Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 287 This is a lie but not quite the truth!

Chapter 287 This is a lie...an incomplete truth!

"Are you here? The time has finally come!"

The moment You Ling added the turquoise barrier in the deck to his hand, the eyes of Dazi, Barong and Peacock Wu suddenly looked in the direction of You Ling, looking at the card that appeared in the deck. Cards in his hand.

While narrowing his eyes slightly, Dazi, who had made no obvious movements since the beginning of the duel, immediately raised his arm and gave his own instructions to You Ling: "Wait... You Ling! Continue. Before taking any action, show me the card in your hand! I want to see you activate the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] I gave you earlier!"

Keeping a close eye on You Ling's location, Dazi was fully prepared to deal with it while giving him instructions.

Once there is any hesitation in You Ling's movements, or if there is any suspicious phenomenon in the process, then Dazi, as Lao Yinbi, will immediately activate his prepared backhand to forcefully wipe You Ling away. remove!

"Show the card? Then...as you wish."

Without any hesitation at all, when You Ling heard what Dazi said, he immediately stopped what he was doing, held the field magic card that he had retrieved, and moved it in the direction of Dazi. exhibit.

The turquoise hexagram pattern, the card name and effect written in the "Enochian script" of ancient Atlantis, and the familiar pressure coming from the card...

There is no doubt that the card retrieved by You Ling is the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] that Dazi just gave him!

Under the exquisite operation of the Great Sage of Crystal, which can be called "changing the day", this field magic card, which on the surface maintains its original state, has actually been secretly changed into something else.

Of course, Dazi himself didn’t know these things.

Not to mention that what appears here now is just a clone of Dazi. Even if Dazi's true body comes in person and takes You Ling's card in his hand and looks at it repeatedly with a magnifying glass, he will never find anything in it. Something wrong!

"Well... no problem, let's continue the duel."

After carefully staring at the card in You Ling's hand for a long time, after confirming that there was nothing unusual about You Ling's behavior and that he had no second thoughts, Dazi nodded with satisfaction and ended his testing behavior.

By this time, Dazi had also believed that You Ling was sincerely planning to join their organization.

As Da Zi's words fell, You Ling inserted the field magic card in his hand into the back of the duel plate: "...Uh oh oh oh oh!!! Here it is, I will put the card in my hand. The [Oliha Gang’s Barrier] inside is activated at this moment!!!”

A crazy smile suddenly appeared on You Ling's face at this moment, making his temperament tainted with an undisguised morbidity and madness.

At this moment, with the activation of the field magic card, the turquoise six-pointed star barrier quickly emerged from You Ling's feet, and then spread quickly, covering You Ling and the visitors to the Holy Tomb in front of him. Together with his opponent, he was wrapped inside the barrier.

With You Ling's body as the center, intense coercion erupted at the same moment, sweeping through the entire surrounding space, causing several people who were originally watching the show to be affected by varying degrees of abnormality.

"Hmm! What's going on with this coercion?! Although it's true that this aura is indeed the pure power of Oliha Gang... but this level of influence is a bit too exaggerated!"

Feeling the approaching pressure, Barong transformed into a "boiling sheep" in an instant and actively stood in front of Peacock Wu, taking on the intense pressure from You Ling on her behalf. fluctuation.

As a cadre of the Doma organization and one of Dazi's capable men, Barong has not never used the card [Oliha Gang's Barrier].

But no matter which time, he has never caused such a violent change as now.

At this moment, feeling the huge pressure coming towards his face and the strong Oliha Gang aura spreading from You Ling, Barong, who blocked his arms in front of him to resist, couldn't help but stare. His eyes showed an expression of doubt about life.

And a bold idea also appeared in Barong's mind in an instant.

...Masaka? !

You Ling, like Master Dazi, is a "son of god" personally selected by the God of Oliha Gang. Is he a special person who is born with the qualifications to serve God?

This must be the case!

Otherwise, it would be completely impossible to explain the current phenomenon!

"Hehehehe... That's right, You Ling, you really brought me a huge surprise! If I hadn't known that it was your first time to come into contact with 'Oliha Gang', I would have thought you were one of our gods. There’s another spokesperson!”

Dazi on the other side also felt the same type of shocking experience as Barong at this moment.

Compared to Barong, who looked slightly embarrassed, Dazi, who had the blessing of divine power and had seen countless strong winds and waves, was not greatly affected by this coercion and still kept his body motionless, standing tall on the huge In the oppressive storm.

However, the tone of surprise that could not be concealed in Dazi's words betrayed his true thoughts at the moment.

Unlike Dazi, who has directly connected with God and has been in tune with it for thousands of years, You Ling is a human who only started to come into contact with "Oliha Gang" today.

However, such a fledgling "novice" could easily achieve results that were similar to, or even vaguely superior to, his Dazi.

This current situation made Dazi, the party involved, unable to help but feel a violent storm in his heart...

At the same time that Dazi fell into this state of doubting life, Yu Ling activated [Oliha Gang's Barrier] on the field, and a small green hexagram pattern gradually appeared on his forehead. .

With the appearance of this mark representing the activation of "Oliha Gang's Power", You Ling's eyes turned red simultaneously, and a new bloodthirsty atmosphere began to float around him.

From Peacock Dance's perspective, under the influence of Oliha Gang, You Ling fell into a "blackened" state, which brought her an extremely unknown and strange feeling.

However, girls in love are always blind and brainless...

Although the appearance shown by You Ling at this time looked very scary in the eyes of Barong and others, it was the state of a "berserker" driven by Oliha Gang's power.

