Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 398: Headless Dazi Weird News

Witnessing the unusual scene of Dazi's corpse being revived in front of his eyes, the timid Jonouchi, who was afraid of ghosts, decisively chose the option of running away at the speed of light for the first time.

Based on the useless knowledge he had seen from TV and novels before, evil ghosts cannot be killed.

The only one who can deal with ghosts is ghosts, and meeting them without a suitable bargaining chip is tantamount to suicide.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly a very stupid thing to have a head-on conflict with Dazi's ghost at this time.

Jonouchi, who made this choice, after suffering the sudden impact damage, slowly slid down to the ground like a puddle of mud from the magic barrier deployed by Wei Er.

——This road is blocked!

At least at this time, the three people who came to the depths of the temple have entered You Ling's domain and entered the venue he specially prepared for the original protagonist group.

Next, it's their turn to play their part in the games that visit here.

"Is this magic barrier that isolates the outside world...is Oliha Gang's barrier? No, this color is not the dark green I have seen before, it should be something else... You Ling, what on earth is this... ?”

Witnessing what happened inside the city, Wang Xiang was stunned subconsciously, and then planned to use the power of the "Millennium Building Block" hanging on his chest to forcibly isolate the surrounding supernatural influences.

However, at this time, Dazi's body had already stood up tremblingly.

On his arm, a dark green duel disk in the style of "Oliha Gang" suddenly appeared.


In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, all conflicts will ultimately be resolved through duels (playing cards), rather than shouting and killing.

This kind of thing is more in line with the style of painting in the current world.

"There's nothing surprising. Not long ago, I activated the [Book of the Living - Forbidden Spell -] on Dazi's corpse, temporarily resurrecting him as a living corpse."

"No... I don't know whether this state of losing the soul and head can be regarded as resurrection, but in short, Dazi who has had his head cut off must no longer have his original consciousness and thoughts. existence, but became a puppet controlled by me."

You Ling spoke calmly and told the truth about what happened to Dazi. In a nonchalant tone, You Ling made such a declaration to the surprised people.

Having mastered the system and the power of the elves, he can freely use the power of duel cards in the real world.

Not to mention turning the dead Dazi into a living corpse, even putting his head back together and resurrecting him is not something that is impossible.

Of course, You Ling, who had spent so much effort to achieve the current situation, would definitely not do such a thankless thing and would just give Dazi a chance to counterattack.

Now that Dazi has cooled down, let’s continue to keep it cool.

It is a good thing that the villain with such dangerous ideas and ready to destroy the world is gone.

"...Nani? Use the power of the card in reality? Is this really possible?"

After hearing Yu Ling's words and witnessing this scene beyond his comprehension, President Kaiba subconsciously showed a look of uncontrollable shock on his face.

Having always believed in materialism, he instinctively planned to deny You Ling's unscientific behavior.

However, after thinking that he had used cards as murder weapons from time to time, and had been protected by the power of elves more than once, and survived countless dangers, Kaiba was still unable to utter any words to refute.

snort! There must be some scientific truth in this that I don't know, but I just couldn't figure out the mystery before!

"So, are we going to have a duel with this Dazi next? No... the person we are really going to duel with should be you who controls this body, right?"

Wang Xiang, who had a sharp mind, quickly understood Dazi's state.

Although they don't know what happened during the blank period when they lost consciousness, the Dazi who made them feel like they were facing a formidable enemy was already dead and the world was saved.

At this moment, perhaps there are only some light tasks left that need to be finished.

"Well, that's pretty much it."

After giving an affirmative answer to Wang Xiang's inquiry, You Ling wiped the blood on his face and said with a smile: "Actually, what I am going to do next can be regarded as a gift to the Legendary Dragon and Oliha. This battle that has lasted for thousands of years has come to an end.

With the help of the three of you, the progress of this matter will be accelerated a lot. What can I say? Do you want to participate in the plan to save the world? When everything is over, I will tell you everything that happened during this period. "

Of course, this notice must be added with some "modifications" that are beneficial to You Ling.

Wang Yang \u0026 Kaiba \u0026 Jonouchi: "..."

While the three of them were looking at each other, thinking, You Ling also patiently tidied up Dazi's standing body.

The deck currently in Dazi's duel board is exactly the "fake card" deck he used in the original game.

After briefly scanning the cards, You Ling made some adjustments to them appropriately, removing those outrageous things such as "XX Holy Barrier", "So-and-so Heavenly God", "OO Martyr" and so on. Some common OCG cards have been put in to ensure that this duel is relatively fair.

After completing all this, You Ling stood aside with his arms folded, and together with Weier, who was faintly emerging behind him, waited for the reply of the three protagonists.

Of course, there is no option to refuse here.

If you don't agree to this proposal, You Ling won't let them leave.

"Really...even the isolation barrier has been deployed. You are doing this just because you don't intend to give us a chance to refuse, right?"

Thinking back to what happened inside the city just now, Wang Xiang couldn't help but complain.

It would be a pity for You Ling not to become a politician.

This state of seemingly having a choice but actually having no choice leaves no one with any chance to refuse!

"Hmph! A duel? Although the target is that Dazi... but it can be considered to be related to you You Ling to a certain extent!"

Stomping hard on the ground of the temple, President Kaiba swung the anti-gravity cloak behind him and suddenly unfolded the duel disk in his hand: "There will be no next time, Yu Ling! I will completely defeat you this time. , take back the glory that should belong to me!”

