposite: "You see, that's the special duel venue I specially prepared for Kaiba and Yugi."

"Next, the ones who are going to face off against them are our veteran cadres of Gurus - the Mask of Light and Darkness."

Malik, who focused on dealing with Kaiba and Yugi, had no plans to brainwash Yu Ling, an "obedient" subordinate.

In his opinion, brainwashing with a thousand-year artifact would have a certain impact on You Ling's combat effectiveness.

After dealing with these two enemies and recovering the last God Card - the Giant God Soldier, it would not be too late to do this again.

"Huh? You know it's a trap and you came all the way here. Are they two of them so stupid?"

He wasn't involved in the previous kidnapping plan, so Yu Ling didn't know that Malik and Tapira reached some kind of deal and kidnapped Jonouchi and Keihe Kaiba as hostages.

You Ling, who came to Malik's side, raised his question to Malik in a doubtful tone.

"Jiejiejiejie... I know it's a trap, so what? Do they dare not to come? They dare not not come!"

Stretching his body wantonly, with a consistent evil laugh coming from his mouth, Malik smiled proudly at You Ling: "Haiba's brother and Yu Ling's companions were all kidnapped by me and are now being imprisoned. Our stronghold by the port is specially guarded by people."

"Port? Boss, aren't you afraid of them escaping?"

"Hmph! Impossible, they don't have this ability."

Malik seemed extremely reassured by the security of the Gurus organization, and a look of confidence flashed across his face.

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