Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 268 The doubles duel begins, Yu Ling Wang Xiang VS Kaiba Seto

Today's Kaiba Paradise seems even more quiet and desolate than the streets of Tongshino City, which are less visited by people.

I don’t know if it’s because Kaiba cleared the place in advance and expelled all irrelevant personnel one by one. Anyway, Yu Ling walked into Kaiba Paradise with Wei Er, and on the way to the Kaiba Dome where the battle took place, No other tourists were found.

Even if I occasionally caught a glimpse of a few staff members wearing black suits, they seemed to be deliberately avoiding You Ling and the others, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.


Sensing the unusual atmosphere permeating the surrounding environment, You Ling raised his eyebrows, and then walked firmly to the door of the Seahorse Dome pointed on the map.

From the appearance, the appearance of Kaiba Dome looks like the upper half of the head of a blue-eyed white dragon that has been enlarged an unknown number of times.

The entrance to the dome was also specially built in the shape of Qingyan's mouth, and even the door had some carved patterns of sharp teeth.

All I can say is that this thing really has Haima’s personal aesthetic style.

"Oh? You Ling, long time no see. Were you called here by Kaiba too?"

As soon as he walked into the building, You Ling saw Wang Xiang's figure actively walking towards him, raising his arms and greeting him warmly.

Although he said it’s been a long time, but in fact the “long time” was only a few days.

Not long ago, an earth-shattering divine battle broke out between You Ling and Wang Yang around the throne of "King of Duel City".

As the decisive battle ended in a draw, the two kings of the final Duel City were born in the presence of duelists from all over the world.

"Well, I haven't seen you for a few days."

You Ling nodded politely, and responded to Wang Xiang with a smile: "Originally, I planned to go to you to play cards these days, but unexpectedly, Kaiba called me here first. Woolen cloth."

"Really? Do you think so too?"

After hearing You Ling's speech, Wang Xiang was stunned for a moment, then a strong fighting spirit emerged in his eyes: "A duel, right? Speaking of which... You Ling, in the previous final, you didn't actually Use all your strength, right?"

"Why don't we just fight it out here now, use each other's full strength without regrets, and see who is the real number one in the world!"

By various coincidences, the three God Cards have now all gathered in Wang Xiang's hands, giving him unprecedented confidence.

Now that he unexpectedly reunited with Yu Ling, his instinct as a duelist was constantly urging him to fight.

Wang Xiang, who seemed to have a fire burning in his heart, followed his heart and initiated a duel against You Ling.

Caesar, right here, under the witness of aibo, come and play cards with me!

"...Are we going to duel here?"

Looking at Wang Xiang, whose eyes were filled with strong fighting spirit, You Ling then smiled and said: "It's okay, but it has to be on a first-come, first-served basis, right? You and I were both called by Kaiba today, so it stands to reason. The winner of this duel should be determined now."

"That's right! That's it!"

In response to You Ling's words, a highly recognizable high-pitched sound suddenly echoed in the slightly dim dome space.

After that, as the voice from Kaiba himself sounded, the originally dark space around him was also lit up by lights one after another at this moment, turning it into a dazzling state like daylight.

In the central duel field in the center of Kaiba Dome, where countless rays of light converged into one place, Kaiba was still dressed in the iconic white windbreaker. At this time, he was holding his arms in a pretentious manner, looking up and scorning The two people in the audience were planning to duel in private.

Because the light was too dazzling, You Ling and Wang Yang could not see clearly the face of Kaiba at this time.

"YU~~~GI (Game)! You guy (ki sa ma) actually wants to have a private duel with Yu Zero before me. It's really unforgivable!"

His eyes were also full of high fighting spirit, and there seemed to be a raging flame burning around his body. Kaiba vented his thoughts to the two people visiting here: "At this time, it can be said that the whole world Several of the strongest duelists have gathered here together, and the current scene is like another duel to decide who will be the 'Duel King'!"

"I'm so... so bright!"

The headlight behind Kaiba that was used to fill in the light made it difficult to open his eyes. Yu Ling barely looked up at Kaiba under the light, and couldn't help complaining to him.

Rather than dueling or something like that, President, can you please turn down the brightness now?

"Hmph! Only rats crawling in the underground world will be afraid of the shining lights of the above world... You Ling, don't let me down in the next duel! If you lose too quickly, then It’s too boring!”

Although he acted mercilessly, after hearing Yu Ling's voice, Kaiba still reached out and snapped his fingers, instructing his subordinates on standby to turn off about half of the lights in the area.

After doing this, the light covering the field became significantly softer. It was at this time that You Ling and Wang Xiang truly saw what Kaiba looked like now.

Compared with the time when he lost to Wang Xiang, there is an inexplicable aura of confidence surrounding Kaiba now.

Even when he was facing off against You Ling and Wang Xiang, the two "Duel Kings" at the time, he was not at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

"Hey, Kaiba, what you said is really interesting."

He also crossed his arms and faced the sharp gaze cast by Kaiba. Wang Xiang responded without hesitation: "I sent a message specifically to ask the two of us to come here. I don't know that you, as a semi-finalist, , what are you doing with us two duel kings?"


Pausing for a moment on the word "Duel King", which contains multiple meanings, Wang Xiang used his method to make the yin and yang weird Kaiba feel the ridicule of being yin and yang.

Although his face still maintained an unmoved expression, You Ling clearly noticed that the corner of Kaiba's mouth twitched suddenly just now.

It seems that the president is still quite concerned about his previous loss to Wang Xiang, and regretfully stopped at the top four...

