Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 177 Memories of the Past

Why can’t I find the God Card?

The existence of the God's Card is definitely not an phantom, but why am I searching so hard and searching almost every inch of the surrounding land, but I still can't find any trace of them?

My Duel Monsters would be impossible to complete without these three God Cards!

With the idea that he must find the Three Illusion Gods, Bekas, who was obsessed with the stone slabs and couldn't extricate himself at the time, summoned a large number of people to continuously excavate the stone slabs of the Three Illusion Gods in the local ruins.

In front of Bekas like this, Xia Di, who had previously given him the [Millennium Eye], took the initiative to show up again and informed him of the location of the stone slab of the Three Illusion Gods when he was stuck in a dead end.

In fact, that special stone slab has been sealed inside the thick stone chamber by the tomb-guarding clan with a special mission, using dark power.

Therefore, no matter how hard Becas tried, he could not find those special tablets hidden by supernatural powers.

“—Oh my god!”

Becas, who learned the truth from Xia Di, couldn't help shouting in shock when he woke up.

No wonder he couldn't find it. It turned out to be because there were traitors among the people gathered, and those people didn't want him to find him!

"Although the slates are hidden, but... with my power, you can still see those slates."

"Really? Please, please let me see it!"

Becas, who went from despair to hope, and then to despair again, heard this exciting news from Xia Di who appeared in front of him.

Dazzled by the huge excitement, he rushed excitedly to Xia Di and expressed his gratitude to the expressionless "Millennium Director".

Then, under the leadership of Xia Di, Bekas and some of his cronies passed through the mouth of the well and came to the depths of an unknown underground city.

Relying on the power of the Millennium Artifact, he avoided the sentries arranged by the Tomb Guards here, and with his own purpose, Xia Di finally led Bekas and the others to a sealed gate.

Now here, the door to history is about to be opened.

Three God Cards, break the three thousand years of slumber and resurrect!

After foreseeing the great changes that would follow, Xia Di, who made up his mind, used the power of the "Millennium Key" in his hand to open this long-standing seal and reveal the truth buried inside to Bekas. In the eyes of a group of people.

"This is it! Jesus! I finally found the three legendary God Cards! Oh great! With this, my Duel Monsters will also be completed!"

On the other side of the door opened by the Millennium Key is a secret room used to seal the special stone slab.

Passing through the ancient passage, avoiding the surrounding traps, and finally reaching the end, Bekas finally saw the stone slab engraved with the three phantom gods that he had longed for, which is currently displayed at the Doshino City Museum. The underground piece records the ancient duel ceremony between the Pharaoh and the priest, as well as the scene of the three God Cards floating above their heads, guarding the Wang family.

With the help of Xia Di, Bekas found the final piece of the puzzle and returned to the United States to start designing the God Card based on the photos of the slate he took.

Bekas's attempt to resurrect the God Card in this world did not know how terrible it would be, nor how much change and impact it would have.

But for Xia Di, who was eager to fulfill the Pharaoh's long-cherished wish at that time, this was also a last resort choice in order to find the orthodox holder of the thousand-year artifact.


"What? Are you saying that people involved with the God Card have died mysteriously one after another?"

"Yes, it is……"

The headquarters of the International Fantasy Society in the United States.

Sitting in the president's room, Bekas subconsciously made a shocked sound when listening to the bad news report from his subordinates.

Sensing Becas's emotional change, the subordinate with a hesitant expression continued to suggest: "In fact, there are people who were involved in abnormal accidents and died, and there are also people who panicked due to abnormal terrorist phenomena and eventually led to People who died suddenly... I don’t think these are pure coincidences, President Bekas, please stop materializing the God Card immediately!”

--boom! ! !


Becas slammed his clenched fists on the table in front of him, stood up suddenly, and retorted emotionally to his subordinates: "The development of Duel Monsters will affect the fate of our company. A huge undertaking! We are the ones who want to create new history! What does it matter if a little accident happens?"

Compared with human life, making history undoubtedly holds a higher weight in Bekas's heart.

As the president of a large international company, Becas's most indispensable thing is money. Once he completes his great ambition of dueling monsters, his money and status will increase exponentially.

Now that it has reached the final moment, Bekas will never allow anyone to stop moving forward.


"Oh, do you want to say that these accidents are punishments from Gods, warnings from Gods to ignorant mortals?"

The Millennium Eye located in the orbit of Becas's left eye responded to his emotions, and then flashed with a golden light: "In this case, since none of you are willing to take this risk, then it will be up to me alone. Take upon yourself the wrath of God!"

With a firm consciousness in his heart, Becas made the decision to fight against God, vowing to complete the God Card no matter what, and then took on the task of developing the God Card alone.

After sealing himself in a remote mountain mansion far away from people, and relying on the information collected previously to create the images of the three God Cards, Bekas looked at the physical picture of the three phantom gods that was finally presented. A glimmer of pride flashed through him.

The so-called divine power, in the final analysis, only affects some mortals.

People like him and Xia Di who were selected by the Millennium Artifact were not within the scope of this influence.

"It seems that even the power of God cannot defeat me who can control darkness!"

"After spending a huge price and taking such a long time, I have finally completed these card drawings... Now, I am also a little tired..."

After wiping the sweat from his forehead and completing the last step of the work, Becas felt the fatigue of this period rush into his heart in an instant, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

However, before he noticed it, the Millennium Eye embedded in his eye sockets automatically lit up with an inexplicable light, bringing his consciousness into a mental world in a different time and space.

