Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 169 New forces join, witchcraft and Silver City

"Wait... You Ling! Don't leave in a hurry. You forgot to take the winner's reward from me!"

Jonouchi, who took out the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] in his graveyard from the duel plate, adjusted his mentality, and finally reacted, waved his arms towards Yu Ling who was walking further and further away, and made a warning sound.

According to the rules of Duel City, the winner of the game will have the right to take away a precious rare card from the loser's hand. For Jonouchi, the most precious card is only this [True Red Eyes Black Dragon] ].

Although he was very reluctant to give up and did not want to be separated from the real red eyes, the yellow-haired boy Jonouchi, who had a noble duelist spirit, did not intend to become the kind of person who could not afford to lose.

No matter what, if you lose, you lose, there is nothing to say!

When I grow up in the future, I can win the real red eye back from You Ling. I have no regrets!

Rather, the fact that he was separated from his beloved soul card [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] would instead become a engraved deep in his heart, giving him the motivation to keep moving forward!

"No need, the red eye has been in my hand for three years. You can keep yours for yourself."

Yu Ling, who kept his back to Jonouchi and did not intend to break the bond between Jonouchi and his red eyes for the time being, waved his hand and gave his own response to the yellow-haired boy who was stunned on the spot: "By the way. Mention, I can feel that that guy wants to be with you."

In fact, the [True Red Eyes Black Dragon] in Jonouchi's hand was originally the card that Yu Ling kindly gave back to Jonouchi through Xiaobiao's hand.

When it came to this, he no longer had the need to take it over.

"You Ling, you are really..."

Staring blankly at You Ling's figure disappearing at the end of the passage with Isis, surrounded by relatives and friends who came to comfort him, his eyes turned slightly red, and he couldn't help but shed tears of emotion.

If it weren't for Yu Rei's fast running, Jonouchi would be in a deeply moved state. Impressed by Yu Rei's arrogant duelist spirit, Ma Shin could not wait to pick up Yu Rei and give him a good kiss!

Hmm...you guy, You Ling, you guy! How could there be such a strange person like you in this world?

After the first duel between Yu Ling and Jonouchi ended, everyone once again gathered in the hall where the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon Bingo Lottery Machine was placed to witness the next fateful decision.

The balls previously represented by No. 3 Katsuya Jonouchi and No. 5 Yu Rei have been spit out. At this moment, there are still 6 remaining balls inside the lottery machine.

These spheres represent the remaining six contestants, Seto Kaiba, Yugi Muto, Mai Ko, Ryo Raku, Malik, and Lishid.

Among the six of them, only three could advance to the next semi-finals.

The remaining three people will end up with a regrettable defeat just like Jonouchi.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of a new round of lottery, You Ling, who planned to gamble his luck on the fateful place of Duel Airship after a long time, also began to try his new round of card drawing.

Opening the system panel while thinking silently in his mind, the first thing that caught his eye was You Ling's current personal status.


Name: You Ling

Duelist level: LV8

Card deck held: Windbird, Exodia (fake), True Red Eyes (with True Red Eyes Dragon Knight), Black Magician, Amazon, Harpy Girl, Brontosaurus, Dragon Maid, Dinosaurs, Insects, Aquatic Products , Slime, Sky Dragon of Osiris, Pure Tears, Graveyard Angel, Ninja.

Bond points: 20 (there are currently no elves bound to you)

Combat power: 20 (slightly stronger than ordinary people)

Luck value: 20 (can trigger events that ordinary people cannot trigger, and unreasonable bad luck will always slow you down)

Charm value: 20 (increases the initial favorability of strangers)

Endurance value: 20 (slightly stronger than the average person's level)

Diamonds: 44,000 (can be used to purchase card packs or draw draws, and can be obtained by completing tasks)

Money: 2.09 million (can be used for consumption)

Special items: Millennium Key, Random Reward Redemption Card × 1, Random Card Group Redemption Coupon (White) (Normal) × 1


I don’t know if it’s because he has experienced many duels, but Yu Ling’s attributes in all aspects have improved to a certain extent compared to when he first arrived in this world.

To give a simple example, if You Ling, who had just traveled to this world, was still worried that he would be at a disadvantage in a one-on-one real-person PK with the man in black robe of Gurus, then he now undoubtedly has One fights ten levels.

Although his personal combat effectiveness is not as good as that of President Kaiba, who can cut gold and jade with cards and jump out of a jet without being injured, when facing ordinary people, Yu Ling no longer has to worry about them posing a threat to him. .

"Next, let's start drawing cards!"

Standing next to the lottery machine, Isono was still talking about some precautions related to the duel before a new round of lottery.

You Ling, who had already advanced in the duel, naturally no longer had to listen to his nonsense.

You Ling found a deserted corner, switched to the lottery page, and focused his whole attention on the card pool that appeared in front of him.

I don’t know if it’s because the location I’m in suddenly went from the ground to the sky, but the types and probabilities of the card pool have also undergone some subtle changes compared to before.

On top of the original basic card pool of 100 diamonds for a single draw and 1000 diamonds for ten consecutive draws, there are now some more Pick·Up card pools that can be switched back and forth and limited to a certain period.

These Pick Up card pools that pop up suddenly are almost the same as those card pools that cheat people in some FGO. They have indescribable probability bonuses for some event-specific cards.

Affected by uncertain factors such as character, luck, and longevity, the cards drawn will also show different results.

The special pools currently displayed are the four Pick·Up card pools of "Endymion", "Witch", "Paladin", and "DT Planet".

"Endymion" is not only the name of the Holy Sorcerer King, one of the three sages in the Yu-Gi-Oh World (the other two are Aleister Crowley and Sandryon), but also a certain magical power in the elf world. The name of a prosperous well country.