"Hmph! Yugi... Only now can you have the time to say such things!"

"Okay, everyone, please take action and get ready for a duel!"

With a sudden wave of his big hand, Kaiba, who frowned, immediately issued new instructions to his subordinates who were waiting around.

As his order was issued, countless photographic equipment was instantly dragged into the interior of the dome by people in black and placed throughout the interior space, completely covering the scene on the field under multiple lenses.

"This is?"

"There are so many shots... Could it be that Kaiba plans to do a live broadcast again?"

Noticing Kaiba's actions, You Ling and Wang Xiang had a slightly puzzled look on their faces.

At this time, Kaiba, who had quickly completed all the preparations, also showed off his achievements to the two of them: "Hmph hahahahaha... You Ling still has a game, you two listen to me! I Seto Kaiba, I will now formally challenge you to a duel here!"

"Under the witness of audiences around the world, I want to prove to everyone that I am the one who is truly qualified to be called the King of Duels!"

"What should I say? Are you going to accept the revenge duel I initiated? Or are you going to run away from here in despair like a mouse that dare not face the light in front of the audience all over the world?"

He stretched out his arms wantonly, showing a domineering movement that embraced the whole world. As he said these words, Kaiba's face simultaneously showed an almost fanatical look.

"This guy Kaiba really dares to say..."

Yu Ling, who laughed at Kaiba's confident and arrogant speech, immediately picked up the duel plate in his hand, walked onto the duel field, and confronted Kaiba: "Okay, Kaiba, just let me Look at your strength, I really want to know where your courage comes from!"

"Ah, no matter what the situation, a duelist will never choose to run away! Kaiba... we will accept the duel challenge you initiated!"

Following You Ling, Wang Xiang, who also agreed to the challenge, also stepped onto the duel stage with You Ling at this time.

The two duelist kings of the day stood side by side under multiple cameras, and opposite them was Seto Kaiba, a duelist in the late stages of dragon cancer who once controlled the God of Destruction!

"Do you see clearly? Weier?"

"Well...Master, I have already felt it."

In response to Yu Ling's question, Weier, who habitually yawned, softly explained to him: "Right now, there are two conflicting auras on Seto Kaiba's body at the same time. The white one is Although he has explosive power, he is protecting Kaiba's body from being eroded by another force...

As for the black side, although it is camouflaging its existence with golden light, it cannot hide from my eyes... The problem should be here, it is this abnormal black energy that is affecting Kaiba A person's character magnifies the dark side of his heart. "

"I see...I probably understand."

After receiving a confirmed answer from the reliable crystallized great sage beside him, You Ling showed a look of understanding on his face.

If he remembered correctly, the two conflicting forces currently existing in Kaiba should be the power of [Blue-Eyed Dragon] and [Pyramid of Light].

The former is the advanced evolution of Kaiba's ace monster [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]. It possesses the only and unique ability so far, and is the Dragon of Light that has broken through the limits.

As for the latter, Yu Ling didn't remember the general information very clearly. In short, he vaguely remembered the Pyramid of Light, which seemed to be a card that restrained the gods...

It seems that a few sphinx guardian beasts can be specially summoned?

"So, how are you going to duel next? Kaiba? A big melee? Or will you deal with the two of us alone?"

You Ling and Wang Xiang, who stepped onto the duel field one after another, stood still and glanced at the current situation on the field, then simultaneously asked Kaiba about his plans.

If a person challenges the two kings of Duel City, no matter how arrogant Kaiba is, he shouldn't be such a person who has lost his mind, right?

So, who goes first at this time?

"Hmph! What's wrong with two against one? Then you two can do it together!"

"Huh? You're not sick, are you?"

"Hey...are you serious? You can't beat one of them, and you still want to fight two of them together? You're not awake, are you?"

Yu crossed his arms proudly in front of his chest. The arrogance in his heart was amplified by the power of [Pyramid of Light], and Kaiba pointed his nostrils at the two people who were stunned.

"Hmph... there is only one king, and that is my Seto Kaiba!"

"Yu Ling, and Yugi... the me now is completely different from the me before. Even if you team up together, you won't be the opponent of the strongest white dragon after evolution!"

"However, for the sake of dueling fairness, you who are dueling as a team must share the venue and health points, and my health points must be doubled from the original basis."

Although the arrogance in his heart was magnified, Kaiba barely managed to maintain his most basic sanity.

Now that he was applying for a duel to two people at the same time, he did not choose a "big fight" with multiple people, but instead had a team duel with BOSS treatment.

Yes, he is the BOSS now, and You Ling and Wang Xiang are the ones who formed a team to challenge him.

Just like Kaiba said just now, there can only be one true king, and that person will be him, Seto Kaiba!

"Since you said so..."

"A two-on-one duel? Okay."

Although the current situation was not what the two of them wanted, You Ling and Wang Yang, who noticed Kaiba's abnormal state, still reluctantly agreed to the duel under special rules.

Similar to You Ling, Wang Xiang, who possesses multiple artifacts including the "Millennium Building Blocks", also noticed something strange about Kaiba.

Although he couldn't see it as clearly as Wei'er, Wang Yang could vaguely sense the negative aura entrenched in Haima's body.

The specific situation is unclear, but in short, it is always right to knock down Kaiba through a duel first.

After that, let’s study the ins and outs of the matter.

"Come on! Kaiba, let us crush your ambition again!"

With full awareness in their hearts, after exchanging glances with Yu Ling who was looking at him next to him, the two of them unfolded the duel disk in their hands and pointed it at Kaiba's location.

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