Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 140 Preparation for the Ceremony

Turning the muzzle of the attack, the Mask of Light, whose attack was blocked, regarded Muto Yugi, who had just hindered them, as the target of the next attack.

As a burst of purple smoke rose, the masked monster, wearing the black robe of a spellcaster and using spells with curse effects to attack its opponents with a mind-killing attack, appeared with its arms swaying. The front of Mask of Light's body.

Aiming at the [Kurigo Ball] in defense position on the king's field (defense power: 200), [Masked Spellcaster: Throat of the Curse] (attack power: 1500) uses a curse-killing attack, and just kills this defensive The miscellaneous fish monster with only 200 points of strength was shattered into a sky full of dark dust.

As this monster left the field, Wang Yang also lost his last line of defense against the opponent's attacks.

"Jiejiejiejie...my turn is over. Now it's your turn, Yugi."

"Don't forget, when you take over the initiative of the round, you will also receive 1,000 points of damage!"

He summoned a new monster from his hand, used it to successfully destroy the Mask of Light on the King's Field, and declared the end of the round with a proud look on his face.

On the King's field, although there is still the [Magnet Warrior β] equipped with [The Mask of the Cursed Soul], but under the effect of the magic card, it can neither attack nor become the King. shield.

In this situation, the meaning of its existence is just to reduce Wang Xiang's health by 500 points every round.

In addition, the sustainable magic card on the Mask of Light field - [Magic Absorption Mask] will bring 500 points of effect damage to Wang Xiang.

Therefore, when Wang Xian's turn comes, he himself will also lose a total of 1,000 health points simultaneously due to the continuous effects of the two [Mask] magic cards.

(Muto Game LP: 3500→2500)


Seeing the life points displayed on the duel plate draining away rapidly, Wang Xiang frowned and pulled out a new card from the top of the deck: "My turn, draw a card!"

The cards that left the deck drew a semicircular arc in mid-air, and finally joined Wang Xiang's hand.

Looking at the cards in his current hand, Wang Yang suddenly frowned and showed a melancholy expression.

Now that the act of liberation has been sealed, his current hand of cards alone cannot break the current predicament.

"Don't panic, there are other ways... If you activate [Notes Obliteration] at this time, you can replace the cards in both sides' hands."


[Erase by handwriting]

(magic card)

Effect: Both parties discard all the cards in their hands, and then draw the corresponding number of discarded cards from the deck.


Although he didn't have the ideal card in his hand, there were other countermeasures in his deck, so he decided to gamble on his luck and put his chance on the next card draw.

Just when Wang Xiang was about to activate the [Notes Erase] in his hand and replace the cards in both sides' hands, he suddenly remembered that this was a team duel, not a 1V1 duel.

In such a team duel, while it is unfolding, he must also consider Kaiba as his teammate, instead of just thinking about himself.

Otherwise, the result of Kaiba's disobedience just now will happen to him.

This time, he may not have the good luck just now to help him resist the attack of the Mask of Light and Darkness.

"If Kaiba has a card in his hand that can be reversed during his turn, then my behavior will hinder him... But if I don't activate this card, with the cards in my current hand, Nor can we break the current predicament..."

"Well, as expected, the two of us are not suitable for teaming up?"

Wang Xiang, who was thinking about the pros and cons of his choice and fell into a dilemma, subconsciously turned his attention to the seahorse next to him.

As if feeling Wang Yang's gaze on him, Haiba, with a stern expression, turned his head simultaneously at this time and met Wang Yang's gaze.

"Hmph! What's wrong with the game? Why do you look so useless? Are there no monsters below 4 stars in your hand?"

"Kaiba, you..."

"Well, if you only have high-level monsters in your hand, there's nothing you can do about it. Monsters that can't be summoned without using sacrifices are just cards that get in the way, so just throw them away!"

In his own way, Kaiba conveyed his thoughts to Wang Xiang.

Wang Xiang, who intercepted the key information from the profound conversation, opened his eyes slightly and looked at the cover card on the seahorse field.

"I see, that's what happened..."

Wang Xiang, who understood what Haima wanted to express and thought of the key breaking point, no longer had any hesitation in his heart.

He withdrew his gaze from Kaiba, and then with a calm expression, he took out the magic card in his hand individually, pinched it between the index and middle fingers of his right hand, and prepared to activate it.

"How long has it been and you are still quarreling here? Don't they have a sense of crisis in their hearts?"

"Jiejiejiejie... After all, these two people cannot cooperate. They are incompatible with each other, so they can only become each other's enemies!"

Mask of Light and Darkness, who was watching the exchange between Kaiba and Wang Xiang, arbitrarily identified the encrypted call between them as a quarrel, with a mocking look on his face.

Make a noise! If the noise becomes more intense, our advantage will become even greater!

"The magic card [Notebook Erase] is activated! According to the effect of this card, everyone's cards in their hands will be sent to the graveyard, and then the number of cards sent to the graveyard will be drawn from the deck!"

Mask of Light \u0026 Darkness "...Nani?"

Wang Xiang inserted the card he was holding in his hand into the back of the duel plate, and activated the card's effect with a wave of his hand.

Looking at the card that Wang Xiang took out at this moment, Mask of Light and Darkness's face was stunned at the same time, as if he had never thought that such an unexpected situation would occur.

In their hands, there are actually other [Masque] magic and trap cards that they haven't had time to use.

But in this state, these cards can only be forcibly sent to the graveyard and will not be of any use...

"Gu... I didn't expect this!"

"Damn it, Yugi! Don't think that you can die easily after doing such a thing!"

The Mask of Light and Darkness, who was disrupted by the king's magic card, reluctantly gritted their teeth and sent their cards to the graveyard, then replaced them with new cards from the deck.

