Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 362 Fast forward to the showdown

The insect feather moth, which had endured seven consecutive hits from [Berserker Soul], suddenly collapsed to the ground like a dead dog.

With the end of this duel, the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] that originally restrained the bodies of the two people also automatically shrank to the size of a human at this moment, wrapping the insect feather moth's body alone in it, and drew out He took away his soul and sent it to Dazi's location.

And this is also the reason why Xingzi, who was previously isolated from the barrier and could only watch the battle from the sidelines, was able to come over to stop the angry Wang Xiang.


After hearing Xingzi's strenuous shouting, Wang Yang finally reacted and stopped what he was doing.

After taking a look at the [Black Magic Girl] he had just drawn and the opponent opposite him who seemed to have lost consciousness, Wang Yang calmed down and then quickly came to the side of the insect feather moth.

"Feather Moth... I won this duel! According to the agreement before the duel started, tell me the whereabouts of aibo quickly! Tell me where he is!!!"

Angry and eager, Wang Yang shook the insect feather moth's body violently.

However, Yu Mo, whose soul had been taken away by [Oliha Gang's Barrier] as early as the seven consecutive attacks, was unable to give any reply to Wang Xiang's inquiry.

Although his body is still here, his soul has already been enveloped in the green light and sent to the hidden temple above the sea.

"It can't be helped, Yugi...you actually know that, right?"

When she came to the anxious Wang Xiang, Kyoko, who couldn't bear to see him like this, said with a sad look on her face: "Yu Mo's soul has been taken away by [Oliha Gang's Barrier] , what’s here now is just an empty shell.”

"...So no matter what, the promise Yu Mo said is absolutely impossible to come true."

"Goo! aibo!!!"

Although he was aware of the current situation, Wang Xiang, who was filled with intense anger, still vented his emotions on the insect feather moth in front of him.

Although he successfully defeated the insect feather moth affected by the power of "Oliha Gang" in the duel, Wang Yang still could not get rid of the darkness in his heart.

Due to the obstruction of the insect feather moth, the two of them did not have time to stop the speeding train. Under Kyoko's exclamation, the two of them fell into the rapids between the canyons together with the derailed train.

When Wang Yang and Xingzi woke up, they found that they had been rescued by an old man and a little girl dressed in exotic clothes, and came to a mysterious place filled with white mist for many years.

Sensing the negative emotions in Wang Yang's heart and the silent dark abyss, the old man guarding the valley - Tie Xin, then took the confused Wang Yang to the "Stone Wilderness" in the valley.

This place is not only a gathering place for wandering souls, but also a spiritual place that reflects your own heart.

Wang Xiang, who came here, and the remnants of Xiaobiao's soul who suddenly appeared, had another heart-to-heart communication in the form of a duel. During this process, Dazi once dispatched Oliha Gang's The demon planned to give Wang Yang a last-ditch attack.

However, at the critical moment, Wang Yang, who experienced many events, reconciled with the darkness in his heart, and inherited Xiaobiao's wish, also got rid of the confusion in his heart, and once again awakened the power of the "Legendary Dragon", Summoned [Dragon Knight·Black Magic Girl], and destroyed the "Oliha Gang Warrior" sent by Dazi in one fell swoop.

This strange experience also allowed Wang Yang to know the true identities of the two people who rescued him - the old man Tiexin and the little girl Chris.

In fact, these two people were once members of the royal family of ancient Atlantis, and were the father and daughter of the then king Dazi.

In order to fight against the "God of Olhagang (the sea serpent Leviathan)" summoned by Dazi who went astray, the two sought help from the duel elves, and worked side by side with three legendary dragons to start the final battle with Dazi. decisive battle.

The battle that took place tens of thousands of years ago ended in a draw. The three legendary dragons fell into a long sleep, waiting for the qualified person to appear.

The Sea Serpent, which was also sealed, also fell into a long sleep, accumulating the power to come to the world again.

After eliminating the assassins sent by Dazi and saying goodbye to the confusion of the past, under the instructions of Tie Xin and others who were the dead souls of the past, Wang Yang and Xingzi, with a new awakening in their hearts, left the valley and went there again The original destination was the location of the museum in Florida.

Without the help of transportation, the two could only walk in the wilderness on foot.

The current situation is indeed a bit embarrassing.

Whether you continue to move forward or return temporarily, it will take a long time to walk. Since Dazi has sent people to hinder them, it means that Doma is also eyeing that place.

According to the current progress, by the time they reach Florida, Thomas will have already destroyed the unearthed stone tablets and completed their obstruction plan, right?

"How about asking Timaeus to help us?"

Just as Wang Xiang was walking along the railway track, thinking about whether to call out the "Legendary Dragon Timaeus" and let it fly over with him and Kyoko, a distant sound suddenly sounded above their heads. The sound of a nearby propeller.

"Hey! Yugi... Kyoko! Did you hear that?"

"Look here... Mr. Jonouchi is here to help you!"

Along with the sound of the helicopter's propellers, there were shouts from Jonouchi, Honda and others.

Turning their heads in the direction of the sound, Wang Xiang and Xingzi immediately saw the ladder hanging from the helicopter, as well as the figures of their friends who greeted them enthusiastically.

Not only Jonouchi and Honda, Wang Xiang also saw the figure of Kaiba in the cabin with his arms folded indifferently and looking at him with a thoughtful look.

"Hmph... Yugi! Although I don't know what happened to you during this period? But it seems that you have recovered from the previous failure!"

As a duelist who was also selected by the "Legendary Dragon", Kaiba was naturally aware of Wang Xiang's resurrection.

While staring condescendingly at the two people on the ground, Kaiba raised the corners of his mouth at the same time and continued to say: "Hmph hum... very good! Come up Yugi, and the woman named Kyoko... Next, let me With great mercy, I will lead you directly to your destination!"

