Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 297 Memories of You Ling

Because there are three nameless dragons standing here, they have been sleeping for too long.

So even in the elf world, not many people know what their real names are now...

Now, all that is known about these "dragons" is some vague legends.

When the world of elves and the world of humans are in crisis, only true duellists can heal the scars of these nameless dragons.

"I see, so now...is this critical time?"

From the black magic girl's mouth, I learned the information she knew.

Xiao Biao and Wang Xiang, who had received some kind of induction, then floated together and came to the statue of a certain brother. Then they reached out together and pulled out the ancient long sword inserted in the dragon's eye. sword.

As the long sword with the power of sealing was pulled out, the crystal dragon statue suddenly shattered in the next moment, awakening the nameless green dragon that had been sleeping inside for an unknown length of time.

Turning the remaining one eye, the nameless green dragon, who had been injured in the past battle, at the moment of waking up, stretched its dragon body wantonly and looked at the powerful duelist who was chosen as the savior in front of him. .

"Master, now!"

Seeing the ancient legendary dragon being awakened with the help of Xiao Biao and Wang Xiang, the black magic girl with a surprised expression on her face quickly shouted a warning to her two masters.

Now is the time to sign a contract with the legendary dragon and take this power into your hands!

"another me!"

"Ah, I know, AIbo!"

Wang Yang exchanged glances with the little watch next to him, and a certain name suddenly appeared in his mind. While looking at the nameless dragon that was looking at him, he called it out in a serious tone. Name: "O nameless dragon sleeping here, we know your name!"

The small watch on the other side also made a calling sound at the same time: "Your name is..."

Xiao Biao \u0026 Wang Xiang: "...Timaeus!!!"

--Roar! ! !

He heard his real name from the mouths of Xiao Biao and Wang Xiang who woke him up.

The green dragon named Timaeus immediately raised his head to the sky and let out a deafening roar.

Endless light gathered around the dragon's body at this moment, causing Wang Xiang and Xiaobiao, who felt the power at close range, to express surprise at the same time.

Even without words, they who were chosen by the legendary dragon understood the power of "Timaeus" at this time.

【Eye of Timaeus】......

This is a miraculous power that can fully awaken the power sleeping in all monsters!

Under the reminder of the black magic girl, Wang Xiang and Xiao Biao tried to extend their palms to Timaeus, and then firmly grasped this power in their palms.

While being overwhelmed by the endless light that followed, Xiao Biao suddenly opened his eyes from the attic room and regained consciousness. He also woke up from the dream-like world of elves just now.

"...This is, a new card?! No, compared to this, what on earth is going on with the scene outside the window?"

Xiao Wan, who had unlocked the seal of the legendary dragon Timaeus with Wang Xiang, now had a card with a cyan border in his hand that only had a picture of the card printed on it without any explanation.

Looking at the card that suddenly came out of his hand, Xiao Biao woke up from the bed and immediately noticed the strange scene happening outside the house through the skylight above his head.

The sudden appearance of the seven-color aurora turned the night sky into dreamy colors.

Against the background of the aurora, the shadows of countless monsters continued to appear in the sky, and then gathered in a certain direction one after another.

The king-like shadow that noticed the strangeness also emerged from the Millennium Building Blocks at this time, and walked out of the card door together with Xiao Biao, who had changed into a school uniform.

"What on earth is going on? Why do those images of dueling monsters appear again? Is there something wrong with the Kaiba Group's machines? It shouldn't be..."

Xiaobiao, who had changed into a school uniform, walked out of the card shop when he saw Muto Sugoroku who was also awakened and walked out first.

He and his grandfather looked towards the sky and noticed the small watches of the monsters, and couldn't help but have a look of deep worry on their faces.

The current scene is very similar to the scene that happened in the elf world in the dream just now...

If it is left unchecked, something extraordinary will definitely happen.

"Chicken sauce! I'll come as soon as I go."

"Ah, Yugi...where are you going so late? Hey! Put on more clothes!"

Ignoring the voice from the grandfather behind him, holding the small watch with the duel plate in his hand, he and Wang Xiang, who was floating beside him, rushed to the place where the duel monsters gathered.

Finally, Kobiao came to the central square, one of the meeting points for the Duel City Tournament in the past, and unexpectedly saw Jonouchi and Kyoko who had also come here.

"Yi! Are you here too?"

"What happened? Why is there such a thing in the sky?!"

Seeing Xiao Biao coming here after noticing something strange, Jonouchi and Kyoko quickly sent their inquiries to Xiao Biao.

"No, I don't know very well, I just have an inexplicable intuition..."

Shaking his head slightly, Xiao Biao also had a puzzled look on his face.

Although he arrived here, in fact, he still couldn't figure out what was going on.

It would be great if You Ling were here. If it were him, he would definitely know what happened, right?

At this time, Xiao Biao couldn't help but flash the figure of the black-haired boy who became the "Duel King" with him in his mind.

After defeating Anubis together and destroying the Pyramid of Light, You Ling, who planned to act alone, waved goodbye to them and went to the unknown distance.

During the period of separation from You Ling, there was actually some inexplicable nostalgia in Xiao Biao's heart.

Although they have not known each other for a long time, Yu Ling, who has experienced many events together, has already become their best friend in the hearts of Xiaobiao, Jonouchi, Kyoko and others!

"Attention, aibo! I can feel an extremely evil aura coming from the direction of the sky..."


Subconsciously, he raised his head and looked towards the sky.

The little watch with Wang Xiang's reminder echoing in his ears, immediately noticed the figure floating in the night sky, which looked like an upside-down Christmas tree, but the material was a strange building made of green crystal.

Countless monsters that appeared were absorbed by it and turned into golden light spots on the green crystal surface.

