Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 137 I give you this powerful card

"Let your companions' cards make up for your own shortcomings. So, they specially prepared this kind of teamwork strategy that is only useful in team battles, right?"

Seeing the Mask of Light and the Mask of Darkness cooperating with each other in the duel, making up for each other's shortcomings in tactics, Wang Xiang could not help but flash a look of approval in his eyes.

Even though he was an opponent on the opposite side, the methods he used to threaten him were quite despicable.

But what I have to admit is that the actions they demonstrated are indeed typical examples of cooperation that we can also imitate.

"Hmph, boring!"

Glancing sideways at Wang Xiang beside him, Kaiba made a disdainful comment without hesitation: "In the final analysis, teamwork will only become a shackle that restricts the duelist's abilities in a team duel. Only personal Strong ability is the most important factor!"


"Yugi, in this duel, you are just a decoration for my victory."

"I can kill these bastards like Gurus by myself."

Just like when he dealt with Gurus before, Kaiba at this moment still had no intention of cooperating with Yugi.

"Up! My turn!"

After Dark Mask's turn ends, Kaiba's turn follows.

Waving the hem of his white trench coat, Seto Kaiba used an extremely fierce momentum to pull out the top card of the deck.

"First, I ambush two cards, and then I normal summon the monster in my hand!"

Insert the two cards in his hand into the back of the duel plate in sequence. Kaiba, who raised his lips, took out a monster card from his hand and slapped it on the duel plate: "Come out. , [Bloody Warcraft] (Beast Warrior Clan/Dark/4 Stars/Attack Power: 1900/Defense Power: 1200)!"

The Mortal Bone Ax King, who did all bad things and took pleasure in it, and the ax in his hand was often stained with the blood of his opponents, followed Kaiba's movements, emerged from the light, and came to him.

Aiming the giant ax in his hand at the Mask of Light and Darkness, the Ax King with an attack power of 1900 points showed a bloodthirsty look on his face.

"My turn is over."

Waving his arms, Kaiba immediately announced the end of the round.

Even now, Ax King's attack power can be regarded as unparalleled among all 4-star monsters.

"Are you deliberately showing the monster to attack, luring the opponent to attack, and then counterattack with the backcourt cover? That's a good plan, Kaiba."

Looking at his teammates' actions, Wang Yang nodded with satisfaction, and then turned his attention to the Mask of Light again.

After everyone's first turn is over, it's the Mask of Light's turn to perform the next operation.

"Hmph! You specially summoned these lower-level monsters. Are you planning to use them as materials for higher-level summons in the next round?"

After glancing at the monsters in front of Wang Xiang and Kaiba, Mask of Light raised the corners of his mouth: "This is not okay, there is no way I will let you do this."

The reason why Masks of Light and Darkness are so calm is because they specially prepared cards related to "gods" and team duels.

Kaiba, on the other hand, stubbornly planned to fight alone, and arrogantly rejected Wang Xiang's suggestion of cooperation.

In this situation where his teammates insisted on going their own way and did not listen to his own advice, Wang Yang couldn't help but start to doubt whether they could really rescue the hostages kidnapped by Gurus.

"My turn, draw a card!"

When it was his turn, Mask of Light drew a new card from the top of the deck.

In the round just now, after noticing the difference of opinion between Muto Yugi and Kaiba Seto, and discovering that the two people did not cooperate at all, but planned to fight independently, the face of the Mask of Light and Darkness appeared at the same time. A proud smile.

Compared with them who are good at cooperation, Kaiba and Yugi, the two temporary enemies of the team, are completely impossible to be their opponents.

After realizing this, Mask of Light, who felt more and more proud, showed a magic card in his hand to the two of them: "Entering the main stage 1, I activate the equipment magic card [Curse of the Soul" from my hand. Mask]!”

"Another equipment magic card? Is this guy planning to increase his monster's attack power again?"

The existence of the sustainable magic card [Masked Doll] can replace the Mask of Light and Darkness and bear the negative effects caused by equipped magic cards.

Following the [Ferocious Mask] that previously increased the monster's attack power by 1,000 points, the Mask of Light took out a new equipment magic card.

It’s hard not to think about this kind of behavior.

"No, the person I want to equip is not the monster here."


Denying Wang Xiang's guess, Mask of Light pointed at the opponent's frontcourt with a sinister smile: "Jie Jie Jie Jie... Yugi, I'm going to give you this powerful magic card, come on! I Equip [Curse Soul Mask] to [Magnet Warrior β]!"

As the Mask of Light finished speaking, the mask with an extremely weird painting style, which could be called an abstract art, appeared on the face of the king-like monster in the next moment.

Unlike ordinary magic cards, quick-attack magic cards can be activated like trap cards in the opponent's turn after being covered. Equip magic cards can also be equipped to the opponent's monsters.

"What? I specially equipped this card to my monster. What is your purpose?"

"Well, don't worry. I'll tell you my plan right now."

Looking at the confused Wang Xiang, Mask of Light immediately said with a smile: "According to the effect of the equipped magic card [Mask of the Cursed Soul], the monster equipped with this card cannot be in defense position, nor can it attack. ,and……"

After deliberately pausing here, Mask of Light continued: "And the controller of the monster equipped with this card, that is, you, will receive 500 points of effect damage every time it is your turn... ...Jiejie, Jiejie, how about it, are you satisfied with this gift?"

Unlike [Ferocious Mask], which has the effect of increasing attack power, [Cursed Soul Mask] basically brings negative effects that hinder it.

It cannot attack, nor can it be put into defense position. When it is on the field, it has to act as a big enemy every turn, wasting precious life points in vain, which is really not worth the gain.


After listening to the description of the Mask of Light, Wang Xiang realized the current situation and immediately gritted his teeth.

