Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 247 The second half of the semi-finals, You Ling VS Dark Malik!

"Then let's start the second knockout match of the semi-finals. Please take your positions and get ready for the duel..."

The fateful battle between Haiba and Wang Xiang came to an end in a very dramatic way.

After defeating Kaiba, Wang Xiang obtained the Titan God Soldier in his hand, and like You Ling and Malik, he became a duelist holding the God Card.

The next second half of the game will be between You Ling and the darkened Dark Malik to decide the other player to participate in the finals.

"Jiejiejiejie... You Ling, it's finally this moment! You damn traitor, you must be ready to go to hell, right?"

An Malik, who couldn't wait to hear Isono's voice, walked onto the duel field one step ahead of Yu Rei, and faced off with Yu Rei who came up later at a certain distance.

After looking at Yu Ling's new skin with a playful look, Dark Malik's face showed a bloodthirsty smile simultaneously.

Immediately...immediately he can defeat this cheater Zero with his own hands to appease the hatred in his heart!

"Haha, you still remember such a trivial matter. I don't know if I should praise you for your good memory, or if you are too petty."

Looking at Dark Malik who was looking at him from the opposite side, he untied the shackles of the mask and showed off his handsome face. You Ling smiled, and then raised the duel plate in his hand: "Malik, now it's time to talk trash. Needless to say, let’s use a duel to determine the final outcome!”

"Ah, I thought so too."

The corner of his mouth curled up with a hint of joy. After hearing these words, Dark Malik nodded, and then raised the thousand-year tin staff in his hand: "You Ling... Next, let's start the dark duel between you and me!" The losing side in the following duel will completely lose everything about themselves!"

As Dark Malik's words fell, a huge black mist surged out of his body in an instant, spread out and swept through the surrounding area, wrapping him and Yu Ling in it.

Now that the duel has entered the dark realm, unless one of the two parties is completely defeated, no one will be able to forcefully end the current duel.

In fact, the grievances between the two parties have reached an irreconcilable point.

Whether it is to recover the God Card that should belong to him from You Ling, or to teach You Ling, a traitor who dares to resist him, a profound lesson, Dark Malik will not participate in the next duel. Keep hands on.

As for You Ling, whether it is to fulfill the agreement with Isis or to cut off Dark Malik, the unstable factor that affects his brother-in-law's character, he will try his best to win the duel.

Both sides have their own uncompromising beliefs, so next, the only way to determine the final outcome is through a duel!


(Dark Malik LP: 4000)

(You Ling LP: 4000)

"Hehehe...I'll take the first shot!"

With lightning-fast movements, he quickly pulled out a brand new card from the top of the deck. While showing a high-scoring expression on his face, the six-year-old Dark Malik seized the initiative to attack in the duel. .

After glancing at the cards in his current hand, he suddenly pulled out one of the cards and slapped it hard on the deck of the duel plate: "Up! At the moment when entering the main stage 1, I This monster is normally summoned from the card!"

"Come out! [Quick Attack Vampire Maggot] (Dark/4 stars/Attack: 500/Defense: 1200)!"

Following Dark Malik's movements, a disgusting monster that was constantly twisting multiple tentacles emerged from the darkness and came to Dark Malik in a floating posture.

Just like the name of the monster's card, this thing looks like the product of reply evolution, and it is full of indescribable disgust.


"What a disgusting monster!"

Seeing the maggot that appeared on Malik's field, the girls watching the match subconsciously covered their mouths with expressions of extreme disgust.

Even the famous duelist Peacock Dance, who is used to seeing all kinds of monsters, is no exception. She frowned hard at this moment.

"Hehehe... Generally speaking, in the first round, all monsters cannot attack, but there are always some exceptions!"

Dark Malik, who said this, immediately raised his arm towards the monster in front of him: "Like the [quick-attack blood-sucking maggot] in front of me, it has the ability to attack in the first round!"

"So next... the battle begins! I use [quick-attack blood-sucking maggots] to attack the opponent directly! Take the attack from me! Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!!!"

As Dark Malik's words filled with proud emotion fell, the [Speed-Attack Vampire Maggot] twisted its body and quickly attacked You Ling's location with an accelerating sprint.

In a dark duel, the reduction in health will be simultaneously transmitted to the duelist as damage, so in the future, You Ling will also bear a direct attack from the maggots in a real sense.

"Hmph! I knew you wouldn't play cards honestly!"

Facing An Malik's unruly sneak attack, You Ling, who had some understanding of his character, took out the card in his hand: "At this moment, I discard the [Chestnut Ball] in my hand. Activate its effect to reduce the combat damage to 0 points this time!"

Just like Wang Yang can pull out the Peacock Dance card, now You Ling also has some of Wang Yang's cards.

Not wanting to be disgusted by Dark Malik's monster, he chose this moment to activate the effect of the chestnut ball in his hand.

As You Ling finished speaking, the enlarged version of [Churizi Ball] appeared in front of him the next moment, blocking the direct attack from [Quick Attack Vampire Maggot] on behalf of You Ling.

"Tsk...the attack didn't work?"

Seeing that the monster's sneak attack was blocked by You Ling, An Malik smacked his lips in displeasure, and then stretched out his arm again: "Then next, I activate another effect of [Quick-Attack Vampire Maggot]. By discarding a card in my hand, I can turn it into defense position at the end of the turn!"

Deliberately raising the card in his hand towards You Ling, Dark Malik then sent the golden-framed [Sun God's Winged Dragon] in his hand to the cemetery without hesitation.

Noticing his actions, everyone watching the battle couldn't help but show expressions of surprise.

