Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 328 Becas: No one understands

You Ling...did you betray us?

Wang Xiang, who came to this conclusion in his mind through exhaustive elimination methods, subconsciously widened his eyes due to violent surprise.

Following the duel with Jonouchi just now, another former comrade of theirs joined the evil Doma organization.

Moreover, unlike Peacock Wu, who might have been lured in by others, Yu Ling, who possesses extremely high strength and judgment, will never be defeated by Doma's gang.

Unless Dazi comes in person and attacks You Ling with extra moves outside the duel, then it is still possible...

No joke, Wang Yang couldn't even imagine You Ling losing the duel.

How could he, who couldn't even be shaken by the pressure of the Phantom God, succumb to the power of Oliha Gang?

"Why? You Ling, why do you..."

The thought that You Ling might have betrayed everyone appeared in his mind. Wang Xiang, who was thinking like this, immediately shook his head hard and threw this inappropriate thought out of his mind.

No... there must be some misunderstanding here, You Ling must have something unspeakable!

Maybe that guy Dazi was using Miss Wu's safety as a threat to force You Ling to do things for him...

I can't doubt my friends.

You Ling is definitely not such a person!

"Now that we haven't figured out the specific situation, let's put this matter aside for now... Next, I will follow what Becas said in the video and go to his office to find the person who can defeat Doma. Let’s find clues about the organization!”

Having come to this conclusion in his mind, Wang Yang decided to hide the matter of You Ling from his companions for the time being.

Now that the duel has been forcibly interrupted by an external force, Oliha Gang's barrier has also disappeared from everyone's sight.

The iron gate that originally restricted everyone's freedom was automatically opened when You Ling and his party retreated.

Except that there is still no one there, the current International Fantasy Society has returned to a relatively normal state.

"Jounouchi...are you okay?"

"Ah, I'm fine... Compared to this, where are Wu and the others?"

"Don't worry, she left with those from Doma, and her soul was not sucked away by the barrier."

"Is that so? Then I'll feel at ease."

After helping Jonouchi to get up from the ground, who was still in a dazed state, after informing him that Peacock Dance was fine, the group of people adjusted their condition and then prepared to go to the top floor of the International Fantasy Club. The location of Becas's office.

However, at this moment, the sensor door on the outside automatically opened again.

Seto Kaiba, who had a stern face and was holding a metal suitcase in his hand, and Keihei Kaiba who was closely following him, then appeared in the sight of Wang Yi and his group who turned around.

Kaiba, who was keenly aware of the battle that had just occurred here, frowned simultaneously while narrowing his eyes and scanning the indoor environment.

"Are you...Kaiba?!"

"Oh? Yugi, why are you here?"

"Ah, Jonouchi... and everyone, why are you here? Or at this time?"

Under the guidance of fate, everyone who had been separated unexpectedly met again at the headquarters of the International Fantasy Society.

Looking at the old acquaintances in front of them, not only Wang Yang and Jonouchi, but also Kaiba showed a look of surprise.

Wang Xiang and his party were summoned by the videotape sent by Bekas, and they discussed together how to deal with the Doma organization.

On Kaiba's side, he also came to Bekas to accuse him, and he planned to go to him to settle accounts and ask questions about the previous matters.

In a sense, the purpose of both sides is the same, both to find Bekas himself.

"A few of us were called here by Bekas..."

After regaining his composure for a moment, Wang Xiang opened his mouth to explain to the Haiba brothers their purpose.

Starting from the videotape that was sent, it has been talked about until now when we arrived at the border of the beautiful country.

"Were you called here by Becas?"

"What about Becas? Is that guy okay?"

They looked at each other, and saw a solemn look in Kaiba's eyes, confirming the safety of the father of the duel monsters with his old rival in front of him.


Without answering Haiba's question, Wang Xiang just shook his head slightly: "It was already like this when we came..."


Without too many words, Kaiba almost understood the current situation.

Amaluda deliberately disguised himself as Becas and called him to the island of the Duel Kingdom. Naturally, there will be another group of people here in the International Fantasy Society to carry out the assassination mission against Becas himself. .

Although they are very reluctant to admit it, looking at the current situation, they are one step ahead of those in "Doma" after all...

The man named Becas is most likely no longer alive.

"Wu... Peacock Wu and those from the Doma organization joined forces to take away Bekas's soul." At this time, Honda on the side gave a supplementary explanation to Kaiba.

"Doma?" Kaiba was slightly stunned when he heard this special term.

"Huh? Kaiba, from your tone, it seems like you know what they look like?"

Wang Xiang, who reunited with Kaiba for the first time after the Anubis incident, noticed the surprising information contained in Kaiba's tone.

"What do you know or don't you know...Brother, he just fought with the guy named 'Ameruda' in the Doma organization not long ago!"

In place of the silent Kaiba, Keipei explained to everyone what they had experienced these days.

Amaluda disguised as Becas, and the Dazi and Doma organizations behind him, and how they used the company as a threat to deliberately lure Kaiba into the duel kingdom full of traps...

"Really? No wonder I didn't see him just now, and no wonder you guys came here..."

After roughly clarifying the cause and effect of the incident, Wang Yang nodded slightly.

At the same time, Haima, who had a certain understanding of Wang Su's purpose, also put one hand on his hip and raised a playful arc at the corner of his mouth: "Humph, has that guy Becas been killed? In this case, we will be summoned by the undead of Bekas!"

Becas sensed the impending crisis directed at him.

In order to solve this huge trouble, he tried every means to avoid the surveillance of the Doma organization and sent the important package to Wang Xiang on the other side of the sea.

