Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 422 Red Lotus Demon and Burning Soul

The duel between the duel king You Ling and the pink-haired young master Siegfried did not have many surprises and ended with You Ling's absolute victory.

As a price for wasting some of You Ling's time, the young master of the Schneider family must give You Ling a satisfactory compensation.

If Siegfried's next performance cannot satisfy You Ling.

Then Mr. You doesn't mind "killing the flower with his hands" and letting this pampered sissy young master try the professional interrogation methods of the former mercenary Cobra.

When that time comes, even You Ling cannot guarantee that Siegfried will be able to walk out of Paratis Company standing.


Siegfried's face turned blue as he was questioned by You Ling.

Before, he didn't know whether he was deceived by lard or something, but he actually dared to launch the following "assassination" move towards You Ling in the name of coming to negotiate with confidence!

If he really defeated You Ling in a duel, it would be better to say that maybe he could really use this to impress You Ling and let him go.

However, now that he had lost the duel, Siegfried, who had exposed his little thoughts, was already on the chopping block, and could only let You Ling slaughter him at will.

It can be said that if You Ling is determined to make Siegfried pay the price, then the young master will not even be able to leave the gate of Paradis Company safely.


After realizing the difficult situation he was in, Siegfried gave up his struggle and told You Ling everything he knew, like pouring beans into a bamboo tube.

In fact, he was just an unlucky guy who was used as a gunman.

The person who regards You Ling as his target is the strange man standing behind Siegfried who calls himself "Paradox".

As for the information on "Adjustment Monsters" and "Synchrony Monsters", Siegfried really doesn't know anything about it. The deck he is currently using was all given to him by Paradox. "Pre-constructed decks".

Whether this "Agent" series of cards is strong or not is another matter. At least for Yu Zero, who has now mastered Paradis Company, it can be considered a good material for related research.

After being brought to the conference room for interrogation by You Ling, Siegfried, who was under a lot of pressure, expressed his apology with a contrite look and proactively handed over the new card he obtained from Paradox. Group.

With such a humble posture, he almost knelt down and called You Ling's father, asking him to spare his life...

From the current Siegfried, where can we still see the appearance of the dignified president of the "Schrader Consortium"?


Regarding the young master's aftermath, You Ling is not a devil.

Knowing that he was not the mastermind but an accomplice, You Ling forced Siegfried to sign a contract of betrayal and become his wage earner, and merged his consortium into the Paradis Company. The young master, who looked uneasy, issued an order to expel the guests.

After watching the young master, who seemed to be floating when he was walking, leave Paradis Company safely, You Ling then stood up and walked to the window of the high-rise office, overlooking the bustling crowd downstairs.


Sighed deeply.

At this time, You Ling couldn't help but think of the scene when he had a secret conversation with Dazi's biological CPU.

At that time, the brain left behind by Dazi told him that there were many highly developed prehistoric civilizations on the earth about ten thousand years ago.

Dazi's "Atlantis" kingdom is the brightest star among them.

At that time, the air was filled with gifts from the planet itself. People living among the activated special particles could easily mobilize all kinds of strange energies to do things that people today dare not even think of.

Crops do not need to be carefully cultivated. They only need to be put into the soil and they will grow to their best condition on their own.

Without the troubles of diseases and pests, almost everyone can enjoy a wonderful life in a paradise-like world and peacefully face the day of death.

However, attracted by the "wandering particles" permeating the earth, the evil existence from the outer universe - the "Earthbound God", crossed the boundaries of the solar system and descended on Latin America at that time, and interacted with the local gods. Fierce clashes broke out.

At that time, the "Obsidian Giant" Tezcatlipoca, the highest god in Latin America, was defeated by the strongest earth-bound god from outside - the "Red Lotus Demon".

After losing the protection of the "Obsidian Giant", "Quetzalcoatl" Kukulkan immediately took his place, leading the remaining local gods to try their best to resist the dark and dead "Earthbound Gods" of invasion.

Although the local gods desperately resisted the steps of the outside gods, trying to prevent them from transforming the earth's environment into a dark earth.

However, it is a pity that the earth-bound gods headed by the Red Lotus Demon are too powerful. Even if the local gods join forces to fight, they will still face the fate of losing ground.

Realizing the power and terror of the "Earthbound God", some of the capitulationists who believed that nothing could be done at that time, led by the elders of Dazi, fled the war-torn Latin America and came to the exotic land of the Atlantic Ocean.

On this lost continent named "Atlantis" in later generations, this group of people who escaped began to climb the technology tree, planning to build a huge spaceship here to leave the earth and escape " The threat of "Earthbound God".

This collection of humans and gods was the original founder of "Atlantis".

However, just when people at that time despaired of the great power of the "Earthbound God" and sought a way out, they didn't know whether it was due to some accident or an established necessity.

An ordinary human being with nothing special suddenly awakened a special "burning soul". Like a cheat, he defeated the strongest earth-bound god "Red Lotus Demon" and sealed it to the earth. Deep in the depths, he has accomplished great things that even gods could not accomplish!

The brave man who saved the world was the original "Dragon Seal".

With the disappearance of the strongest combat power "Red Lotus Demon", the remaining earth-bound gods were defeated one by one in long and huge wars, and were sealed thousands of meters deep underground.

Their power was reflected on the ground through the layers of seals, and became the "Nazca Giant Painting" seen in later generations.

