Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 258 When dealing with gods, it is indeed better to use gods!

"As expected of you, Yu Ling. Even the attack of the God of Destruction that should have brought me absolute victory was successfully blocked by you, but..."

Wang Xiang raised his eyebrows, and then declared: "But, there will be a direct attack from the giant god soldiers after that! What are you going to do next?"

Waving to the monster in front of him again, Wang Xiang with a solemn expression gave him an attack command: "Fight! Obelix's attack! God Hand Crasher!!!"

After the previous energy impact that directly caused huge damage was blocked by You Ling using the effect of the trap card, the blue giant switched to physical attack methods this time.

Aiming in the direction of You Ling again, the Titan Soldier suddenly raised his right fist filled with dazzling flashes and gathered the power of the sun, moon and stars, and swung it straight towards the target.

This blow is also a fatal blow that brings destruction!

Although due to the effect of the trap card previously activated by Yu Ling - [Damage Slimming], all the damage he received this round will be reduced to half, but this is enough!

The Titan Soldier with an attack power of 4,000 points is enough to end the current battle, and it is enough to defeat Yu Ling, who has only 2,000 health points left!

"Chaining the attacks of the giant god soldiers, at this moment, I opened the trap card..."

"Useless Yu Ling, God will not be affected by the effects of trap cards! No matter what you plan to do, it will be meaningless!"

"So Vadokana... Yugi, this card of mine is not aimed at God, but is activated against you!"


Under the gaze of Wang Xiang, who subconsciously widened his eyes in surprise, You Ling raised his hand and turned over the second cover card in the backcourt, showing the card to everyone: "Trap Card [Weak Attack" Transformation] is activated! The attack of one of the opponent's monsters is invalid, and the current battle phase ends!"

The noble counter-attack trap card with the second stage effect was turned over by Yu Zero at this moment and activated.

Although the noble Titan Soldier will not be affected by trap cards, the subsequent effect of [Attack Incapacity] is a powerful effect that directly affects the duel rules themselves and the duelist himself.

Now that the combat phase has ended, the god's attack behavior itself will naturally be skipped and the desired effect will not be achieved.

"Incapable of attack? Have you really even considered the possibility of such a direct attack?"

Seeing the Titan Soldier's second fatal attack, it was still accurately blocked by You Ling, who had predicted this. Wang Xiang, holding the last card in his hand, sighed helplessly and also Can only be forced to end the current round.

In any case, his methods for this round have been exhausted at this time.

"Well, my turn ended like this... At the moment when the turn ended, the effect of [Ace Knight] in the graveyard was activated. By returning the [Guard Knight] in the graveyard to the deck, I recycled it again Among the cards in my hand."

In his hand, he held the temporarily useless [Ace Knight] and another card in his hand.

In the front court stands the towering God of Destruction - [Obelisk's Titan Weapon] (attack power: 4000), and there are no cards in the back court.

This is Wang Xiang who has been fighting with You Ling until now, and the current situation on the field.

After his turn was over, it was now You Ling's turn to deal with it.

"Next...it's my turn! Draw cards!"

Pulling out a brand new card from the deck, Yu Ling replenished his hand to the value of four cards.

After glancing at the cards in his hand, Yu Ling glanced at the [Black Magic Girl] stuck in his hand, and inserted the card he just drew into the back of the duel plate: "The magic card [Ancient Spell] is activated! With the effect of this card, I can choose a [Wings of the Sun God Dragon] from the deck and graveyard to add to my hand, and this round it is not normally summoned. , I can perform another higher-level summons in the main stage!"

The golden curse culture emerged as an entity around You Ling, followed by a sound of elves singing to awaken the sleeping god.

With the effect of the magic card, You Ling added the last and strongest God card to his hand at this moment.

"Is it the card that Malik used to retrieve the Winged Divine Dragon? You Ling also plans to summon the god this round?!"

"Only magic can defeat magic... If you want to deal with God, it is best to use another god... I can understand You Ling's thinking."

"Sky Dragon, Giant Divine Soldier...is the last Winged Divine Dragon next?"

Noticing You Ling's actions, everyone watching the battle couldn't help but widen their eyes.

In just a few rounds, they were fortunate enough to witness the arrival of the three illusory gods one after another.

This magnificent scene is difficult to describe in words. In a sense, it can be said that it is unprecedented and unprecedented.

If it weren't for this Duel City Competition, perhaps most people would not be able to admire the heroic appearance of God throughout their lives, right?

"However, the coming of God requires the liberation of three sacrifices as a price. However, there are currently no monsters on You Ling's field..."

"Does he also plan to summon the apostles of the Sun God on the field like Malik?"

Trying to analyze You Ling's thoughts, everyone gave their opinions at this moment.

The effect of [Ancient Spell] will give You Ling one more opportunity to summon a higher level in addition to the normal summons. If it is a replica of Dark Malik's previous behavior of using the three apostles to summon the Winged Divine Dragon, then Everything that follows makes sense.

The Winged Divine Dragon that appears in that way will have an initial attack power of 3300 points. As long as it is combined with Yu Zero's remaining 2000 health points, it can easily achieve the feat of surpassing the Titan Soldier.

"Summon the [Apostle of the Sun God]? No, God's sacrifice has already been prepared."

With a confident smile on his face, You Ling said this and opened the last cover card hidden in the backcourt: "The Continuous Trap Card [Metal Reflection Slime] is activated! After this card is activated, It will turn into a monster card and be specially summoned in my monster zone!"

A liquid rod-shaped metal glowing with cold light appeared on Yu Ling's field as the trap card was activated.

