Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 401 The Super Divine Dragon-Slaying Magician

Accompanied by Kaiba's high-pitched cry, which was almost like a roar, the [Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon] appeared with the body of the [Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon] as its support, and appeared in a flawless transcendent posture, quietly suspended in the air. In the void above Kaiba's head, it was like a dazzling sun, dispelling the dark atmosphere around him.

Due to Yu Ling's intervention, the [Blue-Eyed Dragon], which theoretically only appeared in the derivative theatrical animation of the original work, did not die with Anubis who controlled the "Pyramid of Light" as originally, but After that crisis, it remained in Kaiba's hands and became his new powerful terminal.

There is no doubt that this monster, which was introduced through the liberation of [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon], also has powerful effects that match its identity.


【Blue Eyed Dragon】

(Dragon/Light/10 stars/Attack: 3000→3300/Defense: 2500)


This card cannot be normally summoned. You can special summon by liberating 1 "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" on your field as a sacrifice.

①: For every Dragon-type monster in your graveyard, the attack power of this card increases by 300.

②: Whether this card is affected by magic, trap, or monster effects can be decided by the controller.

③: You can use this card as a sacrifice and choose any number of cards on the field to destroy. This effect cannot be negated. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn.


"The Blue-Eyes Dragon that has surpassed the Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon...is it an Ultimate Monster that doesn't accept any effects?

However, her current attack power is only slightly higher than that of the Blue Eyes White Dragon. As long as she repeats the previous 'Turtle Transformation Technique', she can still avoid any of her effects and deal with this minor trouble. . "

Squinting his eyes slightly, staring at the dragon of light above Kaiba, such thoughts emerged in You Ling's mind.

[Blue-Eyed Dragon] is indeed very powerful, but in the final analysis, this thing is just a large "turtle food" for You Ling!

"It's not over yet, my expansion is not over yet!"

Covering a card in his hand to the backcourt, Kaiba immediately took out the nameless card he owned: "Legendary Dragon - [Cridia's Fang] is activated! According to the effect of this card, I Fusion of Critia's Fang with the trap card [Tyrant Wing] lurking on the field!"

"——Come on! [Tyrant Storm Dragon]!!!"

The blue-black legendary dragon appeared in front of Kaiba, opened its mouth and let out a fierce roar in the direction of Dazi and You Ling.

As Kaiba's words fell, the legendary dragon appeared at this moment, and then twisted together with Gaika's figure, absorbing the ability of the trap card, and evolved into a brand new existence.

Under the gaze of everyone, the new Critia, with golden wings on its back and its tail turned into a trident, appeared beside the [Blue-Eyed Dragon], carrying the storm that swept around. To protect Kaiba's rebellious fangs.


【Tyrant Storm Dragon】

(Dragon/Light/8 stars/Attack: 2900/Defense: 2500)


This card can only be Special Summoned by using the effect of "Cridia's Fang" to send "Tyrant Wings" from your hand and field to the graveyard.

①: This card can attack all opponent's monsters once.

②: It can only be activated by targeting 1 monster on the field. This card is used as an equipment card that increases the attack power and defense power by 400 and is equipped to that monster.

When equipped with this effect, the equipped monster can attack three times in the same battle phase.


"Are you here? The first legendary dragon to appear - Critia."

Looking at the second monster that appeared on the seahorse field, You Ling smiled slightly and sighed like this.

The Legendary Dragon and Oliha Gang can be said to be like water and fire, and they can never understand and tolerate each other.

After realizing that the barrier of "Olihagun" and the monster born from it were right in front of him, the legendary dragon who was the "Olihagan Police" immediately let out an angry roar.

If all these things are not eliminated, it will never give up.

However, this is something that Dazi’s body needs to worry about, so what does it have to do with him, You Ling?

"Hmph! Rather than spreading our combat power and being defeated one by one by You Ling, it's better to temporarily cooperate at this time! The game is really taking advantage of you. Next time, there won't be such a good thing!"

