Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 349 Grudges from the past

"Don't worry, it's nothing troublesome."

Licking his lips, Dinosaur Ryuzaki's face showed an undisguised bloodthirsty look at the same time: "Jounouchi, you just need to hand over your soul to me next!"


With the unkind arrival of Dinosaur Ryuzaki, he expressed his intention to the two people present, and the new Oriha Gang-style duel plate he was wearing was simultaneously revealed in the sight of Jonouchi and Honda. middle.

Staring at the strangely shaped dark green dueling disk, Jonouchi, who had seen this thing not long ago, couldn't help but widen his eyes and showed an expression of disbelief: "This dueling disk... is it possible? Could it be that you, Ryuzaki, have already...?!"

"Hehehe...yes, that's what you see."

Eyes exuding a cruel aura were fixed on Jonouchi's direction, and he shook his arm wearing a brand new duel disk. Dinosaur Ryuzaki continued in a determined tone: "Jounouchi... I will be a member of 'Doma' today..." I am here to kill you!"

Jonouchi \u0026 Honda: “……!!!!!”

While talking, Dinosaur Ryuzaki took out the fragment of Oriha Gang that Yu Ling had given him previously.

I don't know if it was because of sensing the aura of duel, but the surface of this fragment suddenly lit up with a dazzling cyan light.

Staring at this ominous light, Jonouchi and Honda widened their eyes again.

Dinosaur Ryuzaki...

Has this guy become Oliha Gang's lackey? ? ?

"Let's have a showdown! Within the city!"

Dinosaur Ryuzaki ended the conversation with a sudden wave of his hand, and opened the duel disk in his hands to the two people present.

Following his movements, an invisible coercion spread at the same moment, sweeping across the surrounding venue.

Feeling the coercion coming from Dinosaur Ryuzaki, Jonouchi lowered his body subconsciously and asked him: "Damn it... Ryuzaki, were you the ones who separated the train just now? You guys , what are you planning to do? What is the situation of Yugi, Kyoko and the others now???"

"Hey...you guys have too many questions, don't you?"

Facing the question from Jonouchi with an angry look on his face, Dinosaur Ryuzaki shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Don't worry, there are my partners over there who are responsible for dealing with it. If nothing else, Yu Moth and he are probably already with me now." Is the game right?"

"What? Feather Moth...has that guy also joined the Doma organization?"

Listening to Ryuzaki's speech, Honda on the side couldn't help but sigh like this.

The pair of Insect Feather Moth and Dinosaur Ryuzaki have always been a team that works together. Now that one of them has joined the Doma Organization, it is conceivable that the other will join together.

So, is this really something that was planned in advance?

"Damn it... first joined Mai on the other side, and then Yumo and Ryuzaki? These guys from Doma are too cunning, aren't they?"

Standing in a different position, meeting those who had fought in the past again, and facing this state one after another, Jonouchi couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Who is it? Who caused all this!

"Within the city, you and I still have a lot of unresolved grievances and grievances!"

Ryuzaki, who was slightly away from Jonouchi and came directly opposite him, shook his arms and said, "Today, I must completely settle all of this!"

"Are you kidding me? You guys... do you know what it means to join the Doma organization?"

With an angry look on his face, Jonouchi waved his hand at Ryuzaki and angrily shouted: "Those guys from Doma really want to destroy this world!!!"

"It's so annoying! I don't care about that kind of thing!"

I don’t know if he really understood what Jonouchi meant, but Dinosaur Ryuzaki responded with a louder voice: "Jounouchi... As long as I can defeat you here! Other things have nothing to do with me. It doesn’t matter! I don’t care or care!”

"Sa... don't waste time, hurry up and get ready for the duel!"

Pulling out the five initial cards from the deck in one breath, and making a declaration, Dinosaur Ryuzaki was fully prepared for the duel.

However, at this time, Jonouchi on the opposite side directly lowered his arm, showing an expression of waning interest.

"I'm sorry, I don't have the time or energy to do such stupid things."

He directly chose to ignore Ryuzaki on the other side, feeling that he was playing chess with a cow, and then waved his hand to Honda beside him: "Hey, Honda... let's ignore this guy, and quickly find a way to catch up with Yugi and the others! We can There’s no time to waste anymore.”

"Huh? Oh oh oh..."

Honda, who was originally looking forward to watching a duel, couldn't help scratching his head after hearing Jonouchi's speech.

And just when the two of them took steps to leave this place, the dinosaur Ryuzaki on the opposite side directly pulled out the top card of the deck and held it alone in his hand: "Stop! Don’t even think about leaving here safely before you defeat me!”

"...My turn, draw cards!"


Dinosaur Ryuzaki, who started the duel without authorization, showed the card he just drew to the two of them with a smile of pleasure at the corner of his mouth: "Hey hey hey... I got the key card right away. ! It seems like fate has chosen my side too!"

"I'm super? This card is..."

Glancing at the card in Dinosaur Ryuzaki's hand, Jonouchi stopped subconsciously.

"Go! At this moment, I directly activate the field magic card in my hand - [Oliha Gang's Barrier]!!!"

"Stop! Ryuzaki... once you use this card, the loser's soul will be taken away!"

Looking at the card that Ryuzaki took out, Jonouchi subconsciously reached out and tried to stop Dinosaur Ryuzaki's move.

However, Dinosaur Ryuzaki smiled indifferently and stuffed the card in his hand into the side area of ​​the duel plate.

--boom! ! !

Following Dinosaur Ryuzaki's movements, a dark green barrier suddenly appeared at his feet and quickly stretched out around him.