While constantly twisting its form, it finally transformed into a muscular man similar to a magic lantern elf under the witness of everyone. It came to You Ling in a defensive position and acted as a A strong shield against God.

[Metal Reflective Slime] (Aqua·Water·10 Stars·Attack: 0/Defense: 3000)

"A trap monster with 3,000 defense points? But if it's just this card..."

"The current appearance is just its disguise. Next, the slime on my field will transform into its true strongest form!"

Stretching his arm towards the location of the extra deck, Yu Rei made this announcement, then pulled out a card from the deck and slammed it onto the deck of the duel plate instead of the trap monster on the field. : "Next, I liberate 10 monsters [Metal Reflection Slime] on the field, and special summon this card in the extra deck!"

"Show up! The clone of the God of Destruction - [God Slime] (Attack: 3000)!!!"

The huge slime in front of Yu Ling changed again according to his movements.

Under the gaze of duelists from all over the world, the trap monster card gradually grew and spread like a sprouting tree, condensing its appearance and size into something similar to the Titan Soldier.

Although the color of the body is still metallic gray-white, in appearance, it already has an appearance and momentum that is 90% similar to that of the giant divine soldier on the opposite side of the field.

This is the final form of slime, which replicates the appearance of God and is made of God's mud!



(Aquatic/water/10 stars/attack power: 3000/defense power: 3000)


Aquatic monster + water attribute·10-star monster

This card can be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck using Fusion Summoning and the following methods.

●When you release a 10-level Water-type monster with 0 attack power on your field, you can Special Summon it from the Extra Deck.

①: When a monster is summoned by a higher level, this card can be released as a number of 3.

②: This card will not be destroyed by battle. The opponent cannot select monsters on his field other than "God Slime" as attack targets, nor as targets of effects.


"There are actually two Obelisks on the field?! Is it possible that they will die together next?"

Looking up at the clone of the God of Destruction that appeared on the playground, Honda in the audience opened his mouth unconsciously and couldn't help but let out a sigh full of shocked emotion.

Seeing the state of his good friend, Jonouchi said unconvinced: "No! The Obelisk on Yu Ling's side is just a paper tiger transformed from a slime. If there is a real battle, With an attack power of only 3,000 points, he can only fight against the [Blue Eyes White Dragon], and he is no match for the genuine Titan Soldier!"

Kaiba: "..."

It was the first time today that Haima heard his "white marriage" being used as a unit of measurement, and he had lost the desire to complain.

Rather than paying attention to Jonouchi, a mortal duelist who always spoke out arrogant words, Kaiba's attention at this time was more focused on the location of the duel.

Muto Yugi, who perfectly controlled the God Card, and Yu Rei, who fought back and forth with him. The duel that broke out between these two people was undoubtedly one that could be recorded in history for future generations of duelists to watch. Supreme duel!

No matter what, even as a witness, he still had to have everything about this duel deeply engraved in his mind!

"Although [God Slime] is just a copy of God and does not have the powerful and domineering effect of the God Card... However, its existence is a springboard to become a God! When I perform a superior summons, this One card can be used as a sacrifice for three!"


"Next, I will liberate the [God Slime] on the field and perform a superior summons on the 'god' in my opponent's card!"

Raising his arms high, while the Millennium Key on his chest shone with a golden glow, You Ling replaced the [God Slime] on the field with the golden-framed God Card in his hand, and pressed it with all his strength. It was photographed on the deck of the duel plate.

"The flames of heaven and earth are changing rapidly, the gate of hell faces the darkness, the devil descends and splits the boulders, the wings of the sun god, the dragon, fly to the end in the wind, take control of my thoughts!"

"Come! The real sun god - the winged dragon of Ra!!!"

As You Ling's words fell, a new golden sun suddenly appeared in the sky.

Compared with the original sun that originally hung in the sky, spreading the light of warmth and hope, the second "sun" that suddenly appeared at this moment was surrounded by bursts of destructive waves full of divine power, as well as the scorching heat of the soul. .

Unlike the other two gods, as the highest god in Egyptian mythology, "Ra" is the most special existence.

If you want to control the Sun God, you must speak the ancient priest language or hold a thousand-year artifact.

You Ling happened to meet the conditions for these two points. Therefore, the "Wing God Egg" that appeared high in the sky quickly completed the transformation from an egg to a dragon, from a golden sun exuding scorching heat to one with stretched giant wings. , the image of the Western dragon with the wheel of glory emerging behind it.

By the way, the Winged Divine Dragon summoned from the superior level by liberating [God Slime] also inherited its attack power and defense power, making its initial attributes equal to those of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. numerical value.

[Attack power of the Winged Dragon of the Sun God:? →3000】

"As the strongest phantom god, the Winged Divine Dragon also has powerful effects similar to or even surpassing those of the Giant Divine Weapon!"

Looking up at the golden dragon floating quietly above his head, You Ling took a deep breath, waved his hand again, and activated the effect of the monster on the field: "At this moment, the effect of the Winged Dragon is activated! Pay 1,000 life points value, send all the monsters on the opponent's field to the grave! And transform yourself into the absolutely invincible [God·Phoenix] form during this round!!!"

(You Ling LP: 2000→1000)

As a price for activating the special effect of the Sun God, Yu Ling, who still had 2,000 health points left, paid 1,000 of his own health points at this moment.

However, in exchange, Winged Shenron also gains the ability to not be destroyed within one turn, not to cause damage to the person controlling it, not to be affected by other card effects, and to ignore all resistances, sending all monsters on the opponent's field to the rule. The heaven-defying effect of the tomb!

Just like that, the Winged Dragon, whose body surface glowed with hot flames, transformed into the invincible posture of "God Phoenix" under the witness of everyone!

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