Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 347 The changes in the city, Kaiba’s anger!

"It is said that each generation of the royal family of Atlantis was endowed with the power of gods and gained extraordinary special abilities through the incredible power of the stone they possessed."

"A special stone that the Atlanteans had? And what?"

After hearing this, Jonouchi couldn't help but think of the 'Oliha Gang Stone' that had been exploded from the group of people in Doma.

This stone, which is recorded in the chronicle of the stone tablet, has incredible power. It is very likely that it is the fragmentary prop used by the people of Doma to manipulate the power of "Oliha Gang".

Jonouchi, who narrowed his eyes, patiently waited for Professor Hopkins' next speech.

There is only one moment before the key information about people like Doma will come to light.

"Unfortunately, the information I have interpreted only ends here."

Spreading his hands helplessly, Professor Hopkins said.

It's not that he deliberately withheld information, it was because the information he had at hand ended here.

If you want to know more information about this, you have to go to the ruins excavation site for further research.

"...Damn it, it's only a little bit close!"

Looking at the helpless Professor Hopkins, Jonouchi, who was aroused by the legend just now, couldn't help clenching his fists and showing an unhappy expression.

He was almost able to confirm the relationship between the stone and the fragments he had seen before... Why did it have to be broken here!

"Uh...Jounouchi, why do I feel that you are so caring about this legendary information?"

Honda, who had never seen Jonouchi so interested in knowledge, raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

"Hey! Does that need to be said? The professor said that these people in Doma are most likely descendants of the Atlanteans, so those stone slabs excavated from the seabed should also have records of their weaknesses, right?"

In a matter-of-fact tone, Jonouchi gave his reasons.

Know yourself and the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger!

If the people of Doma were really that invincible, they wouldn't have to hide for so long. Waiting for me to find their weakness... Hehehe! By then those arrogant guys will know they are wrong!

"...That's it! It turns out there is still something like this!"

Hearing the reasons given by Jonouchi, Honda's face suddenly showed an excited expression: "Jounouchi... As a guy like you, your feeling this time is quite sharp!"

"What did you say? Am I usually stupid?"


Jonouchi felt like he was being embraced by his good friend, and a row of fine black lines suddenly appeared on his forehead.

On the other side, Professor Hopkins also continued to speak, telling everyone the relevant information he knew.

"Well... in fact, the museum in Florida is now being used as a temporary base for excavating underwater ruins. There should be more information about Doma there."

After pausing for a moment and taking a deep look at Wang Xiang, who was in a frustrated state, Professor Hopkins continued: "The inscriptions placed there may also contain information about the location of Dazi and the sealed items. Where is the information about the location of the person’s soul.”

"Oh oh oh oh!!! Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly!"

After hearing this, Jonouchi could no longer suppress his excitement.

As long as they know the place where Xiao Biao was taken away, they will be able to go straight to Huanglong and wield the rebellious butcher knife against Dazi, the culprit.

Most of the people under Doma were brainwashed by the cult leader Dazi. As long as Dazi, the leader, is killed, the others will basically have nothing to fear.

Heading towards where Wang Xiang was, Jonouchi shouted to him with excitement on his face: "Let's go, Yugi! Let's expose Doma's secret together and save everyone from those guys!"

Another game, dance, you zero...

These former companions are now trapped in Doma's quagmire for various reasons.

As a true duelist chosen by the legendary dragon, Jonouchi could not ignore these things no matter what.

"Well said, Jonouchi!"

In response to Jonouchi's words, Honda slammed the table in front of him: "Now that we have decided, let's quickly go to that place to find new information before the people in Doma react!"

"But we are very far away from Florida...how are so many people going to get there?"

Yujia Ryuji, one of the members of the family and friends group, took out the map app on his mobile phone and looked at it, then showed a wry smile.

Although he had brought his own car over, the convertible sports car used for driving could not carry so many people such a long way anyway.

"Uh... about this."

After scratching his head, Jonouchi said in a tentative tone: "How about asking that guy from Kaiba for help? He should have returned to Kaiba Group by now, right?"

The wealthy Haima Group has a variety of carrier helicopters and jet fighters with high speeds. As long as Haima is willing to help, these problems will naturally not be a problem.

But the question is... can everyone really convince the guy Kaiba who just fell out with him not long ago to help?

"Ever since the duel monsters appeared in the real world from time to time, the stock price of our Kaiba Company has continued to fall..."

"Moreover, more than 40% of the shares have fallen into the hands of Paradis Company through various channels. President Seto, if this continues, our company will..."

Haima Group, top-level president's office.

Kaiba returned to the company in the White Dragon Jet. After dealing with the large group of media and the "friends" who came after hearing the news, Kaiba received an urgent call from Isono, a man in sunglasses.

Listening to Isono's report on the other side of the phone, Kaiba couldn't help but frown: "Of course I know about this kind of thing. Compared with this, I am more concerned about the weaknesses of Paradis Company." !”

"Such a big company must have some ulterior secrets, let me find it with all my strength! I must make that bastard Dazi pay the price for his stupid behavior!"


After hanging up the phone, Kaiba put his hands on his chin and assumed a thinking posture like "Commander Ikari."

Seeing his brother's frowning expression of worry, Keihe Kaiba, who was waiting on the side, couldn't help but said: "Brother, has our company's situation become so difficult now?"