Related decks include magician decks such as "Great Sage", as well as Magical Beast Pendulum cards with long effect descriptions that can be expanded by placing magic counters.

The second one is Meikakachi’s “Witch Technique”, which is the abbreviation of WitchCraft + Witch + Craft.

Each witch in the deck actually symbolizes a traditional craft. This deck, filled with all kinds of gorgeous girl cards, is a magician-themed deck that works by discarding magic cards in the hand.

Possessing powerful retrieval and recovery abilities, their overall combat effectiveness can be said to be extremely outstanding.

By the way, this deck can actually be exchanged directly for 50,000 diamonds in the store interface. However, the current You Ling does not have such a number of diamonds, so this option was directly ignored by him. .

The third card pool after "Witch" is the "Paladin" themed deck. Paladin here refers to a series of cards based on King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table in traditional British stories.

Different from the effeminate Saber in the FATE series, the strategy of this deck is simply to summon various macho men holding the Holy Sword Xia Ji Hachi to constantly suppress the opponent.

Paladins who rely on constantly equipping holy sword magic cards to improve their individual abilities are the type that Yu Ling is not interested in.

The last "DT Planet" includes cards of various categories such as fusion, synchronization, super, and pendulum, which is considered a relatively special category.

The cards among them are card groups created based on the story background and blueprint of the races participating in the battle on a planet called "DT Planet".

There are card decks that everyone has heard of, such as Zerg, Lava, Gem Knight, and Invading Demon are relatively powerful decks in terms of plot.

To describe it in one sentence, the card pool has many and complicated types, and the size is of the type that can produce several seasons of anime plus N theatrical versions. What cards can be drawn depends entirely on the face.

You Ling is not sure whether some of the cards that transcend the times can be used at this time.

After scanning these Pick·Up card pools, You Ling made a decision and finally chose the "Witch Magic" card pool that was more in line with the current world view and his personal aesthetic preference.

Strictly speaking, "Witch Magic" currently only has one fusion monster in addition to its main family - [Witch Magic Acting Master]. There are no such cards as synchronization, super and pendulum that transcend the times, so there is no need for them. I am worried that there will be an embarrassing situation that may not be able to be used at this time.

After taking a deep breath, You Ling immediately started gambling on his character and replaced the diamonds he had accumulated during this period with the girl cards in the Pick·Up card pool.

"Go! First, the first shot, I'll hit it ten times!"

"...Oh, I didn't shake Weier and Heine. Try it again!"

"Huh? Fusion monster? That's okay, right? Anyway, this thing is quite powerful..."

"Hiss... why is it the second sister Heine again! Give me a broken glass!"

"Oh, it's indeed glass this time, but it's in an adult form... By the way, does Sandrillon count as a witch? She has two forms at once... Speaking of which, if I use super dosage now, will I be kicked out by the seahorse who holds the competition? Is it a direct violation?"

"[Name reasoning]? [Neighbor's lawn mowing]? [Equipment refining and fusion]? Nani... actually has an invincible [Pluto Barrier Wave]???"

"Come on, come on... Even though it's the tenth time, I finally got it... Witch Veil, no, I should say it's my Veil, my Sandriyon..."

[After the lottery is completed, the relevant cards have been automatically added to the system card library, please confirm~]

[Current diamonds: 34,000]

Judging from the results, after Yu Ling spent a "huge price" of 10,000 diamonds and drew a total of 100 cards, he finally collected all the [Witch Magic] main cards in the Pick Up activity card pool of Witch Magic. A series of related cards.

The almighty Jenny, the potter's Botri, the painter's Pitlet, the blacksmith's Shumita, the jeweler's Andele, the tailor's Heine, the glassmaker's Veil, and the golem created by Veil ·Goddess Aluru...

In addition, Heine, the acting master who took charge of the overall situation after Weier ran away, and various related cards that match it...

Although there will inevitably be some duplicate cards, looking at the nine types of sister cards that were finally drawn, as well as the various [witchcraft] magic and trap cards that match them, Yu Ling’s hidden under the mask A knowing smile still flashed across his face.

In any case, compared to the option of direct exchange, the price he spends now is undoubtedly lower.

Even if you remove some cards that are temporarily unused, you will still make a lot of money!

"Speaking of which, I seemed to have gotten a random card group redemption coupon earlier. What can this thing produce?"

You Ling opened his inventory and saw two redemption coupons lying in it. He clicked on the white redemption coupon and tried to use it.

After You Ling did this, the types of decks he could redeem were also displayed in front of him.

Although it is a random exchange, because it has the suffix (white) (ordinary), some mainstream and powerful decks will not emerge.

You Ling, who had certain psychological expectations for this, after looking around at the options that popped up, finally focused on the "Rabbirins of the Silver City" icon that was finally displayed.

"Excuse me??? Silver City? Heavy-duty Quality City? Is this thing considered ordinary? Or is it because the succubus sisters inside have fairer skin, so they are assigned to white???"

After rubbing his eyes and confirming that he had not seen it wrong, You Ling, who was afraid that the system would suddenly regret it, quickly made his choice and exchanged for the "Silver City" deck that appeared in his eyes.

Following his actions, an initial "Silver City" deck containing various common trap cards also appeared in his inventory in the next moment instead of the exchange coupons that disappeared automatically.

You Ling took out the redeemed deck from the inventory and looked through the cards one by one. He probably had some subtle thoughts in his mind, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up unconsciously.

It was originally just a spur-of-the-moment attempt, but it succeeded in winning two powerful sister card decks, "Witch Technique" and "Silver City".

You Ling's inner thoughts of making trouble are once again ready to stir up trouble. In every sense, he is looking forward to the reactions of those opponents who will face him.

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