Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 36 “Talk” is the characteristic of Yu-Gi-Oh!

"...That's right! It's just a grain of rice. I told you, you insect monster, it's a grain of rice. What's wrong?"

"Hey~ I won't take it back! I'll make you so angry~"

There was no trace of regret on Kajiki Yuta's face as he mocked the former national champion, the third runner-up of the Insect Feather Moth.

He was pointed angrily at the short insect moth jumping up and down, but he straightened his body proudly, and while wiping the tip of his nose with his fingers, he let out a disdainful snort. .

Recalling the "mouthful" rule of the Duel Kingdom at that time, Kajiki Yuta continued to smile triumphantly: "Oh, are they insects? Like that kind of thing, the [Great Fortress Whale] in my deck can kill them in one breath. Swallow them all!"

Insect Feather Moth: "...You guy!!!"

Previously, in the "Duel Kingdom" competition organized by the "Father of Duel Monsters" Bekas, there had never been a novel gadget like a portable duel disk.

The rules of duels are often filled with various "talking" elements.

In this relatively chaotic situation, as long as the duelist himself is sharp enough, he can change the direction of the battle on the spot by relying on his ability to tell lies.

The more famous scenes include——

"Insect-type monsters have magic resistance in the forest, so when the duel venue is around the forest, magic cards are invalid against insect-type monsters..."

"[The Cursed Dragon] can breathe fire, so it can burn down the surrounding forest, turn the surrounding area into a wasteland, and break the protection of the insect tribe..."

"The poisonous powder of [Big Moth] is highly poisonous to other creatures, so it can corrode the opponent's attack power..."

"[Monster Rain] can wash away the effect of poisonous powder and make [Big Moth] lose its ability to fly..."

"[Devil's Call] can emit thunder and lightning, and rainwater has a conductive effect, so when it rains, its attack power can increase by 1,000 points!"

"[Condor Girl] has the ability to fly, so monsters on the ground cannot attack her..."

"[The Magician of Time] has the ability to transcend time and space, and can make monsters age and become fossils, or be promoted to advanced ancient beings..."

"[Ejection Turtle] can eject monsters, increase their speed and increase the monster's attack power..."

"Since [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] has three heads, she also has three lives. She has to be defeated three times before she falls..."

"[Cartoon World] allows monsters to hide and not be affected by attacks..."

"Water-type monsters can dive into the water to avoid being attacked by other monsters... and jellyfish can also absorb electricity, so [Demon's Summon] is ineffective against them..."

"The gravity of the moon can cause tides, which will affect the creatures in the sea accordingly. When the moon is destroyed, the sea water will also ebb..."

Such "talking nonsense" rules are almost endless in the duels before Duel City.

Therefore, Kajiki Yuta, who had participated in the "Duel Kingdom" competition and used the water attribute "Sea" deck, habitually spoke at this time and mocked the insect feather moth monster that was not very good at dealing with the water element.

"Hmph! If you are bigger than a monster, my dinosaurs won't give up, right?"

Seeing Kajigi Yuta show off his monster, Dinosaur Ryuzaki, who refused to admit defeat, immediately crossed his arms and expressed his disdain with a proud look on his face.

"Nani? After my [Great Fortress Whale] was mechanized, it could still jump out of the sea and fly into the sky! Can your dinosaur do this? Huh?"

Kajiki Yuta, who refused to admit defeat, put his hands on his hips and sneered while saying this.

"Hmph! In addition to [Big Moth], there are...oh so many more in my deck! Next is the secret! I can't tell you this!"

None of them was convinced by the other. After being aroused by the two people's behavior of comparing each other, the insect Feather Moth almost exposed his secret trump card.

However, with his cunning personality, after he realized something was wrong, he decisively shut his mouth on the spot and stopped further leaks.

His trump card monster was specially prepared as a surprise in order to avenge his shame!

How could he reveal his trump card in advance at this time?

"Don't tell half of your words! You piece of shit!"

The grumpy Kajiki Yuta couldn't bear it anymore after hearing this, he directly pinched the insect feather moth's body and rocked it back and forth.

That posture was about to completely expose the secret of the split-headed dwarf.

"Uh huh... I won't tell you!"

Covering his mouth tightly and being tossed back and forth, the insect feather moth showed a tenacious attitude of fighting to the death.

"Hey...it's really tiring to watch these guys tossing each other."

Peacock Wu shook her long golden curly hair, stroking her hair out of habit, closed her purple eyes, and let out a deep sigh of helplessness.

Like Muto Yugi next to him, he was also quite speechless about his predecessor's top three place in the national competition.

And her reaction of not attaching much importance to the trio also fell into the eyes of You Ling, who was dressed as a member of Grus and was observing her.

"Insect Feather Moth, Dinosaur Ryuzaki... and Kajiki Yuta, right? These three people, according to the information provided by the system, seem to be the top three in the previous national competition..."

"Ha, but in my opinion, this ranking is quite high. Based on what I just concluded from observing them, Peacock Dance's strength is obviously above these three..."

You Ling crossed his hands on his chin and assumed a thinking posture, patiently waiting for the right opportunity.

If his idea is correct, after the greeting phase is over, the duellists will take action next.

Dinosaur Ryuzaki: "The map on the puzzle card shows that I started from the east side of the city!"

Kajiki Yuta: "Hehe... I started from the seaside!"

Insect Feather Moth: "My side is also different."

"Hehe... then, goodbye."

Sure enough, after they finished wrangling each other, the three of them immediately displayed the "puzzle card" they had with part of the map of Doushino City printed on it.

After looking at each other's faces, the three of them smiled at the same time, turned and walked in different directions.

"...Yi game, I have to leave too, let's meet again in the finals!"

"Yeah! I understand."

Xiao Biao, who had no bad intentions, waved goodbye to Peacock Dance and walked towards the corresponding starting point.

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