No matter how hard Kaiba Keppei tried, he couldn't figure out that the world-famous Paradis Company was actually a disguise of the Doma Organization, an industry owned by the cult leader Dazi.

In other words, for so many years, Dazi and his Doma organization have been monitoring various major events around the world.

Thinking about it this way, the previous duel kingdoms and even duel cities probably had the shadow of people like Doma behind them...

"Ah... As long as Doma is not defeated, neither the Kaiba Group nor the Kaiba Paradise we are going to create will have a new future... No matter what, I must find a way to defeat Dazi and his Only Paradis Company will do!”

This is a business war, a war without smoke!

Facing a world-class enterprise with assets rich enough to acquire the Haima Group and the International Fantasy Society, an unprecedented amount of pressure emerged in Haima's heart.

"elder brother……"

——Didi didi! ! !

Just when Keppei was still about to say some comforting words, the phone on his desk rang again, and the female secretary's speech came from it: "President Seto, there is a person named Jonouchi who wants to contact you. , want to help you get through to him!?"

"What? Within the city?"

Hearing this familiar name, Brother Kaiba's faces were shocked at the same time.

"Mediocre's phone number...well, put it through for me."

Glancing at Keihei who was approaching, Kaiba thought for a moment, and then asked his secretary to connect the video call from Jonouchi for him.

As the screen trembled, Jonouchi's enlarged face, which was close to the screen, also appeared in Kaiba's field of vision in the next moment, making the two of them couldn't help but raise their eyebrows.

This funny way of appearing was definitely Jonouchi himself.

"Oh oh...is it connected?"

Jonouchi, who filled the screen with his face, said to Brother Kaiba on the other side as soon as he answered the call: "Hey! Did you hear that, Kaiba? We have something to ask you for help here!"

"In the city... stay away from the camera, I can't even see anyone else..."

"Huh? Sorry, sorry..."

After hearing Keihei's reminder, Jonouchi finally realized his gaffe, showed an embarrassed expression, and immediately stepped back.

It was only then that the figures of the people in the villa appeared in Kaiba's field of vision.

"So, what do you want from me?"

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Kaiba directly asked his question to the people on the other side.

Now he was busy dealing with Datsu's Paradis Company, and he really didn't have time to waste time talking to Jonouchi.

If you have anything to say, just say it quickly.

"Ah...that's right, we have actually caught clues about those people in Doma!"

"What? Thomas?"

"Hey, that's right!"

Wiping the tip of his nose proudly, Jonouchi continued to Kaiba, who subconsciously opened his eyes: "That clue is at the Florida Museum some distance away from us. In fact, I want to ask you to help us go to that place. "

Jonouchi took a deep breath, put on a serious expression, and continued: "Please, Kaiba! We are in a hurry now. If we don't go to that place quickly, the soul of another game will be..."

"Hey! Jonouchi, why are you saying such things at this time?"


Seeing Jonouchi yawning, Honda quickly locked his neck and interrupted Jonouchi's next words through physical means.

However, the Kaiba brothers had keenly captured the key information from Jonouchi's previous speech.

"Huh? Another game soul?"

"No, it's nothing... don't pay attention to what I just said? Kaiba, you hate the supernatural!" Jonouchi sneered, waving his hands and looking careless.


Noticing the key information in Jonouchi's words, Keihe Kaiba raised his eyebrows in confusion, unable to understand what Jonouchi meant for a while.

However, Kaiba, who had been staring at the screen, noticed Wang Xiang, who had been silent since just now, with a dead wife expression on his face.

Thinking of the clues just now, Haiba couldn't help but have a bold idea in his mind!

——Is it possible?

game! Is it possible for you... to lose to those people in Doma! ! !

--boom! ! !

"...What a joke!!!"

The speculations in my heart gradually turned into reality. Looking at Jonouchi and the others who were constantly making sloppy looks on the other side of the screen, as well as Wang Xiang who was still silent, a seahorse of unknown anger suddenly appeared in my heart, and he immediately slapped him hard. The desktop in front of me: "Game! You guy..."

"On the top of that duel tower, I leave you and Yu Ling the title of duel king! Could it be that before I knew it, it had been taken away by an unknown person who appeared from nowhere?"

Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!

That game... that game that he recognized as his old enemy, he actually lost to those people in Doma!

How could the proud and arrogant Haima accept this kind of thing?

Doesn't this mean that the strength of his seahorse is not as good as that of Doma's people?


Opening his mouth, Wang Xiang seemed to want to say something.

However, after a moment of silence, he finally lowered his head.

Seeing such a kingly appearance, the expression on Kaiba's face suddenly became even more angry.

"Hmph! I misjudged you...Yi! I have no interest in you now like a lost dog!"

Wantlessly venting the anger in his heart, Kaiba hung up the phone with force.

While hanging up the phone, an inexplicable look appeared on Kaiba's face: "Huh... Has Yugi been defeated by Doma's people? In this way, I will have more reasons to defeat you. There’s one!”

"Damn...what is that guy Kaiba doing!"

"That's right, as soon as he heard that he lost to Doma in the game, he immediately hung up the phone with an angry look on his face... Is this guy helping or not?"

"Hey! When things come to this, we can only think of other ways."

Seeing that the way to ask Kaiba to help was impassable, Jonouchi shook his head and turned to look at Professor Hopkins: "Professor, why don't you continue to stay here, and then it's up to us. Let’s go ahead and protect those materials.” (End of Chapter)

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