"Damn You Ling... I had a back-up plan and didn't tell you earlier, which caused me such a big embarrassment... I, the uncle in the city, will never forgive you! Please wake up to me!!!"

Due to the impact just now, Jonouchi's head was already swollen with a large bump visible to the naked eye.

Having suffered this unnecessary disaster in vain, Cheng Nei felt angry and blood rushing into the sky for a moment, wishing that You Ling on the opposite side could have a taste of the punishment of Cheng Nei's flaming iron fist!

However, after seeing the mutilated corpse of Dazi standing in front of You Ling, Jonouchi, who was afraid of ghosts, finally gave up the plan of getting close to this thing...

Well, how about leaving Yugi and Kaiba next?

Can he just shout "666" as an audience member?

"Okay, now that you are all ready, let's start this final duel."

Slightly shrugging his shoulders, You Ling raised his steps and came to Dazi's side, assuming a team duel posture.

However, when he did this, he didn't actually intend to take action himself. He just wanted to explain various operations and the effects of the cards on behalf of the mouthless Dazi.


"Ahhhhh!!! Wait a minute!!! You guys, don't forget about me! I also want to participate in this duel~Duel!!!"

Not wanting to be left out, the city finally overcame the fear in its heart and joined the camp of Kaiba and Wang Xiang, and together they fought against You Ling, the "fun man" who played them around.

Even if it was to give the previously indifferent You Ling an effective counterattack, he did not intend to stay out of it.

"The rules of the duel are a four-person brawl... Having said that, the current scene is a three-versus-one situation no matter how you look at it."

The corners of his mouth curved slightly in pleasure, and his eyes roamed back and forth between Dazi's corpse and the three legendary duelists. You Ling, who was using the Dazi deck, couldn't help but wonder about the next scene. Sincerely looking forward to it.

With one person capable of defeating the main protagonists of the original work, what kind of treatment is this given to the villain’s boss?

Even Dazi in the original work didn’t have such an experience, right?

I always feel like I've been ignited for no reason, so I might as well take this opportunity to have a modern duel.

"In this duel, everyone's initial health points are 8,000 points. They cannot draw cards or declare battles in the first round. Of course... As the initiator of this duel, I will attack first. Got it!"

Declaring the special rules of "multiplayer melee", Yu Ling, who took the first attack instead of Dazi, announced the official start of the duel.

(Dazi LP: 8000)

(Muto Game LP: 8000)

(Seto Kaiba LP: 8000)

(Jouchi Katsuya LP: 8000)

"I will attack first and enter the main stage...Yoshi, this hand looks good."

You Ling, who was standing next to Dazi's corpse, glanced at the five cards in the corpse's hand and nodded slightly.

You can get a big mouthful of milk at the beginning and draw cards along the way. There is really no more suitable blood-grabbing behavior than this.

"First, I activate the sustainable magic card - [Soul Absorption] from my hand. According to the effect of this card, when the card is removed from the duel, for each of those cards, I j...I mean Da Zi's ​​corpse can restore 500 points of health."

You Ling, who noticed the flaw in his words, reacted quickly and quickly corrected it.

So dangerous, so dangerous...

The one currently confronting the protagonists is the evil villain Dazi, and he is not the savior!

So even if the duel was lost in the end, it was still Dazi's business and had nothing to do with him or someone else.

Well, yes, that’s it!

"Then, I activate the second magic card from my hand - [Pot of Desire and Greed]. This card can only be activated once per turn. By excluding the 10 cards at the top of the deck, Draw 2 cards from the deck."

"In addition, since the sustainable magic card [Soul Absorption] exists on Dazi's field, at this time, he will also be able to restore 5,000 health points in one breath."


With a soft chirping sound, a large two-color pot with two different faces appeared in front of You Ling and Dazi's corpses.

After the corpse tremblingly reached out and pulled out two new cards from the deck, the "Greed Pot", which had completed its mission, turned into golden light spots all over the sky on its own, and gradually dissipated into nothingness.

At this time, Dazi still had five cards in his hand.

(Dazi LP: 8000→13000)

It is worth mentioning that because Dazi's head has been removed now, all functions related to it have been affected to varying degrees.

He couldn't speak or think, he didn't have the five senses of a normal person, and even his heart, lungs and other organs had turned into blood foam.

In this state, Dazi would not even be able to perform any activities if it weren't for You Ling's "living corpse".

The reason why You Ling used this method to control Dazi's corpse for a duel was not only to make the villain atone for his actions, but also to use his body to communicate with the sea snake in another world.

To accomplish the next goal, You Ling must use Dazi's multiple [Oliha Gang's Barriers] in the duel to summon the "Snake God Yi" with infinite attack power.

However, once these cards are used, they will inevitably be eroded by the dark power in them, and they will become the "Sea Serpent" instead of Datsu.

You Ling, who did not intend to let himself be contaminated by this darkness, chose this sideways method and let the dead Dazi pay the price on his behalf.

Anyway, Dazi is dead. If he knew that his body could be used by You Ling for a second time, Jiuquanxia would also be very happy, right?

In addition, as an immortal Dazi, even after suffering such a degree of damage, traces of Oliha Gang's power still remain in his body.

Before "crushing it to ashes" and "avoiding future troubles", it is very reasonable to let this thing play its limited role to the best of its ability, right?

You have done so many things by ordering me around, do you really think it’s free of charge?

Stupid Dazi!

Do you think that everything will be over once you die?

……No! Even if you are already cold, you still have to get up and squeeze out the last remaining value! (End of chapter)

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