It was the first time he heard these words from his cold-tempered brother. Keipei Kaiba, who was following him, opened his mouth. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

Just when he was hesitating, Kaiba also made a new move.

"Let's not mention these for now..."

Putting down the arm he was holding for posing, Seto Kaiba slowly tightened the palm of his right hand in front of him and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Enter other people's memories casually. You secretly watched my reaction for fun, Naiya... I will never forgive you if you are the only one!"

Relying on the sharp intuition of a duelist, Kaiba, who showed a serious expression, suddenly raised his head and looked somewhere in the sky, and looked at Naia, who was in the dark space, across the screen. .

As if having a face-to-face conversation, President Kaiba swore his determination to Naia: "Listen to me, Naia! I don't know if this guy is also related to the five elders' gang. Like a bastard, you are planning to use some despicable means to seize control of Kaiba Company from my hands, but no matter what, I will never let your conspiracy succeed!"

"I, Seto Kaiba, will definitely destroy your ambitions with my own hands!"

"Seize Kaiba Company? actually compare me to those trash from the Fifth Elder?"

Naia saw Kaiba's excited reaction through the surveillance screen, and at the same time the sound of his declaration echoed in her ears, a deep look of ridicule suddenly appeared on her face.

Hahahahaha! ! !

What does it mean that I plan to seize Haima Company? That should clearly be my property.

If you really want to count, you, Seto Kaiba, are the traitor who took control of the company from me!

"Next it's my turn, draw cards!"

The perspective returned to this side of the castle, and the battle between the yellow-haired boy and Ooka Chikuzen, one of the five elders, was still going on nervously.

While drawing a brand new card from the deck, Jonouchi turned his attention to the opponent's backcourt and looked at the card that was in ambush.

"That guy only has one monster on the field... Although I care about that card, as a man, how can I easily back down here?"

With this thought in his mind, Jonouchi slapped the monster card in his hand on the duel plate: "The decision is yours! Come out, [Rocket Warrior] (Warrior Type/Light/4 Stars/Attack Power: 1500 /Defense: 1300)!"

The warrior-type monster, which holds matching swords and shields in its hands and can transform into rocket missiles when attacking, appeared on Jonouchi's field as he moved.

After the appearance of this monster, as many as three monsters gathered on the field in Jonouchi at once.

[Iron Knight Kya Freed] with an attack power of 2300, [Little Wing Guard] with an attack power of 1700, and [Rocket Warrior] with an attack power of 1500 now appearing on the field.

Relying on these three warrior-type monsters, Jonouchi was able to defeat the Ooka Chikuzen monster and at the same time reduce all of his remaining health points in one fell swoop.

"Hehehe... It seems that the winner has been decided! Next, I will use these three monsters on my field to knock you out in one fell swoop, and then use a cool direct attack to defeat you! "

Wiping the tip of his nose proudly, Jonouchi waved his hand to the monster in front of him and gave the order to attack: "Fight! Come on, [Iron Knight Kia Freed], give me the [Holy Fairy] in defense mode" Break it!"

On Ooka Chikuzen's field, there is only one human shield monster with a defense of 2000. As long as this monster is defeated, what awaits Jonouchi next will be absolute victory!

However, at this moment, Ooka Chikuzen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke and declared loudly: "At this moment, I activate the special ability of the deck leader!"

"Nani? What is the deck leader's ability?"

To be honest, because Ooka Chikuzen's performance was so poor, Jonouchi had almost forgotten about the effect of deck leader.

It wasn't until the moment he entered the battle, after hearing his opponent's words, that Jonouchi remembered that it seemed like this was really the case.

"Hmph! Jonouchi, for someone as naive as you, my effect as the deck leader is a perfect match!"

Picking up the wooden hammer placed on the table and banging it hard, Ooka Chikuzen said angrily: "At the moment when the monster attacks, I activate my effect as the leader of the deck - life sentence!!!"

"Huh? Life sentence? What is that?"

Listening to this very bluffing word, Jonouchi couldn't help but slowly raised a question mark.

"Since you asked sincerely, I will tell you with mercy~"

In a slow tone, Ooka Chikuzen said with a proud smile: "Just like the literal meaning, as the chief referee, I can pay 1,000 health points to eliminate all monsters on the opponent's field!"

(Ooka Chikuzen LP: 1200→200)


After hearing this effect, some people in Bengbu were living in the city.

The deck leader on my side only has the effect of increasing attack power, but as a result, you just cheated without any moral ethics, right?

hateful! The five old bastards are so despicable!

"Jiejiejiejie... Not only that, for every monster eliminated by this effect, the opponent will lose 500 health points!"

"Hey, hey, hey...really? Are you kidding?"

The surface of the body glowed with white light at the same time, and the three warrior-type monsters selected by Ooka Chikuzen in the castle suddenly disappeared from the field in the next moment.

When these monsters left the field, Jonouchi himself also lost a total of 1,500 health points.

Not only does it remove monsters, but it can also inflict huge damage to the opponent...

When Jonouchi saw this, he almost vomited blood and fell to the ground, shouting "You are cheating!"

(Jounuchi Katsuya LP: 4000→2500)

"Damn it, you scoundrel... you actually have such a cheating effect!"

"Hey, whatever you say!"

The monster in front of him was eliminated by the opponent in one breath. With no monster to control, Jonouchi was forced to end the current battle phase and came to the main phase 2 of this round.

After taking a deep breath, Jonouchi tried to calm down his heart.

"It doesn't matter... This level of loss is nothing to me. Although the monsters are excluded, the guy opposite only has the last 200 points of health left... In this case, it is necessary to It’s so easy to win!”

