Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 216 Boy, you are in trouble!

"You Ling, are we going to take this raft next?"

Together with Yu Ling, who was responsible for leading the way, they arrived on the raft floating by the lake. Kyoko sat down carefully in a duck-sitting position. While feeling the raft swaying back and forth with the current under her body, Kyoko couldn't help but feel... Zumi asked worriedly towards the reliable You Ling beside him.

With the shadow left by the old suspension bridge just now, Kyoko instinctively suffered from PTSD in response to this unstable vehicle.

"Well, don't worry, it's okay. Besides, they will also be responsible for helping us lead the way."

Riding on the raft with Yu Ling and the others were three penguins who acted as navigators.

Seeing that the visiting passengers were already in place, the penguins, who seemed to possess astonishing wisdom, immediately used their fins as paddles to push the raft to set sail and began to move towards the other side of the river.

After sensing that the raft's course had been basically set, and all they needed to do was move along the current, the penguins, who had finished all their work, jumped off the raft at the same time and returned to their original location. .

Then, on the misty river surface, drifting along the current, You Ling and his party finally arrived at another shore where a large number of penguins gathered.

"It looks like this is our next destination."

"Well, there are so many penguins in this place? Could it be that this is the Penguin Kingdom?"

What appeared in front of Yu Ling and his party was a towering building in the distance, as well as a large number of penguins gathering on the shore.

After seeing the strange visitors like You Ling, the penguins who were curious about them immediately came over, intending to express their welcome to the visitors.

However, after feeling the threatening gaze from Wei'er, the penguins, who were inexplicably aware of the danger to their lives, immediately gave up their plans to do anything to You Ling and his party, and instead politely stayed in place. The ground paid attention.

Then, following the winding steps all the way up, You Ling and his party finally arrived at the door of a building with a large number of penguin sculptures.

Looking at the penguin-like decorations and the magnificent palace-like building decorated everywhere, You Ling raised his eyebrows. After letting Wei'er beside him temporarily become invisible with magic, he then actively opened the door and walked into the building. internal.

As the group of people arrived inside the building, more penguins appeared in front of them as expected.

It seems that the owner of this place has an inexplicable love and paranoia for penguins.

"Jiejiejiejie... Kyoko Masaki, a 16-year-old female high school student, welcome to my castle! Come to my penguin kingdom!"

At the same time that You Ling and his party stepped into the building, a gloomy laughter echoed around everyone at the same time.

Listening to this inexplicable and weird laughter, Kyoko, who was frightened, immediately shouted: "Who is there? Stop pretending! Come out quickly!"

"Well, don't be so anxious, the selection meeting has already started!"

"...Selection meeting?"

As this very unbeatable sound sounded again, the penguins gathered in the hall immediately separated to both sides, providing a passage for You Ling and his party that was enough for the three of them to walk together.

However, You Ling and the others still did not see the shadow of the person who spoke.

"Kyoko Masaki, you really want to act, right? The play [Dark Magician Girl and the Philosopher's Stone], which is particularly famous even if it is on Broadway?"


"Our Haima Company has provided a large amount of sponsorship for Broadway musicals? So even if you are selected as the heroine, it is not difficult."

"...Let me be a Broadway heroine?"

"Jiejiejie...yes, my proposal is good, right? You know, this is the musical you have always longed for!"

The group of penguins in the distance separated again, and out came a fat penguin wearing a gentleman's hat, a bow at his neck, a black suit, and golden fur at the corners of his eyes.

He took the initiative to appear in front of Kyoko and cast a lustful and greedy light on the girl in front of him.

As for Yu Ling who was observing the surroundings beside Kyoko, and Wei'er who was invisible, they were not within the Fat Penguin's attention.

Now, he is putting all his attention on Masaki Kyoko, the current female high school student.

While imagining the next scene, Fat Penguin showed an undisguised disgusting smile on his face.

Jie Jie Jie Jie... The body of such a young and charming young girl will next be my possessions, Otaki Shuzo!

"With this voice... and this tone of voice, could it be that you are from the Fifth Elder...?"

Kyoko seemed to have recognized the identity of the fat penguin, and blinked, with a surprised expression on her face.

When she was acting with Yugi and the others before, Kyoko, as a member of the family and friends group, also learned some information about the five elders.

However, because the appearance of the five elders has now become their respective avatars, Kyoko did not recognize the identity of the person in front of her for a while.

"That's right, I am the former head of the human resources department of Kaiba Company, Shuzo Otaki, who was fifty-five years old at the time!"

After introducing himself, Otaki Shuzo immediately used a flexible backflip to sit in front of the simple office chair prepared by the penguins.

Facing Kyoko, who was stunned on the spot, Otaki Shuzo took out a notebook from somewhere and began to read her personal information word by word: "Then let's start the interview session of the selection meeting."

"What interview? What on earth are you doing?"

Ignoring Kyoko's protest, Fat Penguin flipped through the notes in his hand and continued to mutter: "Mazaki Kyoko, sixteen years old, has been wandering around the world because of her father's work since she was a child. One day, she saw [The Dark Knight] on Broadway in New York. She was deeply moved by this after watching the musical "Magic Girls and the Philosopher's Stone"..."

"Hmm...why do you know such a thing?"

Listening to the fat penguin Otaki Shuzo's speech, Kyoko's face showed an uncontrollable look of astonishment.

How did this guy know this information about himself?

"Jiejiejiejiejie... Don't underestimate the intelligence network of big companies! We can easily get the information about a little girl like you. There is no difficulty at all."

