Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 189: Get out of the way, let me go first!

Except for the noble three-speed counterattack trap, other trap cards, like the quick-attack magic cards, have two-speed effects that can be activated during the opponent's turn.

Therefore, Malik at this time can respond to the trap card activated by Peacock Dance and activate the quick attack magic card in his hand at this time.

And because of the duel rules of chain reverse processing, the effects of cards activated later in the duel will be processed first and take effect. Therefore, before being eliminated by the effect of [Dimensional Claustrophobia], [Executioner-Moxiu] Luo] will be the first to be hyped by the [Mysterious Chinese Pot] and become a prop used by Dark Malik to restore health.

After that, with no one to exclude, [Dimensional Claustrophobia] was launched in vain, and then sent to the location of Peacock Dance's cemetery.

"Oh, you were the first person to disappear from my side."

With the departure of [Executioner-Mashura], Dark Malik, like Peacock Dance before, will face the fate of losing a certain memory.

Seeing the puppet that he had previously used as a temporary carrier flash past in his field of vision, Malik's eyes did not show the slightest fluctuation.

"What's the matter, woman?"

"I saw it, there was someone else just now..."

Like Dark Malik, Peacock Dance also noticed the figure of the puppet that disappeared from him just now.

Although he has never seen the peacock dance of Malick's stand-in doll and does not know what it means to him, since the doll can appear, it means that there must be something between it and Malick. Some kind of connection that I don't know about.

"Hey, is there anyone?"

Catering to the gaze cast by Mian Quewu, An Malik shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Just like your situation just now, when my monster left the scene, there was indeed someone I knew. Gone from my memory."

"...Although I don't remember who the disappeared guy is, but no matter who disappeared, it doesn't matter to me, it's not a big deal."

"If you want to ask why, it's because... I not only like darkness! I also like the sense of fate of being alone!!!"

It is worth mentioning that when [Executioner-Meshura] left the scene, Dark Malik's memory of the previous doll also disappeared.

But for this matter, he, who had always only used his subordinates as props, did not show any special excited reaction on his face.

Even though he was keenly aware of the current situation, Dark Malik just squinted his eyes slightly and simply forgot about this insignificant matter to him.

"This guy……"

Seeing the indifferent reaction of Dark Malik, Peacock Wu, his opponent, gained a new understanding of him as a person.

Although I don’t know how Malik became this twisted appearance, but...

"Speaking of which, it doesn't matter who disappears, right? Rather than worrying about such things, I think it's better for you to focus on the duel in front of you."

Interrupting Peacock Dance's thinking state, An Malik licked his lips, showing a high-scoring look on his face.

"Hehehe... Peacock Dance, originally I wanted to end my turn just like this, but [Executioner-Mashura] has a special ability when he is sent to the cemetery!"

Raising his left arm with the duel plate on it, Dark Malik tapped his duel plate with his other free right hand, and then pointed to the cemetery: "When this guy was sent to the cemetery, I You will be able to activate trap cards directly from your hand!"



Regarding Dark Malik's words, Peacock Wu's reaction was subconscious shock, while You Ling, who had a certain understanding of this monster, had more of an understanding thought of "Sure enough,".

Generally speaking, trap cards need to be blocked for one turn before their effects can be activated, but at this moment, with the special last words effect of [Executioner-Meshura], Dark Malik skipped this step directly. , use the trap cards in your hand as quick-attack magic cards.

"Hehehe... Look, I'm going to activate this trap card from my hand now!"

The corner of his mouth curled up with a hint of pleasure. Malik, who said this, inserted the last card in his hand into the back of the duel plate and activated it at this moment: "——Trap Card [Lifeline" 】launch!"

Following Dark Malik's movements, the projection of a huge trap card suddenly appeared in front of him.

Under the gaze of everyone, a thick rope of unknown length suddenly stretched out from the picture of the trap card slowly floating high in the sky.

This thick rope stretched out towards the ground at everyone's feet. The moment it touched the ground, it opened a huge black hole that connected to the cemetery.

The thick rope that continued to extend deeper into the black hole seemed to be trying to forcefully pull an object out and drag it to Dark Malik's front.

"What exactly is this rope..."

"The trap card I activated at this moment has a special bonus effect on the monster sent to the graveyard this round. Not only can it increase its attack power by 800 points and revive it, but it can also give it another chance. The ability to attack your opponent!"

"...What did you say?"

Just when Peacock Dance was surprised by the effect of the trap card declared by the opponent, [Executioner-Mashura], who had been fried in the Chinese pot before, was forcibly pulled out from the graveyard by a thick rope, and In a stronger form, he was resurrected on Dark Malik's field.

Compared to its previous state, the resurrected demon monster's attack power increased by 800 points due to the effect of the trap card!

([Executioner-Mashura] Attack power: 1600 → 2400)

"Attack power...2400?!"

"The battle continues, let's go! [Executioner-Meshura] launches an attack on [Harpy Psychic]! Claw of Sanction!!!"

Dark Malik waved his arms again, continuing the battle that had been stopped just now, and gave the order to attack the monsters on the field.

Without the obstacle of the trap card, [Executioner-Mashura], who launched the attack this time, successfully came to Peacock Dance, and through a close-range cross-dodge attack, she defeated her on the field with an attack power of 1400. [Harpy Psychic] was torn into pieces in one breath.


(Peacock Dance LP: 4000→3000)

Because the monster was destroyed and sent to the cemetery, Peacock Dance randomly lost the memory of a partner at this moment.

