Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 220 The deck leader, the Swordsman of Fire

Chapter 220 Card Leader: Swordsman of Fire

"Yes, I am a lawyer by profession. To be precise, I am the exclusive lawyer of Haima Group... If it is for the benefit of Haima Company, I am also a man who can turn black into white."

Putting his hand to adjust the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, Ooka Chikuzen continued in a show-off tone: "Hey, by the way, the reason why Kaiba Corporation can become such a large multinational company without collapsing halfway is It’s also because I’m here!”

Ignoring the efforts of others, Ooka Chikuzen, one of the five elders who was previously eliminated by Kaiba as a pest, took all the credit on himself without hesitation.

To an outsider in the city who didn't understand the specific situation, he came to this conclusion just as he said without blushing or heartbeat.

"Huh? You say black as white? What do you mean? I don't understand..."

The yellow-haired boy Cheng Nei, who scratched his head in confusion and had a worrying emotional intelligence, did not understand the thick and black words of the "five elders".

Seeing Jonouchi's reaction, Ooka Chikuzen immediately spread his hands and smiled helplessly: "Hey, I'm really sorry, it seems that this roundabout way of saying it is still a bit too difficult for you. "

Habitually adjusting the glasses on the bridge of his nose, Ooka Chikuzen immediately changed to another simple and easy-to-understand explanation: "In other words, no matter what reason our company is sued for, as long as it is a lawsuit filed by me, it will It will definitely end innocently, do you understand that?"

"Tch, what's there to be proud of about this kind of thing!"

Jonouchi, who finally understood what the other party wanted to express and had a new understanding of Ooka Chikuzen, retorted without hesitation: "Although I don't know much about litigation. It’s true, but the job of a lawyer should be to make the truth known to the world, right?”


As if he had heard something extremely funny, Ooka Chikuzen smiled at Jonouchi and asked: "Jounouchi, I would like to ask you, what is reality? And what is the criterion for judging it? "

"Uh...truth, of course, refers to the real truth!"

Without thinking, Jonouchi replied: "Is there anything else?"

"Hehehe... I'm sorry, it seems my question is too difficult."

After sorting out the wrinkles on his suit, Ooka Chikuzen pointed at himself with his thumb: "Jounouchi, let me tell you, the content of my defense is the real truth, the so-called truth. ah!"

Ooka Chikuzen, who barely had the words "I am the rule" written on his face, found a sense of intellectual superiority in Jonouchi.

By playing tricks on the yellow-haired boy who couldn't turn around with his words, Ooka Chikuzen got an ultimate enjoyment called pleasure from it.

"Ah! It's true! I said this and that, he is really an irritating guy! You deceitful lawyer!"

Losing the patience to continue the conversation, Jonouchi frankly expressed his views to Ooka Chikuzen.

If you say it so nicely, isn't it just what you say?


After hearing what he said, Ooka Chikuzen placed his palm on his chest and bent down slightly: "Hey, I'll take your comment as a compliment to me."

"Hey, don't worry about this!"

Jonouchi, who didn't want to dwell on this anymore, raised his right arm in the direction of Ooka Chikuzen: "You guys came to us for a duel, right? In that case, let's start quickly!"

"Oh? Is it really okay?"

Adjusting his glasses again, Ooka Chikuzen looked at Jonouchi and confirmed: "If you lose, your young body will become my property, right?"

"Tsk, don't speak in such a misleading way!"

Sensing the aura of male ketone from his opponent, Jonouchi couldn't help but twitch his lips: "If we want to leave this virtual world, we have to knock you down, right? In that case, then Come on horseback!"

"I understand, let's get started."

As Ooka Chikuzen's words fell, the surrounding scene gradually changed, from the room inside the airship to an empty hall.

"Huh? Where is this?"

Looking around at the unfamiliar sights, Jonouchi couldn't help but ask curious questions from his mouth.

"As you can see, within the city, this is the great court and our duel ground."

Sitting on the judge's trial table, overlooking Jonouchi who was standing on the dock, Ooka Chikuzen explained the current situation to him who was confused: "I will be the chief judge, and You are the defendant!"

"What? I'm the defendant?"

"Oh, that's right... I usually serve as the defendant's defense lawyer, but today, I will be the judge as an exception."

Transforming into a duel monster [Judge], Ooka Chikuzen vigorously knocked the wooden hammer placed in front of him: "In the city, I will transform into a judge and use a duel to punish you!"

"What a bullshit judge...you have been constantly changing since just now. You are really annoyed!"

Jonouchi, who had been teased by Ooka Chikuzen's transformation before, felt a strong resentment towards Ooka Chikuzen who transformed again.

"I can never forgive you. Only you and I can never forgive you!"

The next moment, monstrous flames also emerged from behind Yu Chengnei.

"Sa, in the defendant's city, before the duel begins, please select a card from your deck to be the [Deck Leader]."

"Ah? That's right."

After hearing Ooka Chikuzen's reminder, Jonouchi suddenly remembered what happened. He quickly suppressed his anger and took out his deck from the duel plate.

After spreading the deck of cards in his hand, he looked at the [Swordsman of Fire] (attack power: 1800).

Although this 5-star warrior monster is not as powerful as the [Red-Eyes Black Dragon] with an attack power of 2400, for Jonouchi, this is a monster that he has fought alongside him many times and is worthy of his trust.

It is a perfect thing to use this monster as the leader of the current deck.

"Yoshi, it's decided! My deck leader is this guy!"

Facing Ooka Chikuzen who had transformed into a monster, Jonouchi showed the card in his hand: "Come out, [Swordsman of Fire]!"

As Jonouchi finished speaking, the card in his hand was suddenly wrapped in light and transformed into a physical monster.

