Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 274 The Pyramid of Light and the Appearance of the Mastermind Behind the Scenes

"This is the end! Entering the battle stage, [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red-Eyed Dragon Knight] will directly attack Kaiba!"

As You Ling's words fell, a destructive wave of up to 3,000 damage hit the empty Kaiba head-on, preparing to take away his last 1,650 health points.

Feeling the oncoming wind and the huge pressure contained in it, Kaiba, who had no way to deal with it, was instantly knocked away. At the same time, his health points were also cleared simultaneously, ushering in the final result of defeat. .

(Seto Kaiba LP: 1650→0)

At this moment, Kaiba's face was full of disbelief.

Obviously just now, he had the invincible and beautiful [Blue-Eyed Dragon] on the field, as well as a remaining life value of up to 6850 points. However, in just a moment, all of this was controlled by You Ling. The earth turned into nothingness...

How could he accept this kind of thing? !

How could he not find such a result unbelievable?

"I actually... lost to them again... I, Seto Kaiba, actually..."

The body that flew upside down then hit the cold ground in the distance, splashing a large amount of fly ash.

However, compared to the physical pain, the tragic reality before his eyes made Kaiba feel even more uncomfortable and tormented in his heart.

Even though I tried my best, I still couldn't win a sweet victory from my old enemy...

This kind of thing...

"Hmph... Stupid King of Light, did you really lose to the Dark Pharaoh in the duel? I originally expected you to defeat that guy, but now it seems that I can only do it myself. !”


"Who is talking, get out of here!"

"This voice..."

The sudden male voice echoed in the ears of the three people present, making the defeated Kaiba and the victorious You Ling and Wang Xiang look surprised at the same time.

From the tone of this mysterious man's words, it was as if this duel was the result of a deliberate arrangement by him.

"Humph hahahaha!!! Good question! My name is Anubis, the Lord of Destruction who is about to devour the Lord of Darkness!"

As this voice sounded, a black shadow suddenly separated from Kaiba's body. Along with the black mud that continued to pour out from the ground, it gradually transformed into the image of a blond man with a naked upper body.

On the chest of this strong man who calls himself "Anubis", there is currently an inverted pyramid-shaped pendant hanging in the shape of azure blue and faintly glowing.

Judging from the appearance alone, this blue inverted pyramid is somewhat similar to the "Millennium Building Block" on Wang Xiang's body, and seems to belong to the same category of dark props.

However, unlike the thousand-year-old artifact with the "Eye of Truth" symbol engraved on its surface, the building blocks hanging on Anubis's chest revealed a pattern of an evil eye emitting an ominous red light.

As Anubis gradually transformed from a black shadow into a human form, an undisguised and strong negative wave also emitted from the surface of this dark artifact called the "Pyramid of Light".

"I finally meet you, dark pharaoh..."

The first time he appeared, Anubis cast a nostalgic look at Wang Xiang with a solemn expression.

Judging from the expression on his face, it was obvious that this was not the first time he and Wang Yang had met.

"This guy...is he the one who stood behind Kaiba and deliberately provoked this duel? Why do you call me the Dark Pharaoh? Do you know the me in the past?"

Although there were tons of questions in his mind that he wanted to get answers to, Wang Yang still asked the question he was most concerned about to the man behind the scenes who took the initiative to show up.

The King of Light should refer to Kaiba, and the King of Darkness refers to Muto Yugi, who is himself.

But why...why does this guy named Anubis call himself that? What is his origin?

Wang Xiang, who had not recovered his past memories at this moment, suddenly had a series of doubts in his heart.

"Ha...devouring the soul of the Lord of Darkness is my mission. And next, I will bury you with my own hands and bring complete destruction to this world!"

"Dark Pharaoh, you and your container will usher in the end of destruction filled with light!"

Answered the question, but didn't seem to answer the question.

Anubis raised his head and looked directly at where You Ling and Wang Xiang were, and gave his personal reply in a nagging tone.

The container here refers to Xiaobiao's body. Anubis, who chose to appear at this time, obviously did not intend to leave any room for negotiation with Wang Xiang.

"You said your name is Anubis? Are you kidding me? Who allowed you to make your own decisions in my territory?"

Seeing Anubis suddenly appearing, ignoring his existence, and launching an invitation for a new duel in the direction of Wang Xiang and You Ling, Kaiba, who felt that he seemed to be ignored, suddenly showed a look of arrogance. Angry gesture.

However, Anubis, who noticed the seahorse's actions, just glanced at the seahorse walking towards him indifferently, and then stretched out one of his arms in the direction of the seahorse.

"Incompetent King of Light, now that you have lost the duel, you no longer have a role to play here. Next... just get out of here!"

As Anubis' words rang out, the seahorse that was close to him was immediately pinched by Anubis' head, and then was thrown away by him far away, and was hit hard again in the distance. on the ground.

Seeing that Kaiba fell silent and stopped moving, it was obvious that he was knocked unconscious by the impact just now.

Even a ruthless person like the president couldn't resist the blow from Anubis just now.

It is foreseeable that this guy is by no means a passerby who can be easily dealt with...

"Anubis...I see, so you are the one standing behind Kaiba and manipulating him to start this duel!"

Yu Ling, who had been watching the show with his arms folded, after a second of silence for President Kaiba who was struggling in the distance, raised his eyebrows and continued to speak to Anubis who was standing opposite him in the black mud. Asked: "So, Anubis...who are you? What is your purpose? Even if you want to duel, you must have a reason first, right? What you said just now is not an answer. .”

"Hmph... I am the King of Destruction who ends the darkness, and I am the Transcendent who will lead this world to a new future!"

