Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 370 Basic Practice Don’t 6 sit down

Under the chain operation of "I invalidate you and I invalidate" performed by Peacock Dance, the ritual monster on the field in the city - [True Red King], and his invalidated quick attack magic card, immediately gave They were sent together to the location of the cemetery.

At this time, Jonouchi himself also lost up to 2,400 health points simultaneously, making his situation even more precarious.

Due to the negative effects of [Harpy Girl-Phoenix Formation-], the monsters on the Peacock Dance Field will not be able to attack this round, and the city where the monsters were destroyed also got a rare chance to breathe.

"Well, I didn't expect Wu Wu to become so much stronger during this period of time...compared to the time we met before, she seems to be a different person now! What happened in the meantime? ?”

Feeling the coercion coming from the opposite side, Jonouchi, who had suffered a dark loss in the previous confrontation, subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed his nose.

Then he raised the corners of his mouth again, showing an expression of reluctance to admit defeat: "But, it's because of this that the duel is so interesting! Wu! Let you see next, this is my... …”

"Hey...but, this duel is over!"

Jonouchi \u0026 Peacock Dance: "...Nani?"

Just when he returned to the city of his turn, planning to perform a hand seal card show on the spot, relying on the special power of "Legendary Dragon Hemo" to regain the advantage back to his side, a sudden voice came out But it suddenly echoed in the surrounding space, interrupting the two people's current operations.

Turning to look in the direction of the sound, Jonouchi and Peacock Wu then discovered Yu Ling walking quietly from the side, and the body of Barong who was in an unconscious state and was dragged by some kind of magic power. .

"You Ling? What on earth are you...?!"

"It's actually You Ling? And this is... the Doma cadre named Barong?!"

Noticing Yu Ling who suddenly appeared at this time, Maiko Mai and Jonouchi couldn't help but widen their eyes, showing a completely incomprehensible expression of surprise at the same time.

On Peacock Wu's side, she was more confused and puzzled about You Ling coming here. When she noticed Barong's figure, she showed a confused expression on her face.

what happened? Why does You Ling appear here? And what happened to the unconscious Barong? ? ?

"Well, the process and mental journey in the middle are a little troublesome to explain. In short... I have unilaterally announced my resignation~!"

The duel taking place between Jonouchi and Peacock Mai at this moment does not have the existence of [Oliha Gang's Barrier], so Yu Ling, who dragged Barong's body all the way, also has the opportunity to intervene in this duel. .

Although it doesn't matter much even if there is an obstacle from the barrier, Wei'er's magic can still easily resolve it, but if he can put in less effort, You Ling naturally doesn't want to put in more effort.

Casually throwing the soulless Barong's body to the ground aside, You Ling smiled, then came to Peacock Wu's side and looked at her quietly.

"Miss Wu, I know you must have a lot of questions in your mind right now, but it doesn't matter. When you wake up, everything will be over... By then, your troubles will also be around you. I will help you deal with these various problems one by one...So, don’t worry about anything and sleep peacefully.”

"You Ling, you...?!"

After saying this, You Ling immediately snapped his fingers into the void beside him.

After that, Wei'er's figure appeared, and she cast a spell of sleepiness in the direction of Peacock Dance, who had no time to react, causing her to lose consciousness on the spot while she was in the middle of a duel, and forcibly interrupted the current duel. .

After confirming that there was nothing serious about Peacock Dance, You Ling asked Wei'er to cast a defensive magic on her and Barong, who was lying dead next to him, to prevent accidents from happening.

After finishing all this, You Ling turned around slowly and looked at Jonouchi on the other side, who was about to speak but was hesitant: "Ha... long time no see, Jonouchi."


You Ling suddenly appeared, Peacock Wu was suddenly knocked unconscious by You Ling, and Barong lay lying dead on the side...

All these sudden situations made Jonouchi, who witnessed this scene, couldn't help but have a huge doubt in his heart.

What's going on?

What's going on now?

"You Ling, what are you doing? We can't contact you at all during this period. Where have you been? By the way, the game said that you joined the Doma organization and stood on the opposite side of us... This matter Is it true again?”

With a complicated expression on his face and countless doubts in his heart, Jonouchi hoped that Yu Ling, who took the initiative to show up, could give him a series of satisfactory answers.

As the Duel King, he should have become as well-known a celebrity as the game, but why did he choose this path?

And what did You Ling mean by the unilateral resignation he just said?

"Ah, Jonouchi... you really have too many questions. I'm in a hurry now, so I'd better explain these things to you later."

Unfolding the duel disk in his hand and randomly pulling out the five initial cards, You Ling shrugged his shoulders and continued in a casual tone: "Okay, the duel will resume, and then let me replace Miss Wu. Let’s have a new duel with you.”


Jonouchi, who completely didn't understand the logic of Yu Ling's actions and felt a little confused for a moment, couldn't help but type a long list of question marks on the spot.

what? What? Why is the duel suddenly starting again? What about the greeting session when old friends reunite?

"Ah, by the way, Kaiba-san, since you're here too, then why not come together? I'm planning to go find you next, so you've really helped me a lot by taking the initiative to come over."

Turning his eyes to the dark depths on the other side, You Ling smiled and said.

As his words fell, a strong man's aura spread and attacked in that direction.

Affected by this coercion, Kaiba, who realized that his presence had been noticed, slowly walked out of the darkness and appeared within the sight of Jonouchi and Yu Ling.

"...Hai, Kaiba?! I'm super...so you're also spying in secret?"

