Yu-Gi-Oh! Starting from Duel City

Chapter 442 Sure enough, it would be better to hang it on a street lamp

[Sin Paradigm Dragon], [Dragon Magic Guardian], [The Great Director of Death Hell Township], [Death Hell Township Actor Quiritis]...

As Yu Ling's command sounded, the attacks from the remaining monsters on the field also acted on Antinomi and Fudo Yusei, effectively reducing their health points to 0 points.

As the two people who were knocked away by the impact fell to the ground one after another screaming in pain, the combination of Yu Ling and Paradox could be considered to have truly won this doubles duel.

It is worth mentioning that.

Although they lost the important duel at the moment, Antinomi and Fudo Yusei, who were temporarily cooperating on this occasion, felt a bond and looked at each other in unison. laughed.

In fact, during the duel, the two of them seemed to have known each other without fighting. While cooperating, they realized the good compatibility between them.

"I'm sorry, Yusei... I didn't seize the opportunity to draw the key reversal card, which led to your defeat... If we were fighting alone, the result might be different."

"It seems that the future of 'water makes everything grow' is an established fact that cannot be changed."

Although he said apologetic words, Antinomi's face showed a hearty and cheerful smile.

Although he lost the duel, it was also a blessing for him to have the opportunity to have an all-out duel with the past duel king Yu Rei.

"No...Antinomy, this is not because you are alone."

Shaking his head, Brother Crab responded with a smile: "I didn't think carefully and underestimated You Lingsang's strength. If I had known that the explosive power and intensity of his deck would be so powerful, then in the At that time, I should also seize the opportunity and summon my strongest monsters..."

Fudo Yusei had already made up his mind.

After I return, I will further delve into the limits of dueling.

The "triangular acceleration synchronization" performed by Antinomi is not the end of synchronization.

On top of that, there should be a heart that transcends the limits of Ming Jing Shisui, or a new and more powerful realm!

There is no limit to the road ahead for duels, and Fudo Yusei's future still has a long way to go.

"Really? Is that what you thought?"

"Ah...Thank you, Antinomi. Through this duel, I actually realized what was really in my heart.

I think what I really hate is not the arrogant behavior of "a water machine with hundreds of heads and dragons producing all things", but the self that feels powerless and can't do anything..."

With a wry smile on his face, Fudo Yusei, who was obviously a young man but acted like a worried old man, looked seriously at his temporary teammate beside him.

"By the way, Antinomi...can you tell me what kind of person I will be in the future?

Listening to what Paradox said just now, it seems that I, like You Lingsang, have left a colorful footprint in history. "

"I want to know whether the final result of the things I am going to do will be a success or a complete failure... No, forget it! It's better not to know the result, but to leave some expectations. "

He nodded and shook his head quickly.

Fudo Yusei suddenly changed his mind, turned over suddenly, and began to look up at the blue sky above his head.

As expected, let’s forget about spoilers in advance.

Regardless of whether the future is good or bad, it is a goal worthy of his all-out efforts.

Only in this situation where the future outcome is uncertain, can the "Dragon Seal" companions, including him, be able to show their true strength!

"Heh, Yusei...since you said that, I agree with you."

The corner of his mouth curled up with a smile of relief. Unlike "Bruno" from another world, after witnessing Fudo Yusei's awakening, Antinomi also followed his example, turned over and began to look up at the sky above his head. Sky.

"No matter what, come on, Yusei... Just believe, no! Just believe strongly! Don't worry, even without my help, your future will definitely be a starry future..."

It seems that something was said, but it seems that nothing was said.

After this freeing duel, Antinomi felt that a lot of the pressure accumulated during this period had been released. She slowly closed her eyes and began to enjoy this rare tranquility.

Well, we’ll talk about the rest later.

Let me take a break now.

"...You Lingsang, please give me your autograph!"

While Antinomi and Fudo Yusei were exchanging feelings, Yu Zero on the other side was also preparing to use the power of the card spirits to erase some of the memories of the surrounding spectators.

Through Yu Zero's actions, they will forget about Paradox, Antinomi, and Fudo Yusei, visitors from other worlds, and will only retain those about the 'Synchronized Monsters' and Paradis' plans. Memories of launching new products.

However, just when You Ling was about to do this, a pair of arms holding paper and pen suddenly stretched out from beside him.

Looking in the direction of the visitor, You Ling immediately saw the figure of Paradox looking at him with admiration.

He didn't know if it was You Ling's illusion, but he always felt that Paradox now seemed to have become a star-chasing fanboy, and little stars even began to twinkle in his eyes...

"Do you want to sign? Okay."

After confirming that Paradox simply wanted the idol's autograph, Yu Ling glanced at the latter meaningfully, then took the pen and paper and quickly signed his signature on the paper.

After receiving the signature handed over by You Ling, Paradox's face suddenly showed a satisfied expression.

"Ada thief (great)! In this way...as a member of the 'Space-Time Patrol', I will be able to take Antinomi back with me without any regrets..."

"Wait, where's the reward?"


Suddenly hearing You Ling's inquiry, Paradox, who couldn't figure out what was going on for a moment, couldn't help but have a row of doubtful question marks on his head.

remuneration? What reward?

Isn't this matter over?

"I mean, you haven't paid me for signing yet."

You Ling raised his eyebrows, stared at Paradox, and gave his answer nonchalantly.

