Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 271 The fate of confrontation

"The battle is over, I continue to ambush a monster card on my field, and then end the current turn!"

Haima habitually let out a signature cold snort from his mouth. After covering the monster in the last round, Kaiba now covered a new monster card on the field. He proudly crossed his arms and declared the current round. Finish.

After his turn ends, it will be Wang Yiang's turn next.

At this point in time, Kaiba still had two cards left in his hand, and on the field were the [Final Warrior of Alien], which blocked all summoning actions, and two other monsters that were in a cover state.

On the other side, on the field shared by Wang Yang and You Ling that had been baptized by [Lightning Strike], there was not even a single monster present at this time.

Moreover, it seems that there are only two cover cards in the backcourt between the two of them that do not meet the conditions for activation.

Judging from the current situation shown on the surface, Kaiba undoubtedly has a huge advantage.

Even if he doesn't find a way to summon the so-called strongest white dragon after evolution, this fateful showdown to save face will eventually end with his victory, Seto Kaiba!

"Well...my turn, draw a card!"

King Xiang took over the initiative of the round from Kaiba, waved his hand and pulled out a new card from the top of the deck. After adding the card to his hand, he frowned and observed the state of the field at this moment.

Due to the initial effect of [The Final Warrior of Alien], all three normal summoning methods are blocked at this moment.

Therefore, although Wang Yiang and You Ling have a large number of card resources waiting to be used, these cards, which all contain the effect of summoning monsters, have never been able to use them.

From the beginning of the duel until now, Wang Xiang has been restrained by this huge restriction, and his heart is filled with unwilling thoughts. The expression on his face can hardly be called happy.

What are you doing, Kaiba!

Why did you suddenly become so hellish!

Will you die if you don’t use [Alien’s Final Warrior]? Summon monsters properly for me to play cards with!

"Don't worry, Yugi... let me show you a unique skill!"


Just when Wang Xiang put down his arms with a frown, preparing to cover the monster and end the current round like before, You Ling, who noticed his action, spoke to Wang Xiang first and told him his plan.

Listening to You Ling's words, Wang Xiang, who didn't understand what he was planning to do for a while, subconsciously and slowly typed a question mark.

What unique skill? Can you kill the newborn monster on Kaiba Field?

"Well, just now, you know, didn't I cover a card? That card doesn't look good when it is covered."

Rubbing his palms together, using the camera's perspective, and with the eyes of the whole world watching, You Ling knocked on the duel plate in his hand and continued to say with a smile: "Just like what you said, [The Final Warrior of the Alien Planet] Although it is a monster with extremely abnormal effects, as a mortal body, he is not invincible after all. This monster will have no defense against the effects of magic trap cards."

"you mean……"

"Yes, at this moment, I can already kill Kaiba's alien warriors, but in exchange, I need to pay a small price. What should I say, Yugi, are you willing to accept it? Are you willing to bear it with me? Is this a necessary sacrifice?”

You Ling, who was currently teaming up with Wang Xiang, asked Wang Xiang first before activating the card.

The current duel is not a duel for Yu Zero alone, but an important duel involving the reputation and record of the two "Duel Kings". Therefore, before making an operation that will have a huge impact, you should first consult with the people in the world. The opinion is relatively stable.

"I see, there is still this hand!"

Wang Yang seemed to have guessed the information about the Gaika that You Ling was lurking in, and when he heard what he said, an expression of sudden enlightenment appeared on his face.

Casting an approving look at You Ling's location, Wang Xiang immediately responded: "Ah, activate it! You Ling! Activate your Gaika at this moment to end Kaiba's blockade plan!"

"……as you wish."

The corner of his mouth curled up in a happy arc. After getting approval from his teammates, You Ling raised his arm and opened the cover card that was lying in the backcourt: "Haima, you have been arrogant for so long, it's time for you to pay. It’s a small price to pay!”


"At this moment, I open the Ambush Card in the backfield and activate the Continuous Trap Card [Skill Extraction]! With the effect of this card, I can pay 1,000 life points to activate the effects of all monsters on the field. All neutralized!"

(Yu Zero \u0026 Muto Game LP: 5650→4650)

A thousand points of health were drained from the bodies of You Ling and Wang Xiang at the same time as the price for activating the trap card effect.

Above the picture of the trap card is the figure of Hades, the king of Hades, who was overwhelmed by having his own power absorbed.

As the effect of this card was activated, a golden light that absorbed the monster's effect suddenly fell from the sky the next moment, landing equally on the body surfaces of all monsters on the field.

Affected by this irresistible force, the [Final Warrior of Alien], whose body surface was constantly losing steam and power, was forced to kneel on one knee in the next moment and turned into a mortal skeleton that lost its effect.

Now, he no longer has the ability to block the summoning restrictions of both sides, but is just a mortal bone monster with an attack power of 2350!

"Well done, Yu Rei! This way Kaiba can no longer restrict our summoning behavior! It will be our turn later!"

The monster's blockade was forcibly lifted at this moment. Wang Xiang, who had never experienced such a comfortable experience before, couldn't help but open his arms and take a deep breath of the free air around him.

With a smile on his face, he immediately turned to his teammate You Ling and shared his joyful mood at the moment.

"Hmph! Is it the effect of invalidating monsters? It doesn't matter, this kind of thing... I have already considered it!"

Seeing his monster being forcibly turned into a "blank slate" by the effect of the trap card, Kaiba let out a cold snort without feeling panic at all.

At least on the surface, everyone couldn't tell from Kaiba's expression his true mood at the moment.

Whether Kaiba had considered the current situation, whether he was shocked by Yu Ling's quality behavior, this kind of thing... only he himself knew.