Answering Kyoko's question out of kindness, Otaki Shuzo continued: "...You have excellent grades and are good at sports, but you refused invitations to join all the clubs in the school. In order to save funds for studying abroad and dancing, you used Working quietly in a burger shop in your spare time... This kind of behavior is indeed very commendable, but will your level of hard work be able to make your dream come true?"


Noticing the look of contempt that flashed across Otaki Shuzo's face, Masaki Kyoko, who was a little angry at his reaction, immediately retorted to him: "How can you know this kind of thing if you don't try it?"

"You can figure it out even without trying~"

Faced with Kyoko's question, Otaki Shuzo just responded in a neutral tone: "If you want to ask why, it's because the resume in my hand has already been written very clearly!"

"...Mazaki Kyoko, you are also one of those stupid young people nowadays who rudely occupy a position without caring about it, do not reflect on your shameless behavior at all, and only talk about things that are related to you during the conversation. ah!"

"... There is no such thing as a future for social worms like you! What awaits you in the future is only a miserable future!"

"Wait a minute, don't just label people!"

Kyoko was inexplicably scolded by the fat penguin across from her. Feeling inexplicable, Kyoko subconsciously made a rebuttal sound from her mouth.

However, at this time, Otaki Shuzo spoke again and began to count Kyoko's sins in detail: "Hmph! Masaki Kyoko, you have thrown away the garbage 12 times since you were born, and you have not turned off the faucet 35 times. Forgot to turn off the lights 62 times... If all 7 billion people on the planet were like you and learned what you did, what would the world be like?"

"Liar, how could I..."

The tone of the rebuke became more and more exciting. At this point, Otaki Shuzo suddenly clapped his resume and made a concluding speech: "Wasting energy is also one of the causes of the greenhouse effect. If this continues, The penguins living in Antarctica will become more and more miserable! Kyoko Masaki, do you know how big of a mistake you have made???"

As the former head of the human resources department of Kaiba Corporation, Shuzo Otaki is best at workplace PUA for employees.

Suppressing the arrogance of newcomers and then taking the opportunity to bring them under his control. This smooth and smooth operation is as simple as eating and drinking for him.

Although the Kyoko in front of her was not an employee of the Kaiba Group, there would be no problem in using this method of dealing with new employees to deal with a little girl like her who had not yet left school.

"My mistake?"

Looking at the penguins gathered in the hall around her, Kyoko looked into their innocent eyes, and she couldn't help but feel a little guilty in her heart.

It seems that just as Otaki Shuzo said, she really made a series of irreparable mistakes.

"Hmph! People who can't understand Penguin naturally can't bring about touching scenes. But don't worry, I will make good use of your body next time and let you be reborn from the ashes and become a substitute. A female high school student who cares about the earth! Hahahahaha!!!”


Just when Shuzo Otaki was using his workplace PUA tactics on Kyoko, planning to take advantage of her negative state of self-doubt to duel her, Yu Rei, who was walking at a leisurely pace, also came up behind it. , and kicked Otaki Shuzo's butt that was constantly twisting on the folding chair.

While unreservedly kicking this crooked old pervert into his favorite penguin colony, You Ling spoke slowly and faced Fatty, who was struggling to get up from the ground and still didn't understand what was going on. Penguin mocked: "Ah... old man, stop talking nonsense! If you have time to talk about environmental protection and animal protection, it would be more practical to just come and play cards with me to determine the outcome!"

"You... you actually hurt my noble body! You are impatient to live, aren't you?"

He was always the only one who bullied others, so how could he be taken advantage of?

As a high-ranking former cadre of the Kaiba Group, when had Shuzo Otaki ever suffered such a level of humiliation?

He originally didn't want to pay attention to the role of a passerby like You Ling, but after personally experiencing the "love and kindness" given by You Ling with his body, his lungs almost exploded!

"Although I don't know where you came from, I will make you pay the corresponding price for your arrogant remarks immediately!"

While speaking, Otaki Shuzo vigorously slapped the marble floor under his feet with his flippers, directly activating his authority as the boss of the level and forcibly rewriting the current venue.

Following his movements, the surrounding environment changed drastically in an instant.

The magnificent palace and the huge group of penguins all disappeared, and what appeared in their place were multiple thick ice surfaces that resembled pedestals above the sea.

On one side of the ice, there was the figure of Otaki Shuzo, who had taken out a duel plate from somewhere and put it on his hand, his eyes making the shape of spitting fire.

On the other side, there was You Ling, who let his black cloak flutter in the wind, constantly refreshing his fashion value, and Kyoko, who was hiding behind him, sitting in a duck-sitting posture.

"Jiejiejiejie... Boy, since you are so eager to die, then I will do what you wish and fight you in a duel on this frozen ocean!"

Like the previous deep-sea warriors, Otaki Shuzo, who looked like a fat penguin, raised the duel disk in his hand towards Yu Ling who was confronting him on the opposite side: "You brat over there, and Kyoko Masaki, please tell me. Okay! There is only one way for you to escape from here, and that is to defeat me through a duel!"

"After I finish taking care of you, let's deal with Kyoko Masaki behind you... After taking away the body of the female high school student, what on earth should I do? It's really... people are looking forward to it! "

While saying this, Otaki Shuzo used his fat penguin face to perform the common movements of a very disgusting greasy uncle.

Seeing his disgusting action of licking his lips back and forth, Kyoko shuddered and followed her own instinct to hide behind Yu Ling subconsciously.

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