Wang Yang \u0026 Xingzi: "..."

Although Kaiba expressed a clear refusal in previous contact,

However, he was so talkative and heartless that he finally extended a helping hand to those in need.

Shaking their heads helplessly at Kaiba's arrogant attitude, Wang Xiang and Xingzi then boarded Kaiba's helicopter with the help of their friends and headed to Florida, where there was a high probability that Doma members would be waiting for them.


In a luxury hotel owned by Paradis Company, You Ling, who was the leader of this operation, urgently gathered back the scattered members.

His eyes swept across the figures of Peacock Wu, Rafilu, and Barong respectively. He slapped his palms hard on the table in front of him, and in a tone that was almost like a roar, he asked the people present: " Who is it? Who on earth... ordered Yumo and Ryuzaki to attack the train where the unknown Pharaoh is? Didn't I just let you monitor it? Why did you disobey my order? "

With fire that seemed to be burning in his eyes, You Ling, who said these words, looked fiercely at the three people standing across the table, expecting them to give him a satisfactory answer.

Insect Feather Moth and Dinosaur Ryuzaki were Neon's champion and runner-up in the past. Although these two people's combat power is not top-notch, they are still much stronger than the average Doma fish.

Strictly speaking, the two people who were personally accepted as subordinates by the senior cadre You Ling only had to obey the instructions of You Ling and Dazi. Other cadres were not qualified to command them.

However, it is unknown who gave the suicide order inexplicably, and the two people who went to attack the train were defeated by Wang Yiang and Jonouchi. The two people who were recovered after the war also lost their souls, so they All that is left is an empty shell without consciousness...

Two of his precious combat forces were lost for no reason. The most important thing was that these two losses were from You Ling's forces. This kind of thing was undoubtedly a slap in his face and wanted to humiliate You Ling's face!

"You Ling... According to your instructions, I have been monitoring the nameless Pharaoh and his people from a distance, and I have not made any move to alert the enemy... so the person who issued this order is definitely not me."

Rafilu, who frowned, spoke in a deep voice to defend himself.

While speaking, he glanced at Barong and Peacock Dance on the other side with the corner of his eye.

First of all, exclude the angry You Ling. Since it is not him, the only two possibilities are Barong and Peacock Wu who are traveling together.

Although Peacock Wu is only a half-newcomer who joined Doma not long ago, in view of his close relationship with You Ling, she cannot be ruled out that she has issues with Yu Mo, Ryuzaki and others, and deliberately uses You Ling's name to let the two of them To risk death.

Rafilu, who has no woman in his heart, was not seduced by the gorgeous appearance of the peacock dance.

In the heart of this macho man, no matter whether he is a man or a woman, he must receive the same punishment if he makes a mistake.

In addition, in Rafilu's view, Baron, as one of Doma's cadres, has not performed well during this period.

Either he was fishing, or he was on the way to fish, and he didn't even have a single duel with the nameless Pharaoh.

Considered from this perspective, Barong's suspicion is undoubtedly the biggest one.

This guy……

Had he already planned to betray the Doma organization, find an opportunity to clear his name, and join the nameless Pharaoh?

Or is it that he was deceived by the Peacock Dance woman and no longer intends to carry out our great plan?

Damn traitor, don't let me find substantive evidence!

"Hey...I am completely unaware of this matter! If you hadn't summoned us suddenly, I wouldn't have even known that those two guys had been solved!"

Barong, who didn't mind watching the excitement, shrugged his shoulders indifferently as if he didn't notice You Ling's anger: "Let's talk about it first... This matter definitely has nothing to do with me. If I If I plan to take action, I will definitely choose to do it myself instead of borrowing the help of others like this."

In fact, Barong has never been very interested in You Ling's plan.

In the previous operations, he also used various opportunities to avoid Yu Ling's direct instructions, intending to find opportunities to act alone to personally meet the powerful duelists who were favored by the "Legendary Dragon".

Naturally, Baron's first target was the yellow-haired boy Cheng Nei who had an argument with him at the headquarters of the International Fantasy Society and became more and more dissatisfied with him.

He is not the kind of person like Ameluda who likes to use his brain. If he could use his hands, Barong would definitely not choose to use his mouth, so theoretically speaking, he would not be the one who instructs Yumo and Ryuzaki to send their mother there. .

However, what he wanted to do was his own, but the "lone wolf" attitude he displayed, no matter how you looked at it, had an unruly impression of disobedience to discipline, which made people suspicious of him.

"I have no interest in these two guys. You Ling, if it's you, you should know that."

Looking at You Ling quietly, stroking the long golden hair hanging by her ears, Peacock Wu gave her own answer in a calm tone.

In the relationship between people, being angry is actually not the worst situation. Being angry with someone shows that he still cares about that person.

But if they appear indifferent or even indifferent, in fact, it means that those people do not deserve to be cared about at all.

Because she had no interest in it from the beginning, she didn't care about the life or death of the two of them.

Feather moth? Ryuzaki?

What happens to them, who cares?

"Ah, I believe you have nothing to do with this."

You Ling nodded towards Peacock Dance, put away the angry look on his face, and then smiled at Rafilu and Barong on the other side who both denied the suspicion: "Okay, I already know who did it, no Wrong, both of you are innocent and have not committed any mistakes."

"Hahaha... I actually gave this order because I have schizophrenia, so when I didn't know it, another personality issued the death order to the two of them on my behalf. Right? This is what you want Is that the answer you want?"

Rafilu: "..."

Barong: "..."

After looking at each other in confusion, Baron and Lafite turned their heads simultaneously and fell into a long state of silence.

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