"Really? Did you say you thought about it? In that case, you must have guessed what I plan to do next, right?"

Wang Xiang, who was noncommittal about Kaiba's reaction and let out a chuckle, immediately inserted a card in his hand into the back of the duel plate: "Magic card - [Ancient Rules] is activated! According to the effect of this card , I can special summon a 5-star or higher normal monster from my hand!"

"Come, my strongest servant - [Black Magician (Blackmagee-chan)] (Attack: 2500)!!!"

Spanning three thousand years, Priest Mahad, who once served the Pharaoh, once again resurrected to the present world as a duel elf, and guarded the king who lost his memory with his only disciple.

As the most loyal servant of the Pharaoh, the black magician Mahad will spare no effort to remove all obstacles in front of King Xiang!

"Up! The [Black Magician]'s attack, destroy the [Final Warrior of the Alien] for me! The Black Magician!!!"

King Xiang, who summoned a brand new monster, blew the horn for counterattack in the direction of Kaiba without hesitation.

As his words fell, the black magician Mahad, who was wearing a purple magician robe, immediately waved the staff in his hand to accumulate strength, and threw a big ball towards the [Final Warrior of the Alien Planet]. A black ball of destructive energy.

[Skill Extraction], which can block the monster's continuous effect, can be said to have no impact on [Black Magician], which is originally summoned normally.

So what is hitting the direction of Kaiba at this moment is also a complete magical impact of 2500 points of damage!

--boom! ! !

A violent explosion suddenly appeared in front of Kaiba the next moment, taking away the alien warrior who was kneeling on his field, completely ending the monster's sinful life.

At the same time, the seahorse whose monster was destroyed also received 150 points of damage equal to the difference in the attack power of the two monsters.

Although this damage seems a bit insignificant, it represents the fact that his monster is not as good as a king-like monster.


(Seto Kaiba LP: 7000→6850)

"[Black Magician], is it really this monster?"

Looking at the monster that appeared in front of Wang Yiang, he felt that he was very familiar with it. While receiving the attack, a bright seahorse suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he declared his determination towards Wang Yiang: "Game ! Show it to me, and then I will use my strongest monster to completely bury you, so that you can personally experience the depressing feeling of carrying the cross of defeat!"

"Huh? If you can, just let the horse come over! Kaiba!"

Looking at Kaiba who declared without fear, Wang Yang also had a look of firm determination on his face.

Under the gaze of duelists from all over the world, even if it was to avoid humiliating Aibo, he would never lose to Kaiba here.

"It's my turn! Draw a card!"

After forcibly ending his opponent's turn and declaring his determination, Kaiba forcefully pulled out the top card of the deck.

After glancing at the card, he then inserted it forcefully into the back of the duel plate: "The magic card [Pot of Desire] is activated! Based on the effect of this card, I will draw two more from the deck. Get a card!"

A large green pot with a rough appearance and a set of healthy yellow teeth appeared in front of Kaiba's body as he moved.

Although the card drawing just now did not allow Kaiba to get the key card he needed most, it did bring him the more useful [Pot of Desire].

Now Kaiba can draw two cards from the deck at once, doubling the chance of using key cards for reversal.

In this case, if Seto Kaiba still can't draw the card he wants, he might as well stop the duel and just find a piece of tofu and kill him...

"Huh ha ha ha ha ha!!! It's finally here, the new power I gained!"

A look of ecstasy emerged uncontrollably on his face, and the surface of Kaiba's body simultaneously showed a turbulent wave at this moment.

Noticing Kaiba's condition, You Ling couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and began to guess the messages of those cards in his mind.

Brand new power?

Is it a special card similar to [Falling Grass and Snakes] that can draw [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] with one card, or is it the animated version of [Blue-Eyes Dragon]?

However, no matter what monster appears next, it doesn't make any sense!

Now that there is [Skill Extraction] on the field, even "all-resist" monsters that are not affected by any effects have to be turned into blanks!

"On it! The magic card [Big Storm] is activated! According to the effect of this card, I can destroy all magic and trap cards on the field!"

He raised the card in his hand high above his head. Just like the previous scene, Kaiba chose to destroy the card that was hindering him before unfolding it.

The last time it was monsters that were destroyed, but this time it’s the turn of magic and trap cards including [Skill Extraction]!

"I'm super, and it's a banned card again? President, you are on your way..."

A raging wind suddenly appeared from the void, sweeping in the cards in the backcourt of both sides, smashing them into nothingness.

When the card was lifted and destroyed, Yu Ling, who was greeting Kaiba's family cordially, also noticed the information about the card that Wang Yang was hiding in the backcourt at this moment.

The effect of the trap card [Cry of the Living Dead] is to resurrect a monster in your own graveyard in attack position, and equip itself as an equipment card to the resurrected monster. When any one of the cards is destroyed occasion, the other party will be equally ruined.

It seems that Wang Yang lurked this card in the backcourt, intending to use it as a life-saving means at a critical moment.

However, under Kaiba's ungrateful ban card combo, this card, which had no chance to be used, could only be sent to the graveyard along with [Skill Extraction].

"Yugi, since you chose to summon your [Black Magician], then if I don't use [Blue Eyes White Dragon] as a response? It would be too ignorant!"

Having eliminated the obstacle, Kaiba then slapped a card in his hand on the deck of the duel plate instead of the two monsters in ambush on the field: "Next, I will replace the two monsters on the field with Monsters are liberated, and the 8-star dragon-type monster in the opponent's card is advanced summoned!"

"Show up! Come to me at this moment! Bruaiswaiter Doragon (Blue Eyes White Dragon)!!!"

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