After absorbing a sufficient number of monsters, the green crystals immediately fell away automatically, revealing the huge and terrifying snake eyes hidden inside!

Similar to the dream scene I just saw in the elf world, this huge snake eye exuding an ominous aura suddenly appeared in the real world at this time, and overlooked the entire world below with an indifferent gaze.

"That eye...is the one we saw in the dream before?!"

"Hey... isn't it? Is this also a virtual image? It's a bit too real, isn't it?"

"No, that's a real thing!"

Wang Xiang noticed that the snake's eyes were locked on his position, and a crisis emerged in his heart. He quickly reminded the small watch beside him: "Pay attention, aibo! I can feel that that thing is coming towards us." Yes! After knowing that we had lifted the seal of Timaeus, it came after us from the elven world!"


While Xiao Biao was shocked by Wang Xiang's words, he was far away on the other side of the earth, in a hidden temple somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

Dazi, who was driving the power of the God of Oliha Gang, also noticed the figure of Xiaobiao in Tongshiye City through the "God's Eye" that appeared in the sky.

Regarding this vessel that may cause obstacles to the God of Oriha Gang and has the soul of the unknown pharaoh living in its body, not long ago, the three god cards were regarded as the sacrifice to unlock the seal, and Dang even planned to strike while the iron was hot and eliminate it directly. Get rid of the source of this problem.

"Hmph... Nameless Pharaoh, now please become the resurrection sacrifice of our great god together with your container!"

Dazi, who was in the temple, suddenly raised his arm while mumbling something.

Following his movements, Snake Eyes, who was staring closely at Muto Yugi on the other side, also shot out a huge energy storm from his eyes at the same moment, accurately hitting Xiaobiao and Wang Xiang on the ground.

Feeling the oncoming natural disaster crisis, Jonouchi reacted quickly and quickly pulled Kyoko to the side.

And just when Jonouchi noticed that Xiao Biao was motionless on the spot, and was about to send a reminder to him, a dazzling light suddenly appeared on Xiao Biao's body at this moment.

"The scene just now... was not a dream!"

The dazzling light turned into a shield, blocking the impact of Snake Eyes' storm on behalf of the small watch.

Standing in the center of the storm, feeling the source of the light, and guided by intuition, Xiao Biao waved his hand and pulled out the [Eye of Timaeus] at the top of the deck, and aimed it at The direction of the giant snake eye in the sky.

Speaking together with Wang Xiang beside them, the two shouted out the true name of the legendary dragon again: "Lend me your power! Legendary Dragon Timaeus!"

--Roar! ! !

The legendary dragon with unknown power, while dispersing the storm fired by Snake Eyes, responded to the calls of Xiao Biao and Wang Xiang, and appeared in the void above his head in the shape of a dragon in the dream.

Facing the huge snake eye in the sky, the legendary dragon - Timaeus appeared, opened his mouth without hesitation, spit out high-temperature flames, and met the snake eye that once again tried to launch a storm blast , and just like that, the phase of facing waves began in mid-air.

After a brief stalemate, Timaeus used his strength again and spit out a fire storm that was even more powerful than before.

Without any surprise, the huge Snake Eyes, which was defeated by the legendary dragon's blow, was defeated miserably. It was shattered by the ensuing flame impact into Oriha Gang fragments all over the sky. They scattered in all directions and disappeared into meteors. In the dark night sky.

As Snake Eyes, the source of the abnormality, was eliminated by the legendary dragon summoned by Xiaobiao, the abnormality in the sky gradually disappeared without a trace.

Although the elves who were previously sucked away are still in the prison of the God of Orihagun and cannot be liberated, in this way, with the efforts of Muto Yugi and Timaeus, what happened in the elf world is still there. This crisis in the human world has been temporarily lifted.

It's worth mentioning that today's change is just the beginning.

The God of Oriha Gang will inevitably be resurrected some day in the future.

Since Xiao Biao and Wang Xiang have awakened the power of the legendary dragon and become the "saviors" of the world, they have also assumed the responsibility of defeating the God of Oliha Gang.

According to the black magic girl who reappeared, if that guy is not defeated, a disaster even more terrifying than tonight will strike again, and sooner or later the two worlds will usher in their demise...

"The nameless Pharaoh...that guy actually awakened the power of our god's enemy, the abominable legendary dragon?!"

On the other side, Dazi, who was connected to God, also suffered the corresponding backlash when his snake eyes were shattered.

Using the soul previously captured by [Oliha Gang's Barrier] and the three God Cards sent by Doma's "Three Musketeers", Dazi finally found a way to open the door to another world.

However, what Dazi didn't expect was that Muto Yugi, who had lost the God Card, would actually get help from the Legendary Dragon after that.

The God of Oliha Gang has not yet been fully resurrected. In order to reserve enough power, a large number of sacrifices are needed.

"Unknown Pharaoh...I will never let you come out to cause trouble again!"

Dazi, who frowned in front of the huge snake head, turned around suddenly and looked at Doma's "Three Musketeers" who were waiting behind him.

"Rafilu! You know what I'm thinking, right?"

"Yes, I understand!"

The tall blond white man walked out of the darkness, knelt down on one knee to express his loyalty to Dazi, and responded to him: "In the next duel, as the leader of the Three Musketeers, I will definitely kill the Pharaoh with my own hands. The king’s soul is dedicated to our God!”

"Hmph, that alone is not enough! To fully resurrect our god, we need the souls of more powerful duelists!"

Waving his arms violently, Dazi's face was still full of worry.

not enough!

The current Doma organization still lacks the combat power that can really come in handy!

The only people who can really do big things are the Three Musketeers, and the current efficiency is really too low!

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