Seeing the familiar pretentious man in a white anti-gravity trench coat appearing in his field of vision, Jonouchi couldn't help but open his mouth wide with a surprised expression.

To be honest, the fact that Kaiba would appear here was also beyond Jonouchi's expectation.

After Kaiba used a helicopter to drag Wang Yang and Jonouchi's group to Florida, he chose to leave without saying a word.

In Jonouchi's mind, he originally thought that Kaiba would be busy returning to the company to deal with the bad debts, but what Jonouchi didn't expect was that Kaiba would actually appear here...

So just now, had he been secretly peeping here from the dark?

What kind of tough guy?

"Hmph! You Ling... It's exactly what I thought. You are planning some ulterior events! So joining Doma is also part of the plan?"

Walking to Jonouchi's side with a calm expression, Kaiba raised his arm and unfolded the duel disk in his hand simultaneously: "But, it doesn't matter what you are planning!

A true duelist will not refuse any challenge. No matter what you plan to do next, you must defeat me first! "

Not us, but me.

Obviously, Kaiba has no intention of teaming up with Jonouchi.

For Kaiba, Yu Rei, who won the title of Duel King from him, is the one who deserves real attention.

As for the city... Humph! Just mortal bones, nothing to worry about!

"...Yu Ling, listen to me! This time, [Blue-Eyed Dragon] will never be turned into that ridiculous 8-star turtle by you again!"

Taking out the five initial cards from the deck, Kaiba said with a sneer.

The last "Turtle Transformation Technique" really made Kaiba lose his master. Having learned the previous lesson, Kaiba firmly believes that he will never fall victim to the same trick again this time.

"Hey, hey, hey—! Although I don't understand what's going on now, but in the end, it's a duel, right?"

Confused by the Riddler's confusing operation, Jonouchi stamped his feet, then shuffled the cards he had just used, and after sorting them out, he took out the five initial cards from his hand.

It’s useless to say more! As things stand now, let’s fight first!

You Zero! : "Come on, come on together."

Kaiba: "...Hmph!"

Jonouchi: "Come on, Yu Ling!"


(You Ling LP: 4000)

(Seto Kaiba LP: 4000)

(Jouchi Katsuya LP: 4000)

"Hey, since you two have no plans to form a team, then this duel will adopt the rules of melee. In the first round, no one can attack, and the order of the duel will be as follows: I → Kaiba → Castle → Process it in my order...

However, that being said, I will definitely have to deal with you two at the same time next! "

Putting his finger on the top of the card deck, You Ling showed a confident and dark face, waved his hand and pulled out a brand new card: "My turn, draw a card!"

"First of all, of course... the field magic card [Oliha Gang's Barrier (Magic Modified Version)] is activated!"

Yu Zero independently drew a card from his hand, came to his turn, stuffed it into the side area of ​​the duel plate and activated it.

Following You Ling's movements, a green six-pointed star barrier suddenly appeared under his feet.

After Yu Ling stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, the barrier expanded again, wrapping the bodies of Kaiba and Jonouchi on the other side.

"Tsk! Oliha Gang's barrier..."

"Is it really this card? But...Yu Ling, why hasn't there been any change in your body?"

His eyes swept across the surrounding barrier, and at the same time Kaiba and Jonouchi looked in the direction of Yu Zero, keenly noticing Yu Zero's current situation.

Logically speaking, Yu Rei who activates this special field magic card should have a green hexagram on his forehead and his eyes turn blood red like the dinosaur Ryuzaki and the insect Feather Moth before.

However, now he seems to have just activated an ordinary card, at least there is no change in appearance, and there is no sign of going crazy...

What is this...

"Ah, you must be wondering why I haven't been affected by Oliha Gang, right?"

Noticing the doubtful looks on Kaiba and Jonouchi's faces, Yu Zero shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "It's very simple, because the card I'm activating now is a magically modified version of the card, and the duelist's personal identity has been removed. The negative impact...of course, if you lose the duel, your soul will still be taken away."

"...Nani? Is there a magically modified version of Oliha Gang's barrier?"

It was the first time Jonouchi saw this unique skill, and a look of uncontrollable shock appeared on his face.

Damn it, if that's the case... wouldn't the dinosaur Ryuzaki he met earlier become a funny clown?

Brother, you put all your efforts into joining Doma, but in the end you only get this little treatment, and even the field magic cards are defective products with side effects...

What are you planning? ? ?

"Okay, the duel has begun. Let me start it next. I just want to take this opportunity to find the feeling of the past."

After moving his hands and feet for a while, You Ling inserted a magic card in his hand into the back of the duel plate: "The magic card [Pot of Desire] was activated. According to the effect of this card, I selected it from the deck. Draw two cards.”

A big green pot with big yellow teeth and a healthy and kind smile appeared in front of You Ling's body.

After You Ling waved his hand and pulled out two brand new cards from the deck, the big green pot that had completed its mission also dissipated on its own and turned into nothingness.

Draw two new cards from the deck and replenish your hand to 6 cards.

He glanced at Yu Zero, who was currently holding a card, and then activated another card: "Then, the magic card [Angel's Alms] is activated! According to the effect of this card, I can draw three cards from the deck. card, then choose two cards in your hand and discard them."

——Swish, swish, swish!

Waving his arms, he added three cards to his hand in sequence, and then threw two of them into the graveyard.

Kaiba, who had a keen eye, noticed that one of the cards was the familiar [Super Electromagnetic Turtle], a troublesome monster that could interrupt the battle phase at any time.

"Hmph, this monster... I have to find a way to deal with it later..." (End of Chapter)

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