Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 218 Seto Kaiba’s Past


As the fat penguin image of Otaki Shuzo disappeared, a wooden door connecting to other virtual worlds suddenly appeared on the ice where it originally stood.

Noticing the familiar-looking connecting passage leading to the next location, Yu Ling put away the duel disk, and then waved to Kyoko behind him: "Let's go, Miss Kyoko, let's hurry up next. Go join the others.”


Nodding slightly, Kyoko, who could be said to have won the entire game with the help of You Ling, a great teammate, felt a sense of unreality in her heart, and stepped into the teleportation door with Wei'er and You Ling. In the passage...

"Brother, there is a wooden house in that place. Let's go there and take a rest."

"Well, that's true. You really should take a rest."

On the other side, the Kaiba brothers, who left the illusion of the orphanage where they lived in the past, set out again and arrived near a forest cabin surrounded by green grass.

After seeing the wooden house standing alone nearby, Kaiba Keppei's face immediately showed an excited look.

After thinking for a moment, Seto Kaiba did not reject his proposal. However, when he saw that his brother was about to open the door, he took the lead and opened the door of the cabin instead of his brother.

"This is the space created by Naia, so there is probably some boring trap behind this door."

With this thought in mind, Kaiba, who was ready to wake up, reached out and opened the door in front of him.

It was like triggering some kind of switch. With his movement, the space the two of them were in also changed in an instant. The original forest cabin was instantly replaced by the interior scene of a private mansion.

Seeing the abnormal scene that suddenly appeared in front of him, Kaiba Seto's eyes suddenly revealed a look of uncontrollable shock.

As the president, he was not intimidated by the luxurious scene of the mansion.

The reason why Kaiba was surprised at this moment was because this mansion was exactly the one he was familiar with. It was the place where the man named Kaiba Gosaburo once lived, and it was also the place where their brother lived after he was adopted.

"This scene is... the day Keppei and I were adopted as adopted sons by the Kaiba family?!"

"Eh? This is our home? No... at this time, it should be Kaiba Gozaburo's home!"

Looking at the inexplicably familiar scenes around him, Keihe Kaiba, who originally thought he was back home, subconsciously had a look of confusion on his face.

However, after seeing multiple figures walking towards them in the distance, the confused brother finally realized what the problem was.

By defeating Gozaburo in the chess game, Kaiba Seto and Kaiba Keihei were able to become Kaiba Gozaburo's adopted sons and enter his life.

What was presented in front of their eyes at this moment was the scene at that time.

The people walking towards them were none other than Seto Kaiba and Keihe Kaiba when they were young.

Under Naia's evil manipulation, the Kaiba brothers were forced to play the role of spectators again, watching the trivial things that happened to them in the past.

"Substance is composed of atoms...and atoms are composed of nuclei and electrons..."


Under the gaze of the Kaiba brothers, the surrounding scene changed again. From the day their brothers were adopted, it quickly switched to the scene of Kaiba himself receiving elite education courses.

In Gozaburo Kaiba's mansion, Seto Kaiba, who was trained by him as his successor, had almost no free time for himself.

His personal schedule was so packed that even the most basic eight hours of normal sleep became a luxury. Even in this state, his arrangements were indeed becoming more and more intensive.

The young Kaiba is burdened with pressure that should not be felt at his age.

Therefore, Kaiba couldn't help but doze off in class.

"Master Seto, you have become the adopted son of the Kaiba family as you wished. Until you catch up with Mr. Gozaburo, there is no extra free time for you to sleep, right?"

The stern butler who is unsmiling always keeps an eye on Kaiba's condition.

After seeing him falling into a drowsy state due to fatigue, the butler quickly swung the pointer in his hand and hit the table, waking him up from his dazed state.

After adjusting the glasses on the bridge of his nose, the butler threatened the dazed Kaiba: "Or is it that Master Seto can't bear the current life, so he plans to leave Kaiba's house with Master Keppei?"

"Well...I know!"

After hearing what the butler said, Kaiba gritted his teeth and forcibly cheered up.

This was Kaiba's previous plan to become Gozaburo and completely change his own destiny and that of his younger brother.

No matter what, he would not give up easily.

After realizing his gaffe, Kaiba reacted and pinched his thigh hard, alleviating his tired reaction through pain.

Seeing that Kaiba was in good spirits again, the stern butler nodded with satisfaction and stepped aside again.

In fact, scenes like this are just fragments of one day in Kaiba's past life.

"...Seto, after receiving education for so long, you must have a clear self-understanding of your current situation, right? Then, let me hear your thoughts on the future development of Kaiba Company. Such a view."

The scene switches to dinner time at Kaiba's house.

Gozaburo, who put his suit aside casually and enjoyed his steak elegantly, asked the Kaiba brothers sitting on the other side of the long table: "When you inherit Kaiba Company on my behalf, how are you going to do it?" What about running Haima Company?”

"about this……"

Stopping what he was doing to eat, after hesitating for a moment, the young Seto Kaiba frankly told his adoptive father his wish: "In fact, I plan to build a new concept of Kaiba Paradise!"

"Kaiba Paradise?"

Upon hearing this unexpected answer, a look of astonishment suddenly flashed across Gosaburo's face.

At this time, Keihei, who looked innocent, also explained his specific ideas on behalf of his brother: "Brother, he wants to build a game kingdom where children who have not received favors like us can play at any time. , this is the so-called paradise plan. After there are facilities like this all over the country, the next step is to look at the whole world!"