However, in Peacock Wu's eyes, You Ling now has an evil atmosphere filter, which makes her, who already had a good impression of You Ling, feel a novel touch in her heart.

However, although……

The blackened You Ling is actually pretty good...

"Hehehehe... [Oliha Gang's Barrier] can increase the attack power of all monsters on my field by 500 points. Moreover, with the activation of this card, I can also summon monsters to my magic circle. trapped in the area.”

"...According to this effect, the attack power of [Death Hell Actor Queritis (Visitor to the Holy Sepulchre)] on my field will increase by 500 points!"

([Death Hell Actor Quiritis] Attack power: 2500 → 3000)

A small green hexagram array appeared on the forehead of the armor, which was covered with flesh and blood.

Accepting the gift from the magic card on the field, the visitor's attack power increased by 500 points at this moment, from the original 2500 points of [Black Magician] to the level of 3000 points of [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. .

It is worth mentioning that with the help of Weier, [Oliha Gang's Barrier], which can have a huge impact on people's hearts, did not exert its original effect on You Ling.

Although the current state shown by You Ling is that of being captured by Oliha Gang's power, in fact, all of this is just his disguise and just You Ling's acting skills.

Whether it's the turquoise six-pointed star pattern that appears on You Ling's forehead, or the bloodthirsty eyes that turned into blood red, they are all "surface efforts" after Wei'er has eliminated the abnormal influence.

What others saw, the current situation that You Ling was affected by [Oliha Gang's Barrier] was just an illusion that You Ling deliberately showed to them.

You Ling raised his eyes and glanced at the people watching the battle. He was convinced that there were no flaws in the acting skills he had displayed with Albert's help, and he immediately began his further actions.

"Hehehehehe... Next, I activate the special effect of [Death Hell Actor Quiritis] on the field! Once per turn, all monsters on the field except fusion monsters with 8 stars or above will have their attack power increased. All points will be reduced to 0 points until the end of the round! Take the move! Despair from the abyss of hell!!!"

With a sinister laugh coming from his mouth, Yu Ling suddenly stretched out his arm towards the monster in front of him, thus activating the special effects of the monsters on the field.

As You Ling's words fell, Quilitis' body was quickly torn apart. From the cracks in the flesh and blood, multiple tentacles surged out together, quickly attacking the two on the opposite puppet field. The location of the [Charging Captain].

The next moment, the two warriors, whose bodies were tightly bound by the tentacles that followed and could not move, turned into the monster's power bank and were sucked into a human state by Queritis. .

At least until the end of this round, they can no longer become any fighting force...

([Charging Captain] Attack power: 1200 → 0) × 2

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... in one breath, the attack power of all monsters on the field except itself is reduced to 0 points! Queritis... what a powerful monster! It is indeed the monster that lives in the heart of the Duel King, and it is indeed not an ordinary monster. An existence that can rival it!"

Witnessing the powerful effect displayed by the visitors to the Holy Tomb, Dazi couldn't help but sigh: "Hehehe, even the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] that Seto Kaiba is proud of, is facing this attack with the same power as him. If they are the same monsters, they will just be reduced to lambs to be slaughtered."

The lying-down [Blue Eyes White Dragon] has once again become the unit of measurement for the monster's combat power.

But this time, Qisara (Blue Eyes White Dragon) has to admit that if she only compares the combat power of a single target, she is not the opponent of the Visitor of the Holy Tomb. After all, the effect of the Visitor of the Holy Tomb is on the other side. It can also be activated during the turn...

"Hmm...Although the attack power of the opponent's monster was reduced to 0 points by [Death Hell Actor Quiritis], the current Yu Zero is also unable to break through the defensive formation formed by these two monsters..."

Although both captains were sucked into human bodies by the monsters, they still managed to stand upright using the long swords in their hands as support after experiencing countless battles.

Observing the situation on the field at this moment, Peacock Wu couldn't help but look in the direction of You Ling.

In her memory, You Ling was by no means a brainless berserker. Even now that he was affected by the power of [Oliha Gang's Barrier], it still caused errors in You Ling's precise judgment.

Facing the opponent's monster blockade, You Ling must have prepared the corresponding backup plan in advance!

"Then... Since there is a monster specially summoned from the Extra Deck on my field, I have [Saint of Teaching: Eklisia] (Magician/Light/4 Stars/Attack) in my hand. : 1500/Defense: 1500), you will also be able to special summon directly from your hand at this moment!"

To the expressionless puppet opposite, You Ling showed the new monster cards in his hand and placed them on the deck of the duel plate.

In response to You Ling's movements, the saint who taught the Dragon Kingdom, wearing silver-white slim armor and holding a huge war hammer, suddenly appeared in the void and came to the front of You Ling's body with a determined expression.

Like [Death Hell Actor Quiritis], the "Holy Maiden" who was affected by "Oliha Gang's Barrier" also had a six-pointed star pattern appear on her forehead, simultaneously increasing her own points by 500 points. attack power.

([Saint of Teaching: Alexia] Attack power: 1500 → 2000)

"It's not over yet! At this moment of appearance, the effect of [Saint of Teaching, Alexia] is activated!"

Knocking on the duel disk in his hand, Yu Ling continued to speak: "If this card is successfully summoned or special summoned, I can add one other than [Saint of Teaching, Alexia] from the deck. Teaching] card is added to my hand... However, after this effect is activated, I cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck until the end of the turn."

"...Based on this effect, I retrieve [Knight of Teaching, Frederice] (Magician/Light/8 stars/Attack: 2500/Defense: 2500) from the deck!"

Precisely pulling out the card whose name was called out from the deck, You Ling grinned and slapped the card in his hand hard on the deck of the duel plate.

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