"What? You actually gave up the God Card on your own initiative?"

"Hey...that's the most powerful God Card! Why are you sending it to the cemetery? Is Malik crazy?"

"Hmph! In my opinion, Malik is planning to resurrect the god from the graveyard! But the attack and defense power of the winged dragon summoned in this way is only 0 points. What can such a god do?"

Unable to understand Dark Malik's intentions for a moment, some new questions emerged in the minds of the surrounding spectators.

"Ha...it seems like you don't know the hidden effects of the Winged Divine Dragon."

Glancing at the active spectators on the side with a disdainful look, An Malik then turned his gaze and looked at You Ling: "You Ling, what do you say? Do you know what I plan to do?"


Without answering Dark Malik's question, You Ling and Isis, who had remained silent among the crowd, looked at each other.

After feeling some kind of determination from her eyes, You Ling took a deep breath, and then said to Dark Malik: "Malik, there's no need to waste time here! No matter what, I will be in this duel. Defeat you completely and completely eliminate your dark side! Next, please prepare yourself for me!"

"Hahahahahaha...you said you want to completely eliminate me?"

As if he had heard the funniest words in the world, Dark Malik almost burst out laughing with tears. He continued with a mocking tone: "Okay, then let me see what you plan to do. Well... Ambush a card, and my turn is over!"

With a "buzz" sound, a projection of Gaika appeared in the backfield of Dark Malik.

After he completed this operation, the round automatically rotated and came to You Ling's side.

"My turn, draw a card!"

With a firm consciousness in his heart and telling his opponent his determination, Yu Ling reached out and pulled out a brand new card from the top of the deck.

After glancing at the cards in his current hand, he pulled out one of the cards individually and showed it in the direction of Dark Malik.

"Main Phase 1, I activate the effect of [Half-Dragon Maid·Blue River Dragon Maid] (Little Blue) from my hand, discard this card from my hand, and target a monster in my or the opponent's graveyard. Activate and return that monster to the owner's deck!"

"...Malik, I target the Winged Divine Dragon in your graveyard and activate this effect! The God Card will be bounced from your graveyard to the deck!"

Xiao Lan in dragon form has powerful abilities that are different from those in human form.

At the same time as You Ling's words fell, she transformed into a dragon and came to Dark Malik's graveyard in the next moment, and bounced the [Wings of the Sun God Dragon] lying inside back to the place where her deck was. .

With the disappearance of the Winged Dragon, Dark Malik's conspiracy also declared bankruptcy at this moment.

"...What, you guy actually put this kind of card in the deck against me?!"

Seeing the Winged Dragon disappear from the cemetery, the expression on Dark Malik's face was a little troubled.

Damn You Ling, how dare you ruin my good deeds over and over again!

Unforgivable! ! ! Only you, only you, I can never forgive! ! !

"Haha, I already know that you plan to use the corpse fraud tactic, how could I not make some preparations in advance?"

Unlike Kaiba, who likes to use monsters on the field as sacrifices to summon gods, Dark Malik, who has a cunning and sinister personality, prefers to use some despicable means to disgust his opponents.

He deliberately sent the God Card to the cemetery in order to skip the process of gathering sacrifices and directly awaken the Phoenix form of the Winged Dragon to suppress his opponents with absolute power.

After knowing Dark Malik's intention, the next response method is very simple. As long as the Winged Dragon is not allowed to lie in the cemetery, Dark Malik will naturally be unable to continue to implement his plan.

"Continue to expand, and then I summon [Witch Artisan·Forging Witch] (Magician Type/Fire/4 Stars/Attack: 1800/Defense: 600) from my hand in attack position!"

The red-haired witch with a huge forging hammer-shaped wand on her shoulder appeared in front of Yu Ling following his movements.

From the body of the girl standing in front of him, You Ling could feel a scorching temperature like a furnace.

"Witch magic? Has Yu Ling gained new power?"

"Yes, it's a very cute little sister..."

A new series of monsters that had never been seen before appeared on the game field, causing Jonouchi who was watching the battle to subconsciously exclaim.

Beside Jonouchi, his sister Shizuka also expressed her views simultaneously.

In fact, "Witch Magic" and "Silver City" were both the results of Yu Ling's previous card drawing during the lottery.

It's just that at that time, he didn't use these new decks in the duel immediately, which is why everyone has the wrong impression now.

"Then, I activate the effect of [Witch Craftsman·Forging Witch] on the field. In the main phase of both sides' turns, by liberating themselves and discarding a magic card from their hand, I activate [Witch Craftsman] from the deck. ·A [Witch] monster other than Forge Witch is Special Summoned!"

After discarding Li Ziqiu and Xiao Lan's dragon forms one after another, You Ling still had three cards in his hand, including two magic cards from different decks.

One is the main magic card of "Witch Magic", and the other is the main fusion of "Half-Dragon Maid".

Since Yu Zero currently did not have the materials for the Half-Dragon Maid to fuse, after some thought, he gave priority to sending the [Half-Dragon Maid's Changing Clothes] to the cemetery to trigger the Forging Witch. Effect.

"...Show up! [Witch Master·Glass Witch] (Magician/Light/8 stars/Attack: 1000/Defense: 2800)!!!"

In full view of the public, You Ling summoned his eldest wife, Wei'er, who had given him a lot of help in the computer world for the first time in a formal duel.

As You Ling's words fell, the next moment, a blue-haired girl wearing a white dress sat on a transparent crystal ball and appeared in front of You Ling's body with colorful light.

After showing a meaningful expression to You Ling, Weier immediately raised her head and showed an extremely arrogant and disdainful attitude towards An Malik opposite.

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