Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 254 Use duel to bring a smile!


Bathed in the strong aftermath of [Sky Dragon of Osiris]'s special move - superelectric guided wave and thunder cannon, Dark Malik's health value dropped to zero after being knocked away with great force, ushering in the final fate of defeat.

As the six-year-old suffered a defeat in the Dark Duel, his hairstyle also changed from the Super Saiyan hairstyle that represented his dark personality back to the relatively normal shape when he first appeared.

After seeing Malik's current appearance, You Ling also realized the fact that his brother-in-law's superficial personality had successfully returned.

How did that sentence come about...

Darkening is ten times stronger, whitewashing is three times weaker. I don’t know what my brother-in-law’s fighting ability will be like after being freed from the control of dark personality and whose fashion value has been greatly reduced.

"Hey, wake up... Malik, it's time to hand over your Winged Dragon to me."

The dark barriers that were originally spread across the field to isolate the outside world were broken by powerful forces as early as the appearance of the two gods, leaving only a framework in name only.

With the end of the duel at this time, this dark power that does not belong to this world also dissipated into the invisible together with the six-year-old's personality.

Walking to his brother-in-law Malik who was lying dead on the floor, You Ling squatted down and tried to pat his face, using physical means to wake up Malik from his coma after not seeing him for a long time.

"Ah...is it You Ling?"

It was like having an extremely long dream. At the moment when he woke up and truly took control of his body, Malik's heart was still filled with some unreal emotions.

In fact, during the period when his body was controlled by the six-year-old's dark personality, he had a deep understanding of what his body was doing.

When he thought that he had ever wanted to harm Lishid or even his sister Isis, Malik couldn't help but feel a feeling of fear in his heart.

Fortunately, everything is over now, and my dark personality has disappeared together with the Dark Duel, and no longer exists...

"Malik, are you okay?"

Seeing that the duel was over, everyone watching on the sidelines also moved towards Malik and You Ling.

During this, Isis, one of the parties involved, walked out of the crowd alone and asked her brother, who had returned to his original appearance, a concerned question.

"Sister, I..."

"Needless to say, having you back is better than anything else."

With the help of You Ling, Isis, who finally ended all this, no longer wants to experience the tragedy of fratricide.

Before Malik could complain about himself, she took the initiative to reach out her arms to her brother who looked guilty: "No matter what happened, let everything in the past pass completely... No matter what, , with the end of this duel, the mission that our tomb-guarding family has inherited for thousands of years should also come to an end."

"Yes, that's what I thought too."

After taking Isis's words, You Ling took the initiative to put his arms around his brother-in-law's shoulders and smiled at him enthusiastically: "Next, all we need to do is complete the final duel ceremony and let An Yuxi regain his memory. Ixiu The mission of the Dahl family has been completed!”

In the underground space of the Egyptian royal tombs, there is a special temple hidden.

It was under Xia Di's guidance that Bekas found a special stone slab engraved with the images of the three illusory gods, and this was how the subsequent three God Cards were born.

However, in fact, deeper down, there is the "Millennium Slate" that was originally used to store seven thousand-year artifacts.

As long as the collected seven thousand-year-old artifacts are returned to their original places, and then the God's Kalai is used to perform the duel ceremony to open the door to the underworld, then the king's soul can be guided to his true destination.

This is the important message recorded in the ancient priest's writings engraved on Malik's back.

It records the last step that Wang needs to take after regaining his memory.

"You Ling, sister..."

His eyes passed over the faces of You Ling and Isis respectively, and then he raised his eyes to glance at the people looking here in the distance. Malik couldn't help but ask: "Sister, can our Isildar family really be able to Will our generation end its long-standing mission, truly break away from the dark world, and usher in a new glorious future?"

"Well, it will definitely work, I promise you."

Nodding seriously to her younger brother who had a confused look on his face, Isis continued: "When everything is over, Mr. You Ling will become our new family member, and then everyone can welcome him together." Come to a new life, no longer bound by the mission of the past.”

