Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 191 Seizing “La”’s Winged Dragon

"Those people who have always supported me, those companions who are extremely important to me, it is their existence that gives me the strength to fight against the darkness in front of me, so that my heart can not be swallowed by illusions... Thank you , You Ling, it doesn’t matter to me anymore, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

With the help of You Ling, Peacock Wu woke up from the previous depressed state.

The fighting spirit in her heart grew higher and higher, and there was no trace of confusion in her eyes when she looked at Malik across from her.

Even for the sake of her friends who cheered and encouraged her, she would never fall down easily here!

"Hehehe... Although the intervention of that guy You Ling was beyond my expectation, but even so, in this situation, as an ordinary person, you can actually control your own spirit and emerge from that state. Wake up..."

An Malik, who came back to his senses together with You Ling, cast an admiring look at Peacock Wu who was cheering up on the other side: "Woman... no! Peacock Wu, it seems that I have indeed underestimated you!"

"As far as the female duelists I have ever seen, you may be the strongest female duelist I have ever seen, except for my sister and that weird little girl!"

The weird little girl here refers to the little loli Emma who uses the "Exodia" deck, which is also the famous "Exodia, Circus Guillotine!".

Before coming to Tongshiye City, An Malik, who originally knew about the existence of such an extraordinary duelist, had once thought about recruiting her into the army of Gurus to train her properly.

However, since Malik did not see Emma competing in the Duel City competition, he finally gave up on the plan of finding a needle in a haystack and instead tried to win over You Ling, a subordinate who was interested in him. A forced stranger who behaves like "exploding gold coins".

This kind of behavior of luring wolves into the house eventually led to the destruction of the Gurus organization, and now Malik is in a very embarrassing situation of being alone...

Fortunately, for Malik, as long as he can win to the end, all these problems will no longer be a problem.

Well, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future!

When I collect all three fantasy god cards and ascend to the dual thrones of Pharaoh and Duel King in this duel city competition, then, what else is there to be afraid of?

Such thoughts echoed in Malik's heart.

"My fighting spirit will not be lost so easily!"

Lift your right arm vigorously and slowly close your fingers.

While taking a deep breath, Peacock Wu with a determined look on her face gave her own answer to Dark Malik who praised her: "Malik! I must use my strength to win back the victory in this duel." Those things you have lost! Just wake up to me!"


An Malik, who just said harsh words to You Ling, could not help but raise the corners of his mouth when he heard the declaration that Peacock Wu made to him at this moment.

He looked at the peacock dancer with a playful look, shrugged his shoulders, and said with an indifferent smile: "In that case, let me see what you plan to do! It's your turn next, woman, let's Let me see your struggle!”

"Ah! I will never let you find any opening to get into my heart again... My turn is to draw a card!"

Waving his arms and pulling out a new card from the top of the deck, Peacock Dance then looked at the duel field at this moment and observed the status of both parties.

Dark Malik on the opposite side currently has 2500 health points, and there is [Executioner-Meshura] with an attack power of 2400 on his field.

On the other hand, the remaining health points on my side are 3000 points, and the monsters on the field are [Three Harpy Sisters] (Attack: 1950), and [Harpy's Pet Dragon] (Defense: 2500 → 2800) .

If it were just a frontal attack, no monster would be a match for [Executioner-Mashura].

"... Entering the main stage 1, I summoned [Amazon Chain User] (Warrior Type/Earth/4 Stars/Attack Power: 1500/Defense Power: 1300) from my hand in attack position!"

Waving her arms, Peacock placed a new card on the deck of the duel plate.

Following her movements, a dark-skinned girl with a wild jungle style, her waist-length hair tied into a ponytail, and a sharp hook lock in her hand, came to her front with the light.

Although the attack power of this [Amazon] monster is only 1500 points, there is no fear on her face.

The Amazons are born for fighting. Even if they face a losing battle, they will never take a step back!

"Fight! I use [Amazon Chain User] (Attack Power: 1500) to attack [Executioner-Meshura] (Attack Power: 2400)!"

After completing the summoning behavior of this round and then entering the combat stage, Peacock Wu issued a suicidal attack command to the monsters on her field.

Seeing Peacock Dance's stupid move that was almost self-destructive, Dark Malik immediately raised the corner of his mouth and simultaneously gave instructions to the monsters on his field to counterattack: "Oh, Peacock Dance... although I don't know you now. What exactly are you planning to do, but I won’t pretend I didn’t see such a stupid move!”

"...Fight back! [Executioner-Moshiro], destroy the monster that dares to fight you, and let the stupid woman opposite you taste the taste of never-ending loneliness again!"

Peacock Dance's behavior of pitting a monster with an attack power of 1,500 against a monster with an attack power of 2,400 is undoubtedly a stupid move.

As everyone expected, the battle on the field was almost without any suspense, showing a one-sided situation.

[Amazon Chain User], who received the command from Peacock Dance, threw the chain in her hand towards [Executioner-Meshura]. However, her attack failed to penetrate the opponent's defense.

The next moment, the executioner who was close to her body quickly waved the hook in his hand and used the previous cross-flash attack, tearing the [Amazon Chain User]'s body into pieces and forcibly sending it away. Went to the cemetery.

Injured by the difference in attack power between the two monsters, Peacock Dance simultaneously lost 900 points of health at this moment.