"This...this is!"

Bekas regained consciousness again and found that he had become a spirit body and came to a world in an ancient era as a bystander.

Seeing the three phantom gods wreaking havoc on the distant land, floating in mid-air, and being constantly oppressed by the huge divine power, Bekas had a lot of sweat on his face involuntarily.

Just when he was at a loss about his current state and what had happened, and didn't know what to do, Xia Di's voice, like a savior, echoed in his ears again.

"Listen up, Becas."

"...Xia Di?"

"Dueling monsters is not just a game. The act of dueling, which originated in distant ancient times, is a dark game that contains the power to destroy the world."

"NO! I can't accept this statement. Even if duels are dark games, as long as they can be brought to the present world, it doesn't matter even if I sacrifice my soul to the devil!"

Refuting Xia Di's words, Becas, who was obsessed with this power, then activated the ability of the Millennium Eye, trying to use this power born from darkness to control the three illusory gods in the distance.

Seeing his stupid behavior of trying to become a god instead of being a god, Xia Di's eyes showed a look of pity: "Becas, I would like to give you one last piece of advice. As a mortal, you cannot control the three cards no matter what. The only way to save them from the power of God's Card is to seal them in their hometown of Egypt."

"Seal, you want me to seal these cards that I worked so hard to create...?!"

After saying the last words, Xia Di's figure disappeared from the space again.

The three illusory gods, who noticed the strange aura, also came to face Bekas at this time, and launched a collective attack containing divine wrath towards him without hesitation.

Divine Flame Cannon, Super Electrical Guided Wave Lightning Cannon, Divine Hand Smashing Fist...

Being overwhelmed by the combined attack of the three illusory gods, and experiencing an ultimate experience like ascending to heaven, Bekas suddenly woke up from his sleep, breaking out in a cold sweat.

If the scene just now was not a dream, but a revelation given to him by Xia Di...

"Unbelievable...the extreme power, heat and indescribable pain. The scene just now is definitely not a simple illusion."

Recalling the pain in his body at that moment, Becas, who was shaking like a sieve, had personally experienced and understood the horror of the God Card.

Although Bekas relied on his own strength to finally complete three god cards - [Sky Dragon of Osiris], [Winged Dragon of Sun God], and [Obelisk's Giant Divine Weapon], but due to his personal After experiencing the relationship with the super terrifying power of God, he finally decided to seal these three cards and give them to the right person for safekeeping.

And the person he found at that time was Isis Isildar.

Isis, who holds the power of thousand-year-old jewelry, knew Becas's intention one step ahead. Therefore, like Shadi, she took the initiative to find Becas and took over the resurrected god from his hands. card.

"Isis Isildar? Miss Isis? Is she the Miss Isis who was with You Ling and covered her face with a white veil and scarf?"

After hearing Xia Di's narration, Xiaobiao thought of something and subconsciously expressed his doubts.

So the three God Cards were originally in the hands of Bekas. Because he was afraid of the power of those cards, he personally gave them to the Isildar family of the tomb guard family for safekeeping.

"That's right, Bekas at that time visited the Isildar family where the woman belonged and handed her the God Card in his hand. I think you should be very clear about what happened after that... "

Nodding slightly, Xia Di responded to Xiao Biao's question in this way.

What happened next was that "Millennium Director" Xia Di instigated Isis's brother Malik to obtain the Millennium Tin Staff in order to add trials to the unknown Pharaoh who was resurrected in this world, and founded the rare card hunter organization "Guru". Si", which then triggered this thousand-year war against Muto Yugi.

Behind all of this, there is Xia Di's secret mischief. The fate of Becas, Malik, Isis, Muto Yugi and others has actually been part of Xia Di's plan.

However, due to the intervention of You Ling, a time traveler, the current situation has undergone some subtle changes.

"O you who are inhabited by the spirit of Pharaoh, I hope you will deliver my words to him on my behalf."

"It's not necessary."

The Eye of Truth located in the middle of the Millennium Building Blocks emitted a burst of light. Wang Xiang, who had been in his inner space, took the initiative to switch with the small watch and faced Xia Di in front of him: "I'm right here. If you have any questions, just talk to me directly." Tell me, Xia Di."

"...Then, let me report it."

Kneeling on one knee, Xia Di, who was a loyal servant of the Pharaoh, lowered his head humbly: "On this duel airship, all seven thousand-year-old artifacts have been gathered together. What is left to do?" The only thing is to win this duel and use your own power to open the door of memory, so that the king will be able to find the memories of the past."


After listening to Xia Di's story in silence, Wang Xiang's face showed an expression of neither joy nor sorrow.

Just when he looked at Xia Di and wanted to say something, referee Isono's voice suddenly came from the broadcast in the room: "...Duelists, please come to the hall to assemble quickly!"

Wang Xiang, who was attracted by the sound, subconsciously looked away.

And when Wang Yang reacted and turned his head again, Xia Di's figure had disappeared from the room, and he didn't know where he went.

"The other me, the rest of the duel is up to you!"

"Ah! Aibo, I will use my hands to gather three God Cards with my own hands."

Recalling what happened just now and the information Xia Di told him, Wang Xiang took a deep breath, immediately put away the cards placed on the table, swung the hem of his uniform and walked out of the door of the room.

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