"Nani? Isn't the autograph free? Why..."

"Paradox, I wonder if you have ever heard of the saying that free things are often the most expensive."

The expression on his face suddenly changed to a malicious sneer, and Yu Ling began to look back and forth at the confused Paradox. At this time, he showed off his blood-sucking characteristics as a capitalist.

You kid, you want to leave after taking advantage?

How can such a good thing happen?

If you don't pay a price, then just stay with me!

Paradox: "...?!"

Feeling the scrutinizing gaze from You Ling, he looked at the other party's greedy gaze as if he was looking at the remaining value of the product.

The expression on Paradox's face gradually changed from confusion to shock, and then gradually changed from stiffness to lividness.

This guy You Ling is saying this seriously!

He wasn't kidding!


You actually forcefully ask for reward at the end of the matter. Duel King, you are so despicable!

"Damn it! Don't think that I, Paradox, am some soft persimmon that can be manipulated by others! Now I am a noble civil servant and a member of the 'Space-Time Patrol'!

Duel King Yu Rei, I'm warning you! If you dare to touch me..."

"Haha...what about you?"


Waving his hand to interrupt Paradox's speech, You Ling, with a sneer on his face, simultaneously snapped his fingers in the surroundings.

Following his movements, the surrounding tough male bodyguards in black who acted as temporary backdrops suddenly surrounded the three visitors from another world, including Paradox, on three levels outside. surrounded by land.

Paradox, who was planning to do something, saw the various guns that these people suddenly took out from their pockets, and immediately gave up resisting in a wise manner and raised his arms.

"……I surrender."

With so many people pointing guns at him, unless he, Paradox, was the reincarnation of Superman, it would be absolutely impossible for him to leave here safely.

While the corners of his mouth twitched, Paradox couldn't help but be shocked by the power displayed by You Ling.

Are you kidding me? This guy You Ling took out such a dangerous thing in public. Isn't he afraid that others will trouble him?

"Haha, I just like to deal with smart people... After all, this way, I can avoid some fearless time-wasting actions."

"So, all the visitors who came here from the future, I hope that you can make some insignificant contribution to the future of all mankind.

How about it? Are you still satisfied with my proposal? "

Although he was asking, You Ling had no intention of talking on an equal footing.

In addition to the heavily armed bodyguards in black, You Ling also summoned elves such as Wei'er, Xiaomi, and Albert around him one after another to be ready for his opponent's supernatural counterattacks at any time.

In this state, if Paradox can escape from here safely, You Ling can only say that he admires him from the bottom of his heart.

"...Yu, Yu Lingsang!"

"Hey, hey... is it true? Why did it suddenly become a real-person duel?"

"Tsk...Have you even considered the power of the elves?! He is indeed the evil capitalist You Ling. Sure enough, there are no mistakes in the writing of history! I was careless..."

Looking around, Paradox roughly realized how much of a crisis he was in now.

In addition to the group of bodyguards surrounding him, the presence of multiple snipers can also be vaguely felt in the distance.

In addition, there are also towns with powerful elves who look like they are nothing ordinary at first sight...

Paradox had no doubt that once he had any intention of resisting, he would soon be attacked by all parties and become a real "Pa-chan"!

However, if you do nothing and let You Ling take them away.

Next, they are very likely to become You Ling's research materials...

what to do?

In this desperate moment, what should we do?

"Red Dragon, save me!"

Suddenly, Brother Crab, who was lying on the ground, took advantage of the moment when You Ling and the others' attention was on Paradox, and suddenly called out the name of Quetzalcoatl.

The next moment, a dazzling red light in the form of a flying dragon immediately enveloped the bodies of the three people. While resisting the bullets and monster attacks, the three figures were quickly taken away from this dangerous place of right and wrong.

Also disappearing at the same time were Antinomi and Fudo Yusei’s D wheel.

"Tsk! I was careless. I forgot about the D wheel that had wings just now and never left here..."

Watching the D wheel on the side turn into a red dragon and quickly take away the three figures, a look of regret flashed across You Ling's face unconsciously.

However, because they were walking too fast, the only things they could take away were the props near the three of them, not including the D wheel that Paradox was still hanging in the sky.

Although the results were somewhat different from what was expected.

However, important research materials and special props used to travel to other worlds were actually left behind by You Ling, becoming his trophies.


That's okay, just use Paradox's out-of-print D round and reap the rewards of this incident on the spot.

The items rewarded by the system's missions are the corresponding decks of those who had dueled with You Ling before.

Among them are not only ruthless characters such as "Water Machine" and "Hundred-Headed Dragon", but also Paradox's "Sin" series of decks, Brother Crab's "Waste Two", plus Antinomi's " "Technology" card group.

Including the D round left behind by Paradox, You Ling's harvest this time can be said to be quite substantial, far exceeding the previous duel with Siegfried.

"It seems that the future is completely different from what I remember... As for what exactly it has become, I will wait until later to confirm it slowly."

Multiple thoughts flashed through my mind, after giving instructions to the men on standby to carefully recover the D wheel.

You Ling, who had finally solved the current problem, immediately turned around and returned to the podium at the press conference. He raised the microphone in his hand to the citizens who were looking at him.

"Ahem...Moxi Moxi!"

"All eyes are on me! Next, I want to announce something!" (End of Chapter)

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