With a signature cold snort, Kaiba waved his hand and pointed at the monster on the field: "At this moment, I activate the second effect of [Tyrant Storm Dragon]!"

"...This card can be used as an equipment card to increase the attack power and defense power by 400 points and equip it to a monster on the field. According to this effect, I equip [Tyrant Storm Dragon] to the [Super Magic Sword] on the game field. Warrior - Black Magic Swordsman]! The monster equipped with this card can attack three times in the same battle phase!"

In response to Kaiba's instructions, [Tyrant Storm Dragon] let out a loud roar.

After that, his body transformed into the form of a shining dragon soul, inhabiting the body of the super magic swordsman, causing a pair of dazzling golden wings to emerge from the back of the dragon-slaying magician.

"Kaiba, you...?!"

It seemed that he didn't expect that Haima, who had been so rebellious just now, would actually make such a generous move at this time. A look of astonishment flashed across Wang Yang's face unconsciously.

However, he reacted quickly and finally accepted Kaiba's kindness.

The gift you gave me, I truly accepted it!

"The super magic swordsman equipped with [Tyrant Storm Dragon] will have his attack power and defense power increased by 400 points simultaneously. Moreover, since there are 'Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon' and 'Blue-Eyes Dragon' on the field and in the graveyard, The existence of two dragon monsters will further increase the attack power of the Super Magic Swordsman!"

[Super Magic Swordsman-Dark Magic Swordsman] Attack power: 2900→3300→4300

With the blessing of the power of the dragon soul, the super magic swordsman's attack power easily exceeded the 4,000-point mark, thus entering the realm of God.

Now, he not only has the ability to attack three times in one turn, but he can also counter the opponent's magic card an unlimited number of times, negating and destroying the effect!

It is a pity that [Tyrant Storm Dragon], which is also a dragon monster, has now become his equipment card.

Otherwise, the super magic swordsman's attack power will be improved again, reaching an even more terrifying level!

"Okay, my turn is over."

After glancing at the situation on the field, Kaiba's eyes finally stopped at Jonouchi next to him: "Mediocre, it's your turn next! If you are afraid, just surrender to me."

Kaiba, who noticed Jonouchi's constant shaking of his legs and saw that he was afraid, gave a mocking greeting without mercy.

Infuriated by Kaiba's words, Jonouchi quickly expressed his resistance.

"Damn...bastard Kaiba, who do you think is afraid?"

"I, the Jonouchi uncle, will not choose to surrender. You saw it wrong just now. I just kept shaking my legs because I felt unwell and wanted to go to the toilet! I'm definitely not afraid!"

Although everyone present knew that the city was afraid of ghosts, they were also afraid of Dazi's headless body from the bottom of their hearts.

However, the pride of being a duelist still drove Jonouchi to stand still and did not choose to turn around and run away at this time.

Of course, now that [Oliha Gang's barrier] has been deployed, he can't escape even if he wants to.

"My turn..."

Gritting his teeth and taking over the initiative of the round, Jonouchi showed a card in his hand to everyone present for viewing: "Go! I activate [Hemo's Claw] from the card in my hand!"

--Roar! ! !

The red second legendary dragon appeared at this moment in response to Jonouchi's actions, and let out a familiar roar in the direction of Dazi's body.

It was probably the appearance of the legendary dragon that gave Jonouchi the courage to continue, and he didn't seem to be as fearful as he did just now.

"You Ling, you guy... you are doing some inexplicable things in a place we don't know, acting as the Riddler, and fooling us all!"

"...Whether it was the time we met before or this duel now, I didn't know anything, so I was forced to be dragged into these inexplicable plans by you!"

Jonouchi, who felt like he was being treated as a tool, complained angrily to Yu Ling.

"Ah, about this..."

With an awkward yet polite smile on his face, Yu Ling tried to explain some information that could be revealed to Jonouchi.

