Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 416 Who is the villain?

It was as if he was showing off his adventures and achievements along the way to the dying Demon King.

You Ling, who was holding the beast-eared girl Kit in his arms, took a sharp breath, and maintained a casual posture, while expressing his ridicule to the CPU, the human-headed body that inherited Dazi's memory, while slowly slowing down. He spoke slowly and told what he had done during this time.

Dazi on the other side was like a quiet listener, listening to You Ling's description calmly.

Occasionally when he was confused, he would even take the initiative to interject and ask You Ling himself about some specific details at the time and his thoughts.

After clearing up the doubts, he sighs and then expresses a heartfelt exclamation of "That's how it is."

"That's roughly it... In short, now I have the whole world in my hands... and from now on, the world will continue to move forward according to my plan and embark on the right development path."

After finishing his explanation, You Ling gestured towards the void in front of him with a virtual grip, and made a perfect summary of what he had done during this period of time.

Unfortunately, only a few of the audience present knew about his achievements, and all they received were Kit's almost perfunctory applause and a thoughtful expression like a hidden fox on his face.

Da Zi remained silent in thought and did not give any obvious reaction to this.

"I have gradually understood everything...According to normal people's thinking, now that I have inherited Dazi's memory and thinking, I should express my anger or hatred with anger, and then distort my face. Howl your name and cut the traitor named You Ling into pieces..."

The expressionless Dazi continued with a voice that had no fluctuation at all: "But it's a pity that I only have one head now and can't do anything."

"Even if I have been played by you like a clown, and even the 'Paradis Company' that I have worked so hard to build has become a wedding dress of You Ling, I can't feel it. A hint of anger.”

"Hey, you're right..."

Hearing what Dazi said, You Ling, who had similar thoughts in his heart, sighed with regret: "I can understand your mood... To be honest, I originally planned to tell you the whole story in person. Then I will crush you to ashes in one breath."

"However, in order to prevent you from coming up with some back-up tricks that I don't know about, I finally chose the safest method and used the power of 'Tian Shen Dang' to send you on your way..."

"...No, your choice is absolutely correct. Even if I were in your position, I wouldn't have the confidence to do better than you."

Interrupting You Ling's speech, Dazi nodded and sighed. Looking at his expression, it was as if the dead "Dazi" was just a stranger who had nothing to do with him.

"You Ling, if you really do this and give me time to react, then I will definitely activate the self-destruct mechanism in the temple as soon as possible, and kill you, the Nameless Pharaoh and others, along with those The sealed souls sank into the depths of the sea together and were sealed forever."

"...Really? Do you (Dazi) really have a back-up plan that I don't know about?"

You Ling spoke calmly, without any change in his expression: "However, just as you are prepared, I also have a way to escape. At worst, I can just let the elves take me to another world to escape. ”

"...Really? Is there another way? Indeed...You Ling, you are better than me...much better."

Hearing this, Dazi nodded slightly and expressed his sincere admiration and recognition for his ability to kill his "loyal subordinate" with his own hands.

Without the interference of personal emotional factors, standing from the perspective of a stranger, Dazi's head can examine the gap between himself and You Ling from another high-dimensional perspective.

Dazi's failure may be due to carelessness.

But You Ling's personal ability is also an important factor that cannot be ignored.

"You Ling... I was once like you, committed to transforming the world into what I wanted... However, several of my attempts have ended in failure. Human greed and stupidity have destroyed all my efforts over the years. Being overthrown by the sea of ​​fire, they themselves also ushered in the end of destruction."

"Initially, I tried to build a tower that reached the sky, bringing together children and scholars from all over the world. By unifying language and culture, I would eliminate the possibility of war at its root.

But I failed in the end. People who spoke different languages ​​unanimously identified me as a 'devil' who disturbed the world. They believed in gods that did not exist at all, and finally lit the tower called 'Tower of Babel' with their own hands. , cutting off the possibility of peace. "

“After realizing this, I decided to start from people’s beliefs and unify human thoughts, so that they can wholeheartedly do good and create a better future with their own hands.

At the beginning, this attempt was undoubtedly extremely successful. Under my guidance, the churches established successively were prosperous. Under their leadership, people lived and worked in peace and contentment. Everything was so beautiful and pure.

However, a hundred years later, after I escaped by feigning death, the church I built with my own hands quickly deteriorated.

Holy wars, indulgences, tithes... all kinds of things that stunned me kept popping up like mushrooms after a rain.

Witnessing these dark sides of human beings, I once again realized the fact that I had failed again. "

"Finally, I understood that it is very difficult and troublesome to persuade people to do good from a moral level. People at that time were generally poor in material resources. If they didn't even have enough to eat, it would be impossible to improve their moral level. thoughts.

Thinking of this, I summoned a huge sea breeze and led a ship that was about to be destroyed by a shipwreck to a new continent that no one had set foot on at that time.

The land in that place is fertile and vast enough to accommodate billions of people, natural resources, and species, not to mention there are even warm, kind and hospitable indigenous people who actively lend a helping hand.

In my opinion, the lives of people who discovered the New World should have become better and more prosperous next, but...well, I don’t need to say more about what happened next, right? "

The New World at that time was actually the continent where the most powerful country in the world is located, where Paradis Company is now located.