Anubis, who originally ignored You Ling, an unrelated person, after hearing the reasons given by You Ling, sneered and said, "Due to the incompetence of the King of Light, he was defeated by the two of you in the sacred duel ceremony. Because he was defeated, I have to clean up this mess on his behalf and guide you to the ending you deserve."

"The sacred duel ceremony must not be terminated, and your fate, which has been predetermined for a long time, cannot be changed in any form..."

Opening his arms toward the void in front of him, Anubis directly imitated what Wei Er had done before, and conjured five initial cards out of thin air in front of him.

After completing this outrageous operation of "printing cards out of thin air", Anubis then looked at Wang Xiang and You Ling, who had just habitually put away the duel disk.

"Let's continue the duel. Next, I will still deal with you two at the same time. Of course, all the status must be calculated from scratch!"

Now on You Ling's court, there is the invincible "Hong Daddy".

No matter how arrogant Anubis is, it is absolutely impossible for him to directly choose to compete with him head-on.

Therefore, the next duel will start again as the second duel today.

"What do you mean, Yugi-san, can you continue?"

"Ah... no problem, no matter what, we must not let this guy named Anubis leave here."

After giving an affirmative answer to You Ling's inquiry, Wang Xiang then said: "You Ling, let's work together again to put an end to this guy's ambition!"

"Hey, that's what I meant!"

Wang Xiang and You Ling, who reached a consensus at this moment, after dragging Kaiba to their side, simultaneously took a fighting stance towards Anubis, who had his arms folded, and unfolded the duel disk in their hands.

Noticing the movements of the two, Anubis also gave his response.


(Anubis LP: 8000)

(You Ling, Wang Yang LP: 8000)

"It's my turn to attack first...on my turn, draw a card!"

Anubis, who had solved the troublesome Kaiba and faced off against Yu Ling and Wang Xiang, now seemed like a hidden BOSS after defeating the BOSS.

As an intruder in this duel, he arbitrarily regarded You Ling and Wang Xiang, who had just fought, as his opponents, and launched a duel against them without any hesitation.

It seems that Anubis has always been a stronger being than Kaiba in his heart, and he is completely capable of defeating the Duel King combination of You Ling and Wang Xiang.

"First, I activate the magic card [Angel's Alms] from my hand. Based on the effect of this card, I draw three cards from the deck, and then select two of the cards to discard."

The starting point was a common filter draw card in the DM era. Anubis, who activated this card, once again transformed three new cards in front of him.

After glancing at the eight cards he currently had in his hand, he waved his hand again, dissolving two of the cards into nothingness.

Judging from his actions, he should have sent the card to the cemetery.

"Then, at the moment when the card is sent to the graveyard, I activate the monster card that was just sent to the graveyard from my hand - [Executioner·Mashura] (Warrior Type/Dark/4 Stars/Attack: 1600/Defense (Power: 1200), when this card is sent to the graveyard, I can directly activate the trap card from my hand."

Anubis, who was facing the Duel City's two kings at the same time, chose to play an animated version of the Executioner at this time.

Different from the effects that have been "sourced" in OCG, this card does not have any restrictions, which means that Anubis can now freely activate any number of trap cards from his hand, and No need to follow basic dueling rules.

Wang Yang: "It's not good. I always have a bad premonition in my heart..."

You Ling: "I am super... able to activate trap cards freely. This guy has been peeping for a long time. Could he have assembled a quality card deck against us?"

As the top duelists in this world, You Ling and Wang Xiang roughly guessed Anubis's plan almost the moment he activated the card.

[Skill Extraction], [Void Space], [Big Universe], [Infinite Bubbles], [Royal Palace’s Order]...

Even if Anubis takes out the above quality cards next, You Ling will not be surprised.

After all, this is how Lao Yinbi plays cards. If he doesn't play a targeted card, he will feel uncomfortable all over.

"Based on the monster's effect, I activate the permanent trap card directly from my hand - [Pyramid of Light]! Appear, the wave of light that punishes darkness, and turn the surrounding space into my field of destruction. Bar!"

As Anubis's words rang out, the pendant hanging on his chest immediately burst into a burst of dazzling light.

After that, the surrounding space was suddenly surrounded by a huge pyramid that suddenly appeared, cutting off all means of exploring the inside of the triangular space.

From the perspective of the audience watching the live broadcast, they only saw Kaiba being punched away by a strong man who suddenly appeared, and then the scene turned into pitch black.

As for what happened on the other side of the screen, only the three parties involved know.

"This black mud is spreading towards us!"

"Tsk... Fortunately, Kaiba was moved here in advance, otherwise Kaiba would have had to get his lunch on the spot just by this."

At the same time as the permanent trap card was activated, the black mud under the feet of Being and Anubis also began to spread continuously, approaching the location of You Ling and Wang Xiang, intending to pull them directly to another world. among.

However, the two duelist kings, who were protected by a thousand-year artifact, did not take advantage of Anubis's extravagant moves.

Facing the incoming black mud, the "Millennium Key" on You Ling's chest and the "Millennium Building Block" on Wang Yang's chest burst out with a burst of golden light at the same time, forming a sacred field around them, blocking Further invasion of black mud.

Kaiba, who was knocked unconscious by Anubis before, happened to be within the protective field created by the thousand-year artifact, so he survived and did not face the fate of withdrawing with a lunch box.

"Tsk...thousand-year artifact! It's this damn thousand-year artifact again, and this time there are two of them!"

It seemed that he was extremely afraid of the golden light emanating from the surface of the thousand-year artifact. Anubis, who was caught in the eye, immediately gritted his teeth and let out an angry cry from his mouth.

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