Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 330 You Ling’s perfect plan

Rejecting Wang Xiang's suggestion that the three of them work together, Kaiba planned to go alone and end things with those guys from the Doma organization.

While making a farewell declaration to Wang Xiang and his group, Kaiba swung the hem of his windbreaker at the same time, calling his brother who was at a loss to leave the place: "Let's go, Keihei!"

"Ah...brother, wait for me!"

"Hey! Kaiba, you guy!"

Angry at the insufferable attitude shown by Kaiba at this moment, Jonouchi patted his chest and comforted Wang Xiang who looked complicated next to him: "Forget it, Yugi... don't count on that guy Kaiba. Well, if you and I work together, we will never lose to anyone!"

"Within the city?"

Holding Wang Xiang's shoulder affectionately, Jonouchi shook the "Legendary Dragon" card in his hand at the same time: "Besides, we both have the help of the Legendary Dragon!"

"Let me say it again, with the blessing of this new power, the two of us will definitely not lose to anyone! Let alone the Doma organization, even if we are enemies of the whole world, it will not be a problem. !”

"Hey, Jonouchi... You finally look good enough to say such things!" Noticing that his eldest son had cheered up again, Honda smiled and teased Jonouchi: "You've gone from peacock dance to reverse Have you come out of it?"

"Of course! If you keep hesitating here, you won't be able to solve the problem. While I have this troublesome time, I might as well think more about what I should do next!"

Seeing that Jonouchi did not feel depressed because of the defection or departure of his past partners, but instead regained the motivation to move forward, the members of the family and friends group also showed a look of relief on their faces.

However, for them now, there is still an obvious problem that needs to be solved.

That is……

Then what? Becas is no longer here, and the clues he left behind are interrupted here.

Where should the group go next?

"Well... now that Becas is gone, where should we go next?"

With a worried look on her face, Kyoko held her hands in front of her and asked everyone about the next arrangements.

This question is also the most urgent question before everyone's eyes.

"Where to go? Needless to say! Of course it's the guys who are chasing Doma, keep trying to save Wu from their hands!"

Without even the slightest hesitation, Jonouchi cheered up, raised his right hand clenched into a fist, and said this with a matter-of-fact expression.

That little freshman named Barong had been beeping endlessly on the second floor. Jonouchi had been putting up with that guy for a long time!

"But, within the city... Even if you say you want to chase them, we don't have any clues about them now... How on earth are we going to chase them? Is it possible to set up an array at the gate of Paratis Company?"

"Uh...this is it."

Being asked about his knowledge blind spot by Honda's words, Jonouchi couldn't help scratching his head, showing an embarrassed yet polite expression.

Although, this is indeed a question that needs to be considered.

At present, they do not know the location of those Doma members hiding in the dark.

"By the way, we can go find Professor Hopkins! If he is Jijiang's former friend, he must have clues in this regard!"

Thinking about where to go next, Wang Xiang suddenly recalled the previous meeting with his grandfather's former friend Professor Hopkins at the museum in Tongshiye City.

At that time, while taking away the fragments of Oriha Gang he had exploded and studying them, he said that he would contact him if he discovered anything.

Now that I think about it, he who has been studying the fragments of underwater ruins should have made progress in this area and discovered the clues related to the Doma Organization.

Maybe he will have clues about the location of Dazi's real body!

"Ah! I also remembered it when you said that!"

Hearing Wang Xiang's suggestion, Xingzi showed a look of enlightenment on her face, and took over the topic with a smile: "Professor, he is currently here in the beautiful country, trying to decipher the inscriptions on the underwater ruins. Maybe there is something hidden there. Here’s the information related to the Doma Organization.”

"Well, there are many signs of activity in Doma in history, and there are also the undersea ruins from ten thousand years ago. I always feel that there should be some kind of connection between them..." Nodding, Wang Yang continued. said.

"Yoshi! Now that the destination has been decided, let's head there next!"


In this way, after deciding on the next specific location, the group immediately dragged their luggage and took a ride with Yuga Ryuuji, another member of the local family and friends group who came after hearing the news. Went to Professor Hopkins's single-family villa outside the wilderness.

It is worth mentioning that there is a little girl named "Rebecca" there. She is the granddaughter of Professor Hopkins and the pregnant girl of her crush Xiaobiao.

While meeting on the road, some common dramas in youth romantic comedies inevitably occurred between the two. However, there is no need to mention this kind of thing too much.

"Then, let's start the review meeting now."

After evacuating the International Fantasy Club with Peacock Dance, Yu Ling and his team came to a luxury hotel owned by Paradis Company.

After glancing at Rafilu, Barong, and Peacock Wu who were gathered here with different expressions, You Ling, as the "big brother", spoke calmly and announced the upcoming meeting.

As the leader of this operation, You Ling is responsible for completing Dazi's instructions and delivering death punishment to the nameless Pharaoh who hindered the resurrection of the gods.

However, this action was hindered due to various accidents.

In order not to cause the same mistake again, before taking the next action, you must first reflect on the previous mistake.

"The first thing that needs to be reflected on is you, Miss Wu..."