In this package, there is a videotape of Becas himself appearing, and in the video image, Becas also said that he had important things to talk to Wang Xiang face to face.

However, before the meeting, Bekas himself was solved by You Ling and was forced to go to the hospital to perform a long-term and stable "bed scene".

However, since it was Becas, he must have considered that he would be killed first, and prepared second or even third level backup methods in advance.

Just like Becas's duel full of multiple conspiracies, although he is no longer alive, there should still be important clues on how to defeat the Doma organization in his office.

"This is the card placed in the package sent by Becas. He must have left some clues here!"

He took out the gold-edged card with the "key" pattern printed on it from his pocket, and stared at the special card that was sent with the video tape. Wang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, vaguely aware of what it contained. The essential.

Next, it's time to go to your office and search carefully.

"...I see, this place has a door that cannot be opened, right?"

Under the leadership of Kaiba Superman, who was familiar with the structure of this place, the protagonist group immediately took the elevator and arrived at Becas's personal office unimpeded.

Staring at the closed door in front of him and the card reader with the flashing red indicator light next to the door, Wang Yang raised his eyebrows, and then swiped the golden card in his hand over the device to identify himself. verification.


Following a brisk unlocking sound, the originally closed door suddenly opened on its own, guiding everyone to the next course of action.

A closed room, and a key card to unlock it sent along with the videotape.

There is no doubt that there must be something special in this room, and Bekas needs to carry out multiple protection verifications to prevent the contents from falling into the hands of others.

"What's going on? This room is completely dark...I can't see anything clearly..."

"Hey, those guys from Doma didn't leave a trap here, right? For example, it will explode wherever they step on it, or something like that?"

"Hmph, a mediocre person has a rich imagination, right? Get out of my way!"


Kaiba, who was habitually angry at Jonouchi's yin and yang, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, took the lead in waving the hem of his windbreaker and walked into the room without hesitation.

There are no imaginary dangers, and no explosive traps that are about to go off.

When Kaiba and the group of people who were cautiously walking behind him walked to the center of the room, the entire room was suddenly enveloped in light and decorated with bright lights.

The scene inside the room also fell into everyone's eyes without reservation at this time.

"here it is……?"

"This room is so amazing~! It feels like the embodiment of a cartoon world!"

"Well, I agree with this. I never thought that guy Becas... actually has such a childlike side..."

"Tsk! It's really annoying. Those 'cartoon' cards are specially made into indoor scenes or something. This guy Becas is really annoying!"

The surrounding scene looks like a rich child knocking over his toy box, filled with all kinds of dazzlingly complex cartoon elements.

Wrapped in various "cartoon" elements with dark histories, Kaiba couldn't help but recall the past experience of being persecuted by Becas. He subconsciously smacked his lips and let out an impatient sigh. .

"Eh? Becas...?!"

"I'm super... ghost!"

"No, don't panic...this is a three-dimensional projection, not me."

While everyone was scanning the surrounding environment, Becas's projection suddenly appeared on its own at this time, appearing in everyone's field of vision.

Jonouchi was startled by the sudden projection, and instinctively hugged the statue of [Red-Eyed Cartoon Dragon] beside him.

Just as the yellow-haired boy and the cartoon version of the red-eyed black dragon stared at each other, Becas's projection, which appeared on its own initiative, also made a new move at this time.

"Game boy~Welcome to my private room desu~"

The projection that was set up in advance started playing on its own after sensing the presence of the crowd.

At this moment, Bekas Projection spoke his iconic loose English while waving his arms to show off to everyone: "This place is a dream country that heals my soul. How about it? Do you still like it here? To tell you the truth, this place is my proud masterpiece after a lot of hard work~!"

"Hmph, boring."

Although he knew that Becas in front of him was just a false projection and could not hear or understand his words, Kaiba still expressed his disapproval while snorting coldly.

A lot of people who are still young at this age are building some kind of cartoon kingdom, just because they are full and have nothing to do!

This is what a certain president who is planning to build a seahorse paradise for children around the world thinks in his mind.

"...But, Game Boy, when you saw this scene, something must have happened to me, right?"


Sure enough, just as Wang Xiang had expected, Becas, who knew his fate in advance, prepared more than one backup plan.

Even though his soul has been sucked away by Oliha Gang's barrier at this moment, and he has become one of the reliefs in the temple, the things he left behind can still help those who come after him to guide them out. right direction.

Bekas: "To make a long story short, Game Boy... Due to some complicated reasons, my company has been invaded by a huge dark organization. I believe that soon, the Haima Group will also face the same fate as me." It’s fate.”

Kaiba: "Tsk...this crow's mouth!"

Bekas: "And the huge organization targeting us is a secret society organization that is said to be able to rival the national budget of the world's largest country - 'Doma'."

The reality was just as Becas expected. The Doma organization not only took action against the International Fantasy Society, but also included Haima and his Haima Group among its acquisition targets.

Although neither of these two multinational companies is a simple existence, behind the Doma Organization...

No, it should be said that under the Doma Organization, there is the existence of the 'Paradis Company' which has a longer history and deeper strength in all aspects.

In the end, the Haima Group and the International Fantasy Society, which specialize in the entertainment industry, are far inferior to the world's number one established conglomerates.

Just like now, when the parties involved were not even aware of it, their company's shares were purchased in large quantities and secretly into the hands of Dazi.

If nothing else goes wrong, a large amount of shares will be acquired by Paradis Corporation, which is hidden behind the International Fantasy Society, and the Haima Group will be forced to announce a change of ownership.

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