Although she doesn't know much about love-related matters, and she doesn't have a specific concept or impression of dating or marriage, after the incident is over, Isis will have enough time to do what she likes to do.

It doesn't matter if you don't know how. When the time comes, just learn little by little and learn how to be a qualified lover, or even a wife.


Listening to the words spoken by his real girlfriend Isis, looking at the slight blush on her face, and feeling the peacock dance behind him and the teasing glances from the elves, You Ling couldn't help but scratch his head.

Although in the beginning, it was indeed he who took the initiative to provoke Isis.

But even You Moubo himself never thought that Isis, who had just met him not long ago, would actively agree to become his girlfriend...

In fact, You Ling, who wanted to give himself and the girls who liked him a warm home, had never thought about hanging on the tree of Isis.

However, in the current warm atmosphere, it is naturally impossible for him to ruin the atmosphere by saying things like "I like Isis, and everyone."

"Well, actually I don't know much about this. Let's explore and try together then!"

You Ling, who avoided the admiring gaze of his gentle sister Isis and did not intend to dwell on this topic for the time being, patted his brother-in-law on the shoulder again: "That's it, Malik, my brother-in-law, you will need it in the future. Thank you for taking good care of me!"

"What, can you stop calling me brother-in-law..."

Subconsciously twitching the corner of his mouth, Malik made his pointless protest.

Although he felt extremely uncomfortable with the title of brother-in-law, You Ling was still a great benefactor who had helped their siblings many times.

Now that his sisters have chosen to commit themselves to each other, Malik, who has also received favors, naturally can no longer say some unbridled and harsh words to You Ling.

"Ah, by the way, this is the winner's reward, Yu Ling... Next, I will officially entrust you with [Sun God's Winged Dragon], the most powerful god card!"

Malik broke away from You Ling's restraint and gradually accepted the current situation. He then pulled out a card from the deck and handed it to You Ling in front of him.

While reaching out to take the card, You Ling got a true glimpse of the Winged Dragon in this world for the first time.

There is only an English card name and a golden embossment of the image of a winged dragon. As for other parts, there is no information visible. It is a card with very flexible effects.

Since the effect of the Winged Shenlong depends entirely on the operator's "talking" ability, it doesn't matter that You Ling can even make it up on the spot in terms of the effect.

After all, Chinese culture is vast and profound, and even the same sentence may contain completely different meanings!

"Now that the mission is over, this thousand-year artifact is of no use to me... Sister, please give it to the person who needs it on my behalf."

In order to retrieve Wang's past memories and open the door to reality, three God Cards and seven thousand-year-old artifacts are indispensable.

The "Millennium Building Blocks" in Wang Xiang's hand were found by relatives and friends from Tapirang's room, including the "Millennium Eye" that originally belonged to Bekas, the "Millennium Tin Stick" from Malik, and the "Millennium Tin Stick" worn around Isis's neck. "Jewelry", the "Millennium Key" hanging on You Ling's chest, the "Millennium Scale" on the magic stick Xia Di's side, and the "Millennium Wheel of Wisdom" that disappeared together with An Tapirang.

In addition to the "Millennium Wisdom Wheel" that disappeared together with An Tairiang and is temporarily missing, and the "Millennium Scale" in the hands of the elusive Xia Di, the other remaining thousand-year-old artifacts, including the "Millennium Eye", are all in At this moment, they have gathered here at the Duel Tower.

"In that case, let's take this opportunity to hand these things over to Mr. Yugi. I no longer have to fulfill my mission."

Taking his thousand-year artifact from his brother, Isis immediately took off his thousand-year jewelry from his neck and handed it to Wang Xiang, who was acting as the backdrop at the moment.

After getting two new thousand-year artifacts with a confused look on his face, Wang Xiang couldn't help but said to You Ling and the others: "What about that? Do you really want to hand these things over to me now? Actually, there is no need to be in such a hurry. Yes, it won’t be too late to wait until we get to Egypt…”

"It doesn't matter, just accept it."