As for where the original residents above have gone, I am afraid that only gods such as the True Ancestor Allah, Jesus, and Tathagata Buddha know this kind of thing.

"Think about it carefully... The moment the 'Scalp Order' was promulgated, I might have despaired of stupid creatures like humans, right?

Before this, I couldn't even imagine that humans could be so cruel to their own kind. "

(PS: The "Scalp Order" refers to a law promulgated by the Americans at that time that was close to massacre of Indians.

James Madison, known as the father of the U.S. Constitution, personally issued a bounty for the scalps of Indians.

As long as you hand over the scalp of a local aboriginal, you can get a reward of 50 to 100 US dollars from the government, which is equivalent to the annual income of an ordinary worker at that time. )

Dazi twitched the corner of his mouth and seemed to want to make a smile when he said this.

Dazi looked at You Ling, who was looking at him, and seemed to see his past self in the other person. He stared at You Ling with strange eyes and smiled: "Haha... You Ling, you are trying to change the world. Let me wait and see whether your plan will be successful and how long your enthusiasm can last."

“I hope you won’t become the next ‘Dazi’ after despairing, right?

No... if a person like you chooses to fall, he will definitely turn the whole world upside down. He will never just do some small tricks in the dark like me. Bar. "

With a chuckle, Dazi continued: "I'm looking forward to that day coming. When the time comes, please let me witness the final scene of the world in the special seat."

"...Really? Then I'm afraid you will be disappointed. After all, that day will never come."

Hearing this, You Ling subconsciously refuted Dazi's words.

However, when he said this sentence, You Ling seemed a little lacking in confidence.

In fact, just after the "Oliha Gang" incident, during the "legal and compliant" process of receiving Dazi's inheritance as a cadre, You Ling had already faced countless huge threats against him. Malice.

If it had been any other person, he might have died young in a certain attack.

In the end, after using extreme violence and magic to suppress all opposition, You Ling finally successfully took over all the inheritance and became the new president of Paradis Company.

It is hard to imagine what kind of end awaits him if he is just an ordinary person with nothing, a duelist who simply knows how to play cards.

Just like what Dazi experienced at some point in the past.

When You Ling is here, he can ensure that everything runs smoothly according to his plan.

But if one day he is gone, or finds a way to retreat like Dazi, what will the world be like then? Will it repeat the same old path that Dazi took before?


But this kind of thing is not something that You Ling needs to consider now.

He came to see Dazi today. In addition to wanting to know about the other party's condition, he also hoped that Dazi, who had lived for thousands of years, could answer some questions he didn't understand.

"As for those topics just now, let's put them aside for now. There will definitely be no problems at least in the short term."

He waved his palms and while changing the topic, You Ling asked Dazi's head: "I didn't stay here specifically just to chat with you, but I wanted to ask you some questions. ."

"Ah... just ask, as long as I know everything I can, I can answer you exhaustively. That's how you set it up from the beginning anyway."

Since you can't resist all this, it's better to lie down and enjoy it quietly.

Although he has lost his body, Dazi, who only has his head left now, can still think and see everything in the outside world.

Now, he is extremely looking forward to the day when You Ling, who has followed his old path, will be like him.

Haha... I really look forward to that time, the expression of Yu Ling who was betrayed by humans.

Want to be a savior?

Think you can do anything?

Isn't this kind of thinking itself the most extreme form of "arrogance"?

"Then, I'm going to start asking questions...ahem."

Clearing his throat, You Ling narrowed his eyes slightly and asked the biological CPU made of Dazi's head the question he had buried in his heart for a long time: "Dazi, from the ancient magical kingdom of Asia ten thousand years ago. Atlantis, you who have survived until now must have known and witnessed the beginning and end of the war that took place in the world about five thousand years ago, right?"

"Tell me about the war between Quetzalcoatl (the red dragon) and the Earthbound God.

I want to know everything about them, including the cause, process, and even the final result... Also, the wandering star particles, the red dragon, and the earth-bound god... what exactly are they?

"In addition, have you heard of... Three Evil Gods, Three Illusions, Light of Destruction, Overlord, Darkness, Tragodia, New Spaceman, Duel Dragon, Starlight Realm, Balian World, Thousands of Lords , Tyrannosaurus Rex Zack, G·O·D…these names?”

What came out of Yu Ling's mouth were the names of many existences in the Yu-Gi-Oh multidimensional universe.

Among them are some behemoths capable of destroying the world many times, as well as unspeakable horrors.

After hearing these nouns, Dazi did not answer You Ling's question immediately. Instead, he began to look up and down at You Ling, who had a serious face, and then showed a strange expression full of deep meaning.

"Really? Is that so? That's right... You Ling, you are indeed a special existence. Even your existence itself seems extremely unreasonable..."

Before You Ling could ask further, Dazi's expression returned to a calm state of dead water.

With a look of reminiscence on his face, Dazi said calmly: "A long time ago, I once met a person who was completely different from you, but also very strange and incompatible with this world."

"...Like you, he possesses knowledge and information that he got from nowhere. It seems that he does not belong to this era, and his whole body is filled with a strange sense of disobedience."

"That person's name, I remember it seems to be..."


...(End of chapter)

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