Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 20 One-half of the Super Magical Dragon Knight

While exploring the system functions, You Ling discovered that the system actually has a very user-friendly function, similar to a "storage space".

That is, when you no longer need some cards, you can put the cards you own into the system's card library for storage, and then take them out of the card library when you need them.

You can either take out a single card from it, or you can take out an entire deck of cards that has been assembled in advance.

The diamonds used to redeem cards and the currency used for consumption are similar. They can be directly stored in the system panel and then taken out for use when needed.

In addition, there is a real storage space for personal belongings.

After discovering this function, You Ling immediately found a place to put his luggage.

In addition to the black robe used to hide his identity, and the duel disk like a weapon, You Ling stuffed as much of his luggage, clothes, dry food, water and other daily necessities into the system as possible...

After defeating the Grus members and Jonouchi one after another, Yu Rei obtained the corresponding trophies from them and a large amount of experience points. The duelist level was also upgraded from the original LV5 to LV6, surpassing the level of ordinary duelists.

Although this level has no practical effect, it can be regarded as a status symbol.

【Ding~~~! 】

[Side mission: Take away the "Red-Eyed Black Dragon" from Jonouchi's hands. (completed)】

[Task reward: a large amount of experience points, 2,000 diamonds, unlocking the "Red Eye" card group... has arrived, please check it. 】

[In addition, because you defeated Jonouchi Katsuya without any injuries and exceeded the task issued by the system, you will receive an additional half of the unlocking rights for the SSR single card - "Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red-Eyed Dragon Knight", which is currently unlocked Progress——1/2]

As Jonouchi was knocked over by Exodia's "Demon Fire Cannon", he pretended to be a member of "Gurus" and defeated Jonouchi's Yurei without any injuries, thus completing the mission announced by the system. Side missions.

As the night grew darker, as You Ling left the place where the Gurus members gathered to avoid possible tracking and returned to the hotel where he lived, a friendly reminder from the system came to his ears.

"[True Red-Eyes Black Dragon]? To be honest, I basically have no use for this card. Anyway, there will definitely be the same card in the deck unlocked in the system mission."

"Rather than leaving me here to eat dust, it's better to do a favor and find an opportunity to return it to Jonouchi... Anyway, the system's mission has been completed, so the meaning of keeping this card with me is not very big..."

After untying the black robe and hanging it on the hanger, Yu Ling heard the system prompt and took out the [True Red Eyes Black Dragon] he just got from Jonouchi, looked at it, and then put it away again. .

The reason why it didn't return the card immediately just now was, on the one hand, waiting for the system to prompt the task to be completed, and on the other hand, it was to make the people in black robes who were watching eagerly give up the idea of ​​taking the card from his hand.

If You Ling just returns the card to Jonouchi, in a short while, the boy will definitely be intercepted by the black-robed people of "Gurus" who know his whereabouts, and will be forced to have a duel.

There was even a chance that wildfire would burn his head, You Ling.

In that case, it would appear that the gain outweighs the loss.

"...Then, it's time to take a look at the rewards of the mission."

Because he had supplemented his sleep during the day, there was no sleepiness on You Ling's face at this moment.

He sat on the bed, thinking silently in his mind, and then called up the system panel that only he could see.

He reached out and pressed in the void to jump to the task bar of the system panel. He clicked the "Receive Reward" button on the task panel. After doing these operations, You Ling got a brand new deck—— [Red Eye] Card Deck!

After receiving the card set, You Ling couldn't wait to take it in his hand and taste it one by one.

Compared with the [True Eyes] set in the city that was quite thin, full of mortal bone monsters, and whose overall performance was somewhat unsatisfactory, the strength of the [True Red Eyes Deck] obtained by Yu Ling at this moment has been extremely significantly improved.

In addition to the three most basic mortal bones [True Red Eyes Black Dragon], there is also the [True Red Eyes Dark Steel Dragon] that is indispensable when playing Dragon Fist!

It even includes some reinforcement cards that only appear in OCG, such as [Legendary Black Stone], [True Red-Eyes Black Star Dragon], and [True Red-Eye Fusion].

It was indeed a task specially marked with an exclamation mark by the system, and the rewards did not disappoint!

You Ling nodded with satisfaction and while counting the trophies, he suddenly remembered something.

"Wait a minute, I just heard something like... overfulfilling the task and getting an extra reward? And the reward is... the Super Magical Dragon Knight, also known as Hong Daddy?!"

"……real or fake?!"

When Yu Ling heard the name [Super Magical Dragon Knight - True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight], he subconsciously recalled the fear of being dominated by "Red Dad" when he was playing cards.

One card appears, the suppression power is MAX!

Cannot be the subject of effects and cannot be destroyed by effects.

It has a three-color Kang once every round, which can activate the effect of invalidating and destroying the opponent's cards, and permanently increases its own attack power by 1000 points...

In addition, each round can blow up up to 2 monsters on the opponent's field and inflict damage equal to the original attack power of those monsters on the opponent!

At that time, just because of the appearance of "Red Dad", the entire poker playing environment fell into a chaotic scene of a group of demons.

The cards at that time can be roughly divided into two categories.

[Super Magical Dragon Knight-True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight], and other cards...

[True Red Eye], which was once ridiculed as salty fish eyes, and [True Red Eye Fusion], which almost no one used, became the objects of competition at that time!

These scenes are enough to prove the power of this card, and it is fully in line with the rewards for overfulfilling the task!

Even the ace brother in the [True Dragon] deck that the system highly recommended before - [True Dragon Sword Emperor-Zhuo Huixing Jigsaw], can't compare to this invincible [Super Magical Dragon Knight] -Red-Eyed Dragon Knight]!

Unfortunately, only half of it is unlocked.

"Half of the unlocking rights...one-half, right?"

"So the remaining half will be unlocked for me after I defeat Muto Yugi without any injuries?"

You Ling rested his chin on his palm, thinking about the remaining unlocking conditions, and came to this conclusion.

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