Waving to Wang Xiang, You Ling responded with a smile: "Of course, the Millennium Key will be kept with me for a while. I will give it to you when the incident is over."

"Well, I understand."

The existence of thousand-year artifacts is closely related to the thousand-year mission of the tomb-keeper clan. Seeing these things will inevitably bring to mind the sad memories of the past.

Now that Malik and Isis have made their choices and chosen the path of waving goodbye to the past, then You Ling will naturally respect their wishes.

As a result, in addition to You Ling's Millennium Key, Xia Di's Millennium Scale, and An Xiliang's Millennium Wisdom Wheel, the remaining four Millennium Artifacts can be said to have come into Wang Yang's hands.

After that, as the semifinals came to an end, Isono, as the referee, announced Yu Rei's promotion.

What will be held next is the final battle to determine the current duel king.

As usual, everyone will have a free period of rest before the official battle begins.

Malik and Isis, who did not intend to disturb You Ling, decided to visit Lihid who had regained consciousness.

Everyone in the group of relatives and friends also gave Wang Yang and Xiaobiao enough space to be alone.

After bidding farewell to Peacock Wu and the Isis siblings, You Ling returned to his room alone.

Thinking back on everything he had experienced in just a few days, You Ling, who was lying on his back in the lounge in the duel tower, couldn't help but feel an unreal feeling in his heart.

The final duel in Duel City is about to begin. Yu Ling, who has fought all the way here, finally reaches the door of the road to the Duel King.

With the end of this duel, the strongest duelist in the world, the person named "Duel King", will also be selected from Wang Yang and You Ling.

"The idol that has always existed in my memory since I was a child... It's finally time to decide the winner with you!"

Staring at the ceiling above his head, recalling the figure of Yugi Muto who controlled the Three God Cards and became the Duel King in his memory, Yu Rei stretched out his arm, and then slowly closed his palm.

"Please take your positions, players from both sides... Next, the final battle in Duel City will begin!"

After the rest time, almost everyone chose to gather at the top of the duel tower, intending to witness this final unparalleled showdown.

On one side is the super strong man Muto Yugi who defeated Bekas, the father of duel monsters, in the previous Duel Kingdom.

On the other side, the stranger You Ling suddenly appeared like a shooting star and broke out of the siege like a dark horse.

Next, the final victory will be decided between these two people, and the candidate for the Duel King will be decided.

"here we go."

Wang Xiang, who had been waiting on the duel field early, had been in a state of cultivation with his eyes closed and his mind resting.

After hearing Isono's slogan announcing the start of the duel, Wang Xiang suddenly opened his eyes with a feeling, and a light of determination shone in his eyes.

On the other side, You Ling, who waved goodbye to Peacock Dance and Isis, also stepped onto the duel field at this moment, and confronted Wang Xiang without fear, who was looking at him.

The eyes of both parties intersected in mid-air, and they collided with each other and created a series of substantial sparks.

No matter what, it will be the last moment of Duel City!

"Are you ready? You Ling, the final battle is about to begin."

Wang Xian stretched out his arms towards the void in front of him, showing a determined look on his face, and made a confirmation inquiry towards You Ling's location.

"Ah, let's begin, this is the purest duel between us!"

In response to Wang Xiang's action, You Ling also unfolded the duel disk in his hand.

Due to the intervention of You Ling, a time traveler, basically all the problems have been relatively properly resolved up to this point.

Malik and Isis no longer need to worry about the thousand-year mission, and there is no need to perform sex scenes in the city. Even the proud Kaiba has chosen to temporarily accept his failure...

Seeing You Ling and Wang Yang standing on both sides of the field, everyone in the family and friends group didn't even know who to cheer for.

After struggling for a long time, they finally chose a compromise plan and loudly shouted their most sincere thoughts: "Yu Ling, Yu Yu... you two must work hard!"

At this moment, what appears in the hearts of You Ling and Wang Yang is only the purest desire for victory.

While staring at each other, the two of them also raised the corners of their mouths at the same time, showing a knowing expression.


Just use Duel to bring smiles!

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