Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 426 The showdown between the old and new eras, Yu Zero VS Fudo Yusei!

Under Zone's instigation and Yu Ling's laissez-faire, Paradox and Antinomi, who had pulled out the ace monsters respectively, began to stage a game called Earth-shattering monster battle.

They both have an attack power of over 4,000 points and their attributes have entered the "god's realm".

The attack moves of [Technology, Halberd Gunner/Explosive Body] and [Sin, Paradigm Dragon] are naturally extremely gorgeous and full of various light pollution special effects.

While fighting each other, the two did not forget to express their thoughts to each other.

"Why? Why...Paradox! There is no future for this idea of ​​'water will make a hundred-headed dragon grow all things'! Why don't you guys understand? Don't you know the dangers of these things?" How big is it?"

"Haha... Super mainstream is part of Yu-Gi-Oh. If you don't like it, don't play it! If you have the guts, don't use this trick in the future. If you do, you will be my son!"

"Yikes, Paradox!!!"

"Hahaha... Antinomi, are you coming towards me? After knowing everything, you didn't choose to run away, but instead came closer to me, Paradox? It's obviously not easy, you My good friend...ahem..."

You Ling: "..."

Together with Brother Crab, who came from time to time, he watched the two people fall into a state of "madness".

You Ling opened his mouth and put on a complicated expression of wanting to speak but hesitating, and hesitating and wanting to speak.

After holding his chin and thinking for a while, he unconsciously glanced at Fudo Yusei beside him, who was also confused about this.


The actors are already in place. Will this theatrical version be filmed?

"A true duelist shouldn't use this method, but should use dueling to solve problems!"

Due to its attack power being 500 points lower than the opponent's, [Sin·Paradigm Dragon], which was unable to defeat [Technology·Haberdock Gunner/Explosive Body], after a fight with it, the Halberd Gunner finally seized the opportunity to counterattack. , was blasted into golden light spots all over the sky by a sure-kill shot.

Seeing his monster being killed by Antinomi, the witty Paradox immediately raised his arms righteously and uttered a classic speech that was very consistent with the characteristics of the "Yu-Gi-Oh" world.


Don't beep too much if you can summon fists.

Since I am going to be at a disadvantage in the real-life duel, then let’s have a good duel with the duel that I am better at!

"A duel? Just what I want.

I remember the last time I had a duel with you, it was the last time! Paradox...let me see how far your dueling skills have improved over the years! "

Antinomi, who did not refuse Paradox's proposal, instantly transformed into a 'Duel Brain', put away the [Technology attribute·halberd gunner/explosive body] on the duel disk, and allowed it to dissipate into light spots.

After that, he faced Paradox opposite and unfolded the duel disk in his hand: "Come on, Paradox! If you are also a real duelist, then next In the battle, use your full strength to fight me without regrets!!!"

"Wait, I still have some things to do before the duel begins..."

He stretched out his "Erkan hand" to Antinomi who was "above", indicating to the other party to wait for a while.

Having said this, Paradox immediately came to Yu Ling, who was watching the show, and extended a friendly hand to the current Duel King: "Duel King Yu Ling, please listen to me!

Although my duel strength is far superior to that guy Antinomi, but due to various adult reasons, there are not many 'hand traps' in my current deck..."

Due to the "malicious monopoly" of Paradis Company, in this future world, most of the "hand traps" that prevent opponents from playing Yu-Gi-Oh are priced at an extremely expensive figure.

Powerful universal cards such as [Proliferated G] and [Grey Stream Beauty] have been promoted to the point where one card can be exchanged for a house in the city center.

For Paradox, who does not have an iron job as a civil servant, even the D round was purchased with great difficulty.

In this way, he naturally has no money left to buy those "hand-trapped" cards on the market.

"However, that guy Antinomi is a highly paid civil servant and uses his 'money power', but he fills the deck with all kinds of pitfalls, which makes up for the difference between us in this aspect. 'huge' gap!"

Speaking of this, Paradox deliberately emphasized the strength gap between him and Antinomi to You Ling.

As for the credibility of his words, I'm afraid only he himself knows.

"...In short, if he is allowed to continue to act like this, history will be changed beyond recognition, which will have an unpredictable impact on this time and space.

In order to save the world, You Lingsang, please wish me a helping hand! ! ! "

You Ling: "...Huh?"

Looking at the palm that Paradox stretched out towards him, You Ling unconsciously showed a helpless expression on his face.


Lao Pa, weren't you very brave in the original theatrical version?

You can fight against three generations of cheating protagonists on your own, and you can fight them back and forth.

Now, you are actually afraid because the number of "hand traps" is not as good as that of the other party?

Are you still the Paradox I knew?

【Ding! A key node in the plot is detected and a new main task is triggered - future choices]

[Task description: Due to various 'adult reasons', the future of the world has become completely different from the scene in your memory.

Now, several different options are presented in front of you. Please think carefully about whether you want to continue to get deeply involved in these events and get involved in the conflicts of these 'future people'. 】

[Option 1: Summon a strong man from the sky, use physical means to forcefully expel the people in front of you, and restore the world to purity. (Reward: Special Synchro Monster × 1, OCG Card Pool Random Card Exchange Scroll × 3)]

[Option 2: Don’t intervene in the current duel and transform into ‘Tachibana-senpai’ → OMO watch the next duel. What does the affairs of future people have to do with me visiting someone?

(Reward: A set of ‘Masked Hero’ pre-assembled deck, titled “Innocent bystander with a pineapple body” × 1)]

[Option 3: Accept the request of the future visitor - 'Paradox', fight with him against the good friends of Antinomi and Fudo Yusei, and win the duel!


Good guy...