These... despicable guys!

"Jiejiejiejiejie...I will continue to ambush a card, and the round is over!"

Instead of summoning a new monster, Mask of Light added a new card to the backfield after being disgusted by the king's appearance.

"Again, it's an ambush card? Does Mask of Light use a tactic of completely sealing the opponent's abilities through the effects of trap cards instead of monster cards?"

In the process of playing cards, Wang Xiang gradually figured out the secrets of the Mask of Light and Darkness.

The Mask of Light is responsible for burying pits, while the Mask of Darkness is responsible for pulling monsters and fighting. With each other, the two are like duelists with double resources, fighting them in turn.

Compared with them, the cooperation between myself and Kaiba can be said to be relying on defense...

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie... I just need to be responsible for containing them, and then let my companion's monsters deliver the final blow to these two people."

Even if he was seen through, the Mask of Light didn't care at all.

After ending the round, he immediately shouted to Wang Xiang: "Sa, Yugi, your turn is next, but don't forget that at the moment your turn comes, you will... The effect of [Mask of the Cursed Soul] caused me to receive 500 points of damage!"


(Muto Game LP: 4000→3500)

When it came to his turn, Wang Xiang's health value was reduced by 500 points.

After realizing this, Wang Xiang, who was in a complicated mood, turned his emotions into motivation and pulled out the top card of the deck.

"[Dark Demon Clan Kilfa Demon], is it a 6-star effect monster with an attack power of 2200?"

Although the [Magnet Warrior β] equipped with [The Mask of the Cursed Soul] can neither attack nor change to defense position, it can be used as a sacrifice for higher-level summons.

The monster that Wang Xiang got his hands on at this moment could just be used at this time.

When the monster is summoned by the superior, it can also remove the equipment magic card used by the Mask of Light to disgust itself.

Generally speaking, ordinary people would choose to do this at this time, using the monsters restrained by the mask as sacrifices summoned by superiors.


"However, I always have an ominous feeling in my heart. This matter... doesn't seem to go as smoothly as I thought..."

Wang Xiang, who was planning to do this, couldn't help but have doubts flashing through his mind. A duelist's instinct reminded him that things might not go as smoothly as he thought.

And in fact, it is indeed the case.

After noticing that Wang Xiang was planning to make a higher-level summon, the Mask of Light, who spoke in a very harsh tone, opened the cards in the backcourt: "Jie Jie Jie Jie... At this moment, the permanent trap card [Sacrifice] [Sealed Mask] is activated! As long as this card exists on the field, all liberation behaviors will be prohibited!"

Haima \u0026 Wang Xiang: "...Nani?!"

A brand-new mask with a huge "sealing" character engraved on its forehead and surrounded by barbs appeared on the backfield of the Mask of Light as the trap card was activated.

With the appearance of this mask, an invisible net also covered the area of ​​the building at the same time, completely blocking all activities related to liberation.

After this, neither [Turtle Bad Beast Gamesiele], [Lava Demon God], or [Winged Dragon of the Sun God Sphere (Wing God Egg)] will be able to pass their own special liberation effects. , to specially summon itself to the opponent.

"Hiss...this card..."

Looking at the Continuous Trap Card that the Mask of Light took out at this time, Yu Ling, who had studied this card quite a bit, couldn't help showing a look of emotion on his face.

When he saw this card, his mind couldn't help but think of the scene where the invincible three-body flying star dragon was turned into a Winged God Egg by his opponent in a second.

Ever since he experienced something like this, he had filled up his deck with [Masque of the Sacrifice Seal]...

"Jiejiejiejie...have you been fooled? Do you think I wouldn't have thought of this?"

The Mask of Light, which kept stretching out its arms, interrupted Wang Yang's superior's summons, and then revealed a "planned" look on its face.

With an extremely mean tone, he mercilessly expressed his ridicule to the two people who were stunned: "Are you stupid? [The Mask of the Sacrifice Seal] can prevent any liberation and superior summons. card, as long as this card exists on the field, neither party can liberate the monsters on the field under any circumstances."

"That is to say...has our superior summoning been blocked?"

Mask of Light's triumphant laughter echoed in their ears, and a flash of enlightenment flashed through Kaiba and Wang Xiang's hearts at the same time.

Looking at the superior monsters they held in their hands, both of their faces were covered with a lingering cloud.

If you want to summon God, you need to free the three sacrifices on the field.

Now that the very act of liberation is banned, the God Card can no longer appear...

After sorting out the thoughts in his mind and having an accurate understanding of his opponent's behavior, Kaiba suddenly clenched his palm tightly at this moment.

Damn gurus dog breed! Was this the original intention? !

"Hehehehe... Even if you have a powerful God Card in your hands, under the current circumstances, it is no longer possible to summon it."

After receiving the words from the Mask of Light, the Mask of Darkness then raised its sword towards the two of them: "In other words, the God Card has been sealed!"


"Now, can we only summon 4-star monsters that don't require sacrifices?"

After receiving a convincing answer from the Mask of Light and Darkness, Wang Zang was blocked from launching his plan, so he had no choice but to give up his attack plan and instead consolidated his own defense. "I summoned the [Churizi Ball] in my hand in defense position (defense position). Power: 200), then ambush a card, and the round ends!"

If Kaiba and Yugi, whose liberating behavior is sealed, do not find a way to break out of the current predicament, they will inevitably fall into a deeper trap step by step and ultimately face defeat.

In order to resolve this dilemma, there is only one way now.

That is, just like Mask of Light and Darkness, Seto Kaiba and Yugi Muto are performing combined actions to make up for each other's shortcomings.

What cannot be solved by one person, if two people are involved, the result will be completely different.

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