Appearing next to Jonouchi who was standing in the dock was a warrior-type fusion monster with a flaming sword stuck in his back, a dragon-tooth helmet on his head, and his arms folded in a silent gesture.

"Please, Swordsman of Fire, please tell me your abilities as a deck leader!"

Jonouchi asked this question to the flame swordsman who was fighting side by side with him.

Hearing his voice, the Flame Swordsman quickly reacted and said calmly to Jonouchi: "Well, my deck leadership ability is to add my own attack power to warrior monsters in units of 100 points. on the body."

"Okay, I understand! Let us continue to fight side by side!"

Seeing Jonouchi choose his deck leader, Ooka Chikuzen also knocked the hammer again: "As you can see, my deck leader is myself, a monster named [Judger]."

"Now that the deck leader has been chosen, let's start our duel!"

"Ah! Got it!"


(Ooka Chikuzen LP: 4000)

(Jouchi Katsuya LP: 4000)

While unfolding the duel disk on their arms, both parties simultaneously drew five new cards from the deck.

Using the authority of the boss at the end of the level, Ooka Chikuzen took the initiative to attack in the duel, and then placed a card in his hand on the deck of the duel plate: "I am the first to attack. At the moment when I enter the main stage 1, I start from Normally summon [Hysterical Angel] (angel family/light/4 stars/attack power: 1800/defense power: 500) from the hand card!"

The blue-haired female angel with short ear-length hair and the appearance of a secretary came to Ooka Chikuzen as he clicked the card.

Although it is an angel-like monster, Jonouchi can only feel a strong arrogance from the bottom of his heart from this humanoid monster.

It is foreseeable that if this monster becomes a human, it will definitely be that kind of arrogant guy.

"What? This angel is really a monster that makes people feel angry just by looking at it!"

A big "well" appeared on his forehead. Jonouchi felt as if he had been underestimated by his opponent's monster, but he also noticed the monster's attributes.

"What? The attack power is actually 1800 points, the same as [Swordsman of Fire]?"

The attack power of 1800 points is already an extremely high value for a 4-star monster.

You must know that [Fire Swordsman] with the same attack power is a 5-star warrior fusion monster!

"Hehehe, next, I will end my turn directly."

Seeing the surprised reaction on Jonouchi's face with satisfaction, Ooka Chikuzen just waved to end the current round.

Strictly speaking, his area of ​​expertise is litigation rather than dueling, so it is quite good to be able to achieve this level.

"Next, it's my turn!"

Putting his finger on the top of the deck, Jonouchi forcefully pulled out the card at the top when it came to his turn: "My turn, draw a card!"

"Huh? The card I drew is [Iron Knight Kia Freed] (Warrior Type/Earth/4 Stars/Attack: 1800/Defense: 1600). Is the attack power the same as the opponent's monster? "

"Well... take advantage of this opportunity, just let me use my deck leader ability!"

Jonouchi glanced back and forth between the two sides, looked at the [Swordsman of Fire] who was the leader of the deck next to him, and then placed the monster in his hand on the deck of the duel plate.

"Enter, I will normally summon this monster in my hand, come out! [Iron Knight Kia Freed]!"

The swordsman wearing obsidian armor appeared from the light and appeared in front of him in response to Jonouchi's call.

As part of his practice, the Iron Knight refuses the protection of all equipment cards. All equipment cards will be destroyed when they appear on his body.

"At this moment, I activate the ability of [Swordsman of Fire] as the leader of the deck, reducing my own attack power by 500 points, and adding that value to [Iron Knight Kia Freed]!"

([Swordsman of Fire] attack power: 1800 → 1300)

([Iron Knight Kea Freed] Attack power: 1800 → 2300)

In the meantime, the Iron Knight's attack power easily exceeded the upper limit of 4-star monsters and reached a value of 2,300 points.

At the same time, Jonouchi also issued an attack command to the monsters on the field: "Fight! [Iron Knight Kya Freed] attacks [Hysterical Angel]! Destroy that annoying monster! "

Instead of the castle, the Iron Knight quickly rushed towards the opponent's monster, and after a close range cross-dodge attack, destroyed it and sent it to the target graveyard.

When the monster was destroyed, Ooka Chikuzen also lost 500 points of health due to the damage caused by the battle.

However, this level of damage did not cause any change in the expression on his face.

(Ooka Chikuzen LP: 4000→3500)

"My turn is over!"

Jonouchi suddenly clenched his fists and successfully caused damage to his opponent. He couldn't help shouting excitedly: "Yoshi! If you keep this up, the victory of the duel will be in my hands, Lord Jonouchi!"

"I used the ability of the deck leader so quickly. I didn't expect that this kid is familiar with the rules of duel and his ability is quite strong."

A little surprised by Jonouchi's card playing performance, Ooka Chikuzen raised his eyebrows, and then drew a new card from the top of the deck: "My turn, draw a card."

"I ambush a monster in the backcourt in face-down defense position, and the round ends."

After the first monster was destroyed, Ooka Chikuzen chose a defensive tactic.

He ended the current round without taking any countermeasures against the monsters in the city.

"Hehe... I think you're out of ideas, right? You talk about such lofty words as presiding judge and judge, but in the end you only have this level of strength!"

Wiping the tip of his nose with his thumb, Jonouchi raised the corner of his mouth and smiled: "Anyway, the monster in defense position on your field is just a monster with a reversal effect!"

The five elders are nothing to be afraid of! Compared with You Ling, it is simply far behind!

If you are afraid of that kind of thing, then you are not my uncle in the city!

With this idea in mind, Jonouchi placed a new monster card on the duel disk.

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