Kaiba and Wang also sent the high-star monsters that were useless at the moment, along with other cards in their hands, to the cemetery.

Among these cards was the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] in Kaiba's hand.

Generally speaking, if you plan to summon a high-star monster normally, you must release the corresponding number of monsters on the field as sacrifices.

Now that liberating behaviors are restricted, this method of calling from a superior naturally cannot be realized.

However, if these high-star monsters were sent to the cemetery, the situation would be different.

In this case, you can use other methods to bring these monsters that exist in the Kingdom of the Dead directly from the cemetery to the field without any need to perform any liberation actions.

"My turn is over."

Entrusting the chance of reversal to his teammate Kaiba, Wang Xiang did a round of cleansing of everyone's cards and messed up everything. He did not choose to summon new monsters, nor did he choose to summon new monsters in his backcourt. Instead of ambushing new cards, he just ended his turn.

"Jiejiejiejie... I'm shocked! Yugi, it seems that you have fallen to the pitiful stage where you can't even summon monsters in defense mode!"

Wiping a row of fine cold sweat on his forehead, he almost thought that Wang Xiang could create a miracle at this time and regain the advantage in one fell swoop. The Mask of Darkness, which was about to overturn on his side, reappeared on his face at this moment. He looked proud.

From his perspective, even with a new hand of cards, Wang Xiang did not seem to be favored by the dealer and get the cards he needed.

In contrast, although they lost some [Masque] magic and trap cards, they also gained a batch of new powerful cards.

Rounding up equals blood gain.

"My turn...hehehe, it's here!"

Pulling out a new card from the top of the deck, looking at the magic card that came into his hand at this moment, a look of "planning" flashed across Mask of Darkness's face.

Imagining the scene that was about to unfold before his eyes, Mask of Darkness couldn't wait to activate this magic card.

"Look, Yugi! This is your last turn. I will activate the magic card [Preparation for Ritual] in my hand!"

Showing the magic card in his hand, Mask of Darkness with a proud look on his face, faced Kaiba and King, and declared the effect of this card: "You can only activate one card with this card name per turn. As this By activating the card, I can add a ritual magic card from the deck and the ritual monster card with the card name written in the ritual magic card to my hand."

On the picture of the magic card, there is a figure of [ritual offering] surrounded by a group of men in black robes with malicious intentions, who is tasting the last delicious meal.

From the perspective of the Mask of Darkness, the stupid black bird in the card picture that is about to become a ritual tribute is just like Wang Xiang who just performed some unknown operations. It is about to meet its destiny in the next battle. The fate of death.

"Based on the effect of [Preparation for the Ritual], I added the ritual magic card [Masked Monster's Ritual] and the 8-star ritual monster - [Masked Monster, Ghostface Monk] to my hand."

"What? It's actually a ritual monster?"

"No, not only that, he actually used only one card to combine the two different elements of the ritual magic card and the ritual monster at the same time! It's simply terrifying!"

Seeing the operation of Mask of Darkness, Wang Yang and Kaiba's faces were simultaneously covered with a layer of uncontrollable surprise.

Through the effect of one card, he collected ritual monsters and ritual magic cards in his hand at the same time. This dog breed of Gurus with such a powerful card could possibly be planning...

"Jiejiejiejie... It seems that you guys know what this means! Then there is no need to say more about what I am going to do next!"

He accurately pulled out the two cards he just announced from the deck and showed them to Wang Xiang and Kaiba, who were shocked. The Mask of Darkness, who felt quite useful to their surprised reactions, then gave a look on his face. With a smile, he slowly inserted the ritual magic card into the back of the duel disk and activated it at this moment: "Then, I will activate the ritual magic card [Masked Monster's Ritual] at this moment!"

"Through the effect of this card, I put two 4-level monsters with different attributes, the light attribute [Luminous Abyss] and the dark attribute [Masked Spellcaster: Maw of Curse] on my side of the field, as Offer the sacrifices for the ritual summons to perform a special ritual summons!”

"Light and darkness merge together, emerge from the abyss of hell, and come to me! O beast of disaster that brings misfortune!

"Ritual summons, come out - [Masked Monster·Ghost-faced Monk] (Demon/Dark/8 stars/Attack: 3200/Defense: 1800)!!!"

(Effect: None)

Different from ordinary summoning methods, ritual summoning is classified into the act of special summoning, so it will not be affected by the effect of [Masque of the Sacrifice Seal].

Following the movements of Mask of Darkness, the two 4-star monsters with different attributes on their Gurus field immediately joined the magic circle of the Dark Ritual and became the sacrifices needed for the coming of the beast of disaster. Taste.

As the ritual flames were ignited in the black mist that turned into substance, a body surface was covered from top to bottom with multiple masks of pain, holding a huge alien-shaped staff in its hand, a faceless monster that looked similar to a centaur. In the next moment, he appeared from the darkness, carrying strong malice, and arrived in front of the Mask of Darkness.

It is the same as when Yu Zero faced off against Pandora, Pandora pulled out the [Black Chaos Magician] (attack power: 2800) through the ritual magic card [Chaos - Ritual of Black Magic].

Mask of Darkness, who is also a member of the Gurus cadre, was also facing off against Kaiba and Wang Xiang. He ritually summoned a mortal bone ritual monster on the field whose attack power exceeded that of [Blue Eyes White Dragon]!

"The attack power is 3200?! It actually exceeds the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] with an attack power of 3000?"

Wang Xiang, who regarded Kaiba's wife as a unit of measurement for combat power, subconsciously exclaimed when he saw [Masked Monster and Ghost Faced Monk] appear.

After hearing these words, Kaiba's mouth twitched, and a complicated look appeared on his face simultaneously.

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