Looking at Peacock Wu who was playing with the ends of her hair with her fingers in a complex manner, You Ling spread her hands and said: "You originally had a great advantage in the duel, but due to your mental breakdown, you made one after another operational errors, and you... As for giving the guy in the city a chance to fight back... After the appearance of [Hemo's Claw], the direction of the duel has completely changed. Originally, with the card I gave you, you actually had a chance to win. "

"I know that you want to prove your growth by defeating them, and prove that you are not the same incapable person in the dark duel in the past, but in the face of those people who don't care about martial arts, you still take it lightly."

"Well, this..."

He has a considerable degree of awareness of his own gaffes.

Peacock Wu, who was gradually calming down at this moment, was unable to make any refutation of You Ling's speech.

In the final analysis, the failure of this "siege" operation against the Pharaoh and his party was partly due to her.

It was in order to save her from being at a disadvantage that Yu Ling used her Oliha Gang fragments to break through the barrier that blocked the duelist.

In fact, if she had been ignored, this operation should have had better results.

"Hey! Don't be so heartless, You Ling! Didn't the reason why Miss Wu rush out to fight was because she wanted to avenge you? Now what you say is too inhumane. Do you want some?"

Seeing Peacock Wu lowering his head like a child who made a mistake, and being a little depressed by You Ling's scolding, "Boiling Yangyang" classmate who couldn't stand it, immediately stood up and started to persuade.

However, after hearing Barong's words, Peacock Wu opened his eyes wide and glared at the talkative guy: "Hey! This is between You Ling and I. What does it have to do with you, Barong? shut up!"

Barong: "...ah???"

Despite his well-intentioned advice, Barong got slapped in the face instead. While transforming into a funny clown, he couldn't help but start to doubt his own life.

No, what the hell did I do to me?

Barong, who was scolded by the goddess, felt slightly depressed.

After thinking about it, he decided to go out for a walk for the time being and not meet women in general.

If you could meet that guy in the city while wandering around, you might be able to use him as a punching bag to vent your anger on.

"Ahem, just now I am speaking from my position as the team leader, but now I am speaking from my personal perspective."

Seeing Barong leaving the hotel room to relax with a disappointed look on his face, You Ling thought for a while, and then suggested to Peacock Wu: "Miss Wu, do you want to go out for a walk too? In the next period of time, there will probably be no What’s the mission?”

"Yeah...that's fine."

Peacock Wu, whose mentality needed to be adjusted urgently, accepted You Ling's advice, got up and left the hotel room.

As a result, only Rafilu, who had been holding his arms in silence just now, and You Ling, who stayed here specifically, were the only ones left in the room.

"At this time, the Pharaoh and his party have probably received the gifts Bekas left for them."

Suddenly speaking, Rafilu said these words as if talking to himself.

While speaking, he looked at You Ling seriously, as if expecting to get corresponding feedback from him.

"It doesn't matter. That so-called relic will not affect our plan, nor will it pose any threat to Lord Dazi."

"...Yeah, really? That's true."

This is a lie!

This man, as early as when he was hunting Becas, had already noticed the existence of the card hidden by Becas.

The reason why he was deliberately selectively blind was just for fun!

Without this card, Wang Xiang in the original work would not be able to awaken the true power of the "Legendary Dragon" to fight against Dazi's snake god.

Therefore, this thing is not something insignificant as You Ling said...

Of course, Rafilu didn't know this.

Having full confidence in Da Zi's strength, he naturally agreed with You Ling's views.

"What do you mean, Rafilu... do you want to go out and relax like the two of them?"

Waving his hand at Rafilu, who was looking at him, You Ling continued to speak to the blond man in front of him: "My management policy here respects individual freedom. I don't care where you go, as long as you can stay there Just come back and gather before tomorrow."

"Should I go and relax too? What about Lord Dazi's plan?"

"Ah, you can just wait until everyone comes back from a walk to implement it."

Shrugging his shoulders indifferently, You Ling took off the mask on his face, revealing his handsome face: "According to the information I received, the Pharaoh and his party have now left the International Fantasy Society and gone to Went to the home of Muto Yugi's old friend, the archaeologist Professor Hopkins... They had just resisted the beautiful country today. After experiencing so many things at once, even Iron Man needs a rest. Our There is still plenty of time, so there is no need to rush this moment.”

"...I have no objection to your plan of action, but I am not going to go for a walk next, but I am going to meet the nameless Pharaoh alone for a while."


Looking at the blond man who stood up from the chair and was fully prepared for battle, he looked more like setting out for a decisive battle than going out for a walk. You Ling thought for a while and stood up from the bed: "Well, this is a rare opportunity, why don't I do it too Let's go over there with you and take a look, don't worry, I'll be watching from the side and won't make any interference in your actions!"

"You'd better be like this..."

Looking at You Ling, the mysterious team leader who made him unpredictable, Rafilu, a handsome man who always had a serious personality and was ruthless and didn't talk much, opened his mouth and stopped talking.

According to the plot in the original work, Rafilu will find Wang Xiang alone next, and then give him the first major setback in his life!

During this process, Wang Xiang, who watched Xiao Biao being sucked away by "Oliha Gang's Barrier" on his behalf, will also embark on the path of darkness and experience a major change in his life. .

The famous "Doro! So cute!" scene was also a good show performed during this period.

If You Ling leaves this alone, the development of the situation will most likely continue in the original direction.

And if he gets involved, it may have a major impact on Wang Yang's life, causing a series of subsequent chain reactions.

Why! It’s really hard to handle...

Debating in his mind whether to take action, You Ling then went with Rafilu to the location where Wang Yiang and his party were.

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