"Huh... Game Kingdom? Is this Kaiba Paradise? Boring, so boring!"

Knowing Seto Kaiba's wish, Gosaburo couldn't help but have a look of disappointment in his eyes regarding his childish thoughts: "Seto, is this kind of thing your dream? It's really too superficial!"

"Superficial? Games are not boring things!"

When talking about his own interests, Seto Kaiba, who has long been occupied by elite education in his private time, immediately clenched his palms vigorously and raised his rebellious fangs at his adoptive father: "Only games can give a tired heart and give people a moment of respite. Time for rest and leisure, games are the crystallization of wisdom produced by human beings!"

"So, so what?"


Seeing Gosaburo's bored reaction, Kaiba froze on the spot.

"Can the game you talk about make the world's gears rotate? Can it help you realize your ambition of world domination?"

His tone gradually became excited. After saying these words, Kaiba Gosaburo suddenly stood up: "Seto, I let you inherit Kaiba Company because I want you to become the king of the world! But you told Me, you plan to use your rights to build this so-called game park? Huh!"

Kaiba Gozaburo snorted coldly, with an angry look on his face, and then ordered to the waiting butler: "Hey! Confiscate all the toys of these two guys! I am not allowed to see them again. The appearance of toys!”

"Huh? It's..."

After hearing Gosaburo's instructions, the butler quickly responded.

After getting a positive answer, Gosaburo then glanced at Seto Kaiba: "Seto, before you have mastered the emperor's knowledge, I will never allow toys to appear. If you really want to When it comes to building that kind of seahorse paradise, you should defeat me first and then talk about it!"

After leaving these words, Kaiba Gozaburo, who had no interest in eating, left the table angrily and walked towards the exit of the mansion.

The butler, who received his instructions, led the Kaiba brothers to their room and confiscated their toys according to Gosaburo's instructions.

"I can't believe it, I can't believe it... I can't believe that after putting the toys away from you two brothers' luggage, you only have half a piece of luggage left."

Struggling to hold up the wooden box filled with various toys in his hands, the housekeeper couldn't help but sigh: "Young masters, how much do you like to play?"


The butler sighed, but did not get the answer he wanted from the silent Kaiba.

After snorting uninterestedly, he immediately told Kaiba, who was holding his palm hard and silent like a gourd, "Master Seto, don't forget, it's time for class next. !Whether you like it or not, we have to spend some time together."


After the toys in his room were confiscated, Seto Kaiba lost his way to relieve stress.

Seeing the lingering cloud on his brother's face, Keihe Kaiba secretly inserted the Duel Monsters card into the book, and in this way handed it over to Kaiba, who was under strict supervision.

Kaiba, who originally saw the reference book the butler handed to him, planned to secretly throw it away without the other person paying attention.

However, after unexpectedly discovering the card hidden inside and the note from Keppei, an unexpected look suddenly appeared in his eyes.

[Brother, please don’t let them take away my most important treasure! Just use my cards and take a breather once in a while! 】


Looking at the note included with the card in the book, Seto Kaiba, who had just finished the long elite course and felt sore all over, instinctively felt a warm feeling in his heart.

He took out the cards that Keipei gave him from the book and spread them out one by one in his hands like a folding fan. Looking at the seahorses of these cards, he couldn't help but sigh: "These cards are all weak cards... ...Huh? This is it?"

Seto Kaiba turned to the end of the card and found the card of the Blue Eyes White Dragon drawn by Keppei himself.

Although the pictures on the card were simple drawings, Seto Kaiba still saw in them the feelings conveyed to him by Keipei.

With the comfort of these cards, Seto Kaiba felt that his almost dry mind had been healed to a certain extent.

Cherishing the simple drawing "Blue Eyes White Dragon" in his hand, the young Kaiba walked to the edge of the balcony and silently made a firm determination towards the moon: "Kuihei, even if it's for you, I will definitely get it. The real blue-eyed white dragon’s…”

This scene of the young Kaiba swearing to the moon also fell into the sight of the Kaiba brothers who were spectators.

Just as the Kaiba brothers looked at the things that happened in the past and couldn't help but sigh in their hearts while recalling the past, the surrounding scene also changed again and turned into a dark scene.

"Oh, this is such an amazing brotherhood~ Even an outsider like me can't help but cry for it~~~"

With a burst of crisp applause, Naia Kaiba, who had green hair and looked very similar to Seto Kaiba when he was a child, appeared in front of the two of them in the form of a character projection.

Facing Brother Kaiba who subconsciously put on a defensive posture in front of him, Naia said mockingly: "Seto, it turns out that you have worked so hard for half of your life!"

"What do you want to do, guy?"

Confronting Naia who took the initiative to show up with an unkind look on his face, Kaiba, who was protecting Keppei behind him, asked the instigator in front of him with a serious look on his face: "You still let us see this kind of thing now, what on earth are you doing? What’s the purpose?”

"Seto, I'm here to remind you!"

Looking at Seto Kaiba with a playful expression, Naia raised the corner of her mouth and smiled: "Recall how you forced Gozaburo into a corner!"


"Haiba, you will definitely be punished for doing such a thing, so just wait happily for that day to come! Hahahahaha!!!"

"Naia...who are you?"

When Seto Kaiba heard these words, his eyes suddenly tightened uncontrollably.

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