The survivors who experienced that devastating war were afraid that someone in the future would unintentionally unlock the seal and release the terrifying "Earthbound God", so they drew many similar "Earthbound Gods" in the place where the Earthbound God was sealed. Xibei goods" is used to confuse the world's understanding and provide cover for those real sealed places.

After that, as the foreign "Earthbound God" was sealed, the long and vast God War also officially came to an end.

However, many gods who died in the war, as well as the residual resentment of intelligent life forms, merged into the sea and infected Leviathan, the "god of Olihagun" who was supposed to be a kind camp. Degenerated into a carrier of the will of the dark side of the planet.

Later, as a meteorite fell from the sky and landed on Dazi's "Atlantis", the "God of Oliha Gang" was awakened from his long sleep. He also woke up and chose what to do at that time. King Tatsu came as his own "Jinchūriki", and an earth-shattering battle broke out between the three knights who were transformed into the "Legendary Dragon".

The result of that battle ended in a draw.

Infected with the dark aura, the three knights had to transform into dragon forms and seal themselves in ice sculptures, waiting for the arrival of someone special.

Leviathan, who was seriously injured, also hibernated into the darkness again, waiting for the next moment when Dazi successfully awakened it.

The long time passed by in an instant, and the war between gods that took place in the past was gradually forgotten by the world, and disappeared into the other side of time and space along with many civilizations.

It was not until five thousand years later, when human civilization was at its peak, that the Earthbound Gods once again unlocked the seal and woke up from their long slumber.

Unlike the local gods, the "Earthbound Gods" from the outer universe do not have the concept of "death" and cannot be eliminated, but can only be sealed.

As long as they are in a place with abundant energy, they can achieve continuous recovery with a cycle of five thousand years.

It is worth mentioning that if the energy is thin, the earth-bound gods will even devour the souls of nearby intelligent life to maintain their own activity.

Although at that time, the strongest earth-bound god "Red Lotus Demon" was still sealed.

However, the remaining earth-bound gods combined all their powers into one, thereby summoning the ultimate evil aggregation - the "King of Hades", which killed countless gods and humans and turned them into own nourishment.

Wherever He passed, everything withered and all life disappeared. Because of His appearance, human civilization was on the verge of extinction...

Realizing the terror of the "King of Hades", the Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan made the decision to completely break it up and seal it at the cost of his own life.

However, everything lost will never come back.

The gods suffered heavy casualties, many human civilizations were burned to the ground, and the world's situation degraded to the ancient farming age.

Due to the large number of deaths of gods and the rampage of the "Earth-bound Gods", the "wandering star particles" in the air have also changed from their original active state to inert.

The "wandering star particles" in this state must be stimulated to a certain extent before they can regain their original power.

That is to say, the earth is devastated. At this time when human civilization had degenerated to its limit, Dazi met a man with blond hair who called himself "Paradox".

However, the two only had a brief relationship and did not have any more in-depth communication.

In Dazi's eyes, Paradox is a mysterious man whose origin and purpose are a mystery, but his temperament is very unique, and he is not an ordinary man at first glance.

In addition, before dying, Kukulkan, the main god of Quetzalcoatl, told everyone the prophecy that the Earthbound God would awaken again in 5,000 years.

In order to cope with the crisis that was bound to come at that time, He divided his remaining power into six parts as his last hope.

However, even Quetzalcoatl in its heyday is no match for the Earthbound God. How can he win future battles with only the six incomplete powers he left behind?

Perhaps, at that time, Kukulkan placed his hope in the future, hoping that at that time, a special being similar to the one who awakened the "Burning Soul" would be born among the human group.

The 6 fires represent 6 hopes for the future.

Kukulkan, who was unable to witness the future, could only do his best to accept destiny.

Since the appearance of Quetzalcoatl looks like a large snake with wings, which is highly similar to the appearance of a dragon, the six separated powers have also been transformed into different forms of dragons, which exist in various parts of the world. at.

This is the 6 "Duel Dragons" including "Stardust Dragon", "Black Rose Dragon", "Red Lotus Demonic Dragon", "Ancient Fairy Dragon", "Life Torrent Dragon", and "Black Feather Dragon" The origin of.

However, what the Quetzalcoatl God Kukulkan did not expect was that the earth-bound gods who watched him do this would also imitate similar soul-splitting actions.


You, Quetzalcoatl, get a share, but I, the Earthbound God, don’t?

Do you think you are the only one who knows this skill?

With this idea in mind, and in order to leave enough chips for future generations, the Earthbound Gods who planned to lure humans into darkness also divided their own power and created four evil "Duel Dragons".

They are: [Purgatory Dragon·Ogre Dragon Ghost], [Sky Tyrant Dragon·Soaring Dragon], [Devil Dragon·Lord of the Flies], [Underworld Dragon·Death].

These ten "Duel Dragons" from different camps have continued to stage various battles throughout the long history.

Ancient Egypt three thousand years ago.

After a brutal dark ritual, seven thousand-year-old artifacts were successfully created.

The evil side of the universe also turned into reality at this time, intending to destroy everything in the world.

The Pharaoh at that time, also known as Wang Yiang, sealed the "Great Evil God Zok" who was the incarnation of evil at the cost of his own existence.

After that, the souls of the two were entangled with each other, sealed in the thousand-year artifact, and reincarnated in the present world.

The Pharaoh who woke up in the Millennium Building Blocks lost most of his memory.

On the other hand, the Great Evil God, who was sealed in the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom, considered Tapira, who accompanied his family to Egypt for archaeology, as his best Jinchuuriki. (End of chapter)

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