However, just before he was about to speak, Jonouchi waved his hand first, interrupting Yu Ling's movements.

"No, I don't want to hear your explanation now! After this duel is over, I will definitely teach you a lesson! Let you be responsible for playing tricks on us!"

Raising his right hand high, Jonouchi pulled out another card in his hand and raised it towards the legendary dragon: "Activate the effect of [Hemo's Claw]! Put the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] in my hand with it Send it to the graveyard and turn it into a brand new equipped monster card!"

"...Come out! [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon Sword] (Attack: 2400)!!!"

In response to Jonouchi's actions, the bodies of the legendary dragon and the red-eyed black dragon appeared distorted, and were engulfed by the shining light in the next moment.

With a flash of light, the alien magic sword wrapped in black flames fell from the sky and was suddenly inserted into the thick floor in front of Jonouchi.

"Same as Kaiba's choice, I also want to equip this card on the Super Magic Swordsman in the game!"

With a firm consciousness in his heart, Jonouchi did not intend to lose to Kaiba in this regard, so he decisively placed his hope on his best friend.

As his words fell, the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon Sword] stuck on the ground automatically floated up, came to the super magic swordsman, and was grasped in the palm of his hand.

At this moment, the magician who slayed the dragon was holding the dragon-slaying naginata in his left hand, and in his right hand was the magic sword sent by Jonouchi that was wrapped in black flames. Behind him, there were a pair of tyrants shining with golden light. Dragon Wings.

The super magic swordsman looked like a god descending from heaven, and he looked like he was suddenly in a mess.

And this is indeed the case.

"The attack power and defense power of monsters equipped with [Red-Eyed Black Dragon Sword] will increase by 1000 points, and this value will also increase by the number of dragon-type monsters on everyone's field and in the graveyard x 500 points!"

By activating the effect of [Hemo's Claw] just now, the [Red-Eyed Black Dragon], which is also a dragon-type monster, was also sent to the cemetery and became a new source of power for the Super Magic Swordsman.

However, up to this point, Jonouchi's actions have not ended.

"Next, I normally summon [God of Ten Thousand Hands] from my hand! And activate the effect of this monster to retrieve a ritual monster or ritual magic card from the deck."

The green-faced arhat with countless arms appeared as Jonouchi spoke.

By activating the effect of this monster, Jonouchi also accurately retrieved a card from the deck into his hand.

That card is the ritual magic card of the "Red-Eyes" family - [Red-Eyes Reincarnation]!

"Next, I will activate the ritual magic card I just retrieved - [Red-Eyes Reincarnation]! Liberate monsters with a total level of 8 from your hand and field, or as the price of liberation, I will release the 'True Eyes Reincarnation' in the graveyard. Except for the red-eyed monsters, ritually summon [True Red King] from your hand!"

"Huh? Is the [True Red King] with the ability to stably explode two cards every round coming? But before that, this card must be activated first..."

Deeply aware of the effect of the ritual monster that Jonouchi planned to summon, Yu Ling seized the moment when Jonouchi activated the ritual magic card, simultaneously manipulated Datsu's body, and opened the mysterious cover card in the backcourt.

"Chaining the effect of [Red-Eye Reincarnation], I activate the trap card lurking in the backfield - [Virtual World], select a field magic card from the deck and add it to my hand, or directly play it on my field launch!"

Theoretically speaking, the original animation's [Oliha Gang's Barrier] has strong resistance that is not affected by the effects of other cards. Unlike field magic cards that do not have comprehensive resistance, this thing will not be affected by various " "Wind" series of magic and trap cards are destroyed or eliminated.

However, the act of activating new field magic cards to replace old field magic cards is not destruction or elimination, but a higher-level rule restriction.

Just like most monsters with full resistance attributes cannot avoid the result of "turning into a turtle and turning into an egg", [Oliha Gang's Barrier] must also abide by this most basic rule. (End of chapter)

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