While spreading, this barrier quickly enveloped the city that was originally planning to leave here.

As for Honda, who was an outsider, he was intentionally excluded from the barrier. He was thrown away by the unfolded barrier and landed on the ground in the distance.

"Hahahahaha...power! Unprecedented power filled every part of my body at this moment! Hahahahaha...this is the power I need!"

A miniature version of the six-pointed star barrier appeared on his forehead, and his eyes flashed with an ominous red light.

Dinosaur Ryuzaki, who activated the field magic card, felt that he could do anything now.

There is no way anyone in the city could be his opponent now!


Staring at the opponent opposite him who was entangled in black energy and driven into a state of madness by the power of Oriha Gang, Jonouchi suddenly widened his eyes.

"No way... Ryuzaki, he actually used that card?!"

Honda struggled to get up from the ground and patted the dust on his body. He couldn't help but sigh: "In this way, no one can escape from this barrier until the winner is determined by one party! Moreover, the loser will also Will be……"

"Hehehe...didn't I say it? I'm serious!"

Affected by the "change of heart", Dinosaur Ryuzaki regards defeating Jonouchi as his first goal at the moment.

To accomplish this, he will stop at nothing.

Even if this duel will cost his soul, Dinosaur Ryuzaki will not hesitate!


Sensing his determination from his opponent, he was forced into the duel and cast a complex look at Ryuzaki: "Ryuuzaki, you damn idiot! Do you know what you did? ?”

"Hehehe...who cares about that!"

Facing Jonouchi's angry rebuke, Dinosaur Ryuzaki just smiled and showed no concern about it.

Just like Honda said, now that [Oliha Gang's Barrier] has unfolded, no one can leave here unless one party loses.

From Dinosaur Ryuzaki's point of view, the person who lost could never be him who had gained new powers.

"Is anyone there? Please stop the train immediately..."

"Moxi Moxi, there's an accident here... Mr. driver, stop this train quickly!"

Move forward a little bit in time.

At the same time as the train derailment occurred, Xingzi and Wang Zang also discovered something was wrong.

The originally bustling passengers gradually disappeared without a trace, and the two of them were the only ones left on the huge train.

Realizing something was wrong, Kyoko immediately pressed the emergency call button in the carriage and tried to seek help from the conductor.

However, her request did not receive any reply, as if... the conductor also disappeared just now...

"Yi Yu, no one responded... Could it be that the driver also disappeared?"

"Tsk, what's going on now?"

Faced with the current abnormal situation, Wang Yang, who barely regained his consciousness, frowned and thought about how to deal with it.

After realizing that the disappearance had occurred, he quickly walked out of the carriage and came to the connection point of the train.

Feeling the strong wind blowing in the western wilderness, Wang Xiang couldn't help but frowning as he didn't see the way to the front of the train from the outside of the train.

If you want to stop the train, you have to go to the locomotive where the driver is.

Now that the train door leading to the front has been blocked, and there is no road directly to the cab, the only option left for now is to advance carefully from the top of the train.

Fortunately, there are no tunnels in the wilderness, so you don't have to worry about the accidents you may encounter after going to the top.

"There is no other way. It seems that we can only get out from here..."

Carefully climbing over the guardrail and placing his palms on the escalator leading to the top of the train, Wang Xiang took a deep breath, then accelerated his climb and reached the top of the train.

"Hehehe... Yugi, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Who are you……?!"

Just as Wang Xiang, who had reached the top of the train first, was blinded by the strong wind, a very obscene laughter suddenly came from his ears.

Wang Xiang's eyes suddenly widened when he heard this voice. Then, he was used to the wind pressure, and he saw someone standing on the top not far away, standing in the strong wind, holding his arms and waiting for his arrival. figure.

Green middle-parted hair, round-rimmed glasses that look like milk bottle caps, plus that green coat and short stature like a dwarf...

The visitor was none other than the insect Feather Moth who had been brainwashed by You Ling's "change of heart".

Under You Mou's instruction, he deliberately lurked here and waited patiently for Wang Yang to come to the door on his own.

"What? It's actually Feather Moth? Why does he appear in this place?"

Kyoko, who arrived at the top of the train a little behind, also saw the figure of the insect feather moth standing not far away.

She didn't know how this guy Yu Mo appeared here, and she couldn't help but have a suspicious look on her face.

"Hehehe... No more nonsense, Yugi, come and have a duel with me!"


Adjusting the glasses on the bridge of his nose, Insect Feather Moth once again looked at Wang Xiang, who was looking at him, and issued an application for a duel.

There was a tone in those words that the other party could not refuse.

At this moment, he noticed the brand new Oliha Gang-style dueling disk worn on the arm of Insect Feather Moth. Wang Xiang, who had a psychological shadow on this thing, subconsciously opened his mouth wide: "This duel disk? Feather Moth? ...Is it possible that you have already..."

"Hehehe... Let me tell you first, I am no longer the powerless me I used to be!"

Reaching out from his pocket and taking out the Oriha Gang fragment given by You Ling, Insect Feather Moth held it up in front of him and showed it to Wang Xiang and Xingzi: "Look at it! This is proof that I have regained my life. ! This is proof that I am a member of Doma!"

"Now I... am already a member of the great Doma organization! Hahahahahahaha!!!"

With undisguised laughter coming from his mouth, the insect feather moth waved its arms triumphantly, swinging the glowing fragment in its hand like a firework in front of it.

Following the movements of the insect feather moth, the fragments of the Oriha Gang Stone emitting cyan light in his hand also drew strange arcs in the mid-air.

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