After encouraging himself in his heart, Jonouchi looked at the cards in his current hand.

Although you can no longer perform normal summons this round, you can still perform card blocking operations.

As luck would have it, Jonouchi's hand happened to have [Naraku's Pitfall], a very "quality" trap card available for use.


【Naraku's Cave】

(Trap card)

Effect: This can only be activated when the opponent successfully summons, reverse summons, or special summons monsters with an attack power of 1500 or more. Those monsters with an attack power of 1500 or more are destroyed and eliminated.


As literally described, the trap card [Naraku's Hole] can destroy and eliminate monsters with an attack power of 1500 or more.

Even if Ooka Chikuzen releases the [Holy Fairy] on the field next turn and uses it to summon a higher-level monster, that monster will be directly sent to a different dimension by a trap card.

"Hehehe, as expected of me, I can think of such a perfect tactic!"

With a proud smile on his face, Jonouchi inserted the card in his hand into the back of the duel plate: "I ambush a card, the round is over!"

"...Eh? Inside the castle?"

At the moment when Jonouchi announced the end of the round and was waiting for his opponent's reaction, the door behind him suddenly opened, and out came Yu Rei, dressed in black robes, and Kyoko who followed him with a confused expression.

Noticing the two companions who suddenly appeared here, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on Jonouchi's face.

"Oh! You guys... Yu Ling, Kyoko, are you all okay?"

"Yeah, it's okay." Nodding slightly, Kyoko looked at You Ling beside her: "Thanks to You Ling's help, I was able to get here safely."


Knocking on the wooden hammer placed on the table, Ooka Chikuzen angrily scolded Yu Rei and Kyoko who broke into this virtual space and started chatting: "Everyone who plans to listen, please sit aside. Go to the gallery and don’t make any noise in the sacred court!”


Looking at Ooka Chikuzen who is sitting at the top, and Yu Ling who has just arrived here, I really want to say that you are the noisiest one, right?

However, after seeing that Jonouchi seemed to be having a duel, Yu Ling gave up his plan to speak, and pulled Kyoko beside him to sit down in the jury box next to him.

Not disturbing other people's duels without permission is the most basic quality of a duelist. As a good young man in the new era, You will naturally not do such a disgraceful thing.

"Hey, You Ling and Kyoko, you just happened to be here at the most exciting time. Then you can just watch the battle and enjoy the moment when I kill the five elders!"

"Fifth old man? That's it..."

From Jonouchi's speech, he was keenly aware of the key points. He glanced at Ooka Chikuzen who looked like a [Judge] on the stage. Yu Rei, who had experience against the enemy twice before, quickly realized Current status quo.

Although I don’t know the reason, in short, Jonouchi and this member of the Five Elders met like this, and at this time when they were dueling, he came here through the time-traveling door, and accidentally bumped into two people. Human duel scene.

Then, this is the time now.

"There isn't even a single monster on the field inside the castle, and now it seems like it's the opponent's turn..."

"Jouchi, does he really not matter?"

Looking at the situation on the field, Yu Ling and Kyoko couldn't help but start to worry about the situation inside the city.

The previous duel with the five old guys was not a child's play. Once you lose, you will most likely be taken away from your body by the old guy opposite.

However, since Jonouchi said so, let’s just believe him for now.

"Hey, now that the audience is in place, let the duel continue."

The appearance of Yu Ling and Kyoko did not disrupt Ooka Chikuzen's original plan.

For him, as long as the person coming is not a target that needs special attention like Seto Kaiba or Yugi Muto, then he doesn't have to worry about it at all!

Ooka Chikuzen, who simply ignored the two people who broke in here, reached out and pulled out a new card from the deck: "My turn, draw a card!"

"Main Phase 1, I activate the magic card [Fusion] from my hand! Fusion of the [Holy Spirit] on the field and the [Dark Demon's Curtain] in my hand!"

"Appear, level 4, the messenger of death - [Chaos Wizard] (Magician/Dark/4 stars/Attack: 1300/Defense: 1100)!"

A two-color vortex representing the Fusion Summon appeared on the field, swallowing up the two monsters Ooka Chikuzen used as fusion materials.

After that, what emerged from the fusion vortex was a melee magician holding a death scythe in his hand and wearing red and black light armor.

"Damn it, I actually used [Fusion] to summon such a monster with low attributes... If this happens, won't my trap card be unable to be activated?"

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but in short, the monster Summoned by Ooka Chikuzen by fusing three magic cards for one was a mortal bone fusion monster with an attack power of less than 1500 points.

Although this monster that requires fusion to appear is very weak and cannot even beat the 4-star Ax King (attack power 1700), it is undeniable that he just escaped the trap card on Jonouchi's side and avoided the trap card that just appeared. It is the fate of being excluded.

"Next, I activate the sustainable magic card [Demon Realm's Judicial Transaction] from my hand! According to the effect of this card, when a level 4 fusion monster causes damage to the opponent, it can restore 800 points of my health. !”

Insert a continuous magic card in the hand into the back field of the duel plate to activate it. Ooka Chikuzen then stood up and gave the attack instructions to the monster in front of him: "The battle is over. I use [Chaos Wizard] to attack the opponent. Make a direct attack! Take the attack from me, Jonouchi!!!”

After receiving Ooka Chikuzen's order, the Chaos Wizard immediately picked up the scythe in his hand and rushed towards the castle.

As a swift attack of sword light and sword shadow flashed by, Jonouchi, who was under attack, also lost 1,300 health points while his body was repelled.

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