‘Dating simulator’ right?

You are very good at playing the system. You even figured out things like choosing one of three for me?

"I can't help it. After all, this is the world I live in. I can't let future visitors continue to mess around no matter what."

Curious about the unknown and mysterious reward of option three, You Ling sighed slightly and held Paradox's extended palm with his backhand. Then he took out the duel disk from the system space and put it on his left hand. On the arm: "Okay, Paradox... let us cooperate temporarily."

"Damn it! You two guys are actually planning to fight two against one?!"

Shocked by the scene of Paradox and Yu Zero joining forces, the blue broom head clenched his teeth at this moment, and immediately pulled Brother Crab, who was watching the show on the other side, into his own camp: "Despicable guy, in the face of For those of you who don’t follow martial ethics, I have no choice but to ask for my help!

Yusei, let us fight side by side from now on! "

"Huh? Huh?"

Fudo Yusei, who was pulled over by Antino, slowly typed a series of question marks.

what's the situation?

Why are you suddenly facing You Lingsang?

"Stop asking questions, Yusei! Listen to me, the winner of this duel has the right to decide the current era! Don't you want to save mankind's future that is filled with emptiness?

As long as we defeat the culprit You Ling here, we can make the 'Water Machine Hundred-Headed Dragon', 'Sen Anaconda' and 'Aesod's Creation of All Things' disappear from the world forever! "

"Hmm!!!...I see, that's it, I know!"

His expression changed from surprise to shock, and finally to a deep look of determination.

Fudo Yusei, who was persuaded by Antinomi's words, imagined a future in which the 'new born' did not exist, and there seemed to be fire burning in his eyes: "I'm sorry, Yu Rei-san... in order to save the world." The future leads to the right direction, next... I will be your enemy!"

"Well, now that I'm done, I won't be surprised by what happens next."

Since they hate the "Hundred-Headed Dragon" combination, Antinomi and Fudo Yusei probably won't use similar "sexy moves" in the next duel.

In any case, this duel is still necessary.

On the one hand, You Ling plans to use this opportunity to see the comparison of strength between himself and the people of the future.

On the other hand, he also plans to try out a new summoning method that is different from fusion and ritual in the next duel.

"Huh? With this posture... is the Duel King about to start playing cards?"

"What? Don't you want to hold a new product launch conference today? Why are you so fast forwarding to the 'team duel' session?"

"If you don't understand, just ask, is this the grand finale arranged by Paradis Company?"

"Hey...what are those two strange monsters that looked so awesome just now? Just looking at them from a distance makes me feel excited!"

Although they did not understand the specific situation, the general public who loved eating melons also showed interested expressions after learning that they were going to have fun watching it.

Tsk tsk tsk...

The duel king You Ling, who was the president of the 'Paradis Company' at the time, actually participated in the duel for a long time. This duel looked like it was going to be a good show!

"Since it's a duel between four people and two camps, let's follow the team rules..."

"Ah, we have no objection."

"In that case, let's get started."


(You Ling, Paradox LP: 16000)

(Fudo Yusei, Antinomi LP: 16,000)

"Huh ha ha ha... Since the duel was initiated by you, then I will take the lead!"

At the beginning of the duel, Antinomi, with a winner's smile on his face, immediately seized the right to attack first.

Because the current rules adopt team duel rules similar to OCG.

Therefore, the order of the four's attacks also became: Antinomi → Yu Zero → Fudo Yusei → Paradox.

"Tsk... Was the first strike taken away by that storyteller? I didn't get a few hand pits, and I couldn't interrupt the opponent's first attack. It's a bit troublesome..."

Due to his slow reaction, Paradox failed to take the initiative immediately. He instinctively smacked his lips and showed a slightly melancholy expression on his face.

Antinomi's 'Technology' deck can rely on all kinds of fancy storytelling to realize the special summoning of large monsters.

For example, the [Technology Attribute Halberd Gunner/Explosive Body] that just appeared is to first use a set of "Triangle Acceleration Synchronization" to pull out the original 12-star Halberd Gunner, and then use the effect of [Explosion Mode] to make it even further. Evolve, and finally the ultimate monster appears!

Equivalent to the troublesome entry conditions, it is also an equally powerful effect.

Now that Antinomi has taken the lead, Paradox has no doubt that Antinomi will be better than him. Then he will give him a 12-star backhand that can be called the humanoid "Declaration of God" [Technology Attribute: Halberd Gunner]......

Damn it, Antinomi...

Do you dare to be more disgusting?

"Go! In my turn, at the moment when I enter the preparation phase, I activate the quick attack magic card from my hand - [Emergency Teleportation]!

According to the effect of this card, I can special summon a 3-level or lower telekinesis monster from the deck! "

"...I will use defense position to special summon this monster in the deck. Come out! Level 1 - [Psychic Reflector]!!!"

As Antinomi's shout fell, several mottled black and white blocks suddenly appeared in the air.

In the midst of a twisting movement in the void, a telepathic monster wearing a white and green hooded tights swung his arms, drawing circles with one hand and circles with the other, and came to the front of Antinomi's body. .


【Psychic Reflector】

(Psychic family/dark/1 star/attack power: 400/defense power: 300)


Each of the ① and ② effects of this card name can be used once per turn.

①: This card can only be activated when the summon or special summon is successful. Add 1 card other than "Psychic Reflector" with "Explosion Mode" in its card name or "Explosion Mode" from your deck to your hand.

②: Show 1 "Burst Mode" card in your hand to your opponent, and activate it by targeting 1 monster in your Graveyard that has "Burst Mode" in its card name, other than "Psychic Reflector". That monster is Special Summoned, and its level increases by up to 4 stars.

——(End of this chapter)

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