Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 340 The blackened king and the power of [Ejection Turtle]

"Nani? You actually activated a magic card from your hand during my turn?"

Facing the [Black Magician] rushing towards him, at this critical moment, Rafilu suddenly took out a card from his hand and activated it.

Following his unconventional and seemingly illegal actions, a white-haired shadow dressed as a priest also appeared in front of Rafilu in the next moment, completely stopping him on his behalf. [Black Magician]'s magic attack.

Witnessing this unexpected situation with his own eyes, Wang Xiang felt that his three views on duels had been subverted. He subconsciously widened his eyes at this moment.

Holy shit...activate the magic card in your hand during my turn...

An aboveboard foul, right? You Oliha Gang's lackey!

"Well, no need to be surprised... the quick-attack magic card - [Dead Man's Protection] is a special card that activates its own effect during the opponent's turn by discarding two cards in my hand when the monsters on the field are destroyed by battle. .”

He spoke in a calm tone, explaining what he had just done. At the same time, Rafilu, who was staring in the direction of the king, continued to explain: "According to the effect of [Blessing of the Dead], the battle phase of this round will be It will be forced to an end!"


Unable to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Rafiru, the irritated Wang Xiang could only wave his hand to end the current round: "Okay, my round is over! Rafiru, let you live for one more round. Well! Just be thankful for this and then struggle as hard as you can!"

After being affected by Oliha Gang's power, Wang Xiang's character also became violent unknowingly.

Perhaps even he himself didn't realize that he was a different person now compared to the person before.

At least, in the eyes of Wang Xiang in the past, duel monsters were his partners, not the fighting tools they are today.

"Oh, he is indeed the nameless Pharaoh and another duel king in this world..."

Staring at the opponent who was soaked in darkness, Rafilu's mouth curved with an imperceptible arc: "Like Yu Ling, Yugi also inspired [Oliha Gang's All the abilities of the enchantment."

"In this case, I have to use all my strength to defeat it..."

Putting his finger on the top of the deck, Rafiru closed his eyes silently and tried to have a heart-to-heart communication with his deck.

My monsters, lend me your power!

With such thoughts in his mind, Rafilu suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly waved his hand and pulled out the card at the top of the deck.

Looking at the key card that was in hand at this moment, a heartfelt smile suddenly appeared on Rafilu's face.

At this moment, he felt the existence of the most special monster to him!

"The magic card [Reincarnation of the Dead] is activated! According to the effect of this card, I can return a monster in the graveyard to my deck!"

Showing the magic card in his hand, Rafilu continued without any hesitation: "Of course, the object I want to recycle is the [Guardian Graal] that was previously destroyed by the battle!"

"Hmph, after all, you don't want your monsters to stay in the cemetery? What a childish and naive idea!"

Seeing Rafiru stuffing the only monster in the graveyard back into the deck, Wang Xiang subconsciously let out a vague sarcastic sigh.

With such naive thoughts, you also want to defeat me in a duel?

What a joke!

"Next, I will first ambush a card on the field...and then activate the magic card [Light-Sealing Sword]! Game, in this way, you will no longer be able to attack me for three rounds. "


The turquoise lightsaber that made Wang Yang feel extremely familiar suddenly fell from the sky with the activation of the magic card in Rafilu's hand.

Multiple lightsabers were scattered on Wang Yiang's field, turning into a ring-shaped prison, completely blocking the attacks of monsters on Wang Yiang's field.

Although judging from the situation on the field, there are enough gaps between these lightsabers to accommodate the passage of monsters, but in fact, there is an invisible invisible blockade between these gaps.

From now on, until three rounds from both sides, Wang Xiang's aggressive behavior will be completely terminated just as Rafilu said!

"Hmph, do you want to block my attack to avoid the damage caused by the battle? Ridiculous!"

With a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth, the blackened Wang Xiang seemed to have predicted what card he would draw next. Without even looking at the drawn card, he directly slapped it on the duel plate: " On my turn, I draw a card... I release the [Giant Shield Guardian] on the field and perform an advanced summons on the [Ejection Turtle] (Aquatic/Water/5 stars/Attack: 1000/Defense: 2000) in my opponent's hand! "

The warrior-type monster holding a huge shield turned into countless light spots and disappeared from the field with a king-like movement.

Instead, what appeared on the field was a black-green turtle-like monster with a huge catapult cannon on its back.

With the blessing of [Oliha Gang's Barrier], the attack power of this monster on the scene simultaneously increased by 500 points.

[Ejection Turtle] Attack power: 1000 → 1500

"What? It's actually [Slingshot Turtle]?!"

Looking at the monster that appeared on the king's field at this time, Rafilu's eyes widened when he recognized the identity of the monster.

If he remembered correctly, the effect of this monster should be...

"The effect of [Catapult Turtle] is to activate a monster on your field by liberating it, and directly inflict damage equal to half the attack power of the opponent's duelist's monster... This action is not an attack, so you will not be affected by [ The effect of the Sealing Sword of Light].”

Unlike the "once per turn" restriction that was added after the real card was implemented, the animation card here does not have this restriction.

Theoretically, as long as there are enough monsters on the field, or the total attack power is high enough, he can even use these monsters as cannonballs to knock out Rafilu on the spot!

Expressing the effects of the monsters on the field, Wang Xiang's eyes swept across Rafiru's frontcourt in sequence, and finally stopped on Rafiru himself.

After the [Guardian Graal] who was responsible for fighting and had an attack power of 3000 points was eliminated, Rafilu was left with only another [Guardian Case] ​​with an attack power of 1000 on the field at the moment. Special], and the existence of [Backup Guardian] in defense position (defense power: 2200+500).