Following the previous Kyoko Masaki, the person who disappeared from her memory this time was the yellow-haired boy Jonouchi who had not dealt with her very well before.

"...Within the city!"

"Oh? It looks like I got a good card this time!"

Noticing the change of emotions on Maou Wu's face, An Malik, who felt sincerely happy at this act of inflicting pain on the other party, couldn't help but show a proud smile, "Jounouchi? That guy is very interested in you You are a very caring partner, right?"

"Gu! The memory of another companion has disappeared from my mind. First it was Kyoko, and now it's Jonouchi..."

Peacock Wu once again felt a deep sense of loss, and couldn't help but recall her past at this moment.

When Peacock Wu was very young, her parents lost their lives in a car accident, leaving her alone in the world.

Peacock Wu, who grew up alone in this environment, realized that she was different from others and had no connection with the human warmth of normal people.

As she grew up, she gradually understood that there were some things in this world that she could never get no matter how much she desired.

Such as family, friendship, or love.

This is the peacock dance along the way, the truth that I believe in my heart.

Just like the [Harpy Girl] deck she used, the harpy girls who were unable to exert their powerful power worked hard to find armor and weapons to disguise themselves and make themselves more powerful.

Throughout this way of survival, Peacock Wu had doubts and struggles in her heart, but she finally suppressed these emotions firmly in her heart.

Just as she was trying to survive alone, Koyo and Jonouchi suddenly appeared, disrupting Peacock Wu's life plan and dragging her into the "Duelist Kingdom" planned by Bekas. In the midst of chaos.

After that incident came to a successful conclusion, Peacock Wu reunited with her former partners in Doushino City, which was transformed into a duel city. As if destined, she met Yu Ling, the despicable man who took away his most precious card. of strangers...

These people who appeared in Peacock Wu's life have had a significant impact on her life and her thoughts, and they also made Peacock Wu unconsciously start to care about the companions around her.

She is no longer alone, and has companions who are worthy of trust and trust each other.

Peacock Wu, who gradually started to trust other people's thoughts, met Dark Malik, a villain who used dark duels to play with people's hearts.

In the realm of dark duel launched by Dark Malik, Peacock Dance's memory of her companions will soon disappear, and she will return to her previous state before meeting her companions, and once again experience the sadness and sadness of absolute loneliness. Loneliness...

"Hehehehe... how about it? Peacock Dance! Another companion's memory has disappeared from your mind!"

"If you continue like this, you will soon be unable to remember everyone else forever, wandering alone in a lonely world, and gradually dying!"

Stretching out his arm in the direction of Peacock Wu who was stunned by fear and just stood there, Dark Malik showed a slowly tightening movement of his fingers: "Disappear! Fragments of memory!"


As Malik's words fell, Peacock Wu's remaining memories of the city suddenly disappeared with the wind.

She was shocked to the core, and while her eyes lost their luster, she involuntarily knelt down on the cold ground in front of her.

"...Wu? What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Peacock Wu, who was playing cards well on the court, suddenly fell to his knees, and everyone watching couldn't help but ask concerned questions from their mouths.

To his well-informed friend Yugi Muto, who had created countless miracles, Jonouchi couldn't help but ask, "Yugi! What happened to Mai?"

"About this, according to my guess..."

Wang Xiang, who was facing the confused Jonouchi with his arms folded as if thinking, frowned and gave his guess: "That Malik guy, it is very likely that through this dark duel, he gradually lost his ability to control Wu. The memories of our partners..."

"...Let the memory disappear?! Is there such a thing?!"

Jonouchi's eyes suddenly widened with an expression of disbelief. After hearing what Wang Xiang said, he couldn't help shouting encouragement to Peacock Wu who was in a depressed state on the stage: "Wu! Cheer up!" Get up! Can you hear me?"

"Wu! Have you forgotten my existence too?"

Peacock Dance: "..."

Although the enthusiastic Jonouchi shouted at the top of his lungs to his companions on the duel field, Peacock Mai, whose memory of him had disappeared, was unable to hear the message Jonouchi wanted to convey to her.

From Peacock Mai's perspective, Jonouchi at this moment, like Kyoko before, disappeared from her eyes like a gust of wind.

"It's no use just shouting like that...Jounouchi."

Seeing the useless behavior of the yellow-haired boy, You Ling, who originally had no intention of intervening in the duel, couldn't help but sigh and stopped Jonouchi who was planning to continue rushing to Peacock Dance.

According to the rules of dueling, spectators cannot affect the duelists on the field through this physical means.

If Erlunzi Jonouchi really did this, then the referee Isono could directly determine that Maiko Mai's side had lost and hand the victory to Malik on the other side.

"You Ling, don't stop me! Haven't you seen Wu's current state?"

"Of course I saw it, but..."

Seeing the members of the family and friends group re-establishing Jonouchi's body and restricting his mindless behavior, You Ling explained to him in a calm tone: "Now that the Dark Duel has begun, I want to eliminate the The influence of these off-field factors is not a simple matter.”

"In order to fight against the thousand-year-old tin staff in Malik's hand, another thousand-year artifact is needed to intervene."

His eyes shifted to Wang Xiang, who seemed to be planning to intervene. The Millennium Building Block hanging on his chest was glowing slightly. You Ling suggested to him: "Leave it to me here! Compared to the Millennium Building Block, The thousand-year key in my hand may be more suitable."

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