(Peacock Dance LP: 3000→2100)

Different from the previous situation, although the monsters on the field were destroyed by the battle, Peacock Dance was not affected by this and once again lost the memory of someone.

"It's not over yet! At the moment the monster is destroyed, the effect of [Amazonian Chainer] will be activated! By paying 1000 life points, I can take away any monster from the opponent's deck. Card!"


With a "planned" expression on his face, Peacock Wu deliberately suffered the damage from the battle. He pointed at Dark Malik, whose face changed slightly, and made a further declaration to him who subconsciously opened his eyes: " That’s right, Malik! It’s what you think!”

"The monster card I am going to take away from your deck next is not any other card, it is the only card of God that can influence the situation on the field - [Wings of the Sun God Dragon]!!!"

Dark Malik: "...!!!!!"

"...You were able to take away Malik's God Card? Well done! Wu!"

Jonouchi, who was originally puzzled by Peacock Dance's actions, suddenly became very excited after hearing the intention she explained at this moment.

He clenched the fist of his right hand hard and hit it hard on the palm of his left hand. Jonouchi, who showed off his beauty, was driven by the emotions surging in his heart and couldn't help but let out a heartfelt joy from his mouth. Voice: "It turns out that guy Wu didn't give up on himself, but he wanted to take the God Card from Malik's hand from the beginning! This guy... really makes people worry!"

"Well done, Dance!"

Even Wang Xiang, who has always considered things comprehensively, couldn't help but praise Peacock Dance's behavior at this moment.

In Wang Yang's view, as long as one of the God Cards, the Winged Dragon, is taken away from Malik, his strength will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Even if Peacock Dance doesn't use the stolen God Card, he can still avoid the possibility of Malik using this card!

It can be said that Peacock Dance's move completely exceeded the expectations of most people present.

No matter how you think about it, it’s a good way to catch someone by surprise!

(Peacock Dance LP: 2100→1100)

"...In this way, I succeeded! The card that exists as the most powerful god's card - [Wings of the Sun God Dragon]! At this moment it came into my hands!"

While leaving the field, [Amazon Chainer] activated its own effect, snatching the God Card from Malik's deck and sending it to Peacock Wu's hand.

Holding this card with special meaning, he performed a Minotaur-style peacock dance on his opponent. While raising the corners of his mouth, he pointed it in the direction of Dark Malik and displayed it like a show: "Malik, You are so conceited...have you ever thought that you would be in a situation like this?"

"Ha... Peacock Dance, do you know what you did?"

Stimulated by Peacock Dance's Minotaur behavior, Dark Malik returned to his expressionless state. A big "hash" sign immediately appeared on his forehead, "Take the God card away from my deck and return it." Showing off to me at this time... I will never let you go easily if you do such a thing!"

"...I have decided, I will make you, the guy who dares to offend God and tease me, die in an extremely painful and ugly death!"

While speaking, his tone gradually became more intense.

Dark Malik was hit hard by Peacock Dance's behavior, and his murderous intention towards her has reached a new level since then.

"Oh, what you said is really interesting. I spend my whole day either taking revenge on this or that... By the way, before you do this, you will go to hell before me."

After adding the God Card taken from Dark Malik to his hand, Peacock Dance then ambush another card in his hand into his backfield: "Next, I ambush a card and the round ends. "

To summon the God Card, three monsters on the field need to be released as sacrifices.

In this round, in order to seize the God Card, she has used her right to move. Now that she has no matching card in her hand, Peacock Dance does not have the conditions to call [Wings of the Sun God Dragon].

After considering this, she temporarily put the idea of ​​calling God in her heart to the next round.

"Great, brother, the last God Card has also appeared. If this happens, the direction of the battle will change dramatically!"

"Hmph! Has the God Card finally appeared?"

Seeing the last and strongest God Card appear in such an unexpected way, Kaiba, who was holding his arms in a cold posture, habitually let out a cold snort from his mouth: "So far... how is it? It’s all done, no matter who it is, please let me see the power of the strongest God card!”

In fact, at this time, Kaiba couldn't help but have a doubtful thought in his heart.

He vaguely remembered that Malik had told him before that only those who were related to the Millennium Artifact were qualified to use the God Card.

Unless Peacock Wu is like herself, an existence that cannot be measured by common sense, otherwise, even if she gets the God Card in this way, she still has no way to use it...

In the worst case scenario, she might be punished by God for this!

In any case, everything will be revealed the moment the Sun God appears.

Whether he will listen to the Peacock Dance woman or not, we will naturally know the answer when the time comes.

"Hmph! Peacock dance..."

An imperceptible sneer flashed across his face, and An Malik, who gradually recovered his mentality, raised the corners of his mouth again, showing a calm expression, "Although you have done so in this way of self-destruction, from I was very surprised when I took the God Card away from my hand, but this does not mean that you have enough power to control Him!"

Summoning the God Card requires three sacrifices as a price. Dark Malik, who is fully aware of this, does not intend to give Peacock Wu the opportunity to try.

When it came to his turn, the first thing he wanted to do was to drive the monsters on his field to launch a new round of attack on Peacock Dance.

In any case, before God comes, the advantage is still on his side.

As long as the number of monsters on the Peacock Dance field is controlled within a certain range, then it is impossible for her to gather the three monsters used to summon gods on the field!

"...You don't need to worry about the God Card for me."

"Really? Then, it's my turn...my turn, draw cards!"

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