In Wang Yang's opinion, the remaining monsters cannot even defeat the [Ejection Turtle] with the lowest attack power on his field.

If it hadn't been for the [Light Sealing Sword] to get in the way, he would have already killed Rafiru's monsters and won this duel.

"Wait...at this moment, I open the ambush card in the backcourt and activate the trap card [Limited Sacrifice] that was previously ambushed!"

Seeing that Wang Xiang was planning to give him a "big gift", Rafilu, who still had 1,500 health points left, felt the crisis and immediately waved his hand to open the card that was covered in the previous round.

While raising his arms, Rafilu also spoke simultaneously, explaining the effect of this card: "Due to the effect of the permanent trap card - [Limited Sacrifice], the duelists on both sides can only perform An act of liberation at most!”

"Game, in this round, since you have liberated the monsters on the field to summon [Ejection Turtle], you will no longer be able to use the effect of [Ejection Turtle] to liberate monsters to cause damage to me!"

The invisible blocking power suddenly unfolded at this moment, limiting the number of monsters released by both sides to a maximum of 1 each round.

For Rafilu, who doesn't have much use for liberation operations, this negative impact can be said to be non-existent.

But it's different over Wang Xiang.

Wang Xiang was disgusted by the targeting card that Rafiru deliberately activated at this moment, and his face suddenly became covered with a lingering cloud.

It won't happen sooner or later, but it must be launched at this time!

And the effect is still such a targeted blocking effect. Rafilu, you are so considerate!

"...The round is over."

Wang Xiang waved his hand irritably. With nothing to do, Wang Xiang had no choice but to end the current round.

"My turn... draw a card!"

Taking over the initiative of the round from Wang Xiang, Rafilu added two new cards from the deck to his hand.

After taking a look at the three magic cards arranged in sequence in his hand, he then pulled out one of the cards individually and put it into the duel plate to activate: "Entering the main stage 1, I activate the magic card from my hand——[ The Iron Locks of Nightmare]!”

Multiple chains emerged from the ground and blocked the body of the [Babylon Chestnut] (Attack Power: 4500) with the highest attack power on the king field from all angles.

After being tied up by the sudden chains, [Babylon Chestnut]'s attack power suddenly dropped by 800 points, while the health of Rafilu on the other side increased by the same amount.

([Babylon Chestnut] Attack power: 4500 → 3700)

(Rafiru LP: 1500→2300)


Noticing the changes in the values ​​on both sides, Wang Xiang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

On the other side, Rafilu, whose health had recovered to over half health at the same time, also explained the effect of the card he had just activated.

"The magic card [Lock of Nightmare] can reduce the attack power of a monster on the field by 800 points, and add that reduced value to my health. In addition, the monster selected as the target of this effect will also be Cannot be liberated."

After explaining the current situation and eliminating the biggest threat to himself, Rafiru shrugged and ended the current round: "Okay, my round is over... and then there will be another round. It’s your turn, Yugi.”

"Hmph, even if I can't release the [Babylon Chestnut] with the highest attack power to cause damage to you, I have already won this duel!"

He didn't seem to care much about Rafilu's interference at the moment. There were enough monsters on the field to liberate King Xiang. He pulled out the card at the top of the deck with an evil smile: "My turn... draw Card!"

"Entering the main phase 1, I release the [Black Magician] whose attack power on my field has increased to 3000 points, and launch it as a cannonball of the [Ejection Turtle]!"

Commanding the loyal servant in front of him, Wang Xiang gave him the order to die without mercy: "Go! [Black Magician]! Use your life to open up a path to victory for me!"


The master craftsman who received Wang Yang's instructions was silent for a while, as if he had something to say.

However, after shaking his head slightly and waving goodbye to the apprentice beside him, he finally resolutely took advantage of the ballistic trajectory on the ejection turtle's back, turned into a purple energy cannon, and shot towards Rafilu's head. direction.

After that, with the sound of a violent explosion, Rafilu was also knocked back, and at one time he received 1500 points of damage equal to half of the current attack power of [Black Magician].


(Rafiru LP: 2300→800)

"It's not over yet. Since the [Black Magician] on the field is sent to the graveyard, the attack power of [Black Magic Girl] will also increase by 300 points."

[Dark Magic Girl] Attack power: 2500 → 2800

Inheriting her master's last wish, the blond magician girl had a determined look on her face and continued to guard Wang Xiang with her staff.

However, Wang Xiang, who was addicted to the power of darkness, did not notice the loneliness in the girl's eyes.

If it weren't for the existence of the permanent trap card on Rafilu's field - [Limited Sacrifice], Wang Xiang would most likely have liberated the [Black Magic Girl] on the field, allowing master and disciple to reunite in the cemetery. Kill Rafilu on the opposite side and win the duel ruthlessly.

"Oh, oh, oh, what's wrong? Rafilu, didn't you just say you wanted to win the duel? Why are you so embarrassed now?"

Looking at the blond macho who was kneeling on one knee due to the impact just now, Wang Xiang, with a mocking look on his face, made such a declaration without mercy while shrugging his shoulders.

In Wang Xiang's mind, by this time, the winner has basically been decided.

In any case, by the time the next round comes, Rafael's health value of less than 1,000 points will quickly be reduced to 0 points.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! My turn...draw a card!!!"

He forced himself to stand up from the ground. At this moment, a pair of white wings seemed to be faintly emerging from behind. Rafilu stretched his body and roared to the sky. At the same time, he waved his arms vigorously and pulled out from the top of the deck. Got two new cards.

After that, he ambushed one of the cards into the backfield and ended the current round at the speed of light: "Ambush a card, the round is over!"

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